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 Dec 2015 Jullian
Pastell dichter
hey love
i know your scared
i am too
but we can do this
because we are strong
and i believe in us
i love you so much
i know you are strong
ill be right here for you
im not going anywhere
i love you
for you
 Dec 2015 Jullian
Amy Slocombe
Leave me alone
I dont need your help

Leave me alone
I like it by myself

Curled up in darkness
Smiling at my demons

Dont leave me alone
Theyre trying to **** me

Dont leave me alone
They are taking my hand

They push it towards a new weapon

The blade isnt enough
They yell as i cry

I wish you wouldnt have left me
I say as i die
 Dec 2015 Jullian
Wesley Dotson
Of all the things I forget
Tell me everything thats bothered you
And we'll scorch it.
I want to make you feel better,
That's whats important.
 Dec 2015 Jullian
Content to live here
Content to do the minimum

Figuring the human race
Will most likely destroy itself
In some atomic world war
In my lifetime

Maybe our society will collapse

The body ages

Some people lead
Meaningless lives
Watching musicals
Over and over

At least I have a part time job
And contribute to our society

Our economy is pretty stagnant
And all that debt

Hey did you watch the debates?
Trump and Bush and all that
I guess the show is kind of fun
Not that I care much who wins

I'm content to be poor
To live at home

To lie on my yoga mat
And look at the birds
Content to be alone

I lift weights
To stay fit
But I am not attractive
To women I guess

Too poor to date I guess
And who cares really
Content to be alone

Maybe I will meet a female friend
Maybe not

Either way
That's fine

Same dull face
Same earth cycles

If an asteroid
Is announced to hit earth
I will just sit on my yoga mat
And eat a protein bar probably
Like always

Times come
Times go
And it is all so strange
You know?

I would like to be
Many places at once
To see different names
And faces

And travel to
Exotic places

Do I even exist at all?

I think therefore I am
And I write
Therefore I am

And I eat my chicken and rice dish
And I also love tasty fish

It's an odd place
This earth
 Dec 2015 Jullian
Now I'm here
Now I'm there

First in my room
Then at the market

But there is the sense
That I'm not "living"

Events just keep happening
And the sun goes up and down
And it is just funny in a way

Non action
Doing nothing

Just moments
The moments of my life

Some type of natural process

Effortless action

— The End —