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818 · Dec 2019
Greg Piegari Dec 2019
The feeling of inspiration
To write for someone,

Your Someone,

Is a powerful thing.
713 · Jun 2019
Sober Thoughts
Greg Piegari Jun 2019
The world is way different with my sober eyes.
And I can’t explain the simple beauty I see watching birds fly.
I’ve missed out on so much these past 5 years.
But now is my chance to raise an empty glass and say cheers.
For all of us dealing with life at the moment.
I know now that we all have a chance for atonement.
You may not know me and that’s okay.
But if you need me I’ll be a kind stranger and hold your hand the whole way.
Greg Piegari Dec 2020
I never thought I’d ever meet my person.
In my world you simply didn’t exist.
Then it happened,
Separated by invisible boundaries,
we pushed and we persist.
And now being away from you is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.
But the connection I feel makes me smile.
Because with that
We will always overcome
Every struggle and each and every **** Mile
492 · Jun 2019
This ones for me
Greg Piegari Jun 2019
Have you ever had the feeling of wanting to be the glue, the structure, the foundation. That intense yearning and pull to be everyone’s someone.
Have you ever felt like what it’s like to be me?
449 · Nov 2019
Greg Piegari Nov 2019
One day at a time
and in a few
I’ll be EIGHT months in
which is pretty cool

I think about day one
And while it was fun
The further away
Makes eight feel like an easier day.
425 · Jun 2019
Greg Piegari Jun 2019
Keep it simple stupid. I keep telling myself this everyday and it’s’s ******* working.....why in the hell do we make things so much more difficult for ourselves than it has to be? It’s because we are human. We **** up, we hurt, we cry, we laugh, we live, we love, but in the end we learn we will always learn. Stop giving yourself so much ****....the world is doing enough of that for you already. So just put up your ******* and yell *******! Because you are more important and the way you feel is ******* valid that’s the simplicity of the matter.

Learning is the hard part but it’s the necessary step and if you are accepting to learn than you just figured out how to K.I.S.S
399 · Feb 2020
The Pain
Greg Piegari Feb 2020
Every time I leave you it hurts even more

Crossing that line back home, answering each question like I’m okay

And I’m trying hard to accept the pain because it’s tethered to my true love.
348 · Jan 2020
Imposter Syndrome
Greg Piegari Jan 2020
Don’t feel like an imposter, because Art in question is where the Seed of Inspiration rests.
307 · Jul 2019
Closing the distance
Greg Piegari Jul 2019
She could’ve been the one that got away.
But you didn’t let that happen.
You are stronger now.
And part of the love you have for her is that she can see that too.
You put your strength, your effort, and your time into yourself.
And, in her, you will find that reciprocation.
Greg Piegari Aug 2019
The love you share with me doesn’t go unnoticed. They see your glow and trust your heart. They’ve seen you struggle and they’ve seen you crumble.
They watched you heal and grow.
You aren’t afraid to let your heart love again and neither are they..... I just happen to be the lucky fool that crossed your path at the right time!
304 · Jan 2020
Greg Piegari Jan 2020
I love you and the bag you drag
You pull it with such strength
But it exhausts you
I watch in awe but I see Your eyes
they have a hint of shame
Like we all do
I’ll open your bag but you’ll stop me
I’ll smile
And I’ll tell you with reassurance
I want to see what shaped the Woman I Love today.
282 · Jun 2019
Fall in love the right way
Greg Piegari Jun 2019
I fell in love with your foundation like I’ve never done before.
Over time you’ll hold my hand and bring me on that tour.
I’ve seen many doors, windows, and rooms.
And I’ve fallen in love, before I’ve seen the foundation, and that has simply been my doom.
So with you I know the foundation is there.
And I’ll call you my mobile home because together we can go anywhere.
279 · Feb 2020
My constant
Greg Piegari Feb 2020
I deeply have Passion and Love.
But I often feel such Disparity.
And somewhere
in between
There is Peace.
261 · Jun 2019
Greg Piegari Jun 2019
I’m two parts of a whole
I have my Fathers Mind
And My Mothers heart
If you do the math that equals one whole
257 · Jun 2019
3 Steps
Greg Piegari Jun 2019
With Love, comes work
With work, comes effort
With effort, comes happiness
222 · Jul 2019
The balance in between
Greg Piegari Jul 2019
My past is just that, my past, and I Will fix my mistakes.
My future cannot be told therefore my mistakes have not been made.

This is my Now. My mistakes are old and new but I will always have today to try again.
218 · Jun 2019
Greg Piegari Jun 2019
People are people.
People get Jealous.
People get Angry.
People Cry.
People Laugh.
People Dream.
People Wish.
People Love.
People want   to be Loved.
People Share Love    with Other People.
            People are just that, People.
206 · Jun 2019
The price of Love
Greg Piegari Jun 2019
Falling in love is a process for you and I.
We can’t afford love at first sight, it’s been way to expensive for us in the past. So we figured out how to budget and make our payments overtime and the beauty of it is that whatever you are saving up for is worth it.
204 · Jun 2019
It’s a curious thing
Greg Piegari Jun 2019
The brain is a curious thing.
There is so much to it that we don’t understand, and even things that Science can’t explain.
   Yet the brain is essentially us.
And isn’t that an interesting idea?
That is the fact that even science agrees that we truly don’t understand who we are.
But there is one thing science and ourselves agree on.........we all want to keep trying to figure it out.
200 · Jan 2020
Unhappily happy
Greg Piegari Jan 2020
We will lie and lie
over and over
to try and pretend
that we are happy
These are words that are proof of my own growth, true love and happiness.
188 · Feb 2020
A Poem for My Lady
Greg Piegari Feb 2020
I’ve been Lost without knowing someone will find me
I’ve been low before she picked me back up
I’ve been someone else until she brought Myself back out
I drag myself through mud just for her to show me the right path
I have been beaten over and over until she came and helped me win
I am nothing by myself but she’s here now
Nothing is not what she deserves
She will help make Me into Something because I Want to give her everything
She’s strong, beautiful, and everything that catches the worlds eye
and the world is what she deserves
For the woman I Love who’s hundreds of Miles away.
170 · Oct 2019
Greg Piegari Oct 2019
6 months in and I’m going strong.
6 months in seems short but felt long.
6 months in and I’m finding my way.
6 months in and this is what I can say.
6 months in brought me hope and fight.
6 months in showed me “Me” and for once everything feels alright.

Half a year goes by quick.
But 6 months is tedious and long when you take it one step at a time.
149 · Jun 2019
The fault in ourselves
Greg Piegari Jun 2019
Little idiosyncrasy’s and the little imperfections are what we fall in love with.
         and that’s **** beautiful!

— The End —