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Apr 2015 · 405
1 Smile Per Person
Adam Mott Apr 2015
Cold little darling
Black and swirling in your sweet levity
Will you not lay down with me

Or will you take up arms with the 170
Swinging your violin violently about these halls
Harrowing the innocent
Disregarding phone calls

Round' the seasons you have been
Cold little darling
Summers come and gone
Work in places long overdone

You do not want to go back now
Black and fragile in your brevity
Fighting to stay above the tides

Lay down with me or take up arms
Regardless we shall all find
Something in ourselves to be harmed
Tags are silly nonsense
Like everything I make
Except Cookies
Those are dead serious
Apr 2015 · 505
These Days
Adam Mott Apr 2015
I see the appeal of small towns
With the world so small
You will hardly ever have to say goodbye at all

With my world now so large
Each departure takes a piece from me
A sliver cast into the great big sea

We will never all be in the same place at once
My memories are where you must live for seasons
I hope you forgive me for these many reasons

I miss you all and it can keep one sad
I miss my parents, I miss my dad
The kids, the friends, the co-workers too
Teachers and acquaintances, even you

These days have not turned out like I planned
Exist in my heart and head
Hand in hand
I'll see you all again
Mar 2015 · 443
Simon's Quest
Adam Mott Mar 2015
The subtle jazz comes on the withered old jukebox
Allowing for subtle hints regarding content and flow
The lights dimmed down real low
They start to come out onto the stage
Accompanying me, their hate like a plague
Brandishing my hands I commence the play

Up and down, side to side
The Moon glaring in from outside
Cold wisps of wind, whispering to me
Finish them, finish them, end their tyranny
And with sudden bravado I all all to see
The lonely heart inside of me

Moments turn to seconds,
Seconds to millineia
The music comes out melancholy and full of hysteria
Around we go
A carousel of fortuitous hope
Written to let the darkness go

Out they fall
To the ground, ashes and all
Nothing but ashes at all
Tags unrelated
Theme: Go play some Castlevania
Mar 2015 · 655
Adam Mott Mar 2015
Been so long since I cared about anything
The ocean, the sea
All so far from me
Every chance I got to be a human being
I turned down to watch myself bleed
This wrong from right
Is it possible I'm having fun
This harrowed smell
Forcing me down
Could I leave without a fight
Or would I welcome myself to this maze of life

Cutting down deeper and deeper
The minotaur sings
Asking me questions  regarding all things
Forgetting the string
We go round and round
Who could tell us why

Let us enjoy this ride
While we are still alive
Content and tags are fwhohdfs;lcdiz
Mar 2015 · 301
Adam Mott Mar 2015
Swift talking like you'd never get hurt
Really living with a curse, ***
Could you really take another hurt
White winter long and far from family
February moves on

Go too fast and break the mold
I could not see well enough to get a long
My friend, ambivalence waved to me
Tags unrelated
Mar 2015 · 406
Adam Mott Mar 2015
Another day goes by
Connected, sharing the same motion
Into reversals we danced
Nonsensical music playing at every turn
Rattles and swerves writihing around me

Waking the day before
Special friends tumbling through the door
Have to keep them moving
Not a day goes by without this global motion

Like a thousand drops of sky
This energy comes
Dancing through doors
Sharing a magic trance

Take my hand
Come along on this mad dance
Tags unrelated to content
Mar 2015 · 608
Glassy Sky
Adam Mott Mar 2015
Up till now time has been much the same
The days dying light coming to an end
Stories carrying on, lonely and lost
Peoples with dreams

For this action, their is no looking back
Under Glassy Sky
The broken segments of society
A foreign phoenix breaking free
Glassy Sky, breaking me

The history of the fall
That truth changed the color of the walls
Didn't know if the drop would hurt
Sometimes one had to wonder what was beyond
Trying many times to make a new truth

Time has already stopped
No more shadows
Can't give up if this life goes on
A people strong and cutting

Glassy Sky, breaking free
A phoenix in a foreign land whispering
For 236 Arab Spring
Mar 2015 · 325
The Lucky Few
Adam Mott Mar 2015
Do you know
What the flattering words did to me
Enunciated my flaws
Kneaded my subconscious
Abetted my fears

Do you understand
Any of what was said to me
Tundras of hurt
All coalesce under this foreign sky
I can hardly recall my own name or face
Though the same can be said for us all
The lucky few
Mar 2015 · 355
Japanese to Me
Adam Mott Mar 2015
So cold the rain says to me
A thousand little beads
Beating down upon me
Did you hear?
The sounds of the sky coming down
Even you must have

The flowers know your secrets
Wind whispers to it's friends
Telling stories of deceit and thousand year tales
Here they come, there they go
The golden times
The golden times
Here they come, the pressure game
Look up, Athena
Sing unto many your story
Adam Mott Mar 2015
The cold burden
Large, full of light
Scaly and crawling towards me
It's eyes, fierce and dark

Tail full of spikes
Hair akin to dreams
Claws that rip and rend
Mar 2015 · 330
Shallow Sea
Adam Mott Mar 2015
I sometimes have wondered
That story, did it carry on?
These dreams of mine
Spectating in on the many lives
Pondering what they feel inside
With all that is above
Shallow Sea

Shallow Sea
Full of dreams,
Their people, the greater periphery
And all that water
Coming down on me

Shallow Sea
Feb 2015 · 387
Oh, Live
Adam Mott Feb 2015
That's a light down there
This loneliness seemed infinite
Chained and writhing I was bent
Fingers gnashing against memories while my eyes fluttered a thousand miles away

From once was me
From whence I came
Unshaken, shaken
Shattered, thousand pieces
From the water I am pulled under

Not wanting to be found, haunted
Fell for a wicked trick
Locked in my own memories
Where I lived long

The key to me?
Stored above in another building
Clueless of the struggle in me
I see that you have seen me
Unshackled I become someone angry
I raise my voice and tell the past to sink
To drown and suffer in it's own crooked nature

Oh, Live is what that said
How funny it is now that I see
I had misheard the lyric
Had grown stronger, better
Taller, deeper

I say with one more look behind me
"Go **** yourself into the sea"
Laughing I see
The lyric,
Oh, live
Jan 2015 · 248
Kell of Winter
Adam Mott Jan 2015
Coming down to the lake there was a noise
We are whispers upon the vines that creep and crouch upon these soiled leaves
Our edges sharp and rough
Vibrant and green,
Coiled and tough
We are stars made of lightning in the dark
Such that is lining our inner most thoughts

Under this skin.
Unfurling lies, closing time upon these heavy eyes
We are those stars of light upon such dark
Drunk with wisdom
Cold with awe
Stars and lighting, nothing but awe
Nothing but bright set awe in these hallowed eyes
Nov 2014 · 477
1-10 Complete and in Motion
Adam Mott Nov 2014
Finished product of my poetic series today
I am dead
I think I developed an eye stigma
Brian Altano did the music
You can buy his album or download it for free
Over at
Thanks again to Brain Altano
Nov 2014 · 661
10. Free Verse
Adam Mott Nov 2014
They came from a place without
Standard of living, high levels of safety
I came from a place without
Knowledge of the expanding world
Weather, Public transit
One better one worse
My ignorance to their story was unrehearsed

Their greatest challenge to date
Was trying to integrate
Mine was getting a date

They always had wanted to explore the New world
I always wanted to see the beyond my small Atlantic town
I was born into great opportunity
Doctor, Engineer, Artist, etc
They had to move land and sea to obtain
Such an opportunity

They miss their family and I miss mine
A travel for me is an hour multiplied by thirteen
For them it requires crossing a sea

Being Canadian is a privilege that requires some pull
Being born one requires little at all
Some things here seem uncannily familiar to London and Capetown
Enough to confuse the heart with familiar summer sounds
Yet not all is as it seems

The world is ever expanding
The globe and it's people so demanding
Like the X-Files we see,
The small oddities becoming regularities

With ever growing eyes
Understand your identity
Shirk preconceived notions and come to see
This world truly is our endless family
Ten of Ten
Long and dense
Not meant to give offense
Nov 2014 · 601
7. Pantoum
Adam Mott Nov 2014
Economic dangers of home pushed us away
Ripples in time keep us at bay
We live in the new world now
Fighting the bitter cold lovingly

Ripples in time keep us at bay
We miss our homes but here we shall stay
Fighting the bitter cold lovingly
Nostalgia dotes upon our commodities

We miss our homes but here we shall stay
We live in the new world now
Nostalgia dotes upon our commodities
Economic dangers of home pushed us away
Part 7 of ten in the poetic anthology of politics
Nov 2014 · 823
6. Diamante
Adam Mott Nov 2014
We came
Seeking Exploration
North America Bound
Together, our family sought the new world
Moving, Settling, Adjusting
Hopeful, nostalgic
Part 6 of the political visual anthology
Nov 2014 · 384
5. Free Form
Adam Mott Nov 2014
Slowly now,
Rise from your traveling mechanism
With the old world gone
Do you realize you miss where you once began
This new habitat
It will age just like the rest
But your old eyes will seek out the best
Without forgetting you are still young
Young and tethered to reality

From Nigeria you rose,
Met her under the warmth of a Freetown afternoon
With opportunity in your hearts
Fire in your eyes
You both bid your homes goodbye

Family was something to miss
Here in this new house you realize you have been blessed
With children and love you resettle your lives
Never forgetting the love of home
For it shall never die
Part five of the political visual poetry work
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
4. Echo Verse
Adam Mott Nov 2014
What is it that drives us forward
As we settle in our new home
Sea foam
Do you enjoy the vast white snow?
England is your residence now
Take a bow
Culture shock still rocks you now
You miss the warmth that now flows down the drain
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
3. Cinquain
Adam Mott Nov 2014
South Africa
Working abroad sustains
Canadian ideals quell these tears
Part three of the political films project
Nov 2014 · 15.5k
2. Ballade
Adam Mott Nov 2014
Precarious Life
Migration in the Age of Globalization
Various Strife
Cessation in the wage of translation
Starvation in our under age narration
Is opportunity worth the cost
Bifurcation of our to be nations  
Will we make it across

Vicariously rife
Location of our permanent vacation
Hilarious fife
Hesitation in the living wage stagnation
Resignation of our own home nation
Will anything become lost
Frustration in this age of relocation
Will we make it across

Gregarious life
Migration in the age of inflation
Precarious Life
Stagflation been gauged with low expectations
Automation when we enrage damnation
It shall be worth the cost
Fixation on a whole new acclimation
Will we make it across
Part 2 of the project series
Nov 2014 · 3.8k
1. Acrostic
Adam Mott Nov 2014
Change, the word which makes us new
Rarely fond of me or you
Of all the variance
Soon to come into view
Some will greatly challenge you
Infinite possibility lies in wait
Never straying
Greatness awaits

Beyond oceans and walls
Obstructing our view
Resides a world
Daring and new
Endless unknowns beckon  
Requesting more than has ever before
Something large and yet untoward

(Precarious(Life(and(Migration in(the(Age(of(Globalization
Crossing Borders

First segment in a political visual film of poetry and sound for my Political Films course
Adam Mott Oct 2014
Slowly lose any method of urgency
Ride an elephant into old oak tress
Dip my heart in graceless modernity
Stay behind me
Never bleed
Go home Go home Go home
Never Go Never Go Never Go

Ride your boat down the stream
Make sure you remember to scream
Nice and loud
Yell real sharp
Play that voice like a musical harp
Go Home Never Go Home

Seat empty, last bus out
Drums beat louder
Began to shout
Clouds so fierce brakes so proud
With that said,
Last one out
The ride in question being whatever ******* plagues you most today. It ***** but with time it goes away.
Tags to be disregarded.
Adam Mott Oct 2014
I am the creature with one hundred eyes
Colorful yet blind
Hungry and trite
Pulling quotes from outside
I am rising to the tides
Listening to music from those who long ago died

I am
Tongue tied
Pulling verses from deep inside
Covering my inhibitions
Those which urged my insight
I am ready to go out with the tide
That final lustrous tide
With which,
I bid thee goodbye
Stressin or blessin
Tags have nothing to do with content
Adam Mott Oct 2014
I can feel the fire deep inside
Burning words clean off the page
Screaming with fury yet unsaid
Ringing out slowly
Like a hellish belfry
Sing out to heaven
Hope to breath
All the while, Autumn leaves
All I can feel is bitterness at it's reprieve
So comes the winter,
A cold dark thing
For which may well **** me
The tags are void of meaning
Oct 2014 · 586
Auto Bio
Adam Mott Oct 2014
Rattled through my pages
Soiled all my words
Colorless and quiet
Nothing ever heard

December's winds, cold and wild
The warmth in which I do toil
Turning and turning
My very pages, tattered and burning

Lullabies for which to sleep
Promises you promised to keep
Something to wish for when far away
To know and want,
To be everything
I feel it, burning and yelling from deep inside

The tags, they know nothing
Sep 2014 · 570
Fields and Poppies
Adam Mott Sep 2014
Trench foot which paralyzes me below
Those many rooms
Full of people
Yet so very empty
Morphine and  woman dressed in bloodstained white

I hear there words
"You want to  live"
And all I hear is
"You don't want to  die alone"

I question each cup of wine I am not sown
Where is the device buried deep inside
Shrapnel which keeps my body numb
Emptiness which keeps my mind alone

Perhaps today and tomorrow have already become one
World War Disease
Tags to be disregarded
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
I Hope You're Not Lonely
Adam Mott Sep 2014
Colloquial evanescence unbuckled
Made hard to find
Coffee hot and *** high
Pulling bagels out from where they hide
Mouth full of food and lies
Chew and swallow
I am fine

Weather requires a jacket day
No guests for who I can comment
Pull the door closed from the outside
Without your sun,
I appear blind

Repeat on and on
Till 5pm
Repeat all again
I am fine
Tags to be disregarded in regards to content.
Until you think you have it all, you won't be free.
Sep 2014 · 821
Fire Away
Adam Mott Sep 2014
Lucky to be in Love
Could you see it that way?

Most wish for such a luxury
Perusing through heartache and misery
Yet, here we are
Happy and free
In our love which we bequeath
Could you see it that way?

With an arrow to your eye
Should water come down from such glass
As ash ridden sand castles come to pass
Will we ever be thankful for what we have?
Shooting the fantasy, fire away
Fire away, Fire away

Smoothies and cake
Health for which I was not aware before
Saying the unsaid, I happen to like this more
Instead, fire away
You'll feel better after all these waves
Fire away
Fire away, baby

Tags are not related to content
Adam Mott Sep 2014
I cried today
Reading a book about a dog
named Enzo
He became a friend
I grew to love
Within two days I
had experienced his entire life
Little Enzo,
I am better for having read
Read of you
The Art of Racing in the Rain is a read that will cause you to develop emotional reactions you never knew you had. Also the tags mean nothing, again.
Sep 2014 · 656
Tabula Titled
Adam Mott Sep 2014
Funny how the longest times
All seem to fall black
It has got to be a fountain
Or perhaps a small paper cup
We built those walls
Years piled on
Watching as everything begins to stack
Crowding out the inner most thoughts
Waiting for the line to go slack
Eau is still just water.

Tags mean nothing.
Aug 2014 · 409
Adam Mott Aug 2014
Which I see and struggle
Measuring worth in physicality
Finding only myself to blame
To see me as the enemy
As well as the remedy
Too much to swallow in these stores of grocery.
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Water Cart
Adam Mott Aug 2014
Would you have a cart?
So thin and sweet
Wheels which turn whilst hearts do beat
Will the rain fill it to the brim?
When emptied shall it not move like water?
Whom could claim such a form, but you
You the one whom moves like water
Weightless and pure
Ever transmuting
Water girl, water world
Aug 2014 · 609
Su du was it's me
Adam Mott Aug 2014
Venturing towards the solidifying plains of perspective
Fields and valleys rapidly breaking apart
Rising into the sky with the breeze-
Our voices. Loud and warm
I see the clouds and how beautiful they look with you
To see the world from above to below
As above
So below
To the words that I rip from every street corner
To the music in foreign tongues
I bow my head in respect
Let fly all the different words that won't solve our hearts

That when the sky rises with the breeze, you'll look to me
Wondering where my arms do lie
And for you, the same
I want to always breath with you
In these plains of perspective, I do
For the ever radiant and pulchritudinous Olivia. My partner in crime, laughter, love, and nonsense gibberish garbage jokes only we find funny.
Aug 2014 · 864
Beauty is not a Label
Adam Mott Aug 2014
Eyes wide open, probing all your insecurities
Each pore you try not to see
Every person you try to be
Despise devotion toting "purity"
Realize an ocean of communal surety
Know you are already -
An embodiment of beauty
A guise of pulchritudinous perpetuity
We come in different forms and weights
Beauty is what we make
All pouring out from Heaven's gates
Please know what is at stake
Reject Hollywood's invitation to hate
You are something we cannot recreate
For Unedited Beauty and the beauty that runs it.

All my Love
Jul 2014 · 233
Adam Mott Jul 2014
Jul 2014 · 375
Of the Pack
Adam Mott Jul 2014
No, I do not enjoy the silence
The stretch and reek
Colourful reasons for which not to speak
And though I respect your silence
I try to speak
Because I love you
Though this ocassionaly makes my heart feel akin to being a freak
And now these words come fast and hard
With you I play the lesser part
The work is me and the work is you
Yet you feel as if the littles do
Dance and appreciate
Know and love
For if the day should come
You'll know what you had
No theme. Only a string of words.
Jul 2014 · 740
Advent 15: I Get Her
Adam Mott Jul 2014
My car on another road
Sometimes the radio is turned up
Thick and loud
Sometimes thin and low
It's been hours in the night
Hours through the day
'Only talking to the spirits I had come to ignore
I've been coming here to get her
Been praying to stay
So I might as well permanently flee  
From the sea
I can love her infinitely
Growing old and frail eventually
I heard if I close my eyes I'll never bleed
Cause I came to get her
And you can do your worst to me
Cause I came to get her
And she's worth the journey
This place, remember;
While you do your worst to me
In my car I'll be coming to get her
And that's the second best place to be
Love you Liv, our adventures have only just begun.
Adam Mott Jul 2014
In starlit streets of jewels
To be young with a brain so matured
Surely a situation of which I have rarely heard
Such a thing bends all rules
While everyone try's to play cool
You could sing songs yet unheard
Or become an endless twist and turn
Though life is full of fools
You have much time to warp and grow
Like an ever changing flower or tree
Just as you have yet to meet the girl you'll come to know
All the stars could know your name
You are free to be anything
So outward you should fly, off you shall go
For a young woman whom is mature beyond her years. Thank-you for being as kind as you have towards all whom you touch.
And as always, an Advent crafted because of Liv
Adam Mott Jul 2014
For country and brother, child and mother
Towards a land of turmoil, your soldier does go
To watch and protect, to allow our homes to grow
Boots with steps like thunder, over and under
In their eyes there is wonder, the world blown asunder

A canvas of time spread out upon the years
Helmets all tied neatly in a row
God is with them calming their fears
The wonder becomes a light towards the end of the tunnel
Until back home they go
Quell your sovereigns with happy tears
For a man, a woman, and a soldier.
Adam Mott Jul 2014
Traversing through sacred memories
Doting nostalgia with tinted glasses
Half asleep while going to classes
Reimbursed debut shaken by Aries
Nursed you unshaken by parries
Quoting romance with the masses
Toting kinetic theory of gases
Lost in the forest while searching for berries

You'll look and ask if I have seen the dark
A knowing look and a loving gaze
I'll respond that I had, but now it's lit by your heart
When I first led my search I had no idea what I would find, no idea if I could love or be truly kind
Led me battered out of the haze
My fond memories of our moonlit park
Free form advent for the most pulchritudinous woman I know.
Jul 2014 · 803
Advent 8: The Slide Up
Adam Mott Jul 2014
The sun is out, the bay is blue
The weather beautiful with not a cloud in view
And here I am
Only able to think of you

Guitars and drums beat on in harmony
Voices rising and falling
Consistent and sharp, calling to me
The bar is empty, the highway full
The sun is out, I'm coming to

You've got a golden hand grasping me, a silver man
Up above and down below
No length I won't go
Stride on young me, stride hard and true
Drive beyond midnight to get to you
Rhyme and sing, pretend to know how
All familiar views in the rear-view mirror hold some sentimentality
Though I gladly trade all for this coming reality

Soon, when the beaches are a sparsely populated
The kids thinking of school
I'll make my way back to you for good
All worldly knowledge foretold,
With you I am excited to grow old
Free form experiment for the lovely lady.
Jul 2014 · 1.0k
Advent 13: Lanterne
Jul 2014 · 570
Adam Mott Jul 2014
Double take while your crude eyes bleat
Forested lakes that end in wakes and shallows
Moribund shakes with breaths drawn out and hollow
A fist to shake behind a smile you fake
Closed and volatile it awaits the dropping of guard

Quick and fast
Striking hard
Akin to the sounds of crashing cars

With narrow glee slink away
Reptile, Shark, Ancient Evil, all come out to play
Save the best for you while toiling away
Harrow and simmer each day
At the bottom of this self dug well I can only look upwards
Upwards, as you slowly allow the lake to smother and consume
Stereotypical Arts student writing novels and what not. I wrote this particular piece as a loosely structured poetic challenge to myself. Instead of planning my characters out in the traditional sense, I have taken to writing poems that characterize each character. This particular piece, describes one of the individuals whom will be an overwhelming force in the novel.
Thank-you for viewing an experiment in progress!
Once again, the tags have little to do with the piece itself.
Adam Mott Jun 2014
Take my body, hold my sleeping soul
Brush my hair and love me slow
Crush despair down below
Lakes too choppy to let go
Hold my hand and drive real slow
Blush and swear when I don't know
You answered my prayers, this I do know

All of God's imagination created you
The pride of your family, mine too
Defining my loving fascination is you
The prayers of many, long toothed
Yet all of mine were answered by you
Gleefully never-ending, I love you
Spending the lions share of my summer in a place other than where the best parts of life reside has not been easy. Yet, at every weak moment I have had you have been there for me, Liv. You have brought me into a new age of realization and accomplishment. I always dreamt of being able to create the way I wanted for the masses and now? Now, I can not only do just that, I can also create for you. To me, there's no higher honour in my heart.

All my love,


Seriously, you're one in infinity
Jun 2014 · 380
Adam Mott Jun 2014
My Lovely, cool and sure
My Lovely, born mature
My Lovely, without brochures
My Lovely, still ensures
Our lovely love will endure
Lovely Liv loves to live
Jun 2014 · 416
A Billion Journeys
Adam Mott Jun 2014
When I look to you, I see the vast and pulchritudinous hand of God. How intricate his design must be, for each tiny detail on your body is perfect.

Though words are not built to describe features like yours, you do not care. You know the emotions I hold and how strongly I feel. Your beauty, though endless, is not the reason I love you. It is the expansive truth and kindness with your heart. The flutters of angelic emotion that emanate from you every moment I am in your company.

For all I have done, the mistakes I have made, the places I have been, the things I have learned; they have all been necessary, even the hardest steps because they lead me to you. With our journey just beginning, take my hand, baby girl. I owe you a billion more adventures.
Forever yours,

Jun 2014 · 343
A LifeTime
Adam Mott Jun 2014
Shapes, they keep wavering away
Water swirling, the ground eroding
Ink fading, hearing leaving today

My sweet innocent beauty stays the same
Solid, sweet, withstanding the waves of time
Our love, once a Tabula Rasa
Now a patchwork blanket of warm memory

When one day I no longer breath,
A blanket to keep you warm
To heat the family during every storm
For the love of my life
May 2014 · 480
Little Bug
Adam Mott May 2014
After a long dive deep
A wind scarred girl with bright blonde hair
I, once far too "cool" to love or care
Not wanting to be a thief
I chose to let others succeed
Today, all I can do is love and care
I want to hold her and play with her hair
I swear to fight to keep
You and I together and happy
To sacrifice in good health and poor
Though this may sound sappy
I'll promise it thrice to a million times more
For you have always made me happy
Without you, I'd be nothing, nothing more
I love you, Little Bug
May 2014 · 441
Dictator's Last Audience
Adam Mott May 2014
Come down from your coloured hills
Running my abandoned towns
Hallowed hearts and duck bills
Cunning, I commanded frowns

Eviscerate expectations
Remember heat and fury
Confiscate delegations
November briefly flurries

Burn and preserve
My little lion herd
Protect and serve

After all is said and done
Can anyone claim to have won
These tags have nothing to do with the poem
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