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Feb 2015 · 556
Amber Feb 2015
Experiencing new things;
are a bit more painful than I anticipated.
Headaches, breaking habits and love.
Is there anybody who can explain-
Why does this hurt so much?
Is this even considered poetry?
Feb 2015 · 449
Amber Feb 2015
you think nothing can go wrong when you fall in love,
but in reality, everything does.
Nov 2014 · 487
Amber Nov 2014
I can hear much better now, and my head's out of the water.
So maybe it's time for me to toe the line between reality and my imagination,
And stay on the correct side of the line this time.
Nov 2014 · 730
Amber Nov 2014
He's fallen in love with his personal hell.
She's knees and elbows down, **** up in the air for the devil.
They are next to each other, two worlds apart,
Sin and Lust their only companions.
The Devil's Advocate.
Nov 2014 · 2.7k
Alter Ego
Amber Nov 2014
It's real, this is very real.
This is not your haunted mansion at the amusement park.
This is not the shadows you see under your bed.
This is very real, the voice in my head.
And it's telling me about the bloodstains
Left on silken sheets,
not the blood of a ******, but the blood of a corpse.
I've named her Amber.
Nov 2014 · 3.3k
Pandora's Box
Amber Nov 2014
I think we all know of a person who has left us;
a friend's friend, a best friend, a relative three countries away, a neighbour two houses down.
These are the people who opened Pandora's Box
and watched Hope take flight
in their black and white world,
bleached colors running away
into the last sunset they'll ever see
in our Hopeless world.
Oct 2014 · 812
Amber Oct 2014
I'll curl up and write
As an escape from this mess
And you;
Under the setting sun
And the glowing moon.

I'll tell lies
But only to myself
Because you, you should be spared
From the moment when my sanity snaps.

I'll think of you
Grasping at the straws of love
And you fell- oh how beautifully you fell!
Into another's arms, held away from mine.

I'll leave you
In his arms, in his shelter,
Because I've always been good at clean breaks,
I'll even clean up the ashes.
Oct 2014 · 417
Amber Oct 2014
I would apologize for not being what you wanted, except I don't tell lies and you have never treasured me anyway.
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
Amber Oct 2014
I ******* ribbons today,
Blue in my sister's dark hair,
Thinking of the days I did my own.

I ******* laces today,
Neon orange tripping me,
Footsteps lightening on dark concrete.

I ******* loose ends today,
Those fluttering in the autumn breeze,
With no destiny to speak of.
It was a productive day.
Oct 2014 · 7.3k
Amber Oct 2014
I watch as tears fall;
From the sky, her eyes, his eyes, your eyes.
I smile;
My eyes are dry.
*they would remind you of a desert.
I've lost the ability to feel anything other than hunger, thirst and exhaustion.
Oct 2014 · 2.8k
Best Friends
Amber Oct 2014
I have this thing about falling in love with Best Friends;
But poetic it is, coupled with irony,
That while I hate it,
*I end up doing it, all the time.
It ***** to fall in love with your best friend.
Oct 2014 · 821
Amber Oct 2014
Exhaustion weighs down, weighted bags and pinpricks of emotion,
Until I can't tell whether the pricking behind my eyelids
Are tears, or just a reminder of the necessity of sleep.
This is what happens at 1am.
Oct 2014 · 4.0k
Fly Away
Amber Oct 2014
I think you've flown to far,
Somewhere I can't reach,
But dragons are born to fly,
Wind under its wings.

So, maybe, can I request, selfishly?
That you will think of me,
Stuck, Planted, Ground
Beneath my feet
[Poems for you] A collection of poems written for some of the people I hold dear to me.
Oct 2014 · 20.3k
Amber Oct 2014
It's hard to catch sunshine
In a jar filled with words
Sifted and strung into coherence
Since it enjoys slipping through my fingertips
So I'll just sit and watch
As you dance across the sky
Falling, laughing sunshine.
[Poems for you] A collection of poems written for some of the people I hold dear to me
Oct 2014 · 621
Amber Oct 2014
It's a touch of childhood stubbornness
Monosyllables falling from lips
It's pastel-painted colors on blank canvas
With a tinge of vibrant red
It's a soft chocolate lava cake
Melting, heated, bittersweet and all too gorgeous
[Poems for you] A collection of poems written for some of the people I hold dear to me.
Oct 2014 · 2.0k
Amber Oct 2014
Summer, stifling and sweet and sticky
With the cool of Autumn clinging to its hips
And Spring's freshness wrapping around its head
Winter a million miles away but still pressing in its mind
[Poems for you] A collection of poems written for some of the people I hold dear to me
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
Amber Oct 2014
Chasing a shadow
Creeping among flooded words
Teleporting, gone.
[Poems for you] A collection of poems written for some of the people I hold dear to me.
Oct 2014 · 386
Amber Oct 2014
How can you be honest with everybody
When you can't even be honest with yourself?

How can you be confident
When you can't even believe in yourself?

How can you not cause others pain
When you can't even stop harming yourself?
I have some issues.
Oct 2014 · 265
Amber Oct 2014
He inhales;
Love like poison.
She inhales;
Love like frost.
Repost from tumblr.
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
Amber Oct 2014
The jabberwock is a monstrosity
Wings poised to fly
where its beauty might be appreciated better;
and I think all it needs to know is that there are people who love it, people it loved,
once upon a time
before time leaked
and reduced it to monstrosity.
[Poems for you] A collection of poems written for some of the people I hold dear to me.
Oct 2014 · 3.0k
Amber Oct 2014
Hope rekindles;
Flares under your skin
Heats in your ribcage
Flickers in your heart

Then it is blown out, leaving nothing behind but
Pain and darkness
Curdling in the pit of your stomach
Sinking at the back of your mind
Settling into your emotions,
Like it never left.

— The End —