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SomeOneElse Oct 2018
My Head hurts, my throat is sore
And i can't take it anymore
All the darkness and the pain
Stirring up inside my brain
So confused and very low
Lost within the undertow
Wrote this after a night of crying hard for hours.
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
My morning sun
My stunning one
The sunshine of my day
My starry night
My night's delight
The moonlight of my night
My burning fire
My heart’s desire
The one I'm aching for
My beauty queen
My real life dream
Can't stop thinking of you
You're my heart’s home
My love be known
The reason for my poems
My bright sunlight
That shines so bright
I long to hold so tight
My dream chateau
My graceful doe
You're my avocado
My loving sigh
My reason why
The apple of my eye
My dream come true
My feelings true
My heart belongs to you
You are my friend
Hope til the end
For you my love i send
My second attempt. It has some flaws i need to figure out how to fix
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
No beauty in this world exists
Can match your heart and soul
No prettier morning sunrise
Can match your stunning eyes
No more spectacular eclipse
Can match your sweet soft lips
There is no grandeur mountain peak
Can beat your great physique
No sexier evening sunset
Can match your perfect *******
Not even mom’s great homemade pies
Can beat your tasty thighs
There are no poems that can convey
No words that i can say
There simply is no scenic view
That can compare to you
No beauty in this world exists
Can match your heart and soul
My attempt to try and write the ultimate poem
SomeOneElse May 2019
No one to hold
Or cuddle with
And no one to
Share this life with
No one to laugh
Or to talk to
And no one to
Come running to
No one to touch
Or be touched back
What I long for
I really lack
I'm falling down
And can't get up
How I wish i
Could just give up
Growing bitter
With every day
I'm like a ghost
And all is gray
No one to hold
Or cuddle with
And no one to
To just be with
Where I am and how I feel right now at this point in my life
SomeOneElse Apr 2019
Once upon a starry night
You inspired me to write
Though you're way out of my
You're beauty had me so intrigued
Couldn't stop staring at your thighs
Or your big beautiful eyes
Your stunning looks and friendly smile
Had me utterly beguiled
Gazing on your **** legs
My heart was a powder keg
Luscious lips and long blonde hair
I just couldn't help but stare
Wish I could hang out with you
Would love to get to know you
Wish someday to hold you tight
Once upon a starry night
Poem inspired while I was waiting to sing karaoke
SomeOneElse Jul 2019
On the outside looking in
How I wish I could fit in
But no matter how I try
I don't fit in and don't know why
I'm the one that you all tease
All because I try to please
I'm the one always excluded
Though I wish to be included
I'm the ****** you call creep
And the one that no one meets
I'm the one no one talks to
And I don't know what to do
A poem about feeling isolated and unwabtes
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
Your perfect breast
Your perfect thighs
Are simply candy to my eyes
Your perfect waist
Your perfect hips
Would taste so great upon my lips
Your perfect skin
And perfect hair
I just can't help but sit and stare
Your perfect lips
Your perfect eyes
Makes me give a loving sigh
Your perfect face
Your perfect smile
For you I'd go the extra mile
Your perfect wit
Your perfect charm
I want to hold you in my arms
For this and more
My morning star
I love you just the way you are
Written for a crush
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
My head is a mess
Cluttered with random ideas
Wanting to come out
My first attemp at  senryu. Just a thought i had
SomeOneElse Nov 2020
I want to be a nice guy and a bad boy too
I want to have my way with you
yet be your servant too
I want to sweep you off your feet, I want to ravish you
I want to be your daddy dom and your prince charming too
I really want to be romantically naughty with you
I want to make you smile and blush, give ******* to you
I want to make sweet love to you and to ******* too
I want to be your bad boy and your nice guy too
Written and inspired by the feelings I have in
SomeOneElse Jul 2023
My greatest love just wasn't mine
her heart was somewhere else
I wanted her so ******* bad
but she chose someone else
she was my strength, my confidence
she had my complete trust
she was my love, my everything
my most passionate lust
I gave her my heart and soul
I gave all I could give
now broken and beyond repair
I've lost my will to live
I wanted her so ******* bad
she wanted something else
my greatest love just wasn't mine
as she chose someone else
people always ask why Ive used the name SomeOneElse for so long. this poem explain why. oh and she ghosted me after seeing this on social media
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
I'm Someone, no one
Somebody and nobody
I am SomeOneElse
How i feel or describe myself
SomeOneElse Jul 2023
Some mistakes can never be fixed.
Some wounds may never heal
It only takes but one bad day
for our fate to be sealed.
Life is full of ups & downs,
be careful what you say
For you may come to regret it,
every single day.
If I had only had the strength
to hide the pain inside
Instead I dug myself a hole
with pain now amplified.
be mindful in your time of weakness
no matter how you feel
Some things can never be unsaid
cause wounds never heal
one mistake, one bad phone call, one bad day or moment of weakness can end even the best of friendships
SomeOneElse May 2019
Stunning eyes of olive green
The  prettiest I've ever seen
Can't help stare into their beauty
Into your eyes, I'm lost completely
There are no stars up in the sky
That hold a candle to you eyes
And as I gaze into your soul
Your beauty to me they extol
I long to someday be with you
And someday make my dream come true
To look into your eyes for real
For my heart yes they did steal.
Stunning eyes of olive green
The prettiest I've ever seen
A poem written for a friend
SomeOneElse Jul 2023
I've thought about it.
we all have in different ways
some of us wonder why
some of us wonder if we should
some of us attempt and some of us do
am I really the selfish one?
I just want this ******* pain and loneliness to end?
maybe you're selfish because you want me to go on so YOU don't have to feel the pain
how often do you call your friends and loved ones? do they call you?
you can have friends and feel alone if you're the one who's always reaching out. maybe they'd call if they really knew. maybe they'd ignore you cause your sadness makes them uncomfortable.
it sure can look tempting when you feel all alone,
like you don't belong and never will
maybe if we reached out more, tried to understand instead of shaming, ignoring or invalidating pain and struggles
maybe we could prevent
written after a friend of a friend committed suicide and my friend was asking why. I don't know his reason but I DO why why do many do and I don't want people to ask why after the fact. I want them to understand before it gets there
SomeOneElse Apr 9
Sweet delicious wonderful
Stunning **** beautiful
Cute addicting loveable
Loving friendly delightful
Hypnotic gorgeous amazing
Hot alluring dazzling
Kind sincere compassionate
Thoughtful brave considerate
Bold passionate capable
Soft romantic sociable
Helpful bright impeccable
Charming smart sensational
Cheerful peaceful admirable
Intelligent tolerant
And simply irresistible
romantic poem
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
Thank you for letting me share
Showing me you really care
Opening your heart to me
As i shared my history
Listened with an open mind
Never judging always kind
Thanks for showing that you care
With compassion that is rare
Being what i needed friend
As my soul you tried to mend
thanks for being who you are
A thank you poem to a friend
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Thank you sis for being there
Showing me how much you care
Always there to cheer me up
Telling me not to give up
Making sure that I'm all right
Encouraging me to write
Sending wisdom and kind words,
Pretty pictures, trees and birds
Never judging me at all
Making sure i do not fall
Thank you sis for being there
And for showing me you care
Written for an indian lady who adopted me as her little brother even though I'm sure she is younger than me
SomeOneElse Jan 2020
The crickets have stopped chirping
I don't hear them anymore
My heart now lies here broken
Scattered all across the floor
Thought you were the one for me
As i fell for you so hard
Really hoped you'd be the one
But my heart now lies here scarred
Friendzoned into the abyss
Preventing all advances
Wish I knew where I messed up
I just never stood a chance
Follow up poem after being friendzoned
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
Sitting at the restaurant
Eating with your friends
Suddenly you realize
You're in for a surprise
Hiding under your table
Hiding from your friends
I'm hoping to have some fun
Trying to make you ***
You try not to make a face
You try not to grin
Hope no one will make a fuss
If someone catches us
As i start to spread your legs
And kissing your thigh
My tongue moves to lick your ****
Can't get enough of it
You begin to lose control
As I'm eating you
Trying not to come undone
As you begin to ***
I am still not done with you
After you have cummed
I continue licking you
Until ****** two
Time to leave the restaurant
And to start act 2
In the limo off we go
You're my girl, I'm your beau
You take off all of your clothes
And kneel before me
Seeing just how hard i am
You stroke me with your hand
You then start ******* my ****
Making me feel great
Pleasing me until I'm done
You swallow all my ***
Both of us in ecstasy
Living out this fantasy
Just another fantasy put to pen and paper to get it out of my head
SomeOneElse Nov 2020
I've never wanted anyone the way that I want you
My body Aches to be with you my arms long to hold you
My eyes long to gaze upon you and stare into your eyes
My hands so need to feel you caress your legs and thighs
I so desire to cuddle you and to make love to you.
My heart and soul on fire for you I've only thoughts for you
I've never wanted anyone the way that I want you
Just another mushy love poem
SomeOneElse Feb 2021
As I gaze with wanting eyes
My mind begins to fantasize
In your thighs i long to be
My lips to roam them endlessly
Starting low then moving high
Intoxicated by your thighs
Caressing your perfect hips
While teasing your sweet ***** lips
This is where my heaven lies
With my face between your thighs
Oh so soft and lubricious
Absolutely delicious
I could spend eternity
Just worshiping your thighs with glee
Oh how happy I would be
To have your thighs, my fantasy
Another ****** poem that I should have published here a long time ago. Still one of my favorites
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Thoughts of you tonight with me
Does fills me with such ecstacy.
You approach me in your robe
Your beauty i can't help but probe
In the hot tub we both sit
While I lean in for a long kiss
Your bikini i undress
Your ******* and ******* i caress
I'm kissing down your neck and chest
I can't ignore your perfect *******
I continue to move down
Until I hit your golden mound
As you start to spread your legs
My lips and tongue, for more you beg
After I have made you ***
I turn you round to have more fun
Spread your **** cheeks to the side
Then in your ******* my tongue slides
For your second *******
Your bottom i lovingly rim
Now it's time for the main course
As you beg me for *******
Our bodies are interlocked
While we make love around the clock
Faster slower in and out
As we continue to make out
After hours of all this fun
Our bodies both begin to ***
We both tremble in delight
While in my arms I hold you tight
I'm in heaven, so happy
With thoughts of you, tonight with me.
Just another ****** fantasy
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
I hate this ******* life today
Its all ******* insane
Why was I ever born at all
Life’s just one big migraine
Can't seem to get out of the dark
Can't seem to find my light
The joyous things life has to offer
No longer in my sight
I lay here crying all alone
And feeling undesired
So tired of this life i’ve lived
Wish it to be retired
Just how life and humanity make me feel most of the time
SomeOneElse Apr 2019
Trapped alone inside of me
Longing to set myself free
Wishing that I just knew how
That I could talk to you right now
My tongue is tied
My body stiff
Striking out another whiff
My tongue is tied
And body frozen
Wishing someday
To be chosen

Wish I knew just what to say
And how I wish this were the day
But you are so beautiful
And my shyness plentiful

My tongue is tied
My body stiff
Striking out another whiff
My tongue is tied
And body frozen
Wishing someday
To be chosen

Intimidated by your looks
Your stunning beauty has me hooked
Wish I knew just what to do
Wishing I could talk to you
My tongue is tied
My body stiff
Striking out another whiff
My tongue is tied
And body frozen
Wishing someday
To be chosen
my tongue is tied
A song I wrote while waiting to sing at the bar
SomeOneElse May 2019
Tonight I hugged an angel
And it made my night
As she looked me in the eyes
And held me real tight
I sang to her a song
And I saw her dance
As her stunning beauty
Had me in a trance
Tonight I met an angel
And she made me so happy
Tonight I was in heaven
Because she talked to me
A poem I was in a pored to write
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Everyday that passes by
Without a word
Just makes me cry
Wonder where it all went wrong
I messed up big
A friendship gone?
A friendship lost, i sure hope not
Each passing day
Some comfort sought
Miss, i do the daily chats
And Days without
I feel so flat
Can't clear head, it's just a mess
I must confess
Nervously I try to wait
For the next chat
I fear too late
shouldn't think these thoughts of mine
Just let it be
And give it time
But each day that passes by
Without a word
Still makes me cry
Written for a friend qhilw waitong tonhwar from her before I found out i was ghosted
SomeOneElse Mar 30
I don't want to be
where I'm not wanted but I
A constant theme in my life
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Was it easy was it hard
For our friendship to discard
Did you have to was it needed
When our friendship you conceded
Did you smile or did you cry
Ghosting me with no goodbye
Did you laugh or did it hurt
When you left with no alert
Do You wonder do you care
Leaving me beyond repair
Another poem written to help deal with being ghosted by a friend
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
What did i do. What did i say
That made you want to stay away
I know you were just being kind
Trying to spare my fragile mind
You said that I did nothing wrong
Yet from my chats you are now gone
You said you would never ghost me
But now you will not talk to me
I think you thought if given time
I would forget and be just fine
I fear that I have lost my friend
I miss my muse and good dear friend
What did i say. What did i do
To lose your trust or offend you?
You inspired me to read and write
To not give up and see the light
So many poems I've shared with you
Hurts me to think our friendship’s through
The bad thing i had said or done
Wish it could all just be undone
I hope someday to hear from you
And for our friendship to renew
What did i do. What did i say
That made you want to walk away
Written for my friend qho decided she didnt want to be my friend anymore
SomeOneElse Jan 2020
What the hell is wrong with me
Why won't anyone date me
Am I cursed or too ugly
Something must be wrong with me
Always doomed to the friendzone
Or just ghosted and alone
Just too nice for my own good
Or else just misunderstood
Dying of this loneliness
Questioning my manliness
Im constantly rejected
Feels like I am infected
Always lacking in what counts
Hurting enormous amounts
Wish this pain would go away
Can't take it another day
I just need someone to hold
Instead of alone and cold
What the hell is wrong with me
Written out of frustration of being alone and dateless
SomeOneElse Dec 2019
When i hear the crickets chirp
I wonder if it you
I hope it's you that's texting me
I really hope it's you
I wonder how your days has been
And hope that it's been good
I wonder what your doing now
And hope you're doing good
I think about your lovely smile
And your pretty eyes
I think about our future date
And give a loving sigh
When i hear my cell phone ring
I hope that it is you
I love the sound of your sweet voice
I love talking to you
And when I hear the cricket chirp
I so hope that it's you.
Poem written for a girl I like
SomeOneElse Jun 2023
Will he buy you chocolates?
Will he buy you flowers?
Will he put your pleasure first
and worship you for hours?
Will he listen patiently?
And will he understand?
Will he still be there for you
when things get out of hand?
Will he be your everything?
Will he be your best friend?
When you're not feeling yourself
will he comprehend?
Will you be his Goddess?
Will you be his Queenie?
Will he write you love letters
and spicy poetry?
Will he let you vent to him?
Will he be there for you?
Will he always treat you right,
will he always love you?
Will he buy you chocolates?
Will he bring you bouquets?
Will he take good care of you
every single day?
written after a girl a was interested in chose someone else
SomeOneElse May 2019
Would anybody really miss me
If I took my life
My kids might miss me but they hate me
All thanks to my ex wife
I have some friends I rarely see
They all have jobs and families
I do go out to bars and drink
But sit alone and write or think
I'm insecure and far too shy
I always fail and don't know why
Would anybody really miss me if I end it all
I really don't know what to to do
To end this painful fall
How I wish to be committed
Or to have my life omitted
To make these feelings go away
Would love to end it all today
I just can't take it anymore
As I lay crying on the floor
Would anybody really notice
If I took my life
My kids would miss me but they hate me
God I hate this life
Just one o  the many poems tryi g to express the feeling deep inside of me and the hopessless I feel
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
Would you miss me would you cry
If suddenly I were to die
How would you remember me
And would you write me poetry
Would you miss our daily chats
And all the fun that we begat
Would you have any regrets
Would you wish that we had met
Would you keep me in your heart
Remembering my works of art
Would you mourn your special friend
If suddenly my life would end
Contemplating my life and mortality with regards to my friends
SomeOneElse Jul 2019
**** all you who rush to judge me
When you all don't even know me
**** all of you doubters out there
And those who just pretend to care
**** all you ******* hypocrites
With your intentions counterfeit
*******, you're really not my friend
When you back stab me in the end
******* who play with my feelings
Could care less for my well being
**** this world I'm so sick of it
And the bullies who control it
So ******* and your little lies
Now here is my final reprise
**** all you who rush to judge me
You don't even ******* know me!
A poem written after constantly being rejected and or backstabbed
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
Your *** and thighs
My reason why
I am so hypnotized
Your *** and thighs
On top of me
My mouth in ecstacy

Your *** and thighs
I fantasize
My Head between your thighs
Your *** and thighs
I dream of you
They're my ******* come true

Your *** and thighs
Under night sky
Are music to my eyes
Your *** and thighs
My midnight treat
They are so very sweet

Your *** and thigh
Do satisfy
My hungry tongue and eyes
Your *** and thighs
My bedtime guest
They are the very best
Just an ****** fantasy that was floating in my head
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
Your friendship means the world to me
You make me so happy
I was so sad and lonely here
The day that you found me
You made me feel alive again
When you befriended me
I look so forward to our chats
The time you give to me
And all the things we talk about
Whenever you're with me
Whenever i feel down and out
You're always there for me
Whenever i feel all alone
You always comfort me
And when I have those special needs
You so desire me
We come from different walks of life
Yet have great chemistry
I want to let you know my friend
How much you mean to me
Written for a friend of mine

— The End —