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Aug 2024 · 131
Barfieldian Failure
Edmundo Aug 2024
Discovering to simplify
To let language roll out
And touch simply the grass
So it won’t be crass
And make such big claims

All I can do is poeticize
About something
Without a prize
To try and realize
Beauty in the haze

So, Summer Tree
An ode to thee!
That ends now, in melody
It is so very true
Because it ends when I begin with you
Nov 2023 · 139
Edmundo Nov 2023
How it rests
Pondering in its intensity
The tenseness of its strings
And the lack within its body
Reverberating, singing, crying
Such beauty or dissonance
Ready to be spoken
By its corpse - oaken
With aliveness seldom seen
But much sought after
Stone stillness
Vibrant laughter
Nov 2023 · 110
Edmundo Nov 2023
So they say
Will make you still
Wil make you stay

Will make you scream
Sour watch fiend
Will make you dream

Will give you some
Of all and of the void
Until you have it all, then its done
Nov 2023 · 130
Micelle Arrow
Edmundo Nov 2023
Such that I wish one day
I could wordly say
And shoot
A micelle arrow of celestial connotation
And penetrate the deppest of sky’s blue
Shedding light upon
A dawn over the horizon
Setting a miserly word upon the sayings
About the future’s unbeholden prayers
And arrow’s seething slayers
Mar 2023 · 130
It Rushes
Edmundo Mar 2023
It rushes
So fast
It never tumbles

It never fails to rob me
Of the present
As I try to flee
And yet I arrive in the gone

Moment - by moment
I remember in my entirety
All that was
And shall never

Be - long is the road
To forget
What a flower smile meant
All the time gone - but never spent
Jan 2023 · 248
Edmundo Jan 2023
Written words forever down in the ink
Here for eternity
Vanishing when you blink

Stone and marble words still
Timeless beyond
Fleeing concepts so real

Changed -
In what now is new
But somehow was always this
The same

Only if by a name
Jun 2022 · 153
The Sun, the Moon
Edmundo Jun 2022
The Sun shivers in cold
And portrays an even colder light

The Moon sweats in heat upon the dark blue
And makes a rain fall into a Moon river

The stillness of shadows in the apologetic Sun
The cold howls of the rain from the sorrowful Moon
Isn’t it to soon in the cycles of the year?
Shouldn’t the purity of these Two be clear?
May 2022 · 202
Edmundo May 2022
I forgot to be with you
When I thought I had you

I forgot to look at a tree
When It was in my garden

Did I look at the sky today?
I can’t remember if I have

I forgot to hold a caring hand
When I had one to hold

Forgetfulness clings on my heart
It tears my livingness apart
Should I remember who I am
I’ll be it - whenever I can
May 2022 · 190
The Love and the lover
Edmundo May 2022
My Love where are you?
My Love when are you coming home?
My Love can’t you see you are out there alone?
My Love you dont need to stand in the rain
My Love you dont need to withstand the pain

I found my Love on the street someday
On the ground and spinning around
Left behind by my lover
I guess it is over
There was a beginning? - I asked my Love.
Feb 2022 · 138
Edmundo Feb 2022
Don’t wish I was anywhere but here
But I wish I was there
That does not belong to me
Belongs to my eyes to see
That happiness is here - there
Yet it is not to be
Edmundo Dec 2021
A blinding diamond that grips me
I see through it the blanketing grey clouds
It’s whole, it’s shadow, it’s shallow
Chained my eyes to see
How poisoned a mind can be

Mines of temptations and sorrows
Unseen like all the undying tomorrows
Running in place in the meadows
Hoping to pursue real jewels
But lost in the ephemeral eternal space
Of the diamonds in the sky
Nov 2021 · 580
Futile the flight
Edmundo Nov 2021
Futile the flight
If not to be at peace
Futile the flight
If unable to savior

The blue bronze
Golden and grey
White withering sky

Futile the fate
Of a feathered mind
Futile a scape if not to fly
Nov 2021 · 208
Color Withdrawal
Edmundo Nov 2021
Colors, withdrawn from eyes
Too tired to see
Now see clearer
Shadows in the paintings -
Lit up by omnipresent light

Too long to see and to find
Withdrawn, out of the mind
Darker by the minute
But clearer to see
What reality may really be

Color Withdrawal
Too much grey
Cutting reality
Sharpened truths
Flash that blinds
Sep 2021 · 237
The Ocean and the Sky
Edmundo Sep 2021
I thought we’d be sky and sea
By when your blue eyes looked at me
This sky drowned
By your waves
Our world
Of only sky and ocean
Soft cold breeze and gentle wind
Being one
Clouds foam -
Blue sky -
Blue water -
Blue eyes.
Jul 2021 · 818
A stonewall face
Edmundo Jul 2021
A stonewall face
Beaten by sun
Drunken by sorrow
Punished by rain
Melted the stones
Now forever shrunken
Edmundo Jul 2021
The Smallest Thing
The spirit of Joy
The tinniest of things
Can grant you prettiest of smiles

A bird bathing in water
A flower brightened by the sun
The reminder of life
The reminder of beauty
In the smallest sight or view
Can be the only thing you’ll need
May 2021 · 112
Look at you
Edmundo May 2021
I can look at you
From a thousand miles distance
And I could still
As if you were real
And in front of me
My eyes
Miles apart from yours
I could look at you
And be close to you
To even feel the warmth of your hands
As if touching concrete kissed by the sun all day
I’m a thousand miles far so I can’t say hey
May 2021 · 127
Science got it wrong
Edmundo May 2021
Science may say that
something can’t be itself and its opposite
at the same time
I’ve seen

I’ve seen kindness and honesty in every other soul
Helping hands and helpful smiles
But I also saw lies and resentment
And at least 7 of them, on everyone

And I’ve seen nature and it’s beauty
It’s sunrises and it’s pristine waters
But I also saw loved ones being taken by time
And illnesses bending people low

I’ve seen our walls protect some from hunger and fear
And I’ve seen our dances and songs
But I also saw, people on the streets with drug withdrawal
And no one seemingly cared

What is
What there is to be
If not a dance of opposites
Throughout eternity
May 2021 · 621
The Endless River
Edmundo May 2021
There is an old Endless River
Born of our soul
Son of our fear
Of forever being a drop of rain

What needs to change for you to be happy?
Even though you are its waters
Don’t jump in it
The river so bold

It never ends
It never begins
Its just there
Going anywhere - going far and wide

There is a cold Endless River
And it is called Desire
He was never desired
He just was, is and will be
Within us all
Apr 2021 · 380
Old Songs
Edmundo Apr 2021
Old songs of hope that were for you
Now will have someone new
To go to
Apr 2021 · 284
Pursuit of the Ideal
Edmundo Apr 2021
How many people will benefit
from your pursuit
of your ideal self?
Aside from
The answer is
Everyone else
Apr 2021 · 201
Living in the Future
Edmundo Apr 2021
And now I’m there, the future - already
No possible way to get out it appears so
In this place of coming to be
Endless probabilities is what you’ll see
Time seems to stop as you jump ahead of it
You feel it in your breath and the lack of it
Edmundo Apr 2021
I’m sorry but you are not fit for a poem
sentences in be Because order need to
And some   l e t t e r s   smushed together
Will never truly mean what you are
You and your splendor
To have a chance to make sense
Need to appear and be seen all at once
Like in a painting
So - I’m sorry I can’t paint you
I am no painter
But a word and sentence entertainer
Apr 2021 · 375
On a Loan
Edmundo Apr 2021
On a Loan
Everything that you have
That belongs to you
One day won’t have you
To belong to
That is not your soul, heart or mind
On a loan
Apr 2021 · 528
Otis’s Picture
Edmundo Apr 2021
Little coffee cups in the little round table
For you I will always be grateful
Rain making our little window cry
I can’t help but wonder how and why
You and me early in the morning
Thunder and noise as a warning
But always safe by your side
Watching the sun rise and hide
Coffee, rain, clouds, thunder as company
Most importantly
You and me
Apr 2021 · 155
The Hour
Edmundo Apr 2021
I’ll do it later
We should not be sure
As there is such Time

We can’t say what time it’ll be

But there is a Time
One last T
Live while alive
Apr 2021 · 401
The In-Between
Edmundo Apr 2021
Not enough Will to leave
Not enough Will to cry - laugh
Just there

Looking at a screen
Nothing interesting
But no so uninteresting - boring
         A Void

Must beware
Time is passing
Soon is spring
Soon is the cold winterly sting    
And nothing real I’ve seen
While in the In-Between
Mar 2021 · 337
I’m glad I write poems
Edmundo Mar 2021
I really am
As you may be too
If you feel all emotions true
When you write poems
You experience the experience to the fullest
Even at home you are in awe, like a tourist

You feel love burn more
You feel sorrow hit your core
A tree has a thousand meanings
A butterfly has a lot of teachings
A word cuts deeper
And a flower is a creature

Everything evermore interesting
All colors, all others
All moods, all foods
All smells, all things with cells
All everything everyday
All makes you want to stay
And be glad to be alive
Mar 2021 · 1.4k
Edmundo Mar 2021
Reborn as a part of myself goes by as I breathe my time away

Reborn as thoughts can never live more than a second
Reborn as my soul washes itself new every minute
Reborn as the memories i have change by the hour
Reborn as the person I wake up as every different day
Reborn as better than the one I learned with last month
Reborn as the day I accomplish one more year
Reborn as the person I am now birthed of the one portrayed last decade
Reborn at each glimpse in my life
Reborn - a wave breathes the ocean
To be reborn is to pass Time
Mar 2021 · 167
A Arte de Viver (PT-BR)
Edmundo Mar 2021
A arte de viver
E todo dia aprender
Todo momento nos perdoar
Erramos por amar
Erramos por se preocupar
Erramos por ser humano errar
Aprendendo pra melhorar
Pensando pra que pensar
Sabe lá como faz para viver
O jeito é aprender
Mar 2021 · 381
Indecision Making
Edmundo Mar 2021
Indecision making
As I sail this boat
In destiny you don’t get a vote
The winds steal my control
And the ocean in motion
Puts fear in my heart to choose
Fearing I’ll lose
Indecision making
Edmundo Mar 2021
What is called that one home
That won’t leave me alone on the rain
And has no roof
Has no walls standing
No floor nor doors
No bed and no windows

But is more comfortable than any other
Warm as the morning in the summer
Beautiful as the songs of the birds
Indescribable by any known words

This home is you
And your embrace
And your grace
And your loving eyes
Blue as the skies
Mar 2021 · 623
Beautiful swing in the Air
Edmundo Mar 2021
Hey there you beautiful swing in the air
That bursts in the dark for me to meet
That takes the weight off my feet
Retires me from my despair
Beautiful shining masterpiece

Glows like a lantern in the dark
Wounds and heals the sky like a spark
Like a loved one on sight
Bright, like the ocean that mirrors the stars

A painter’s job well done
When the moon paints the sky
With the brightness of the shy
And gives warmth to the cold air
Retires me from my despair

I’m ready to sink into the ocean
To lose my sense in its filled shallow mystique
To be a part into the circus of my troupe
To retire from my despair
While my balance is in repair
Mar 2021 · 650
Edmundo Mar 2021
How does the ocean paints so well ?
The inkblots of white
That populates the sky
How does a drop of water
Turns to a mirror

How can a cloud feel?
And some forest leaves, smile as emeralds
And a rose, sings love
And a sunflower, passes as a guide to a star above

How one does not appreciate a star
That is inside his eye but yet still far
How one does not appreciate the moon
That soothes the air not too soon
That caresses the expressions of the ocean
How one does not feel the sun
That is ever-present inside each and everyone
Mar 2021 · 394
Edmundo Mar 2021
All the things that exists
Are somehow a seed
Of all the things that will be

As all love can turn to hate
And a bad day can turn great
All are seeds
Just treat them right
Mar 2021 · 577
Burning and Crying Eyes
Edmundo Mar 2021
Are there any eyes that won’t burn
When it comes their turn
To be watchful throughout the sea of lies
To watch over a child that cries

Crying for the father that never returned
Or that rejected any stone turned
Will this children’s eyes burn
Because of the tears, or because it’s now their turn

Their turn to watch smoke paint the sky
Turn to watch the seas rise
Their time to watch their kind’s demise
Burn from watching other tearing eyes

Will the eyes of the wise be blinded?
When he has no more wisdom and has to be reminded
Will the eyes of mothers turn to ashes in the air
When they see the world they left is only more despair

Will a white dove cry
When it can’t see the sky
And its kin have turned grey
And there’s nothing we could say
To make them stay
So it’s now the turn to our eyes to burn and cry
For there are no doves in the sky
Mar 2021 · 233
Missing what you never had
Edmundo Mar 2021
How can we miss what we never had

Do we miss it because we’ll live it so strongly
That it will reverberate throughout time
And touch a dreamer today
About a Play yet to play

The Desire you desire
The understanding of loss and sorrow
You miss a kiss you never had
A dance and a chance you are yet to have
You miss a word you never heard
Missing a touch so much but you never felt it
Can’t you see
We are all waiting on a memory
Mar 2021 · 837
Paintings and Poems
Edmundo Mar 2021
Paintings must have a poetry for each eye
An escape for each truthful try
To evade what more scapes the dye
That paints a mind blind
That scrapes for single thought that is kind

Poems must paint a painting
For eyes that are fainting
Sore with the harsh and painful reality
Of feeling while fleeing
From thoughts that rush too fast
Mar 2021 · 325
Desperation of a Bird
Edmundo Mar 2021
As desperate as a bird
That flies through city
And encounters nowhere to land
Nowhere a place for it to stand

The bird glides through the sky
Not the blue one that we listen to
But the concrete one that saddens
Look up and nothing true nor blue

The pain of the wings
Too tired to clap
There is no place to rest
In this human nest
Where before was a home

Now a bird         alone
Mar 2021 · 179
Edmundo Mar 2021
Be true to you
For blue you’ll do
When it is help you seek
You are not at all weak
If you are just
Because you must

   Trust yourself
Mar 2021 · 540
Frozen Eyes
Edmundo Mar 2021
While walking and looking at the trees
With some leaves burned by the sun
Meshing with the green coloration
A single tree carrying the whole weight of a painting

But why can’t I see the marks of the brushing
Why can’t I see the warmth of the red leaves
Or the happiness in the spared green ones
Why can’t I see the beauty in it
Why this painting seems to scape life

The strangest feeling as I know,
In this tree I see most of what reality can be
Is the most my eyes can capture
Is the most my mind will shape anything

Yes it is life, and it is reality
But a cold one.
Or is it a burning one?
Seen by frozen eyes
Mar 2021 · 132
Edmundo Mar 2021
To be honest
To be out in the storm
To feel it most sincerely
To experience it pure

To understand we do not know what is it
To understand we have our side of it
To understand we will not ever really
Understand it all

But to speak our light and let it shine
Even if not as well as we should do it
Even if distorted as a Lightning
Mar 2021 · 502
The Couple by the Wind
Edmundo Mar 2021
The white waves rushes the Sky
The white clouds covers the Sea
They give and receive smily eyes from each other
Both are essence of white and blue when they are true

In the horizon they touch
In the city they don’t
Infinite immeasurable incredible afar
One gives sighs and exasperates all day for they are apart
The other waves all day for they should be together

The Sea looks deep into the endless Sky
Unbound by limits - full of stars
As the sky looks back and sees itself
They are so similar in essence and beauty
So far apart
So close together
The couple moves and are moved by
By the winds of fate.

— The End —