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Apr 2020 · 276
The First Question
Corvus the Crow Apr 2020
The Father of the Earth awoke,

And gave a gift to each of his sons.

The first was knowledge,

So that they might triumph.

The second was will,

So that they might rage.

The third was hope,

So that they might endure.

And his sons gazed on high to ask,


And the Father was silent.

For no answer could justify the pain that would be his final gift,

So that they might see what it is to be alive.
Jun 2019 · 308
Corvus the Crow Jun 2019
I wish my heart were more water than stone,
So that I could cry for your departure.
I wish my head were more glass than bone,
So you could see how much I care,
Nov 2018 · 426
Corvus the Crow Nov 2018
On severed ground, he breathes slow.
For the only thing beating in his chest is sound.
Aug 2018 · 358
The Finale
Corvus the Crow Aug 2018
Falling, and falling, as I always have,
I will consider a final line,
The essence of my life will search,
In the last moments I have left,
That maybe I found the words,
To describe the infinite,
Until then,
Falling, and falling, as I always have,
Mar 2018 · 360
Never Enough
Corvus the Crow Mar 2018
The piano was just a sound,
The drawings could never cry,
The kisses were never close enough,
And the words are never right,

The pull and drill of whispers,
Their dance inside my head,
Cold claws in cords of steel,
Reaching through the cracks in my skull,

The medium is never enough,
The emotion is an ocean of expression,
This tiny tub is too full of water,
Sinking under the raging surface,

Why so much pain,
So much blanketing loneliness,
This ache for more,
This lust for more,

To have back what was stolen,
To take what will never be mine,
To love in endless romance,
To drink in smooth recline,


The ugly crooked grin,
The ***** air so thin,
The putrid water taking over me,
The sky so bleak and gone,

Where is all the love,
Where is all the peace,
Feb 2018 · 310
The Day We Met
Corvus the Crow Feb 2018
Do recall the day we met,

The spring didn't know how bright it would be to me,

I recall I saw as I rounded the bend,

You, sitting on the little bench,

The wood was worn, and brittle broke,

You smiled and stood, to humor me,

To hug the empty soul you saw,

I do recall the day we met,

Your smell, your hair, your airy laugh,

I tried my best to move like you,

To imitate the beauty beholden to you,

But my ungraceful hands,

My coarse, curly, weeded hair,

Will never do to feel like yours,

If I do recall the day we met,
Dec 2017 · 376
Eternity In Perspective
Corvus the Crow Dec 2017
I often find myself staring in awe of immortal things. Though my hands haven't always been there, they have always been there for me. And though I can't fully grasp the concept, I know one day my hands will be gone. Or at least the molecules will be changed to some other form. Maybe ash, or maybe dirt. Maybe my hands will be the fuel for some tree when I die, a tree that will be cut down for paper for a guy who has enough talent to write words that actually make people cry. Maybe not. Yet somehow I feel young, a lie made true by the pain I feel in my shoulders, like the old man inside is pacing back and forth on them not at all happy with how many more decades he'll have to wait before he can finally come out saying," my shoulders really hurt." I just hope my old man has cool hair when he comes, and cool hair when he dies.
Dec 2017 · 230
Who Is He
Corvus the Crow Dec 2017
The mirror is the harshest man I've ever met.

He does not barter in lies for some sympathy,

He lives in a world of reality,

False and yet somehow more real than your own,

He does not care what you think,

He does not care about you.

His eyes are sorrow with guilt,

His hair is freedom caged in regret,

His body an outrageous lie that does not reflect the creature inside.

Why does he exist?

A feeling of empathy flows from me,

For unlike me he does not know he is not he,

He is me,

I am me,

The only I that we could be.
Corvus the Crow Sep 2017
Your memory is a whip my love,
It strikes my heart raw and ******,
The halls of my mind ring with my screams,
The simmering steam of my emotion seeps through my skin,

Why so beautiful her fleeing grace?
Do my fingers resemble claws to you?

I never sought but to love her,
Still I sink in failure in this lonely place,
My tenebrific weather returns to hold me,
The clouds of my mind drown me, choke me in the gale,

Storms **** me, but never fast enough,
Sep 2017 · 312
Lights Out
Corvus the Crow Sep 2017
Lights out,

The night does not reward rebellion,

Feral creatures wait in your heart,

Lights out,

No end will raise your rotten form,

A monster is what you are,

Lights out,

You cast aside the eyes of man,

Buried your body before you ran,

Lights out,

Now close your eyes little demon,

For you dance with the devil tonight,

Lights out,
Aug 2017 · 470
Love to Hate
Corvus the Crow Aug 2017
I own a little blue boat,
And I lay in shade through night and day,
I lay in wait for my heart and pray,
To the god inside of my hopeless boat,

Where oh where have you drifted yet?
Where oh where did your sail set?
You said you would return to me,
My love in all my heresy,

But I have seen from a god inside,
I have seen my love has lied,
Rage at sea...and burn my boat...
To hate do I my life devote,
Never trust a liar. Always be alone.
Aug 2017 · 333
Mother, Dearest Father
Corvus the Crow Aug 2017
What has your son become?
What is a man but another hole,
Wanting and needing the world,
Does your son want for anything?

Monsters crawl and hide in shadow,
Is your son a creature of the night?
Does his heart bleed for the wanting?
Does nothing fill his nothing and bring him..


Did they take everything?
Did they take everything from me?
Jun 2017 · 890
Flowers & Fangs
Corvus the Crow Jun 2017
Oh how gross the cycle,
Love to war,
Beauty to ruin,
I have seen the world,

Why oh why have I eyes?

The dreams are enough,
The monsters more horrid in skin,
Than in closets and sheets,
How lonely it is...

Do none still carry flowers...

Flowers without fangs...
I was lied to and left...only to discover her love was never there at I cursed to forever be alone? Why endure in a world that tosses beauty to the wolves...
Jun 2017 · 479
The Truth
Corvus the Crow Jun 2017
The truth will not set you free,
It will chain your feet to the floor,
You may never dance,
It will wrap its iron collar tight,
You will never see the blue sky,
And you will never breathe the free air,
The truth will **** you,
Jun 2017 · 292
Was My Love Not Enough?
Corvus the Crow Jun 2017
Daughter of the abyss,
How long have you held me,
Staring in free fall down into those depths,
Into this ego death by love,

Tearing away was never an option,
My soul denies that sentence of death,
Yet my body aches with mournful contempt,
For you never felt it back,

The line I sent was all I needed,
And the line you caught was not enough,
Hunger forever alone together,
Together forever in stormy weather,
Why oh why and what to do
Corvus the Crow Jun 2017
The thought of me is a passing breeze to you,
But the clock strikes 4am. and where are you,
The thunder of my mind cracks and whips,
You aren't here,

You are off, long past my message goodnight,
Probably still awake enacting every betrayal,
Or likely just asleep without concern of me,
Which is worse?

Yet I will hold my broken spirit till morn,
Whenever you grace my humble figure,
I'll hold the betrayal to those same eyes,
That will always start with I Love You.
Why oh why, and what do i do
May 2017 · 552
The Hopeful Epitaph
Corvus the Crow May 2017
Like a scholar in love with life,
And a warrior in stormy rage,
That's how he lived,
And that that's how he lived,
May 2017 · 1.0k
Corvus the Crow May 2017
Shower your love above my cold heart,
Hold me forever til death do us part,
Forever embraced will I now sleep,
And dream of the love that never will weep,
May 2017 · 462
The Hollow Heart Smolders
Corvus the Crow May 2017
A broken heart fails,
Stunned in the absence of it's own strength,
The emotions fall to nothing and short of bliss,
The hole in your being grows,

The cancer of your emotions,
Atrophy the love for all it's good for,
The sin of your own foolish mind,
Burns your blood through rusted veins,

Ill of mind you stumble,
Dizzy off the drug of the soul,
Fiddle your fingers against the keys,
The sorrow rips the music into a storm,

Notes fly from the abyss inside,
Monsters tear and burst through your skin,
The apocalypse of your life is reborn,
Masked in the ever present visage of her,

She kisses your neck and mauls out your voice,
She caresses your chest and claws out your breath,
Torn asunder by the memory of her love,
You will fade into the ashes you've become.
May 2017 · 1.4k
Dance Within The Dark
Corvus the Crow May 2017
You enter this half dream full stride,
The fog twirls the trims of your flowing white dress,
You took my hand and I took yours,
I lifted you on high to see the heavens,
My eyes have fallen so dark of late,
Yet the gentle sensation of your lips,
I can see the years of my life,
Stretched in music notes across your skin,
The orchestra of our movements consumes my heart,
Life like liquid love a motion swift and cool,
Flames soar by the beauty of your soul,
May 2017 · 1.1k
That Dark Abyss
Corvus the Crow May 2017
The landscape of my mind is one of twilight,
Every moment caught in the stillness of my attention,
Fragments of light break the willow trees every now and then,
And I am all alone,
I hope you get my messages,
I toss them over the edge whenever I find enough time,
I love the idea of running,
If only running wasn't so far,
Everything is so far here,
Most of the time I simply gaze,
Down and down into that darkness,
Shadows twirl and dance before my eyes,
I find the notes from you there,
They drift in on a breeze and fill my mind,
Hello to you as well,

— The End —