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 May 2014 Monkey
Cassie Stoddard
I am too much.
I feel too deeply
I live too much.
I think too big.
I want more than is possible.
I cannot stop dreaming.
This is my curse
 May 2014 Monkey
I lay on my back, absorbing the pressures
Of the rocks beneath me, I breathe.
Eyelids resting on now blind eyes, I feel.
I stretch out as high as possible and hold it...
Allowing each fingertip to tingle, arms fall.
A rush of blood and my eyes snap open,
I see colours never known to man,
Unpaintable by all extremes.
Now, I sit cross-legged
Rocking as the wind sways.
The small clearing expands, opening up,
I see more now than two 1800's explorers
Ever did as they searched the world for forgiveness.
Looking up, it has grown dark
A deep blue, a deep grey.
It proceeds to rain, closing my eyes,
I open my mouth as if to speak...
The taste of wilderness rushes in.
Heavier, precipitation grows,
Heavier and birds begin to scream,
Landing at my sides, eyelids open...
I remain still. Screaming songs so intense,
The birds, they start to dance.
A pair with the tango,
Three with the jive,
I smile... I'm alive.
Beckoning me to join...
We danced all night.
The story behind this is no more complicated than I wrote it during an English exam, nevertheless... I'm failing English and my HSC.
 May 2014 Monkey
you hurt like ache
and adderall
and arnica

you hurt like bruises
and battle scars
and broken bones

you hurt like cuts
and *******
and countryside

you hurt like death
and destruction
and die-hard

you hurt like electricity
and emergency rooms
and edit-undo

you hurt like *******'s
and fire
and fallen trees

you hurt like garbage cans
and gonorrhea
and gang ****

you hurt like hell
and holes in the road
and heartache

you hurt like israel
and illness
and ignition fumes

you hurt like jaundice
and jugular veins
and jack in the box

you hurt like karma
and kissing
and kerosine lamps

you hurt like lightning
and love
and literary terms

you hurt like mother
and mary
and moses

you hurt like nakedness
and nosebleeds
and nervous breakdowns

you hurt like oil spills
and old yeller
and oral quizzes

you hurt like parkinson's
and parties
and panic

you hurt like queens
and questions
and quantum physics

you hurt like rogaine
and roses
and rope burn

you hurt like solar power
and stomach aches
and ***

you hurt like teeth cleanings
and tar
and tobacco

you hurt like ulcers
and underwear
and unrequited love

you hurt like viruses
and venus fly traps
and vapor rub

you hurt like warning signs
and weight gain
and war

you hurt like x-rays
and x marks the spot
and xoxo

you hurt like your mom
and your dad
and you

you hurt like zig zags
and zero
and zip ties

I don't really know if I even like this. But it was fun to make. ******* q, x, and z.
 May 2014 Monkey
Every night when I go to bed
I toss and turn
Can't rest my head

A man that stares outside the glass
The night that never seems to pass

Who is this man
I do not know
The air is still, a distant glow

This man is dark but he isn't bad
Reminds me of my unknown Dad

He holds a smile thats oh so bright
And when I start to fall asleep
He disappears and says "goodnight"
Lets get this to 20 likes
Action may speak louder then words but words can inspire action.
I wonder which is more powerful?
I say words; for words can be spoken by the weak to defeat the strong, the happy to lift up the sad  
But no one ever heard of the week overcoming the strong by strength alone  nor the sword bring happiness to the sad.
But then again is not speaking an action? sometimes speaking out is the hardest thing . . .
 May 2014 Monkey
Poetic T
My heart was glass then you
left, it did fracture so slightly,
barley visible to those around,
but was plain for me to feel as
it cut a thousand times in to me.

I thought it would heal, but
words spoken about us, what
I meant to you, the fracture became
a crack, as I grabbed at my chest
as it could now be felt cutting even
deeper I to the feelings within me.

Then the words I thought I would
never hear, from the lips of others
whispers that screamed at me. I
asked a truth to you and then my
heart shattered in to pieces as you
said you never loved me.

I could have tried to pick up this
fragile thing, but now my heart
is replaced by steel, glass was
weak as now I see, ill never
let another shatter my heart
as it is now cold solid steel
to me.
 May 2014 Monkey
Cassie Stoddard
******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* *******
I deserve someone who loves me back
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