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Mar 2022 · 151
Let Me Go Back
Elizabeth Mar 2022
While I sat beside my bedroom window
rested my shaking hands on the walking stick which has become the only companion I have left

I looked out to have a clearer view of what the world has become,
the remains of my childhood days and a mixture of civilization

I closed my eyes shut and took a long deep breath
memories from the past rushing in, each trying to outrace the other in my head
Then the voices in my head resurface, growing louder with each passing minutes

Memories and voices I have repressed for so long,
pushing them deep down each time they try to surface
but today I let them have their way,
I opened the lid I placed on them
I guess it's time to pay a visit to the past
No more hide and seek game for today.

Let the memories guide me as I do
Let the voices accompany me, haunt me and make a mockery of me
Let them walk me through yesteryear, take me through each phase of life
From birth, childhood, teenage, youth and adulthood
Let them remind me

Of the pains I endured
Of the costly mistakes, I made
Of the consequences and prices, I paid
Of the helping hands, I turned down
Of the loving heart, I misjudged and hurt
Of the betrayals I experienced
Of the opportunities, I missed and grabbed
Of the lives, I injured and inspired
Of the reckless life, I lived

And bring me back to where I am now
As I wait for death and count the days left
when I'll be reunited with those who have gone ahead of me.
As we grow older, we think more about the kinda life we lived in the past. Some memories of the past bring regrets, others bring joy.
Mar 2022 · 617
Elizabeth Mar 2022
How do I explain this feeling of emptiness
Which is as thick as a blanket around me
How do I explain this strong urge to cry
To weep and wail like the world has ended
And curl up like a ball behind my sofa
And silently wish for death to come claim me
There are times when I feel empty and can't find the reason yet I can't explain how I feel. Today is one of such days
Nov 2020 · 350
Pain Of A Mother
Elizabeth Nov 2020
I taught him that life was a battlefield,

I gave him all he will ever need to fight those wars and win them all

But I failed to tell and teach him how to stay alive.

I told him that his society will protect him

I advised him to trust in his leaders for help

that his country will fight and stand by him

But I failed to tell him that his society will bring his fall.

I lost my son in the battlefield

I could have given my life in exchange

but I got carried away fighing my wars

And now his lifeless body lies in my arms

A generation of greatness lost!

A nation of selfless leader wiped out!

A great warrior is lost to war!

All in the name of raging wars

I regret not teaching him to stay alive.
It's a poem about the picture of a mother who held her son's lifeless body in both arms. They were both victims of wars raging in their country but the child couldn't escaped death.
Nov 2020 · 148
I Thought I Had Him
Elizabeth Nov 2020
You said I shouldn't be scared of falling in love with you
You promised to catch me while falling before I hit the ground

So I took you for your enticing words
Swallowed your bait, hook, line, and sinker

I never knew you were a ******* player,
Who had chosen my heart as the next playing ground

I didn't realize that my love meant nothing to you
Until it was too late to withdraw

You should be happy now right?
That I fell for your tricks and made a fool of myself.

But all the same, I don't regret the day our path crossed
Because even for the tinniest moment

I thought you were mine and I was yours.
And that feeling is enough
Aug 2020 · 119
Life and death
Elizabeth Aug 2020
While lying on her bed and wringing in pain
she held my hands with her soft, frail hand and said to me

"what really is life"?
I looked tearfully into her eyes and answered
"It's a place where our stories begin."

She signed deeply and released my hands
pain and agony were written all over her
she exhaled deeply and said to me

"what exactly is death"?
I wiped the tears that rolled down my face and said
"it's a place where our stories end"

She closed her eyes and said
this is where my own story ends
and with that, she remained still.
I looked at her and shook my head
Another unfinished story, another untold tale.
I lost my aunt today. She fought dearly for her life but still lost it to death. It was very painful watching her gasping for breath.
Aug 2020 · 122
Let us.
Elizabeth Aug 2020
Let's meet again in that land where only love exists.
I wish things were different but we are worlds apart.
Aug 2020 · 149
Elizabeth Aug 2020
On  a   White  Plain  Spreadsheets

Lies  the  Dark  Hidden   Secrets

                Of    My     Life.
There are lots of secrets written down in my diary. It is the best place where my secrets are safe.
Jul 2020 · 182
In between
Elizabeth Jul 2020
Between life and death, there is only a tiny thread.

Between sorrow and happiness, there is only a door.

In between love and hatred, there is only a gap.
Who knows what the next sunrise will bring? In a twinkling of an eye, everything can change for good or worse.
Jul 2020 · 96
Elizabeth Jul 2020
Will there ever be a sound of laughter in my mouth again?

Will I ever have a reason to smile?

Will this pain vanished one day?

And will my story change from bitterness to sweetness?
There are times when i feel like ending everything.
Jul 2020 · 263
That feeling
Elizabeth Jul 2020
Can you relate with that feeling

When you are dying underneath that burden

When you call for help but none is forthcoming

When the friends you trusted turned their back at you

When your heart is in so much pain and ache

When you find it hard to even cry or wail

Because everyone has deserted you, including your tears.
Life is unfair sometimes
Jul 2020 · 168
Elizabeth Jul 2020
She named me "Joy" so I can bring happiness to her

But I turned out to be the black sheep of the family.

I never wanted to be the reason for her sorrows and cries

But I couldn't even make her smile for once.
Jul 2020 · 86
Elizabeth Jul 2020
I'm scared to love again

cos I have been broken before.
Jul 2020 · 559
In Need
Elizabeth Jul 2020
I am in need of a therapist
The voices in my head are driving me insane.

I am in need of a brave warrior and hunter
The beast in me is fighting hard for freedom.

I am in need of a doctor
My health is relapsing again.

I am in need of music to calm me
The storm in my head is raging.

I am in need of love
It is the only cure to my diseases.
Jul 2020 · 377
Elizabeth Jul 2020
She was there when "her" fiancé left her in the middle of the night a week to their wedding.

She was there when "he" came knocking on her door in the dread of the night seeking solace and a place to lay his burden.

She was there when "she" came seeking for help and a shoulder to lean on.

She was there when he needed someone to listen to his bitter tales and offer comfort.

She was there when their world came crashing down, she built a better place for them.

But when she needed them to do the same for her, they weren't there.
Jul 2020 · 136
All about you
Elizabeth Jul 2020
You gave me the wings to fly
But only to clip it off while I was flying far above.

You gave me fins to swim
Only to cut it off while I was in the midst of the ocean.

You told me to fall in love but you never caught me
And now I am covered in bruises and wounds.
Jul 2020 · 129
Elizabeth Jul 2020
Time might heal the pain you left behind
The rain might wash away the tears I shed for you
Your colourful image might even fade to black and white
Circumstances might erase the memories and moments we shared and
Life might go on as if nothing as happened
But the space you left behind will remain unfilled and
I will never forget that night, how scary and lost you look
Jul 2020 · 62
Elizabeth Jul 2020
Slowly, lazily and wearily walking through life
Hoping that the next day and the next sunrise
Will lighten my dark world and bring me closer to peace
Jul 2020 · 271
Real me
Elizabeth Jul 2020
Outside I am smiling but inside I am dying
To the world I am a girl with no flaws
But my soul is covered with scars from claws
The mask on my face is a perfect disguise
I have been telling the world nothing but lies
Jul 2020 · 156
Elizabeth Jul 2020
Don't give me all of you
Just give me half of you

Don't build me an empire
Just let me stay by your side

Don't promise me forever
Just promise me this moment.
Jul 2020 · 363
Beautiful imperfection
Elizabeth Jul 2020
I am a beautiful imperfection
I am an unfinished work of art
I am flawed and bruised beyond recognition
So many ugly scars covers my heart.
Jul 2020 · 72
Elizabeth Jul 2020
I am a broken dreamer with a broken heart
I am a broken girl from a broken home
Jul 2020 · 97
can i also?
Elizabeth Jul 2020
Can I also hold your hands and walk those miles with you?

Can I also keep you warm in cold and lonely nights?

Can I also be your source of strength and courage?

Can I also be the reason for your smile and laughter?

Can I also bring you joy and happiness?

Can I also have the key to your heart and rule your world?

Can I also be that special one?
Just like that.
Jul 2020 · 106
Elizabeth Jul 2020
I look up to the moon every night
Fold my hands and go on my knees
Pleading and praying to the ruler of the sky
To please light your path in the dark
Because I'm no longer there to bring the light to you.
Jul 2020 · 87
Elizabeth Jul 2020
When the world finally goes silent
When the birds are off to sleep
I curled up on the floor behind my sofa
And cry myself to sleep.
Jul 2020 · 133
Never mine
Elizabeth Jul 2020
My mother once told me that
Some people will never be yours
no matter how hard you try

I finally understood what she meant
When you told me to get lost
After confessing my love for you.
Jul 2020 · 92
Elizabeth Jul 2020
The biggest mistakes of my life was letting you walk out of that front door without calling you back.
If I had known that we will never meet again
I would have run after you that very moment.
Now, I stand beside your cold grave with tears on my face.
Jul 2020 · 293
I will keep waiting.....
Elizabeth Jul 2020
Days and months have passed already,
Yet you never made plans to check on me.
I know I was wrong, but I had my reasons,
You said I left when you needed me the most,
But I was young, uncivilized, scared and so naïve,
I wasn't even old enough to bear the responsibilities of love.

When I finally understand what love and affection is
When I feel qualified and ready to be yours again
You were already lost in the crowd, never to be found.
You have already moved miles from where you used to be

Every day I sit by my window side, staring blankly at the sky,
Hoping and praying that our path will cross once again,
Wishing that the wind will blow you my way.

Every night I lay awake on my bed,
Thinking about the past that we once shared.
Hoping that you are still keeping the memories alive

Whenever my phone rings with an unknown number
I pray silently before picking the call that it would be you.
But the voices that always speak was nothing like yours,
And at the end of each call, I'm always disappointed.

I miss the few moments we shared
I long for your hot kisses in the cold nights
I miss your strong protective arms around my waist
I hope for the day I'll be held in your embrace

I will keep expecting you to come back.
I will keep waiting for a call or text from you
I will keep hoping that someday our path will cross

Even if I have to wait for forever
Even if you decide not to show up again
Until when you decide to come back for me
The space in my heart will always be empty for you.
There was a guy I was in love with but I had to leave him because I was scared of being hurt, I wasn't really ready. Few days ago, I heard from a friend that he got someone else. It was very painful and I really regret ever leaving him. All I can do now is share my story, maybe if he sees it, he will know that I am still waiting to be his love.
Jul 2020 · 264
I just want to be
Elizabeth Jul 2020
I Just want to be

When it comes to you, I can't really dream big.
When the matter involves you, I can't even stand out
Whenever you are involved, I am not allowed to aim high

I'm not begging to be part of the names in your "acknowledgement"
I'm not on my knees so you can dedicate your book to me
All I am asking for is just to be;

A chapter in your book,
A page in your prose work,
A line in your verse,
A scene in your act,
A rhyme scheme to your poem,
A cast with a modest character in your drama.

I don't care whether you include my name in the prologue or epilogue,
I don't give a **** whether it is comedy or tragedy
I just want to be a page in your book.
I wrote this when I felt my love was one sided and the man I was dying for doesn't even care. It's so sad to be in one sided love, it hurts and it's very painful.
Jul 2020 · 153
Elizabeth Jul 2020

My sunken and swollen eyes tell the tale of pain and hurt
The wrinkles and lines that designed my face, are the marks left behind by unspoken hardship I have been through.

how can I explain to the world the shame and hardship I have experienced?
how can I tell you the agony I have undergone?

everyone has a story to tell but mine is characterized by agony, pain and suffering
a life filled with regrets and failure.
A life where agony dictate my path.

— The End —