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Lara May 2020
There are just these little things - you never noticed.

But now that they are gone - you miss those things and moments - even the ones you didn’t like.

The things you would freak out sometimes - but now they are gone.

Gone like one little breath.

Gone and maybe never coming back.

Enjoy everything while it’s still there.

You will never know when it will disappear.

People come and people go with all they have and can offer.

Don’t take anything for granted.
Lara May 2020
Would it help me?
Would it change me?
Would I overthink my life and my decisions?
Would my life be the same?
Would I still live in the now or would I just think of tomorrow?

I don’t know what I would do!

But I know what I am doing today!

Living in the now!
Lara May 2020
A start for a day.

A new beginning.

A new chance to live your life the way you want to.

Your life - your decisions.

Make the best of each day of your life.

Make mistakes - be happy.

Make yourself happy.

And the next morning wake up and think of all the thinks that made you happy yesterday and find the things that will make you happy today.

You have the ability to change you and yourself everyday, every morning.
Lara May 2020
You’re my soulmate

I never thought I would meet you.
The one person that is just like me and understands me like no other.

But I did.

She is my best friend, my everything, my soulmate.

You just have to wait for him, her, it or whoever the person or animal is.

Never go out of my life.

You are a part of me.

My heart would shatter if you would leave.

You are my soulmate.

I love you.
Lara May 2020
Life is too short to have arguments.

But everyone has arguments in his life.

It is not the bad times we should think about afterwards!

It is the times we laugh and just enjoy being together we should think about.

Everybody fights sometimes, but that’s not what we should concentrate on.

We only have our lifetimes to make our life the best we can life.

Don’t have regrets - live your life.

I might not want to live forever -
But I want to live in the now with you!

You might be my past,
You are my present,
But make yourself my future.
Lara May 2020
Every tear stands for a memory

You can either cry about memories or you can let them go.

Let them fly away like a bird.

You are able to show your feelings.

With every tear that runs down your face you can make a memory come alive or disappear.

You need to be aware of your feelings.

How are you gonna show you feelings?
Which memories do you want to keep and which do you want to get rid of.

Memories for life or for the moment?

Eitherway tears come streaming down your face.
Lara May 2020
Eyes say so much about a person.

You can see emotions, love, fear and what matters for the person
all just in the eyes.

You meet someone new.
You look in their eyes - they show you how much they want to share of their soul with you.

You can spread sadness, fear, anger and happiness just with your eyes.

You don’t have to show your emotions with a smile or a grumpy face.

The eyes are enough - the eyes show how you really feel
and what your heart beats for.

Your pupils dilate when you see or think of someone you love.

You can decide - how many emotions you want to share with a person just with one little look.
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