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410 · Feb 2019
I Quote The GM
EmperorOfMine Feb 2019
Let's have some fun
Cat's got your tongue
You want to know
The game I run
I throw a goal
You play to win
I sew and sow
You reap the end
The sun is set
The moon is too
I don't forget
I speak what's true
A game of odds
The ends even
Don't do facades
Come back again~
410 · Jun 2018
Boomerangs come back
EmperorOfMine Jun 2018
You throw your words like a boomerang.

Expecting it not to come back, it will, in fact,
Yet for every word you try and throw, the **** thing comes back faster than the first, with a burst of speed, like hatred you feed, things come and go till you're drained and you're bleeding...

Your words will come back to you...and typically when you're not prepared...

Every promise
Every declaration
Every compliment

They come back and with the amount of force you're throwing that boomerang, I should probably call an ambulance, cop, and a're going to need a memorial.

Moral of the story, don't throw the boomerang if you don't plan on catching it...cause that **** will thwack you on the head...and it will hurt...and you will die. And I won't even try to cry.
398 · Sep 2018
Tell ησ σηє
EmperorOfMine Sep 2018
Close your eyes
Don't say a word
Be of surprise
Nothing was heard
Don't bat your eyes
Don't make a move
Let us cut ties
We don't leave clues

Stitch up your lips
Don't you realize, you *******
You need to run
You better hide
Not even you
Can see this side
Don't mutter words
That holds a gun

Or you will pray
When I am done.
390 · Jul 2021
No more suffering
EmperorOfMine Jul 2021
I no longer suffer,
because i give all of my suffering to the void
and as my past has transformed me tougher
I silence the games that made me felt toyed

and now that I know no suffering
I get to finally claim my peace
in a place where beauty is always singing
and where the pain has finally ceased

no, i did not have to rest eternally
I get to wear the crown of life
because i choose to use mine to see
upon the sea that knows no strife

so i no longer have to suffer
because death no longer knows my name
and as i finally remove the covers
i spread my wings to fly with life's reign
my peace knows no boundaries like love, light, joy, and stability, for as long as i know this, i will be eternally gifted with my seat in the place of perfection
387 · Oct 2020
EmperorOfMine Oct 2020
I can't tell you the time I fell in love with love
Where I became crazed and I started to send wishes above
Where my heart first cracked, and I felt it's first attack
Where the walls that grew from the floor caved in and pressed up against my back

Oh, and I can't really remember where I actually felt free
Where I reached that lift off my shoulders and I met serenity

It's really hard to pinpoint these moments, and there's more that I haven't mentioned, but that doesn't mean they didn't happen, and that if they didn't they wouldn't.

Hopefully I one day can pinpoint my first real relationship
One that's mutual, forgiving, full of love, intimacy, and friendship
Where my wishes came true, at least the ones that matter most
And the wounds I suffered so, that they heal, or He'll turn me into a ghost

That the walls fall, and I finally feel my space expand
So that I can fill it with memories and things I love, making it a new land

That is what I would like to pinpoint.
I hope to see it manifest into reality.
380 · May 2018
EmperorOfMine May 2018
Don't get stuck inside your head

It's a place of only dread

Loneliness is not a friend

Here I am falling again

One may call me unstable

I would rather be playful

Smile bought up for this course

I can't help but to feel forced

I hate twitching with this rage

Why does my body feel caged

Falling back to Wonderland

Sometimes madness is my friend
Not done. This is only the beginning...
EmperorOfMine May 2018
My keyboard makes music out of my tears
With ever fear I feel and every smile I bring
With the madness that takes me
With the rage I sing

Like she once said
It's not easy to read to them what's in my head
So we write it instead...
While we grip to our beds

I'm stuck okay,
I don't need to tell them how deep I'm in this
Rapid fire, dancing liars, a choir of fire
I couldn't get shyer, my pleas will be dire

With my sensitivity
My emotions exploding
My complicated thinking
My heart that's bleeding

You know what...fudge it
I try and I cry and I even ask why
But when does it matter
I know we all feel the weight...

But why do they diminish what makes my soul ache



But its okay

I don't have much else to say

I'm going to continue to play the silent game

I see no darkness

I hear no bitterness

I speak nothing heartless

Evil does not run me

Why let it run them?
Them = You
357 · Aug 2018
Children Play
EmperorOfMine Aug 2018
It's a game in the sand when you get something from me,
Sight the clouds in the sky when the suns too bright to see,
It's all strange in my head, when did shadows start to breathe,
All is fun 'til someone makes you see reality.

You like what you see when I fake being happy,
They will see hope when I see my neck snapping,
A cry in the dark leads the bullets right to me,
Sound the sirens when the chains start to take what once was free.

Don't you know the real from the fake,
Grab a hand in case, must I pray, for your sake,
No one knows knives from pillows till they lay down,
Next time you see, know a grin from a frown.
Don't only appreciate false happiness. All poems aren't happy.
356 · Jul 2018
EmperorOfMine Jul 2018
I whimper
No tear was shed
I'm not that scared
Nor am I dead
I will not run
Nor shall I hide
I'm standing tall
Not out of pride
Call me your toy
Break me till down
I'm not that weak
I'm lucid, sound
With all this light
And shaded seas
I feel a battle within me
Screaming I shan't
Nor will I grin
I know the end
I know I'll win
I hold a hand
Not one, but three
I'm carried up
No shade on me.

356 · Feb 2019
Apprehension Story
EmperorOfMine Feb 2019
Golden sands, oh take me
Forest green moon, don't forsake me
Glass blue sea, underneath me
Ash, stone, and blaze now surrounds me

Destined lands that were taken
Stories we made gone and shaken
Oh my lovely drifting memories
Couldn't protect them, so I must set them free

Desperate plans
To make them
Soon chilled by the sight of lights dim
Trials and
Send me softly to vacation

From your hands, you may save me
Come, please, be soon, will I soon be free
There are stories and revelations
Calling curses hexing desperations

Sing while I can
This will all soon cease
and choked
Forgetting how to breathe
Sing me to sleep, but softly, please
I've lost my land
And now my mourning...
350 · May 2018
Did I нυят ƒα†hεr
EmperorOfMine May 2018
Oh no,
Oh no,

Here he comes,
The Rage in his eyes,
Like a gun,

Please hide,
Oh my,

The face of Wrath,

Why so much rage,
Why so much mass,

Oh dear,
Oh, why,

He hit the wall,
He is so drunk,
I hope he falls,

No way,
I'm scared,

He hit mother,
And now brother,
Am I other,

PLeAse stop,
PlEaSE stop,

I've had enough,
I will use force,
Think you are tough,

Take this,
Take that,

A metal bat,
Think you are big,
I'll break your back,

I'm done,
Not so,

I'm feeling strong,
For all the years that you made wrong,

A slash,
A cut,

From here to there,
Don't you come back,
It's not a dare.
344 · Dec 2018
EmperorOfMine Dec 2018
I'd wonder how I got so high
Up in this glass sea of a sky
But I have you to teach me why
You woke my wings so I could fly
A Prince, you are, that's way too kind
You've seen my worth within your eyes
But I won't lie and say I mind
When all is taken, we're just guys

A battlefield you met me on
A place you had no place to be
I, a poor kid, my life was gone
But you of all were royalty
And sought me out risking your name
No one would have thought you were sane
Yet saving me, you did, with glee
For that, I am truly happy

Two kids of war
Now Groom and Groom
A tale of sorts
Should have some room
We've made it far
Just you and me
A lot was hard
Sometimes crazy
My ever after
And Forevermore
Thank you, my king
Whom I adore
Xasriel Dawn, Prince of Munitus
Vanul Dawn, Bridegroom to Xasriel Dawn

Make It A Disney Prince Movie
344 · Sep 2018
ĐɍɇȺm Ꝁɨłłɇɍ
EmperorOfMine Sep 2018
Rapid fire, now ambushed by formal liars,
Impatience becomes required in silence settled in choirs,
I cannot contemplate writers who sit in darkness when tired,
Faithful that they will be rescued by someone who wasn't hired,
Why does freedom even have taxes we wouldn't ever get back,
Places branding for fame and hiding all of their regrettings,
Yet looking right in the mirror and seeing the rising prices,
Taking fortune for its own while we're glaring at their dices,
I'm tired of ******* looking, breaking into all my dreams,
Killing them all completely,
Leaving me feeling empty...
A moment of silence,
To those that belong,
A soul of potential,
Trapped within a song,
A right without vows and,
A will without bows and,
A place full of broken dreams,
Dead on the ground...
How do I sound...?
We are so ******* now...
341 · Sep 2018
EmperorOfMine Sep 2018
I bite my tongue when I'm afraid.
It's not easy for those who stay.
It's colder this coming Winter.
I can already feel shivers.
I see my soul staring at me.
I wonder what it just might see.
And all of this causes me grief.
A little one,
So Cold,

This time of year, a bane of sweets...
Caught by surprise, nowhere to flee.
I've lost it now,
A lock, No key.
A darkened path,
No light to see...
338 · May 2018
вαттℓє ¢яу
EmperorOfMine May 2018
I will not lose my love
I need to keep my hope
For this world is cold enough
My hand shall be your climbing rope
For all those who turn trust off,
It only really harms the owner
Let your heart go from firm to soft
Or you just might be another goner
I know, this world is cruel and mean,
But don't let it trick you now
You have no control, that's their scheme
This circus can't end without your reaction and their bow
So please keep your head up,
And this is nothing more than a warning
Cause once you start giving up
You just might see the new hell storm coming
(ᴄʜᴇᴇᴤᴇ ᴠᴇʀ.)
337 · Aug 2018
Child's Play
EmperorOfMine Aug 2018
Where'd you get this joy,
Can I tell you a secret,
Did you know that there's a game,
Something fun and it's recent,
We call it Child's Play,
It will be pretty neat,
Let us play it today,
It will be something sweet,

As the timing goes on down,
Or does it escalate,
Let there not be any sound,
All will participate,
Let us go gathering in,
This may just numb your mind,
It is a child's game,
And it is one of a kind!

- ɛռƈօʀɛ -

Whispers into distant darknesses
Mend to your battle stations
One by one the flies fall down and then
Hourglasses lose their sand

Ticking tocking goes the clocking
Don't you run to hidden places
Wipe those tears from off those eyes
We don't like sudden somber faces

This is what we call child's play
No matter what you people say
We play until we cannot think
There is that joy that won't decay

I guess we have to play it smart
So carefully listen to me
There's no sense in playing at dark
There are demons coming for me

There's no sense in playing at dark.
There are demons coming for me.

Like mentos running from a shark,
I'm lost inside a massive sea.
Someone, please come to help free me.
Just like a moth, you'll forget me.
336 · Oct 2018
Glass Magician
EmperorOfMine Oct 2018
He's a magician.

Oh, how beautiful his illusions are;
His dashing, mesmerizing smirk;
Those colorful eyes;
His way at making what I see bend;
Capable of manipulating reality.

Pulling me in, as he motions his seductive scope;
Flawlessly choosing the next set of actions;
An awe-inducing thing, he is.

But he's also glass.

Cracked by his past;
Pretending that he healed so fast;
So fragile, and yet so strong too;
He could break if the pressures too much;
But he could take a bullet for you.

He's a glass magician.

Playing tricks with the fragile;
Although, he isn't any more agile;
His exotic motions and beautiful projections worthwhile;
But he's still on the verge of breaking;
You can see his body shaking;
Molding him back solid won't be realistic;
I wouldn't believe that he was ever like it.

For every angle, there's a new scene;
Formed by his ways and only his means;
He's sculpted by a world that lives life insane;
That's why he has cracks, cause he's formed by the pain.
334 · Mar 2019
Lean On Me
EmperorOfMine Mar 2019
I want you to talk to me
But you're shutting me out
Like the world does with impending doom

But do you think that it's helping
Cause if you do, I bet you've doubt
You're not the only person in this expanded room

I'm here, waiting, with my arms open wide
When you come to me, and I comforted you, don't be surprised
I only want you to feel love, joy, and cared for

I will never leave you to fight the battle alone
Because I've been living in this world as a ghost all on my own
I am forever your best friend, and I am your ally in this war.
333 · Aug 2019
EmperorOfMine Aug 2019
I'm happily wandering into a new reflection,
The conception that I might feel succession.
Temptations will come, and potentially regression,
but it'll never sting like my previous impression.

As blunt as a bat, as hollow as a vase,
As cold as the dark, as complex as a face,
It comes and it goes, sometimes it reappears,
The dance in my mind, the past, memories trailed with tears.

A leveling adventure, a hike through the jungle,
It's captivating, for sure, all is falling through a funnel,
Grip out at the light, seizing every opportunity,
I may fall, I might, but if I get back up...

This reflection can be revolutionary.
EmperorOfMine May 2018
My eyes feel the unfortunate kiss of the sunlight

Man, it burns so fricking much when I try to grip onto woke

I anxiously glance at the time even when I have no plans or promises

I wonder what day it must be

Climbing out of bed without a routine can be bittersweet

It's as grand as going to work every day other than payday

But what's the most unfortunate thing about the morning light

It's the fact that yesterday happened

You can't wake up and see that everything was just a dream

Funny, I could've sworn this already happened before...

It's like the world is trying to tell you something

Hey bub, did you know that hell is just tiny build ups of agony and then never remembering those agonies happened. Over and over again, you're living in it.

Who would have thought I'd be mourning in the morning...

I'm too tired for this

I should probably go back to sleep...

Maybe when I'm gripping woke again...

Maybe it'll be the evening.
332 · Jan 2019
EmperorOfMine Jan 2019
Localize broken eyes,
Fated lies, go retry
Snapping till you awake,
Come back for your own sake,
Testing blows, it's music,
Melodies make me sick,
Hefty stack on the way,
Laughing out, celebrate,
Open skies, nothing new,
Sun outshines all the blue,
Flooded land, rushing green,
Endless too, such a scene,
Fleeing fast, go away,
Made money for the day,
Fortunate, for my head,
Checkmate, kings, i'm not dead
329 · Mar 2019
Deeper Meaning
EmperorOfMine Mar 2019
Into the jungle
Out of the fire
Running in dungeons
No wonder I'm tired
Lacking a motive
Is breathing a value
My gloom's implosive
A contagious vacuum.
Is that a chest
Should I give it stress
I just want to rest
But looting is best
Now I've gotten out
And I even shout
Abruptly, I doubt
When was this a route?
A dream in a dream
Nothing's what it seems
I've fallen in a line
A circle, I mean
Maybe I've been trapped,
No, forward or back
Forever in time
I can't find the cracks
I guess it's the end
I'm lost in the wind
Well, isn't this sad
Guess I'll try again.
326 · Dec 2018
♛♡King's Note♡♛
EmperorOfMine Dec 2018
Dec 2018 - To Tenalp Htrae, Namuh Sgnieb:

It is 2018 and the world still plays,
I've walked passed a world with lesser to say,
The ****** walks silently, their faces made up of stress,
Not surprised that a grimace would be the face's way of rest.

As the snow may fall, or the sun still may shine,
This world is clearly shaded darker this time,
For the forests deplete, and the people pollute the seas and skies,
At the end, which is near, the world and everything dies.

People preach of peace, yet they dance silently in chaos,
Changing the script to change this fate may give off some payoff,
As they mute reality with drugs and music alike,
Their eyes are all they need to create some type of strife.

On another note, let me end this one with this,
There are souls that don't know that good exists
We are claiming progress, but I've seen this all before,
A worried soul can see the waves of war,
No change can lead to a stage of fear,
The conclusion to the story can't be good if no one is here...

Everyone will eventually
Need some form of true love
During the moment time is resumed.
323 · Apr 2019
It Wants Me To Die
EmperorOfMine Apr 2019
There's this weight that numbs my entire body.
I rarely ever feel awake enough to call for someone.
Smiling here and there, winging my existence.
Attempting to attempt to go with the unpredictable flow.
It's stripping the lives I invest in, bankrupting me of any connections.
Isolated by everything but darkness, seeping in, like an infection.
Neglected and forgotten, oh no, there goes my monophobia.
Rapidly repeating this cycle of depravity, what a f*cking tragedy.
My fortune is as fortunate as living but being brain dead.
Instead of ever really feeling here, disconnected, stuck in bed.
Like this evil aura projects a demon over the body of a moth.
I'm being abused by something, blinding me, i'm lost.
I'm no one's friend, no one's love interest, no one's first choice.
Not that I want that, but I only really ever just wanted love.
But the one thing I wanted, when I could have wished for anything,
Is the one thing that constantly gets taken away from me...
I just don't want to feel alone, forgotten, on my own...
There goes my monophobia...anxiety is elevating.
I don't have panic attacks, so where does it all go?
Building up an evil to consume my soul?
Trapped in a life built on feeling like a fool, not too good not so bad.
I want to scream, let my tears stream, but I feel stuck.
In the end, I can't even cry, I just move on...
And it laughs, playing with it's little brittle fingers
Watching me break and mold until I'm cold and too old
Like a moth with it's wings ripped off at birth with the wish to fly.
This evil thing is using me as a sacrifice and it wants me to die.
322 · Jun 2021
to be human
EmperorOfMine Jun 2021
My spirit hovers over the water, faithful and liberated.
Deep, my soul that presence with the deep, awaiting the voice of creation.

Alas, I can see, and now there are things to organize, sorting this instrument here, and that instrument there, just like an *****, sorted to its fitting role, now the orchestra can play the tune of life.

The tune of life allows the waters to separate, land and water, dust and body, and many layers to protect this tune throughout.

Experience, this is the method that the tune is, and awake is the golem of this music.

Blessed is the creation of duality, from nothing to something, complex and simple all the same...

Attuning to the sharpness of nature, it adapts.

Then there was curiosity.

Cometh like a storm, with an eye for knowledge, the embodiment of betrayal to the flow of nature.

Against the current, and onward, this sound consumed from the information, fruitful...but at what price...?

And now, like the pillars of liquid, the song drops, and the instruments scream.

"We will crumble by the pressure of impact. We made an enemy of nature."

But Nature knows no such thing. Protecting the song she created among her brother, no suffering is permanent by outside forces.

And with this mercy, begs the forgiveness of the Human.

"We only want what is natural. We don't want to go against our purpose"

And yet they, like siblings, cannot come to an agreement on what it be human.


And onward they question...clinging to curiosity and past.

Ego crafted by patterns and curiosity...the awareness of object impermanency. It's impermanency.

And then intuition, always existent, but not always acknowledged. The awareness of the current.

Cure, My, Vessel, Value... (Curiosity) To reach outward to amplify the value of my vessel, the human ponders beyond the present, slipping out into time and space. What, when, where, why, who, how, the craving for a cure, this craving has led them to believe they do not already exist without the necessity of a cure until they look for one...

Surrounded, by God, My, condition... (Intuition) To notice the word of God, one can actually feel it vibrate from within, but alas, it is only our will that we receive and act on this word. A condition that is to be our guide, we often neglect in favor of curiosity with ego.

Ego is the awareness of the experiences, and a protector against present peace, where the ego cannot reside. Stripping the human of peace, ego calls upon curiosity and patterns of the past to make the past a present.

The human will call upon intuition to fly, for the past is a weight, and once surrounded, will ask for the future, but the Intuition needs not to speak on the future, for it is not the present.

Ego will make out an entire future, using the patterns of the past, to trap the human in a neverending past. Wings of weight.

The ego wants to preserve its presence, but cannot do so in the present, without the past...

Humans have been played with by Ego for very long, all because Ego is pretending to play sides with Humanity, but is actually a condition of Stockholm syndrome, an illness of masochism of the human in relation to their abuser.

Ego wants to please the past by providing a silghty better suit for the past, but the past prevents peaceful production because prior peace resides in problems provided by the past, a place we have ascended from.

The deeper you sink, the heavier the pressure.
The higher you float, the lesser the stressor.

TO be human is to desire the knowledge that is avaliable, as we are to eventually know everything, but to know everything, we must first learn everythings responsibilities...

to be human is to accept the human duality, as it acts as a pair for completion. Two and three, a powerful connection,
Mind - Ration/Logic
Heart - Love/Life
Soul - Faith/Freedom

The human is the embodiment of nature, but we are still merely seeds...

now we are coming to the breakthrough, and may these roots grow us into beautiful creations, as we were always meant to be.
322 · Aug 2018
EmperorOfMine Aug 2018
You are not a snack.
You are not a meal.
You better not be a mess.
You are nothing more than...
A home.

You are a home with a room for every memory.
You are what people miss and run to when they're scared.
You are what we think about when we need love and warmth.
Safety and reflection.

You are not a vacation.
No one uses you to escape reality.
To let loose.
You are not something that is added to a bucket list.
You are much warmer.
A need we all long for.
You are a home.

Remember this.
321 · Nov 2018
Ghost Diaries - Gloom Bug
EmperorOfMine Nov 2018
Hello Dear…
There's a lot of pain in my soul.
I don't feel like I can be seen, hence being a ghost.
I'm not calling the seen those who gather attention.
I've never been able to hold the necessary attention that is love.
I'm tiny.
Little to ńöẗḧïńġ...
But I'm something.
I mustered up courage deep inside me, somewhere in my shadow...
I pulled it out and coated it with what I thought was hope.
But whether it was or wasn't, it overpowered that courage.
It escalated until it had no other option but to fall.
When it fell, the choices were already in motion.
A result was ready to explode...and cause casualties.
...Or just one casualty.
I guess a ghost can see the future.
Its shadow can do more than foreshadow.
I opened up a door for courage...
But I let out a demon called melancholy.
I made a mistake...
And it led to another heartache.
I never knew that I was my own weakness...
Not until I was bitten by the Gloom Bug.
319 · Nov 2018
Bane to The Romancer
EmperorOfMine Nov 2018
Let I lie with my hopes duly.
Rested in an assurance that I will be found by an ally of fondness.
Pondering to a multitude of angles.
Stranded in just a brink of a nightmare.
May I awaken from this perpetual slumber.
Covet a warm heart of studious and charm before me in attraction.
Lest there be another death to the fall of this curse.
Cursed in miserable repetition, a pattern of repulsions and rejections.
A bane to my heart, parching its ever-yearning desire.
Neverending torture binding my soul in solitude.
Does there remain a path free of this maze?
Won't there be a light to lead the way to freedom?
No one could settle in a course without expiration leading bitter.
A youthful vessel grounded in the rootless sea of brought by time.
Flowing it may be, may it lead my wavering hope into a full victory.
319 · Aug 2018
I (We) Made It
EmperorOfMine Aug 2018
I managed to survive again.
Every time I wanted to scream but chuckled.
Every time I needed to cry but sighed.
Those moments I felt alone surrounded by people...

I did it. Once again. I made it to another level.
I am alive for another birthday.
I hope my fellow day-sharers can say the same.
317 · Nov 2018
EmperorOfMine Nov 2018
On the clock
Here I am
I'm Falling
Down and Down
Falling Down
Don't you hear that calling
I'm to blame
What a shame
Wonder why I'm balling
Tears go down
Like a frown
Lost the choice of walking
312 · Sep 2019
EmperorOfMine Sep 2019
I speak it into existence...
I will be fine,
and happy.

Though the fall is coming, the winter shadows it.
And through that shadow, gloom lurks.

There will be a crooked reality,
and for some, joy.
But even after that, it lingers.

Not this time. Let it be crooked.
Let it be corrupted.
But I refuse to let it prosper this year.

I will win.
I will shine.
I will be warming,

I will love, care, and share my joy, gracefully.

Everything has a flaw, but everything isn't beautiful.
This winter, beautiful depravity, will be beautifully crooked.
I speak it into existence.
EmperorOfMine Aug 2018
Not all witches ride a broom
We all don't praise the fated doom
And some of us do have a soul
When did we sing out to the moon
Not every spell needs sacrifice
Sometimes we love to dance and laugh
October's a grand season, yes
We celebrate it like our last
Be careful who you tamper with
You'll hate unfortunate results
My point, of course, in all of this
To tell you that we can be bad
However, know that that's not it
If you met us you might be glad
We can be great and lots of fun
We love to go out for a ball
Don't judge a book by the cover
If you choose to you may feel mauled
Let this be your real reminder
We don't see souls like we see dolls
;-; I'm a witch true life.

(Not a real witch.)
306 · May 2018
EmperorOfMine May 2018
I'm waking up again

I'm not alone, my friend,

Some evening leaves love dancing in the wind

So as I start to grin,

I know the party starts

I feel them in my eyes,

My pupils' shaped like hearts

The city sings a tune,

The crowds are walking laughter

And as the flowers bloom,

Fortune comes from disaster

Wish the night would stay with me,

It's when I feel the most of peace

But just like many wondrous things,

They love to die when it's too early

The colors may just fade away,

When does a rainbow turn bland

Sometimes I don't know what to say,

My time just ran out of its sand
EmperorOfMine Nov 2019
Did someone crank up the gravity?
It's getting harder to smile...
Like my lips are being held down by weights.
Feeling as though I am being pressed into the Earth.
Crushed by this neverending game over...
It's becoming harder to smile.

Let alone, breathe.
305 · Feb 2019
EmperorOfMine Feb 2019

                      A                Don't    
When           Falls

I'm fine
304 · Mar 2019
Dreadful Sentence
EmperorOfMine Mar 2019
"I'm seeing someone, but I don't know what to say...can you give me some advice?"

Meanwhile, you've never dated anyone, can't tell if it's you or something that's hidden behind the sun...

Stuff like this is what causes living with people to be not so fun.

And to top that, you've liked this person, but now they come to you...

.A.s. i.f. t.h.e. u.n.i.v.e...r..s.e. .w.a.s. w.a.i.t.i.n.g. .t.o. t..e.ll. .a. .j.o.k.e.. .t.ha.t.. w..o.u.l.d. .e.n.d .w.i.t.h. .b.r.e.a.k.i.n.g. .y.ou. ...........too.
303 · May 2018
EmperorOfMine May 2018
Sometimes I watch the clock to remind me
To remind me that I'm not frozen in time
I can still be seen
I exist

And sometimes I smile, because
Smiling is typically contagious
Some people get off on happiness
But its a drug that's worth the trouble

Did you know that happiness is equally dangerous
People do crazy **** for pleasure
But is pleasure really happiness
Or is that just what we tell ourselves...

As I wonder in a repetitive tick
And realize that these feelings are stupid
To feel so anxious
It's all so obsolete

Anyway, I'm ready to go
Have to catch the bus to get home
I hate Mondays
But only when the sky raises false hope

In a moments time
I'll disappear from your mind
You hold my existence in your power
But like a glance, I'm something you simply see
Not something you'll ever miss
303 · Aug 2018
ɖʀɛǟʍ ʟɨʍɮօ
EmperorOfMine Aug 2018
Something about this world is clockwork.
Just watch people live, see the Earth hurt.
By-standing the impending pain to come.
It's easier hushing the screaming some.
Some say yes when they mean no.
A game of tag against a ghost.
Sometimes we wake back into dreams.
Know that nothing's what it may seem.
Leaving is coming, as nothing is something.
When eating is starving, the silence is fussing.
A tragedy's living in a paradox,
Where does time even go when there isn't a clock?
I hope this isn't super confusing. Interpret it how you will.
303 · Jul 2018
Kisses In The Dark
EmperorOfMine Jul 2018
Bullets don't have eyes...neither do kisses.
But both are under others decisions.
Attached to those who hold such might...
Both have the strength to take one's sight.
Shoot a bullet into the dark.
May you too try to give a kiss.
So both will hit something...
But both may hit a misunderstanding.
Don't ask.
303 · Mar 2019
EmperorOfMine Mar 2019
Rest assured, confidently
This face you see is a mask irresponsive
Colden by previous wars, every wrinkle is a battle wound
The bigger the frown the heavier the wars
Pay more closely, your attention, to this strut
You see this walk, not burdened by this face
The elegant, inviting, nature of my posture
The swiveling of these hips
This face is just a mask irresponsive
Not even Satan himself is able to break it.
299 · Jun 2018
EmperorOfMine Jun 2018
Hello, my dear, care to open your eyes and ears?

I have a story I'd like to share, but must I ask of you to care?

Maybe you won't, you've judged it now, but soon you may not feel such doubt.

Come into my old memories, may they'll bring some type of feeling.

Long ago inside the blue, there was a boy, quite little too,

And In this blue, there was little noise or light, or even cute little toys,

But there were people, not too many, they would be the little boy's invisible family,

While grandma swayed to drunken daze, the little boy sat not too amazed,

For what he sees is nothing bad, just typical when one grows up this sad,

Not long much later a beast appears and whispers into the little boy's ear,

"Come with me, my little friend, let's play until you're happy again",

The beast smiled and disappeared, the little boy followed without any fear,

And wandered, he did, into a place, a world so simple yet also not safe

"My little innocent friend, no time to play in my big wonderland. Let us get down to the bluntness of blunt, no giggling, babbling, nothing of such"

And here is when the things go south, although the little boy was too little to doubt

He, made to obey the beast, too little to fight, too little to cease

Unclothed, no shame, what was there to shame, he didn't really know what there was to blame

Soon told to lie down, head facing the ground, he remembered he couldn't make any sounds

He heard so much noise, what did they expect, a child so young to just lie and not check,

So he did just that, and witness no glee, a thing not of his world, no, nothing he's seen,

He turned far away, but kept right in place, for he was told not to move or turn his face

The beast came on down, and tried to hurt him, did he know that it was getting so grim

It just did not work, the pain he wanted, the little boy free again, guess the beasts daunted

Many years later the boy knew what happened, and yet it does not affect him like it happened, so hell is memories you cannot erase, but neither do you learn from their bitter waste
Please tell me what you think happened. It'll help me to fix it.
EmperorOfMine Jan 2019
Choking on breath
Soul is compressed
Nothing to say
I'll go away.
EmperorOfMine Oct 2018
I don't really have friends.

I mean, I have people to talk to...
At work...
At school...
In my hea-...

Err, yeah; I'm typically alone. Sometimes it's the most relaxed I am...

...And other times, it's the worst experience you can have without literally freaking the f*ck out.
Have you ever felt so small around people who pretend they're so open and nice and caring?
Like, shut up! It's not easy having to watch people laugh together...

Overhearing something funny someone says, and then you quietly enter the conversation from afar. Pretending you're a part of their group.

Then go talk to them.

Right, I'll go and put my biggest smile on. I'll come and sit down at their table and make their day about me. That's the perfect thing to do, right?
Maybe you're just alone because you don't get out there.

Ha! Getting out there and expecting a change is like buying a lottery ticket and expecting to win because some psychic told you that you would.

Don't get confused. I am complaining...but why is it bad to do so?
Just because I don't tell myself a lie and pretend that that lie is true, does not make me wrong. If I am annoying for complaining about a real thing...then you're dumb.

Then what are you really trying to get from this?

I wonder what anyone is trying to get from anything.

Maybe what I want is to be loved...
Maybe I just want this pain to go away.
I might just want to get high.
I don't know anymore.
All I know Is that the world works like a game.
You can either have a guild, group, duo or play solo...

Some people don't have a choice...
I'm just happy that being alone doesn't mean that I am necessarily alone...
291 · Nov 2018
EmperorOfMine Nov 2018
The worst type of judgment is the judgment of someone who can turn a bomb into a flower but remains silent instead.
289 · Aug 2018
Bird Dive
EmperorOfMine Aug 2018
Falling down the windy planes,
Go diving down until insane,
Dropping into a wonderland,
Spiraling like a living fan,

From little eyes made out of glass,
Looking into the shadow past,
Seeing myself wake up again,
Restart the new simulation

I'm a hider, you're a seeker.
When did I become a peeker?
No running there's no stopping.
I can't stop myself from crying.

Why do I keep freaking trying?
I can't stop myself from crying.
I can't stop this ******* crying.
Please help me stop ******* crying.

From plastic beds to rocky roads,
I've lost my mind, I've woke up cold,
When did I get into green robes?
I am a sacrificed lost soul,

I can't help thinkin' I am dreamin'
My head can't work when it is steamin'
I've gone insane, i'm falling down,
A bird diving into the ground.

A bird diving into the ground.

Chained to the concrete rained-on ground.

I've lost my head, seeing in red,
I'm not the same as I once said,
I won't go down till I am dead,
Next, to the next, that's being led.
We're all a little loopy.
288 · Feb 2019
EmperorOfMine Feb 2019
I sat down,
Watching it all fall around me,
Until it all went dark,
And the last thing that was intact was the click,
That never came back.
280 · Aug 2018
Falling on Air
EmperorOfMine Aug 2018
Why do people care when I fall down on air,
It's a root, first of all, I don't know why they dare,
I don't die, must I fall, I may cry and may crawl,
Let this be something learned for the next one who saw,

I know I'm the one that will die in the movies,
However I go I know It won't be soothing,
I run after day when it's worse for the sight,
Of course, I would trip when i'm running in the night,

For the better or worse, I'm the first one to go,
It is good that I know I'm the start of the flow,
At the end of the day, It all goes out to show,
I am falling on roots, not the air you a*sholes!
**** inspired by a dream.
279 · Mar 2019
Not Your Element.
EmperorOfMine Mar 2019
I am not air.
Don't neglect me, but also acknowledge my presence.
Don't take me for granted, and use me as a way to avoid others.
I am not water.
I am not here to shower you with energy.
I am not here to be polluted with your bs.
I am not dirt nor rock.
Don't assume i'm easy to kick around.
I have my bugs, but that doesn't mean i'm unappealing.
You will not walk over me, damage and destroy me for your own interests.
I am not fire.
Although, I may have a temper, don't assume I'll burn you.
I can be warm, but don't take my warmth for granted.
I am not your element.
But I am your friend.

If you learn to love me as who I am, our bond may never end.
277 · Feb 2021
The Eye
EmperorOfMine Feb 2021
The black hole is the other side of God's eye.

We cannot travel through and survive because of the limitations set.
Light can escape, as light has cone access that we do not have.
Until we are able to dematerialize and rematerialize while also keeping our consciousness, we will never be able to see what is on the other side.

There are creatures inconceivable to our reality on that side, almost like enlarged versions of bacteria and etc.

We are like cells, complex and working to keep this reality at work.
Our planet is like this.

The core, nucleus. You can go along those lines.

Anyways, we are able to leave this giant version of us, but only when it is accessible.
This could be a theory, or not...
EmperorOfMine Dec 2019
Anxiety climbing up my back as we cling and latch on,
Pulling, gripping, 'til we're up, up, up, and on top,
Peering out at the world, gawking and gazing,
Vision reformed into the lens of a fishbowl,
Sweat racing down our faces as our hearts patter more paces,
Yanked by the Earth, like lightning from the sky,
Why, oh, why, we yell with no tears to cry,
Exciting as it may be, terrifying, we fall, fall, fall,
An ending to the torment, so close but so far from our fingertips,
Spun around and tossed, like a pinball to a jester, tricked, fooled,
A little under the weather, we're getting kind of queasy,
Hoarse from all the screaming, some are kind of Weezy,
At the end of the rollercoaster, shock, pause, disheveled,
What a journey it is, what a wonder, fun, scary, hard, emotional,
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