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235 · Nov 2018
a short adventure
empire ants Nov 2018
Looking down the corridor I see a
door that's being held open for a
man who wears two eye patches, a
frown seen somehow in the dark
outline of his silhouette-

I don't get how he's doing that, what? huh?

Tearing through the crowd of men looking down
I see a dent in the ground and I
narrowly step to avoid the
hollow tile, my eyes widen
I realize that he's gone-

Why was this man walking blind so strangely?

Then I see, everyone has left this place
I pace looking for a space to see
just how everyone has left me, I
can't fathom what magic, where,
where does this corridor lead?

The door reads: "To my friends I left behind."

How asinine.
messing with syllables and stuff idk
232 · Jan 2018
do i?
empire ants Jan 2018
do i have a place
in this house,
in my home?
do i have a face
in your eyes,
in your mind?
we will have a new place
in a moment,
in a week.
but will i still be there
in your thoughts?
maybe not
226 · Jan 2018
A Far Away Place
empire ants Jan 2018
A promise,
A sentence,
And a far away place.
Soft spoken words carry
Across several days.
This promise,
This sentence,
This far away place, (farther now)
States that you'll never fall flat
To the ones you amaze.
Promising this sentence
In a far away place (farther still)
Says the next time you fall flat
Should never happen.
If this does happen in another far away place (closer now)
The sentence dissipated, the promise meaningless.
Like it was never formed.
But there are ones who remember its existence,
Aren't there?
224 · Jan 2018
I Care.
empire ants Jan 2018
"PLEASE! Stop!
Why, WHY must you keep babying me like this?
I am not your child.
You are not my parent.
You don't have to take care of me, for I can take care of myself."

"It is because I care about you."

"WHY? I have done nothing for you,
except be a burden to you,
because you MAKE me out to be a burden.
So, why do you care about me so much?
What have I given you?"

"You're silly.
This is why I worry.
Because, you are much too blind to realize...
Caring for you is a much easier way
to care about myself."
224 · Jan 2018
a gamechanger
empire ants Jan 2018
things dont bother me
im bulletproof
until i turn out the lights
because then i really feel
what it would be like
if everything
just went
218 · Jan 2018
empire ants Jan 2018
If you lost all sensory capability next week,
how would you prepare?
it's an insane thing to think about,
not being in the same universe as the rest.

you won't be in a universe at all, it might feel like,
you'd just be floating, unable to feel pressure
unable to feel a hug
or the head of a dog
or even your feet on the ground

You'd be left alone with your thoughts,
And with no external stimuli,
Would you remember,
Or forget everything you've ever loved?
217 · Jan 2018
Debate of Lies
empire ants Jan 2018
The truth is a weird thing
It could be different for
Two very similar people.

Some of us try to hide it,
For either the benefit of me,
Or the benefit of you,
Or perhaps the benefit of
Everyone but.

Why do you see a lie
When I try to tell you the truth?
Once you open your eyes,
You'll blame me.

Why, I haven't hidden anything,
My dear paranoid one,
For I've simply been sitting here
Watching your suspicions grow
Out of hand.

Because a suspicion is always
More intense than the truth
It's funny how
You think I lose
In this debate of lies
I tried to say
You're the one hearing them
Now, have a nice day.

Did I really mean that?
Who knows.
I suppose I can't do anything
But wait for you to decide
For yourself.
217 · Jan 2018
A Piano
empire ants Jan 2018
a piano is such a fun instrument
anyone can pick it up quickly
its an instrument that can only be detriment
when the one who plays it is sickly.

the piano plays such a simple sound
each finger telling its own story
it can either bring you down to the ground
or shoot you up into a dream that's purely auditory
217 · Jan 2018
A Proud Mother
empire ants Jan 2018
She was a strange one,
She never made a sound,
Yet she spoke words that can make rhinos turn around.
Statements that caused mountains to sink
Encouragement that led flowers to leap
Yet she never made a sound
So how can this be?
Maybe a stroke of sheer luck
Or an eye that can see.
Not just see potential,
Or endless possibilities
but also find hope
in the smallest of vessels.
200 · Jan 2018
empire ants Jan 2018
will get
nothing but
suffering in
this universe here

eyes see
what you see
and it isn't
very pretty, mate

see tens
of thousands
of birds chirping
to protect themselves

you see
it too, yes,
you see no use
in preventing this

see, my friend
things always turn dark
i was thinking about syllables
198 · Jan 2018
Will You See An Ocean?
empire ants Jan 2018
where you see a desert
i see an ocean
where you see a death
i see a happiness
where you see a life
i see an opportunity

but this isn't always the case, my friend
one day,
if i convince you of the good,
when i've convinced myself it isn't there
will you promise to see an ocean?
just for me?
195 · Apr 2019
empire ants Apr 2019
my heart hosts a shy tornado and I cannot tell
whether I am choking or flying.
194 · Jan 2018
What's that sound?
empire ants Jan 2018
What sound did your brain make,
When you read this?
Was it the sound of you?
Was it the sound of someone else?
Was it the sound of someone you fear?
Or was it the sound of someone you love?

Let me think about that.
AH! I have my answer!
It is:
all of the above.
190 · Jan 2018
Two Friends
empire ants Jan 2018
He was a man of ego
Of narcissism and fame.
A character of endless problems
And there was always someone to blame.
This someone
He was a man of anger
Of sadness and spite
One manipulative man with a
Heart of sheer might.
Together he was arrogant,
and he, accepting.
Accepting of his quirks,
because they made him unaware. Accepting
of his demands
Because he thought them fair.
Accepting of his inflation
Because it made him blind
Accepting of his belittling comments
Because they fueled his anger.
These men, can you tell them apart?
No? Yes?
Whatever the case, they don't know they reflect each others character sheet.
190 · Jan 2018
left, right
empire ants Jan 2018
you can't live your life
using only your left brain
because while your left brain explains things,
nothing will make sense.

you can't live your life
using only your right brain,
because while your right brain takes care of things,
nothing will get done.
190 · Jan 2018
empire ants Jan 2018
how are you supposed to make me see your reality,
when the one thing that comes from it,
is god awful?

you want me to see things your way,
you want me to see things in the "light of day"
but right now, from where i'm standing,
seeing you, a glimpse in your reality,
it's a hell of oblivion i wish not to live in.

i say, i'm in the "light of day"
because, judging by where you want to take things,
i see no color.
189 · Jan 2018
People can see
empire ants Jan 2018
people have eyes,
like a dog has a nose,
or a rabbit has ears.

They see context,
they see the ins and outs of certain words,
of certain poems.

They create scenarios,
either ones that have existed,
or ones out of the blue,
simply to understand.

i see hills and trees of
immeasurable height,
limited only by
the ceilings of my mind,

i see oceans and sand that
go down until
the bottom loses color

i see incredible feats
and terrible defeats
and i see you with that job you wanted
and me with the confidence i deserve

but one thing i still can't imagine

is me without you
this is the last poem ab loss i SWEAR

184 · Jan 2018
Well, are you?
empire ants Jan 2018
Am I big?
Am I small?
It depends on where you look.

Look up:
You see the stars, or maybe you see the clouds.
But, constantly, you see the big blue sky
where planets look at you and see a microscopic creature.

Look down:
You see the grass, or the carpet, or the concrete.
Whatever the case, you are looking at the ground.
That ground holds creatures so tiny, they look to you as the sky.

Where are you in the spectrum?
Well, are you big, or are you small?
You can decide for yourself, I suppose.
I'll wait here.
182 · Jan 2018
empire ants Jan 2018
"quick, i need your shoe."
you said to me
and i didn't hesitate as we
ran outside.

i threw off my shoe
i didn't know what you were going to do
i didn't question it, however
i just wanted to make the problem better

soon i learned
our little group of friends were trading shoes
"i just wanted to wear your shoe"
you said,
"it's interesting to see
the way you walk
how your foot's developed
to the paths you took"

it wasn't an emergency, i felt relieved
i don't know what i expected
and we bonded,
over wearing each other's shoes.
walking each other's paths.

"this one makes my toes curl."
"i have small feet!"
"this one makes me sad."
"i'm not a very happy person."
"this one is really big!"
"my feet are pretty wide."
"this one feels lumpy."
"i need more stability in my life!"

amazing how much i can learn
from your shoe.
i hope that you have learned
from me, too.
based off a true story that happened yesterday
181 · Jan 2018
empire ants Jan 2018
you know that feeling when your leg falls asleep
but then you move slightly
and the feeling comes rushing back
and it tickles slightly?
there's a metaphor to be had
somewhere in there.
178 · Jan 2018
empire ants Jan 2018

but, shhh,
ill tell you a secret
you could run away forever,
                                                   and ever,
and never look back


don't cry, sour child,
you can go away
there is an escape
e s c a p e is what we do, you see,
if you want to do just that,
come with m-


sooooooo... shh...
what will even c h a n g e?
what a strange word, it either never seems to happen,
or it happens too much.
but there is an e s c a p e, you see,
come with me-

come with me-
come with me~
you can't win~
you can't win~

Oh, yes, yes, I can.
well... can they?
174 · Jan 2018
empire ants Jan 2018
i would say, i have a reason to get out of bed
but you won't allow yourself to be my reason
so, i don't say that.
173 · Jan 2018
rhyme time
empire ants Jan 2018
time doesn't pass
when i sit in this class
sitting on my ***
i can't really see
beyond the past.

i hear people talking
but i don't hear anyone stopping
to think about the time they're robbing
from my sleep
my head is fogging

but i trek on
type out this little song
these hours are long
and i'm waiting
to see what i did wrong.

it will be over
it will stop this exposure
my time will return to it's owner
and i'll go back
to my family who isn't sober
i wrote this in school you can tell im 100% done :')
166 · Jan 2018
i cant see
empire ants Jan 2018
i cant see behind this haze of
what the actual ****

feelings conflicting with one another
a poem will surely stop this

today marks another day of
absolutely nothing

i dont see why im so pressured
to pack a day with something

because, i tell myself
life should be used to live

but how can i live at all
when no one will live with me

i meet friends without faces
everyday, in every way

the internet is great for friends without faces
but what happens when i want a face

too bad
no one who lives near you wants to see your face

i cant see
because i dont have
a *******
f a c e
empire ants Apr 2019
Ahem! Let's try this part of the infinite abyss, shall we? Here we go, follow my lead!

hm... didn't seem to work. i'll try again tomorrow.
163 · Jan 2018
empire ants Jan 2018
Animals are naturally territorial
Humans, the best example.
Less metaphorical,
More like warriors
Are kept to guard these invisible boundaries.
149 · Nov 2018
empire ants Nov 2018
yeah, we spill word ***** on here sometimes

i pour myself a large bowl of pure, unadulterated life

and I microwave it down to its essentials

personally, it tastes like melting plastic and rubbery massages

that's not a very pleasant taste, so one must throw it up somewhere...

but in a way, the ***** people share can be quite lovely to look at, don't you think?

I like it, at least.
140 · Apr 2019
empire ants Apr 2019
i sleep in crumbs,
my bed is a soft dirt floor.
i pretend to be dead when i hear a knock on the door.

light hurts my eyes, but i refuse to wear sunglasses
because they bring up the oh so ~painful~ memory of
that time at fourteen when i was too awkward and too quiet and too stuttery when buying a pair. like an alien afraid of blowing their cover.

i absorb water from microwaved meals.

my mind says lazy, my doctor says clinical depression,
but my heart is the one who knows the truth.


wait- what? it is laziness? ... oh.
oh. well. i suppose i can't argue with the heart.
im feelin sad in this chili's tonight, lads

also sometimes my spacebar doesnt work that's annoying ****
125 · Nov 2018
empire ants Nov 2018
I have a foot stuck in my head
Wherever I go
I have no time I spend
Sitting alone
I have no reason to stay
With my foot stuck home
I forgot how to be brave
When there's no one to show
My accomplishments to
I've lost my shoe
And I refuse to walk
Barefoot on the cold hard ground
i dont remember what this is about because its been sitting in my drafts forever, but judging by the tags i put on it, i was not having a good time????? idk man
73 · Dec 2020
empire ants Dec 2020
you wear two eyepatches instead of a blindfold
i look ridiculous

you invite me inside and step on my foot
i buy you new shoes

nuance is dead
i am tired of pretending to recognize subtlety

you should leave me to my hobbies
of dancing around topics i care about,
and playing ping pong with a table made out of people

i request we normalize stupidity like we do kindness and terror
laughing through time as if it were linear
i request a bed of nails for the back support

may i sink peacefully into the wood below
i wrote this in august and forgot i wrote it

— The End —