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Aug 2017 · 793
Half/Shot of Depression
Misael Lopez Aug 2017
We Carry Depression,
Depression Carries us,

A Daily Battle is almost always Fought,
For some, almost always lost.

The trick, if there is one, almost always is,
To Keep battling minute to minute.

One moment you may walk through
A door, feeling lower than low.
But the next thing you know...

A sudden change so small you wouldn't notice, renders your woes mute.

All you have to do is hang in there,
Fight Minute to Minute.

Drinking a cup of Starbucks Helps Too.
First poem in a while :)
Feb 2016 · 472
Bottled Up
Misael Lopez Feb 2016
What are the signs if any,
That something is on the edge
of Erupting.
Are there no smoke signals,
No phenomena to heed,
to let you know something is building?
Deep beneath the surface,
Where everything is surely collected,
lies years of accumulated
stress, fear, and despair.
An unimaginable amount and power,
able to sear the earth plain.
When it becomes to much, who will be there to blame?
The surface will shatter, and the load will scatter,
Those above and around,
Will stand shocked and open-mouthed.
How could this have happened?
It was only natural,
So much for so long,
Of course it would spill out.
Nov 2015 · 571
Todays Goal
Misael Lopez Nov 2015
I am back,
And very happy for that,
To resume my work long neglected,
Yet these pages and vioces here,
Full of depression and negativity!
Oh jeez, I have my work cut out for me!
Let this then be a Declaration!
To make those sighs and grunts go away,
This I vow to do today.
Nov 2015 · 856
A Place for You and Me
Misael Lopez Nov 2015
You are both and neither,
A lonely traveler searching for a home,
A social outcast,
A winding fork in the road.

Always Two separate paths,
Converging and Diverging,
Must you choose one or the other?
So many Possibilities not yet discovered.

Your unique disposition,
Superior to all in retrospect,
Yet they say purity and unison,
Not diversity and opposition.

Why then, where and when then,
Do you truly belong?
In every sense,
that is both your gift and curse.

You must find or create,
The mystical land of Grey in-betweens,
For both you and me.
We are who we are
Sep 2015 · 777
Memoir of Nobody
Misael Lopez Sep 2015
Let the flames of the present,
Burn away the memories of the past,
Let the wind blow the ashes,
To a distant land.

The past shall burn,
The future shall fly,
But you and I will remain,
In the here and now
Of Time.
Sep 2015 · 634
Misael Lopez Sep 2015
What is the difference, I wonder?
Between this world and the other?
Why is it that one holds endless freedom?
While the other, a kind of sad religion.
One is filled with bright colors and light,
The other, everything that makes for a fright.
One is found through the eyes,
the other we see only in our minds.
Yet, the world in our minds,
More real than anything in our lives,
Why oh why!
Sep 2015 · 645
The Blank Expression
Misael Lopez Sep 2015
The Shallow confines of a man,
through the all too familiar streets you walk,
through the same common sights you see,
Nothing moves thee...
not the pure fresh wind that hugs you,
nor the warm touch of the sunlight hue,
You walk empty, yet preoccupied.
Confined in that **** routine,
concerned for nothing except what you hold dear,
Never allowing yourself to see,
how close everything can truly be...
You walk by giving your back to death,
You walk by ignoring kindness.
Head onward towards your destination,
leaving it up to someone else,
to mend and heal the wounds,
of your brothers and sisters.
Yet **** You for not helping out,
have you too soon lost your humanity?
How pitiful it is,
to watch you only STARE,
with that blank expression you wear.
Walk away so unmoved,
Despair, Despair...
Sometimes I regret not doing little things for people to whom it might mean the world.
Misael Lopez Sep 2015
It is strange to me,
to see how far we've come,
yet at our peek we seek no more,
the land has been purged of simplicity,
and replaced with complexity.
The dreams are dreams no more,
It is strange to me,
how idealism is reality,
how reality is idealism,
It is strange to me,
how, once upon a time,
the land was barren and plain,
free of complexity,
but now crowded with creations and
accomplished misery.
It is strange to me,
the longing for a world simple and plain,
has become another fantasy in this mere game.
For once upon a time,
this world did exist, abounding in discoveries
and meaning.
and now...
It is strange to me...
Caught in my dreams, exposed to the contemporary world
Sep 2015 · 356
The Land of Dreams
Misael Lopez Sep 2015
So often the common escape,
rushing through those main gates,
where the land is flush with green,
and an never ending sea of dreams.
magically, benevolently, assuring you of things to come,
with a sky so pure and a land so young,
where to your flying sorrows you wave goodbye,
and welcome the blazing sun up high.
Where such things as dragons and gnomes do exist,
and a *** of gold will behold at the end of the rainbow.
You feel at ease among st such beauty,
where not even the foul hands of cruel reality can reach.
Basking in this crisp sun,
resting on the soft grass,
Vibrating against the wind's touch,
Feeling your your spirit spring up.

Had you not been in such sweet bliss,
you would of noticed, a dark thing rising.
And you would never have guessed,
tis but a dream.
I had a pleasant dream, but then I woke up.
Sep 2015 · 404
The Muse of Life
Misael Lopez Sep 2015
Shrouded behind a drape of shade,
lovingly embraced by the hands of grace,
envied by the stares of the eye,
you seem to comply.
Silent you don't boast,
Only sway silently to and fro.
To me you are eternity,
with those radiant green filled leaves.
You bring me an enormous glee...
Pity for those who cannot adore thee...
Sep 2015 · 385
Prove Me Wrong
Misael Lopez Sep 2015
Oh pain and tragedy!
Why do you linger within my heart?

Surely there are better places to play
Your part.

No need to remind me everday,
The constant symbol of my dismay.

For all women are truly beautiful,
Love abounds for all of them!

Yet my dear heart,
Why do you resist to start?

Is it the shyness?
Do you feel worlds apart?

No my dear heart you must be strong,
Fight your fears head on!

For the door is always open,
My heart, my love.

Just let someone in,
Let them prove you wrong.
Today's forecast a slight drizzle of love with some pesky warm emotions.
Sep 2015 · 1.4k
After Rain, Sunny Day
Misael Lopez Sep 2015
So soon, long gone...
Your time it was...
Nothing but the cold memory you left,
Nothing but empty sadness.
A lingering rain remains,
Not of the sky...
Wholely mine.
This sunny day parade,
wonderful if you had stayed.
Resolute with nothing...
I will keep walking...
One day, will I find?
Meaning to this flux of rain and shine.
Sunny days makes me think alittle too.
Sep 2015 · 878
Misael Lopez Sep 2015
If you're reading this,
dont stop.

Keep your eyes glued,
and keep moving on!

Something amazing awaits,
I promise you!

No tricks here!
Just you and me.

You still there...?
Just checking

How was your day?
Did you have fun?

Okay, you're almost there.
Am so proud of you! Great job!

Am glad we made it
This far!

Now are you ready!?
Do you want to know!?

Keep scrolling down...









If you're still here, I totally got you!!
Ha Ha.
Hope at least made you smile
Sep 2015 · 2.1k
Empty Rain
Misael Lopez Sep 2015
The days go by...
I really dont know why...
Is any of it worth it?
These humid wet dark days...
Shall I forfeit?
You're promise of hope,
gone with the uncaring wind...
You leave me standing, wondering...
Is any of it worth it in the end?
Rainy days makes me think alittle.
Sep 2015 · 466
Shores of an Unknown World
Misael Lopez Sep 2015
By the seashore is where I want to be,
Enveloped by the sweet symphony,
The rush of the surf, the whisper of the wind,
All in one place congregate.
With the vast unknown set before me,
The rising sun high in the sky,
and a warm blanket of sand, side by side.
The welcoming hiss and spray of the sea,
All wondrous to me.
With the feeling of an ever broader world,
and a warmth so amorous and familiar, I dare to call my own.
Within me does swell,
a pool of translucent purity, and a soft cascade of clarity,
Do I feel at ease?
The resonance of life in every breath,
the elegance and spirituality within the deep blue,
does hold my heart in a grip of everlasting affection,
for this beautiful world, I have discovered by the shore.
Sep 2015 · 814
Serene, Calmness
Misael Lopez Sep 2015
The world I dream of,
is one with the welcoming sun.
The warm touch, the fresh and liberating
the sense of all things on earth
alive and green.
With that ever mystic feeling
of complete purpose and state of total fullness.
I must confess, I am close.
I feel my mind wrapping around the
Feeling every curve and detail,
prying to get inside.
Soon will I be inside,
and hope that what I find
is the one truth of all things.
The one that will set me free,
and reveal the true meaning of,
Eternal Peace.

— The End —