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Apr 2018 · 218
Shameful Reflection
Jackie Andary Apr 2018
After the longest two months
My mind still races without reprieve
They all say it will be better;
“You were so right to leave”

There were far too many challenges
I was opposed at every moment
My autonomy had vanished
This became my daily torment
We came and went, then came again
Rebuilt to be reburnt
Cut to Ultimatum February
Nearly everyone was hurt

I thought things would be easier
Since we’ve sung this song before
But all I do is toss and turn
I can’t sleep without you anymore
Call me stupid, there’s a weakness in me
I love the love that makes me numb
My “better” life just isn’t home
You may still be the one
Dec 2015 · 643
Ode to a Pet
Jackie Andary Dec 2015
Although you are gone
Your collar still smells like you
After all this time
Nov 2015 · 1.8k
Facebook Blues
Jackie Andary Nov 2015
All these #friends
And I've never
Felt more
My circle gets smaller and smaller these days
Oct 2015 · 630
Jackie Andary Oct 2015
Band-Aids cannot fix
All of our deepest wounds
Or our broken hearts
Oct 2015 · 503
Jackie Andary Oct 2015
When they ask me
"How's it going?"
It's all I can muster
Without falling apart
Apr 2015 · 3.2k
Inside Outside
Jackie Andary Apr 2015
On the outside, I am strong
I can smile at strangers
I can laugh with my friends
I can enjoy the breeze on a summer day
Everything is okay
But sometimes
There are cracks in my foundation
I can cry in the blink of an eye
I doubt those who I used to trust
I don't want to live anymore
On the inside, I am broken
Read forward or backward
Nov 2014 · 741
One Year
Jackie Andary Nov 2014
Well well
It's been a full year
And I've finally gotten
"over you"
I still get flashbacks
From when we were close
But they've been
Far less frequent
I'm just glad I finally realized
I'm complete without you
Or any other boy
I'm a person too
And I finally know that
After one year
Without you
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Jackie Andary Nov 2014
Every time I look at you
You're looking at her
Whenever you glance my way
Its like the sun shining on my face
Sometimes you tell me things
I already know
Like how beautiful she is
How smart
How funny
How she's breaking your heart

I just wish you would see
That I'd love you better
In fact, I already do
Nov 2014 · 434
Pin and Needles
Jackie Andary Nov 2014
Like little pinpricks
it hurts
but its all I can do
so I let the pins and needles take over
because the pain is too much for one heart
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
Jackie Andary Sep 2014
That's what you are
So much that
I feel alienated
Like I shouldn't be here
I'm in the way
Nothing but a burden
To a whole new woman
You have your friends
And their friends
And I'm just wondering
Why I'm still around
Never being understood
Always being yelled at
Forever the brunt of every joke
You talk of "positivity"
But all I get is the negative part of you
That you don't want to show anyone
You are a stranger
That's what you are
May 2014 · 662
Weighing the Options
Jackie Andary May 2014
On the one hand
I want to be there
The friend you'll always need
On the other
I want to be there
With you holding me
I want the world to take a pause
To stop and give us time
A chance for both our hearts to beat
Together, rhythm and rhyme
I want us to conquer
The fears and doubts we hold
I want us to love like champions
Instead of doing what we're told
Lets forget the ones who think
We'll never make it through
Lets try to throw the past away
So it's only me and you
Apr 2014 · 670
Jackie Andary Apr 2014
Ever since October the third
I've had no one to call mine
My relationship failed
And I was single once again
Then, in November
    I liked a beautiful boy
Who I thought liked me back
But I was mistaken
And for awhile, that destroyed me
I needed someone to love
But I just kept spiraling downward
Into that void we call
"The single life"
I've dealt with it as best I can
Winter is hard, right?
But now it's Spring
I see couples all around me
My old boyfriend is a distant memory
He's dating a girl who's great for him
The boy from November is a stranger
He's dating a girl who deserves only the best
Where am I ?
I'm at the bottom of the heap
Hoping that maybe one day
I can be complete.
Im just trying to put things into words.
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
To My Dear Moonchild
Jackie Andary Mar 2014
You are a strong, beautiful girl
You have grit, patience, and great empathy
Friends will come and go
They're flighty that way
But you will always have those traits
That make you the person I want to be
You will always be an angel
Admired by all who truly matter
But most importantly
You must never forget
You will always be
My Moonchild
For a very special friend of mine. You know who you are.
Mar 2014 · 567
Awaiting the Sun
Jackie Andary Mar 2014
I'm shaking in the cold
Of this Midwest town
Waiting for the day
That the sun will come around
He'll peek around the clouds
And dry up all the streets
And give a friendly ray of light
To everyone he meets
Although the cold is hard to bear
I know I can count on
The sun to be a dear old friend
Once the snow is gone
Jackie Andary Mar 2014
Just because I'm past the shock
Just because I'm past the heartache
Just because I wish only for your happiness
Doesn't mean I don't have scars
That I don't hear every word you say in stereo
That you don't still mean a lot to me
But just because I'm saying this now
Doesn't mean I want you to change a thing
Because your happiness is all that matters to me
Mar 2014 · 4.8k
Driving (Me Crazy)
Jackie Andary Mar 2014
Things are different on the open road
There's so much to watch out for
So much to worry about
If I'm supposed to be concentrating
Why can't I get my mind off of you?
You're all I think about
You occupy my head
I'm trying to learn
The rules of the road
And I can't even stay in my lane
Because your eyes
And your smile
Are enough to drive me crazy
Mar 2014 · 776
A New Leaf (10w)
Jackie Andary Mar 2014
I just want
To start fresh
Is that too much?
Jackie Andary Mar 2014
How much longer
Do I have to pretend
That I'm stronger
Than the words you say
Or the things you do
I'm screaming from the rooftops
Of my mind
That's the way it goes
Because If I actually screamed
Everyone would know
Everyone would see
It would automatically show
What you mean to me
A definite release
From the form of the past
Abandoning the thought
That maybe we could last and
I'm screaming from the rooftops
Because there's nothing I can do
Except hope that maybe one day
You can be there too
Mar 2014 · 321
You, Unlimited
Jackie Andary Mar 2014
You make me smile
You make me laugh
Even though I never get to see you
You light up my world
You fill it with color
Just when I think I'm about to give up
You give me strength
You are strong
You push me harder
So no matter how much
We fall in and out of touch
I know I can always count on you
You will always be there
For years and years to come
For a guy who doesn't get nearly the credit he deserves. He'll probably never see this, but I hope he knows how much he means to me.
Mar 2014 · 501
The Vagabond
Jackie Andary Mar 2014
I am a vagabond
Always moving on
Yet I seemingly get too attached
How can I ever
Get it together
It seems like maybe
I've met my match
Its always poetic
Or increasingly sad
As I wither away inside
You may see beyond
But not this vagabond
No, now I'm taking it
One day at a time
Not gonna lie, I'm kind of proud of this. Its a much needed change of pace.
Feb 2014 · 423
Make Me Yours
Jackie Andary Feb 2014
You have to know
How much I need you
How much I want you
How much I want to kiss you
You, funny redheaded boy
Are my valentine
Even if you don't want to be
I know that you don't care
But I wont stop wishing
You'd make me yours
Happy valentines day
Feb 2014 · 311
Jackie Andary Feb 2014
I hadn't truly looked at you
For a long time
I'd glanced
And yearned for you
But you didn't notice
Then, yesterday
I looked right at you
I noticed the beard you've been growing
And it seems like you've been working out
And my heart stopped
Because you're so beautiful
But no matter how much I talk to you
You'll never see my appreciation
But it'll still be there
Jan 2014 · 754
Almost Lover
Jackie Andary Jan 2014
For the longest time
I couldn't find the words
To explain exactly how I felt
But then I heard that song
And it all clicked
Now I'm sifting
Through the heartache
And I'm suddenly realizing
I'm gonna be okay.
Jan 2014 · 474
I Don't Know
Jackie Andary Jan 2014
Could it be
I'm finally moving on?
I don't know
He's nice and all
And really cute
Who am I to be picky?
But I can't stop thinking
About what could have been
I still love you
But I'm trying so hard not to
Jan 2014 · 517
Back to Normality
Jackie Andary Jan 2014
We talked and laughed
The way we used to
In November
It wasn't the same
But it was familiar
And I loved it
Jan 2014 · 758
Jackie Andary Jan 2014
People think they know
But they don't.
They don't see how words
And actions
Can affect someone
So permanently
They don't understand
How big of a ripple
Their pebble can make
I'm not completely sure
That if they did realize it
They would change
Even if it was for the better
Jan 2014 · 577
Speaking Terms
Jackie Andary Jan 2014
I'm so glad
We're talking again
It was killing me
To be out of contact
I still miss you
And what we had
But I'm starting to have hope
That we can get there again
Dec 2013 · 983
Jackie Andary Dec 2013
I think its funny
That I'm hanging out with your sister
That we're going to make pottery, of all things
I think its hilarious
That all I can think about is your smile
My sides are splitting
At the fact that I'll never do anything like this
With you
I'm slapping my knee
Because you will never be mine
I'm done laughing
And all that's left
Is a smile
Plastered where
My heart used to be
I just had a thought and wrote this
Dec 2013 · 686
Brown Eyes
Jackie Andary Dec 2013
Everybody has a "type"
Mine was always
Dark hair and blue eyes
But then you came along
With your red hair
And your beautiful brown eyes
At first I was stunned
I didn't know  
That such a deep, rich color existed
And when those brown eyes looked at me
I thought I could see my future
I was wrong.
Those amazing, gorgeous eyes
Will never look at me
The way my hazel
Look at you
I thought I knew my "type"
But I didn't realize
That my only type was YOU.
Dec 2013 · 6.6k
Jackie Andary Dec 2013
Do I have to learn this?
Math hates me
Didn't you know?
The triangles glare
The equations stare
The postulates and theorems whisper nasty things
The formulas judge
The polygons sneer
I just want to get out of here
Take me away
Back to English class
The one without the numbers
Dec 2013 · 433
Jackie Andary Dec 2013
Every day
Is the same
Wake up
Get dressed
Go to school
Miss you
Learn science
Laugh in English
Miss you
Hate Geometry
Miss you
Make videos
Eat lunch
See you
Miss you
Wish I could talk to you
Write for an hour
Learn about some dead guys
Get on the bus
Miss you
Go home
Die inside
Miss you.
Dec 2013 · 317
Jackie Andary Dec 2013
Remember the time that we were together?
Yeah, me neither.
I do remember wishing for it
Watching, waiting
For you to make that move
Everyone said you were going to make
But then, you didn't
I was tired, I was confused
I sent you a message
You replied
My waiting was over
My wanting was not.
Dec 2013 · 399
Jackie Andary Dec 2013
Flecks of white falling down
Like an overgrown snow globe
I look out the window and think
About the cold
And how I don't feel it
Not since you stole my heart
And didn't give it back
No, I just feel an emptiness
That won't go away
I remember when the cold and the snow
Were welcomed,
Because we had so many plans
There were so many adventures
That I will never take part in
Not with you
I look at the snow
And I just freeze.
Dec 2013 · 396
The Test
Jackie Andary Dec 2013
I feel like God is testing me these days
Filling up my metaphorical plate
Way more than I would normally get at a buffet
I really want to pass this test
But its so hard
When I can feel my pretend smile drooping constantly
While people act concerned and say "what's wrong?"
And I can't tell them
Because I don't even know myself
Dec 2013 · 850
The Clock
Jackie Andary Dec 2013
That endless ticking
Gets on my nerves so badly
Take it off the wall
Dec 2013 · 569
Jackie Andary Dec 2013
If I had a dime
For every single time
I heard the words
"I like you as a friend"
I would have a lot of dimes
Enough dimes
To buy a candy bar
Which would taste bittersweet
With a hint of salt
As I cry and think
About your friendship
If I had a dime
For every single time
I did this
I would have a lot of dimes
Nov 2013 · 337
Jackie Andary Nov 2013
You're beautiful.
There are others who feel the same
But none of them
Feel it like I do
When I text you
And I can hear every word you type
In your perfect voice
Or when we talk
And I feel your gaze
Resting on me
I know your jokes
And your references
And your obsessions
Because they're the same as mine
And I love that
You're beautiful.
Oct 2013 · 488
Where Are You ?
Jackie Andary Oct 2013
You were not
here today
I didn't see
your adorable face
or your fiery hair
or your cute smile
as I stumbled through my day
a little bit lost
and kind of confused
you keep me going
even though
you don't
know it.
Just kind of had a thought and put it  down in words.
Oct 2013 · 557
Jackie Andary Oct 2013
You give me Vertigo.
You know, the fear of heights?
I had it already
But you make it
I'm so scared
That if I love you
You'll drop me
Its not the fear of being high
But the fear of falling
And if I do fall
Would you catch me?
I may never know
Because the only thing
Scarier than flying
Is never making
The climb.
Oct 2013 · 539
Who Cares?
Jackie Andary Oct 2013
When you're mean to me
Who cares?
When your other friends are more important
Who cares?
When you hate me for no reason
Who really cares?
When I just want to be your friend
Who cares?
When I feel left out
Who cares?
When I have an ache in my heart the size of China
Who really cares?
Certainly not me.
Oct 2013 · 445
Jackie Andary Oct 2013
On the mountain
of my feelings
I fly onward to toward the sky
If you only
Look closer
You would see me flying high

When its over
Then its over
Nothing left to do or say
If you are strong
you can push on
Before life gets in the way

Never give up
Climb that mountain
you will reach the top in time
you will never
have to worry
in the sky, lord
in the sky
I watched the movie "Iron Jawed Angels" in history class, and there was a beautiful rendition of "Will the Circle be Unbroken" that I've been singing all week. I had the tune of that song in mind while writing this.
Oct 2013 · 401
Jackie Andary Oct 2013
without a purpose
I am nothing.
You kept me alive and in the world
You made me breathe the air
smell the roses
love the people around Us
funny how the word
no longer applies
its a has-been
a used-to-be  
just like You
and just like Me
Oct 2013 · 500
Jackie Andary Oct 2013
Tick Tock
One minute passes
Tick Tock
Then another
Tick Tock
Where are you?
I'm anxious
I'm scared
I'm hopeful
I'm new to loving you
I want to hear back
I wait
Tick Tock

— The End —