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 Dec 2015 Jullian
Sarah Oh
 Dec 2015 Jullian
Sarah Oh
There is a time
When silence isn't quiet
It's getting harder to breathe
My heart is in a constant riot

Life's on a merry-go-round
Wherever I'm going
It's spinning in circles
I'm finding my way around
in the deepest and utmost corner of my heart
the pain is being hidden

and on the outside
you will witness
my sweetest smile

if only
you will catch a glimpse
behind those eyes
is the loneliness that being kept

if only
you will stop and stare for awhile
you will find out
that i am in despair

i was wondering
if the saying

"in the eyes you will see the real feelings of a person"

is true

because why can't you see?

that i am






the twin of love is pain
 Dec 2015 Jullian
Paramount Pawn
Good memories are sad memories.
You can't experience it again.
my teacher once said this to me and it struck me hard...
 Dec 2015 Jullian
Mckenna Lynn
Strangers with memories,
that’s all we are.
Like waves in the ocean,
that drift apart with time.
Carried our separate ways,
following a different current.
Strangers with memories,
that’s all we’ll ever be.
If I die tonight,
One scary theory
Is true

If one memory repeats,
For all eternity
I hope it is about you
A scary but beautiful theory after death: your most cherished memories will repeat over and over and over again.
 Dec 2015 Jullian
B M Clark
This is something only memories remain of,
it is lost forever,
for you and me.
Nothing but empty bitter pain remains,
but I cling desperately
to the memory
 Dec 2015 Jullian
Nicole Dawn
Memory hits
Pain in head
Hands clench
Nails bite
Skin breaks
Memory gone

Sometimes I get hit by a horrible memory and I can't like breathe or see or anything until it's gone
 Dec 2015 Jullian
Lilly frost
If you're lost
I'll lead you home
If you're lost
I'll lead the way
If you're lost
I'll help all I can
If you're lost
I'll follow you
If you're lost
I'll be lost too
 Dec 2015 Jullian
thoughts are stars that collide together and shoot hot fumes
thoughts are the unseen side of the moon
thoughts are the miscellaneous objects held in the hands of gravity
thoughts are discovered constellations
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