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245 · 1d
Stomping On Melons
So, what happens now?
Now that it is all over.
Is there hope for us yet?
Yet? It is plain to see.
See that it is not so. It is not so.
So, what happens now? Now that it is all over.
I can't remember why I wrote this... it's strange to think that something once so important means so little in the grand scheme.
Can I kiss you beneath the Chestnut Trees? Capture you with my ancient branches, press you into my breast?
Will you curl nearer? Wind your roots with my own, Welcome me with dampened Spring soil? Shall we stay right here? Forever? Puffing in dusty pollen until Summer seeds sprout through our brittle cracks? Could we just? Should we just?
Little love letters I'll never send.
38 · 1d
Sylvia Sexton.
They say I am like her,
and her,
but that is
backhanded as
my sorrow must
bleed through.

Cannot make it
there is no way
to make it
Cannot wish it into
a petal, a leaf,
there is no way
to warm the

They say I am like her,
but she is in
the dirt buried by
her own
and her hands
She cried straight
into the
Diagnosed with
disease of

Do they also say
they hope
I end
like her,
or her,
Questions I find myself stuck with when being compared to writers.

— The End —