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466 · Aug 2018
The cocococoo party
There was a party
The ****, the lion, the sparrow, the hen, the deer, the bear and the elephant.
All gathered at the **** house to celebrate with his birthday .The **** asked them to sing a song.
The elephant says: you are the best
You don't make the worst
You wake the people early
To do their works fairly
You don't go away
You keep your eggs Till they become hens
The deer says: I am beautiful
My eyes are bagful
I see you more helpful
You wake the farmer early
To go to the farm and work happily
You are the best you are the lovely
The Sparrow says: we all wake early
Before the sun comes morning
And say to the living
As we say the day going
And the sun comes dawning
Salute the prince of waking
The fox says: I can mock every one
And you can't mocked easily
I go to see the best one
You are him fairly
I love you calling
Till the creature feeling the peace safely
The war is not her surly
The lion says: I am the king of the jungle
I govern the jungle with fair
No one can do unfair
He will be punished surly
You must greet the majesty
The prince of waking early
I wear you the crown of ordinary
All the crowds shout and say
We must celebrate
We must make a feast
We have to salute the prince
Dearest the hero of peace
You woke up only the beast on the earth
If you go east or west
You hair him saying cocococoo
celebrate with your friends s very good.
465 · Jun 2020
time is passed
time passes
as seconds
when we meet

but it slows
as the mount carrying burdens
and in its holes filling with loads
when we are wide

when i saw you
i forget the world
except your shiney smile

when you go
my heart is off
and escaped after you

it is your prisoner
and wish it lasts for ever
the meeting times between lovers seemed to be good and passed as blinks, but when theu became wide it passes so slow
462 · Aug 2019
a word
was prisoned at my throat
wanted to be out
desired to be known

but it was stuck
another came and shared
shoulder by shoulder, foot by foot

third made a crowd
it got in enforced
the tongue was found
opened but could not

she pointed with her gold finger
slowly and get calmer

the words got so clearer
i love you
he noticed and wanted to see what the feelings are?
462 · Mar 2020
461 · Nov 2019
Something is getting
My head asks what is the matter
My heart does not know the trouble
The sun shines more brilliant
The clouds draw imagine of beautiful pattern

The butterflies fly in the two rows
Dancing a smart dance as the great dancers
The leaves salute the winds with great tending

The winds pass so light and so guide
My mind asks and the world responds
The love appears and the peace governs
The world bows even the hate increases

The killing draw an optimistic imagines
it greets these were killed
and accuses these killings
Even the most powerful supports
Even the world tries to close his eyes
The freedom opens its arms
For long hugs for these downers
For who wants to get their land free and  peace

Even they expose to dead or gets injures
Their blood will the sign for the world letting them down
They will complain to the God for this unbalance
The justice is crippled,  the justice will lead to the death
the world watches the killing of Palestinian and says no word.
452 · Oct 2018
She talks
She talks

She talks, she talks

All listen, no one has an object

I sit far away and amaze

She talks, no one has an object

Why? I ask my self

I try to be near

I try to approach

When I reach

I find what I find?

I can't ever tell

She is very brilliant

Her smart is not smart

Like every that

Woman may talk

She talks and I look

What does she say?

What does she tell?

I forget everything

Except that face

And I still see her in front

Of my eyes and in the inner heart

Still in my ears ,she talks
love is the traveller between hearts.
433 · Nov 2018
Live at your eyes
Let me live at your eyes

One says

You must be a sailor as swimmer or fly

You must have a way to be in her sight

In her eyes, in her heart or in her right

You must be faith with a word you said

"I love you" you must be by my side

You must keep the sail slide

But you must be fair that you may get a slight

That love makes you forget your eat

Makes you dream as a fly or a bird

And face strong waves to your boat
the lover tried to get approach to her/his lover and did her/his best
422 · Jun 2020
near you

to live near you  
      and amuse every moment                                                  
              watching your diamond eye                
                        let your attacking ray                            
                               injure my weak heart                        
                                       and become your                                         
  prisoner              ­                                        

                               to be caught by diamond fingers
of yours
love is the prison where lovers like to live in and wiat for long time
417 · Jun 2019
The birds are imprisoned
All birds fly towards the north
When the weather goes to be hot
And fly towards the south
When the cold spreads the wings
And destroys all nests

Except my birds
They fly towards your heart
Asking, screaming and shouting
You are the worst spy
When they meet your birds
They sing a deathless song
Making every poor land converted to be kind
And the loosing mind returning his mind
The old trunk gets strong
Branches covering with colored and smart

The bees put their honey
Making me taste it as your honey
Love, that makes me in happy
All the world gets funny
And the birds dance with harmony
The fishes swim in circles
Making the water spreads atoms
All over the world, that makes the flies tends
Once the left and the right at once

The important my birds get wide
Not distance, but from my sight
And I will whisper at your beauty ear
I hate my birds as they go to yours
That is obvious for all viewers
But I wish to be with them by yours
the love changes every look and make one forgives all worst from his love. if the love governs the world the beauty will spread
414 · Sep 2018
oy, boy run
Boy run ,run

She has come

She is beauty

She is honey

She attracts observers

She imprisoned them

She stole their hearts

She took their minds

She affected  them

They became her slaves

Who can face her?

Her eyes are wide

She  drown her viewers

They battled for safe

They battled to reach

The shore of safe

But they gave ,they gave up

Who can face her?

Her face is white

Shine at the light with bright

When it was seen

The hearts dropped at the legs

The minds got  paralyzed

She did what she wanted

Her cheeks were burning

With the red color made you shame

You didn't look very save

You couldn't look her

Her hair were free

Moved with the air

They were flew high    

Then they flew down
And your eyes followed hers
eyes,, down, moved, look, burning, paralyzed,  legs,
408 · Apr 2019
The smart bird
She was flying
The crows were flying
They were so hunger

Or they wanted to hunter
They chased her faster
Like a cat chased the fatter
Rabbit and he finally screamer

From losing hope or failure
As the man wanted to work
He was off by the manger
All west and east were narrower

He lost his aim
Until he found a plane
A sign from the heaven
Do not fill at swirl

They were chasing
One was catching
And flying with her
She was screaming

Help, help, no one was answering
She was discovering
The help was not being
Gained except by the using

Your inner force that will be the gaining
Suddenly, she was not fearing
Suddenly she was converting
As the huge monster appearing

She attacked the nearest
She was pecking
His eye was hurting
With one of her wing
She was aiming at another thing

She was aiming to his long
Tail, and going to his eye
He was downing to the land
She was doing for every one
Until she was downing fast
She was founding a land
In t, she was looking at vent
She was entering
While his owner "rabbit" was running

She was crossing
With many, many rocket, she was carrying
She was throwing at them
They thought she became a wild
They were escaped

There is no failure
Failure is gained
It is the hanger
Of our looser
the failure is bad, but the success is the best, it gained by our effort
403 · Jul 2019
dig at your heart i find a photo
it was like a ghost coming from absent
talking in whisper, saying one word
making your heart refluxing with red
and your face changing its white

i feared i said that is your love
that you can become a knight
and changing your kind into wild
you can carry the weapon to fight
you can not stop until you see your love
safe and live in happy and great fare

you said with low sound
,''stupid that man is you
and your love making me as lion
facing the dangerous with open chest
fighting the enemies and chasing them at fast

because i find a fresh air touching my heart
when i collected your photo to my chest"
the lover can be so strong and fights all the world
403 · Aug 2019
Why don't you talk her?
Amazing and brilliant
Her sight is sharp and is interacted
My deeper heart calling, "I surrounded"
Her talk is low but is understood
Her hair as the waves once up other downward

She walked as the dear coming to hunt
Not is hunted by she will hunt
All are amused and surely asked
Who is that smart, we must engaged
Get fiancé act or marriage at fast

The crowds get in struggle that will begin
But she goes and evaporates as the vanish
That is the end and the finish
the beauty one comes and says no word. all wants to know and have a look
402 · Jan 2020
Something is happening
The blossoms are opening
The spring is attending
The night is vanishing

Something is happening
The scent is flying
The flies are dancing
The melody is playing
The world is amazing

They are asking
Why is the night vanishing?
Why is the moon appearing?
In complete imagining

The world is decorating
The colors are shining
The green is covering
The fresh is touching
The roses are coloring
The word is calming

When your rosy cheeks
Are appeared for watching
Only my eyes
love is covering everywhere and the time is good when one feels with love
402 · Aug 2018
the cock hero
When the moon was coming

I saw the wolf passing

Through the grain slipping

I am in my control staying

I said to myself whispering

Why does this creature like the wolf came?

What is the wolf doing?

Answer me my beautiful kids

I wait and still thinking

Till the wolf came creeping

The ****'s eyes were opening

The wolf came guessing

That he was almost disappearing

He was till slipping

Then he stood looking

The **** was then standing

He lowered the jar watering

The wolf was completely wetting

He ran with fearing

The **** disappeared at a moment

The wolf looked and gazing

The universe was all dark and silent

He dried himself and returned

The **** shouted at all guards

"Thief" there is thief stealing

They came all running

They were surrounding and hunting

Soon his clothes were tearing

He returned with deep feeling

That he can't came and robbing

He said "I was deceiving"

The **** was waking
the guard must open his eyes and get awake through his job
401 · Apr 2019
The moon
I see the moon at your face
I look at the sun shining at your forehead
I remark intelligent at your eyes
The strawberry gets its red
Only from your lips
The apples get their colors
From the checks these leads to think
Is this beauty nature or have a makeup?

When one knows the truth
He can't close his eyelids
Because he likes to fill his sense

In addition, and important
Your spirit is so clear as one at a childhood
You make me believe you have an angel spirit

This attracts me not only see, but only must be listened
the face you have,makes me look with great hope. you know that i like to fill my spirit
399 · Sep 2018
tell the secret
Tell the secret

There is an important secret

The frog carried it over his back

He jumped, jumped and soon buried

There was a crocodile that appeared

He was hunter, he was tired

He slept over that treasure

The frog felt with displeasure

He wanted to get him away

He wanted to carry him in a way

That makes his worth safe

He went to the crocodile

He carried him with one hand

He moved him with hand down and up

And he threw him away

Do you believe me?

Do I say the truth?

No ,no that is false

No ,you don't say the truth

I saw the fox hide

Before the big wall

He wanted to attack the ****

But the mouse looked

He came in a moment

He hit the fox and bit

The fox was afraid

He run and escaped

Do you believe me?

Do I see the truth?

No, that is false

No, you don't say the truth

There was a dog

Fearing every one

He blew his feather

To look very big

The lions were afraid

The tigers were disappeared

But a small cat appeared

The dog barked at him

The cat caught with one hand

He circled him several times

He threw him for a distant

He fell in a poor land

His bones were smashed

Do you believe me?

Do I say the truth?

Where is that treasure?

Which spreads the pleasure?

And makes a man rich

That is your mind

That is a gift from your God
the life deserves to live.get some amusement to over every hurt.
397 · Dec 2018
hand in hand
oh! My love
put your hand in mine
we will discover a wealth mine

we will be rich
and gain every wish
i know the winds blew up

disturbing all things
the ship sinks
if we follow sail against winds

the clouds appear
making the universe dark
we will convert our black

into good and sweet
if we follow our lights
gain from hearts

the poor will be at land
preventing any plant
we will plant

it will be green
if we plant tree
of love which is free

the Satan will appear
announcing war at angels
it will stay

if we we only obey
the lover which is clear
love is the tree of honest, faith , believe
396 · Aug 2018
Begin again
Begin again

Begin again

Don't fair

Look at the day

Coming with fear

Spreading by a way

Of God who will gave

The power to gain

Every wish, every dream

The river stopped

By stone or weir

It faces and pushes away

If it couldn't

It doesn't give away

And forces again

Or it turns around

To complete its way

If the sun was hid

Before the dark clouds

It may get its anger

It concentrated its rays

Making the clouds crying

With a lot of tears

The wind may stopped

By strong mount

Which thought it gains

But it losses

As  the winds takes

Parts and get its

Amount decreases

Day by day

At night

There is only God

Who makes the fire ash

Who convert the huge

Into small and might vanish

Smile and get happy

If you don't, breath fresh

And say with a way

Dismisses the sad

And put the hope

Into your head

The light comes after dark

The fear puts its junk

After the dark increases its power

You will gain the best

Your enemy will suffer

after short way
do not stop
393 · Jun 2020
near or wide
near or wide
at kind or at wild

i will find
after near or long time
that you are the gift

you will be the right
choose ,finally i decide
and the only sign

showing at right sight
i can not ever lock
my eye

you are my diamond
i searched downed at lowest
and i may suffer to get

my dearest brilliant
the search for one who carried good heart and kind is worth to suffer more hurt
391 · Apr 2020
An embracement
That is not important
No, no stop

We had a date!

You have a problem!
A problem!

How will you meet!

By internet
How do you say I love

By heart

How do you say
You will marry

By sending a bride image
And she

How do she accept?

By showing the finger
Where a ring is put
And if the refuse

Is her answer
By moving her hand

In no way

If she wants to say bye
By typing a word
the virus set its soldiers. the most of people get and set home. now the time is worst
388 · Sep 2019
the wealth
i will worth
that great wealth

to be wide of her
as the rich one

heard me
noticed me

how i talked
about her

he spies
he sends eyes

until he sees
he loves

he tells the offers
and i had chances

to be rich
or have her smart

but i love her
i let her know

any more
she does know

i become wide
i do not take that amount
which makes absent
to any mind
the man loves her, he wishes every good to who beloved. and he can sacrifice for
387 · Jul 2018
Bilal Ibn Rabah 2
She said in anger
“I was princess
Living at my land
Every thing I wanted
Was come, was brought
I loved the world
When I went to swim
At the river that
Passed at my land
Carrying happy and good
Beside me my friends
Girls at my age
Some men appeared
And kidnapped me and some
Friends and took us out
We all were sold
Slave was treated
I stayed at that
After trials of escape
I was hurt very heart
I satisfied with that
Till I was sold
To your master that
Hurt you dearest, dearest
He said “what you said?
I am dearest in fact”
She said and bowed her hear head
In beauty, in smart
She said “how do you come?
I was at that land
Called Ethiopia”
She said “that was my land”
They said truly at loud
They laughed then cried
He said “I was the master's son
Leader of many families
Prepared to be the second
Leader at my nations
When I was trained
I was kidnapped
I was taken out
And stayed at that land”
She said “that is bad”
He said “that is bad”
387 · Jan 2019
the car driving
someone gave me car
saying ,"you can drive far
and seeing new facts"

i thanked and said," mercy
the driving car is as the herat's woman inddeed
you might see it is easy to read

finally, you found her hard to know
i prefer to go wide, as i had gained
lost my hearts times, for some reasons i tried

to explain and show how it was tied
my heart to the failure down without reason to be explained
my friend was so lame

he brought my pervious lover into it
and argued me to go for a moment
when i saw her in it
i drove it without any late
the herat always keeps love into it. The man's proud tries to cancel it
the fact is the love still control our minds
385 · Oct 2018
Do you see?
Do you hear voice?

Do you notice

When she comes

Do you see what she does?

When she talks,

Do you notice her influences?

Do you hear her orders?

The world obeys hers

Do you look at her eyes

And notice the move of her waves

Are you good in sail

If you are ,you must sail

In her eyes and you will gain

A sorrow, regret and high pain

Do you examine your feel

When she goes away without say

One or two words or speech all day

Do you see her smile ?

The east and west look shine

The moon is in the right

The sun gives more light

The birds are singing

The smooth winds are blowing

Spreading best smelling

The water decrease its running

The rain gets lowering

The happy is shinning

The sadness is vanishing

All meet with smile

As she comes with smile
the love of god is the gift ,needing help of the creatures.
381 · Nov 2018
try to begin
the weather is cold
try to walk
the sleep is funny
the other reach
you still have wish
and wait for a witch
who makes you rich
and gets your want publish
the dream wants work and work not sleep
377 · Apr 2019
wrong talk
I wrote this poem
I remind with my heart
My mind repeated it

It was like my name
But when I met
I forgot even my name

I tried to tell the poem
It was the awful as the scamp
My face got red

She collected her nervous
She said what that marvelous!
I shamed and said,

I forgot all things
As I saw your brilliance
She ran in steps

That she might fall on the earth
sawing her brilliant make me forget everything even my name
377 · Jan 2019
how are you?
the new year comes!
how do you Do?
fine thank you

the ice covers land
the water will stand
like  a rocket in sand

i am not sad
the weather is cold
the clouds appeared up

but the roses are that
give me the proud
there will be life giving

every word of love
the greetings give us happy
375 · Nov 2018
the word
Let me do something

And tell you important thing

That words I have remind

And repeat them every moment

In my heart, in my mind

That I love you from my heart

I love you and do as you act

My heart goes, when you go

My heart stand when you stop

My eyes open wide to see all your smart

They can't bear your bright

This shines from your face

That means the life that I demand

The words that I'll say in fast

"I love you" that I want

I discovered i foget

Or it can't be told
the man can be good if he found true love
372 · Jun 2019
try to understand
they tell the weather will be hot
the sun will be Perpendicular to the Tropic of Cancer
the degree will increaser
the sun left its hot at lower

you can feel the anger
of the land when you step over
your brother shout at louder
you will be ordered to dismiss by mother
the silent will be there
that is the father's order

the neighbor closed his door with his power
the water makes a deal and does not appear
the woman asked his man to go wider
to get some fresh water and air

they go out and become traveller
the hot becomes their nearer
the birds fly over the branches
they searched for water to be calmer

the time seems to pass slower
the leaves do not move announcing at clear
there is no air
even beside the sea or nearer
the hot weather changes the mood of man kind and makes him feel with trouble
369 · Sep 2018
the thief 1
The  thief  1

He looked at her face

The old woman still called

She called with high voice

She looked at the princess face

She saw her tears

She asked "why are these tears"

She said "you want him to stay"

And not be arrested and go away"

The princess nodded with aye

She said" I will do my way"

"To save him from jail"

The guards were coming suddenly

They knocked the door loudly

The old woman hide him in hurry

He stayed under the bed without voice

The guards rushed into the room

The leader asked with frown

We heard callings that were coming

From that floor and this room

If any thief entered her

He must be hide her

If he threatened you

You must say without fear

He talked loudly with whisper

Pointed to his place with you eye

And he will be arrested and got

What he deserved as dared

To enter the lovely person in the palace

The old woman looked at the princess

She saw her face filled with tears

She lied at the guards with say

There was no thief  her

She narrated a story

To a princess to make her happy

She forgot her mind

And higher her so she was in a story

The leader said "do you say a truth

You know f you are false

The princess looked to him with anger

The old woman said and ordered

You must dismiss urgent

The thief got out with a face

Pale as he got up from a death

His knees were knocked

He could not bear to stand

He went to set down

And tried to start a talk

The woman ordered "no talk?"

to be followed
from the
the love needs clear hearts ,who make the world very happy
369 · Dec 2018
Oooh! I love you
Oooh! I love you
i know you love me
we deal to meet nearer

your home to go to marry
the winds blew and get waether stormy
we couldn't meet at any way

we deal on nother day
there was idle and revlot on that day
we couldn't meet again

the last deal was established
i found great party happened
the part was for her married

she said," i will marry my nearest neighbor
as no way to get my marriage be late more"
the deal time needs to be know the weathwer and ts conditions
368 · May 2019
The prophet 'Mohamad"
He was not sending
He did not know even he was the messenger
He went to that cave
Called "herraa" cave
To be away of the world
To look after the natural world

To discover if the world was created
By only power and God
His nation worshipped statues
360 statues with days of moon year
To approach them to the only God

The true is when one increases his faults
He searches away from his God
Trying to get a way and method
To get his God forgiven his worst

He forgot that his God accepted one
Who discovered that he did a wrong

Mohamad sent a lone
To see the outer of the world
And to hear the inner sound
Until a great creature appeared
He made a strong hung
Mohamd felt his chest was collapsed
Telling "read"
Mohamd said," I can't"
Mohamad was illiterate

The creatures hung him again

The sweat ascended as rain

Telling him read
Mohamad said," I can't read"
In the meaning of the talk
The creatures did again
Saying," read ,
Read with the name of the God
Who learnt with the pen"

As the Al arak surat said
Mohamd went with great shock
Saying," cover me, hung me
Warm me"
His lovely and honest wife met
With great mercy and kind
Telling you God will not let you down

To be continued
mohamad was sent to guide all the creatures to the holy power wo created the world
360 · Aug 2019
Under water
I am the worm
I can be harm
I can be calm

I am the worm
No matter people like me
No matter people hate me
I am the worm
I can be little
Down, down and brittle
I am the worm
I can be big
Fears any thing
I am the worm

She met a great snake
She said with astonished
That the worst
She ran and escaped
The snake said with the confident

The worm said,”
That is calm
I will have a rest
That is a cave
She entered the opened
Mouth of The fish
The fish said ,”oh! My God
That is the great present
I will swallow it in one amount”
The worm said,”
Oh please, can I be heard,
The fish said,” tell me!”
The worm said,”
I know a place
Where a great worm has
A great meat without bones
You can swallow it
Without any hard”

The fish said,”
Guide me, guide”

The worm said,”
You promise , you will not eat
And let me
The fish said,”
Yes, that is my promise.”
The fish said at himself,’’
I will eat the great worm
After I eat that worm
When she guided me to the road”

When the worm reached
She pointed to the big worm
Who was the big snake
Who ate the fish
And the little worm hided
the life is the greatest danger. to get your life safe, you must have a great mind
360 · Oct 2018
Do you see a word ?"2"
When they reached his house he entered in hurry
She stood in front she was not happy
As she remembered her husband ,she was married
He wanted her to enter and she wasn't ready
He said "why do not you come and you will be funny!"
"You would have here a lot and will gain happy"
This clothes will dismiss and we will without thing
We will spend all day with love and I'll return you in hurry
She remembered her husband ,she remembered her holy tie
When the man said "do you accept him as your husband?"
She said "yes" she strengthened  that bond
She said no to the slave of blind
She said yes faith of feeling of God

As he saw her attractive as he saw her a woman
As he was wolf and she was in a weaken
Why did he wait ? He attacked in moment
He cut off her cloths she screamed for save
She said with her pains "fear of your God"
He said my god is devil and I was ordered
By him to destroy you and make you appeared
As a  naughty  woman and get you a part
From your husband and he continued
He wanted to make her lie to made his bad
She demanded his kind she demanded his help
He forgot everything except her appearance
He could make her lie he would be mad

She screamed in high ,she screamed at loud
The winds refused that mad, the winds refused the bad  
They were carried the woman's screams to all sides
Of that deaf world ,of that blind universe
Her husband heard her ,her husband knew her voice
He was shocked ,he went to his house

He found no one he found the winds
He remembered the only one, he remembered his God
He kneeled to the earth ,help me God
The winds blew up ,they carry him wide
Till he reach there ,he saw the blind
the man who carried hate ,act as a blind
the bad was strong ,the devil gave his hand
the man didn't stand ,he attack without wait
the man stood and hurt him hard
the woman was afraid
that her man might be beat
the husband was completely tired
the husband was completely beat
the winds blew ,the sun shined
the trees moved in speed
the woman stood and she called

she called him strong ,she was not afraid
he thought as she was beat ,
she would do his want
he came with smile saying my darling
opening his arms with happy speaking
you will be my God and I am praying
To you all days and nights, with I did as you want

he stretched his lips to catch her kiss
he closed his ears, he closed his eyes
he came forward the winds said
with anger "oh wrong comes with bad"
"he must gain his worth"
the woman hurt him ,hurt
he fall to the earth
the winds blew up and carried in a distance
the husband looked at her eyes
she demanded his forgiveness

she said you are worth that as I worth
he looked astonished and said in weakness
She said "you didn't fold me"
You didn't say you love me
You didn't say you follow me
You didn't ask "do you admire me?"
He said "I went to work"
To be reach to live in a rank
As rich people in act
She said "**** rich ,**** all act"

The heart like a plant
Must be watered ,every be pet
If it doesn't get he may be gone
the love is like the plant needed to be watered
355 · Aug 2019
like the act of cat
when rat is chased

chat, chat
mock every heart
trying to be so kind
and let him feeling with hard
that is the most human act

chat ,chat
mock yourself
say i am the Jinn
know everything
but you don't gain
the knowing of the end

the back of the girls moved
the eyes of men becom wolves
the devil tried to act as angel in move
and they thought they did the right do

chat, chat
the wine was poured
the mind was idled
the hearts wanted one thing
the devil flew and might bring
the angels to see the fault of that one
who surely was challenged and chosen
by the God

chat chat
when the angels was brought
the kind spirit attended
the devil spreads the fault
some of men and women escaped
and others might fell into the hell
they obeyed their demand
and forgot thier God
everything went well out of the devil and the fault, when one obeys himself it might leads him to the worst end
354 · Jan 2019
i say that word
she says that word

our hearts that
our minds believed that

i love you
love is the most wonderful word
351 · Oct 2018
they put money beside hearts
they found that it hard to be stolen
they found it hard to move  or run
fear of making it fallen
they put money at their backs
the thief likes that
the women put at handbag
motorcycle raps that
they put money on small wallet
the thief found it in his hand
the visa is found
money means happy for people
350 · Nov 2018
ooh they said at match
as it is finished good for them

ooh! they said to compete
when their team got first

ooh!they shouted at celebrate
when engage or wedding occurred

ooh! they said and escaped
when they stole some pounds

ooh! they called at one
who failed for his leg in love

they may laugh at
or they may wish to be at
love is the way to get happy all over the world,. love mother, sister ,father ,wife and God
348 · May 2020
Around the circle
Inner that circle

You do a miracle
We do an angle

To keep my heart
Waking and could jail

As he gained a fault
Dream you at night

You would come
Telling me at sight

Thanks to your God
As we met

At wide fate
Before we meet
At our time
the fate wrote its words and the hearts meet at soon
347 · May 2020
your eyes
your green eyes were as the mint

which gives good smell

and satisfy inner soul

let your sad out

throw it with your happy

and told yourself with confident

if the morning comes

the dark sure escapes
thetime is short when lovers talk and approach. let us forget our hate and face our enemy
344 · Apr 2019
the love
what does make the heart laugh?
dancing as it flies with angels above

what do the ears hear melody?
as they were at music party

what does the eyes saw beauty
even it was *****, it sees the ability
to convert it into very funny

the love makes the birds sing
cover the wild into moderate
the spirit flies always with light

sees green  sees violet
the love when enters heart , makes everything sweet and smart and it vanish the fear and hate. the birds are singing everywhere and the roses appear. the sun shines
344 · Oct 2018
what makes you super?
because of your shinning
no,that is wrong
because of your fantastic
no that is wrong
because of your smile
no that is wrong
because of your spirit
that is true
your heart has kind
loving all world
reflecting at your face
making it intelligence
and the world responds
with non death songs
love of welfare makes the world good
Fugitive, fugitive, fugitive
You must not be fugitive
You must be active
Love your home
Make it as a groom
Adorn with every pomp on
To show himself handsome
Wear and pretty trim
And be always in the place
To lead all nations
Imitate its way, obey its say
Fear to be face
With yours at face
Fugitive, fugitive, fugitive
You must be passive
Do your work in active
Even others see you negative
Don't look at them
Don't hear their says
As they may be lies
Consider them as absent
They will destroy your active
, make you away of sight
And confuse your mind
To loose your mother
The home you belong
They dream to see you
As a remind of last
They thought that you
Is one of the past
If you obey them
You will be lost
Shake your head
To clean it from dust
That it is covered your head
That makes you the last
That makes you the worst
That appears your laziness
Wash it by water waves
Those are new sciences
Support your legs
Make you in advance
And high your home over heads
They will lead you downward
They learn you bad habit
As alcohol drinker
Or use drugs as converter
From good to be danger
Or women lover
Take you to the lowest
And make you forget
Your duty about your land
And you will be fugitive
Who will defeat the worst?
Who will face the devils?
That your prince
That is your God
You must be proud
That you obey your God
do not stop in hope. the sun rises surely
341 · Jun 2020
during my wait
there is a question
from heart
my heart

no it does not
belongs to one
you know

i know
the first steal happens
immediately at once
stealing occurs

it could go
i got happiness
my eyes sees blossoms

open every pulse
doing by my heart
sorry, it becomes your heart

so it feared
who belongs to that cute
be  worry to be dismissed
the time goes good when your smile attends and my heart shows your face
338 · Jul 2018
A word
The word must be told
I will announce at loud
I am fear you will not respond
So, I will return to my silent
As I fear to be frustrated
I will judge to your heart
Which certainly knew what I suffered
I suffer wide look of your brilliant
The moon is my talk
To see you at her shape
And lonely will be my sit
As I talk to your shape
That is light my space
the love knows its way, no distances or mount could stop it
336 · Nov 2018
Don't wait
Don't wait

Don't wait

It must be heard

She truly loved

And you did

You must not stand

You must not give up

As she said  a word

She did not love you

Get up, get up

Work hard ,be the best

Pray to your God

Who has the hearts

Obey his orders

You will get her heart again

If you want her

You must be her hero

You must ride the difficult

To be only her dream

who carries her on white horse

flying wide ,wide at hight heaven

You must dive into deep

To get the pearl she evaluates

Who is in the fact the pearl?

Who beat the other by brilliant?

Who can call you are intelligent?

The pearl is her

The pearl is here

at he spirit

When she put it on,

Who is the smart?

When she took it off,

The pearl get no charm
the love needs power,to protect, money to get what you need,  and heart
336 · Dec 2019
My heart
My heart was broken
Who could repair it

Everyone looks in
Saying hard vision
It can't be fixed

As the sight was in
Digging at deepest
And it was the smartest

When they asked
Where she must

My heart said
She let her sight
And leave me
If she could return
Or took what she had
she saw me with her brilliant eyes and let me ill. she travelled. may she take a remark or pay attention
334 · Dec 2019
What I say?
I talk everywhere
I find you there
the time makes hear
comes from near
to root one tale
with two hearts prepare
and tell to the atmosphere
the holy loves and read
imagine I find your face
pulsing with every pumping
me to look away
my soul tells and can appear
will open hear
every one beloved that his lover sees him and watch out so he tried ti be good and smart
334 · Apr 2019
What a mercy! 5
The prophet was crying
The leader angel was ordered to ascend

He asked," your God asked you
Why do you cry?"
(The God knew why did he do!)

Mohamad said," my nation, my nation"
Do you know?
Mohamad feared on his nation

He said," my example between me and you
As the man made a fire
And the flies fly around

They wanted to get into
The prophet tried to prevent
But they escaped

They fell into
So he cried

The God answered,"
In the meaning of the talk
We will not humiliate

You at your want"
the prophet fear about his nation and who did not believe on the God
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