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567 · May 2021
Your View
Owen May 2021
How I wish I could see myself
through your soft brown eyes.
See the virtue and constitution
that you love.
If I could see what you see,
dispel my insecurities.
I would have the strength
to carry this pain,
to change the world,
to keep you from all harm,
to love myself,
as much as I love you.
She makes me feel alive, and worth living for.
560 · Mar 2022
Issues PT.2
Owen Mar 2022
The end.

They'd call him paranoid, insecure, and controlling, but he was just drowning, suffocating, and afraid of the pain of losing everything, again and again and again, let down by those he cared for most. Lied to, played. Everytime he let someone in.
He'd always be the "bad guy" if it meant protecting his heart from that old abyss.
I guess people think they are entitled to being trusted. Go earn it.
Trust issues are not a reason not to love someone.
Trust issues are trauma leaking through the smiles.
554 · Apr 2021
A Lovely Noose
Owen Apr 2021
I knew it
when the hugs felt different,
when the kisses got shorter,
nearly one sided,
when I felt the urge to ask
if everything was still the same,
and I could hear the lie in
every promise you'd make,
the affirmations were fake,
just two-faced,
our love was a noose you tied
for me.
Nowadays I cant  believe I let her get to me like that. I cant believe I cared that much about someone who didnt give a ****.
552 · May 2021
These Days Pt. 14
Owen May 2021
These days are beautiful.
The nights follow suit.
Yet behind these still and silent eyes,
I am burning.
Hopelessly yearning
for rain to come,
to douse me,
to drown me.
Washing away
the violence in my head,
the fires fueled
by words unsaid.
550 · Mar 2022
Owen Mar 2022
She says she'll love me always
but her feelings don't last forever.
She likes me around on lonely days
till she finds someone better.
She's a user,
I'm a lover,
I'm a loser,
she wants another.
She tells me
I get too attached,
but when I want space
she feels attacked.
Making a point of finishing drafts.
497 · Oct 2021
Anxiety Pt. 3
Owen Oct 2021
Can't speak,
or move my feet,
shift my gaze,
my vision a haze,
with ringing in my ears,
just standing here.
Though I wanted to be near
to you,
now I want to be anywhere
but this venue
Im not like you
I dont wear my darkmess well.
476 · Jan 2021
Petals of the Heart
Owen Jan 2021
I keep leaving ruby petals
on sleeping eyes.
The delicate pieces of my heart
given away like souvenirs.
Memorabilia, a fragrant lingering memory of me.
I hope they bring you joy.
A reminder of how truly and deeply
one can love another.
It only saddens me
that hesitation now precedes passion.
As Im growing older, colder,
and farther from my roots.
Won't someone hold my rose heart together, thorns and all.
474 · Jun 2021
The Male Condition
Owen Jun 2021
And why should I stay,
in a world where
I will only be given love
when it's bought
with assets and income
or by my ability
to work, protect, and die
for the women and children,
and thus fulfill my purpose,
because I am a man.
Why should I stay
where my life in itself
has no value?
I'd rather leave.
453 · Jan 2021
Owen Jan 2021
Tonight I missed you
so much I got into bed
as if trying not to disturb you
and stayed on the edge of the mattress because you love to spread out.
I close my eyes
let my heart slow
and rest at ease
I can almost feel the weight of you next to me.
Hear your breathing and
reply when you talk
in your sleep.
All wishful thinking
you're so far away from here
the bed is so empty
and I'm alone with my fears.
I wish you missed me
but you don't
and I hate these tears.
I feel hollow without her here
442 · Dec 2020
Four Walls
Owen Dec 2020
These four walls
will be the death of me.
Squeezing, constricting
til theres no more breath in me.
Overthinking, thoughts rebounding from the corners
like that screensaver.
Im so capable,
yet unable
to leave.
Frozen as the air outside.
Limbs pinned,
tied like Gulliver.
Guilt and sadness and regret
from eyes
fixed open
unblinking in the dark.
441 · Dec 2020
Coal for Christmas
Owen Dec 2020
I am a ghost
of Xmas past.
From carols and lights
to shouts and fights,
snowmen and gingerbread
to icy winds and a deathbed.
From family
and friends around
to solitude
and not a sound.

This time of year's just not the same.
Theres no more laughter
and no more games.
When loved ones have all moved away,
and I travel a thousand miles
to be alone on holidays.

Im no believer
theres no greater
reason for this day of cheer.
Yet my selfish sorrows can't compare
to my brother's, who is over there,
on the front lines
away from those most dear.
I am a ghost this time of year. I wish my brother was home and I wish I was over there.
440 · Aug 2021
Bloody Sunsets
Owen Aug 2021
Locked up inside
deep in my mind.
They're out having fun,
I'm here feeling dumb,
Ive been going numb,
plan on dying young,
leaving life behind.
The sun is setting
my chance is gone
my turn is passed
my demons won.
440 · Jun 2022
Owen Jun 2022
You are all I want
Forever and always yours
Till death do us part
My wife is truly amazing. She makes me feel more and more loved and valued everyday.
430 · Jan 2021
Owen Jan 2021
The brightest flames
burn you the worst,
leave you the coldest
when snuffed out.

So I'll go without warmth,
the sun, the moon,
and the stars.
Ill look away from her eyes.
Ill forget her touch.
I dont want to feel this
I dont want to bleed
on such a beautiful person.
Im not healed enough yet to deserve these feelings.
415 · Mar 2022
Twisting the Knife
Owen Mar 2022
And you knew
that it made my insides spill
when you'd do what you do
when you're lonely.
You knew it made me feel
like I was on fire,
mouth sewn shut.
You knew,
but your satisfaction
takes priority
over my security.
But I knew
that no one really cared
all along
finishing drafts
415 · Mar 2021
These Days Pt. 12
Owen Mar 2021
These days I feel every breath
and wonder at the thin red line
that keeps me alive.
Seperating this world
and the void.
And I'm in awe of the joy and the life
that surrounds me whilst inside
I'm fading.
This yearning to embrace
eternal sleep, is in my bones,
my very foundations.
Since I was very little,
Ive been waiting.
Suicide and the fight to stay has been in me since I can remember.
412 · Apr 2022
These Days Pt. 20
Owen Apr 2022
On the brink
of failure.
a new reminder,
that no matter
how fast I may run,
that thing,
the heart of my
will catch me.
410 · Oct 2021
ISO Balance
Owen Oct 2021
I rush my days
for moments with you,
for the feeling of peace,
of a dream,
where I have
all I'll ever need.

Im neglecting myself
for my time with you Love,
and I fear
that this is too good to be true
that you are mine
and I am yours too,
that if I look away
you'll dissapear.
So Im neglecting myself
for my time
with you Love.
Im in need of balance
409 · Feb 2022
Owen Feb 2022
The hollow and empty
"I love you's"
are poison,
are killing me
Burning my empathy
and hope
to the ground
behind my eyes
without a sound
just ashes and ice
in my soul.
if I dont numb my chest soon, Imma bleed out this broken heart.
Dysthymia will be the death of me.
397 · Apr 2021
These Days Pt. 13
Owen Apr 2021
These days, I think
all I want,
all I am looking for is
someone who will sit with me
and listen to the songs
that perfectly voice
my every heartache,
struggle, failure, worry, and sorrow.
Read into the soundtrack
of my darkest moments;
look in my eyes,
see what's there,
and tell me
everything will be alright.
She's the only one who wanted to know.
397 · Jun 2021
Owen Jun 2021
Some people are in pieces,
thats just the way they are now.
And sometimes,
each of those pieces
holds the love of a lifetime.
It is beautiful,
unfair, and heartbreaking
at times,
when the pieces are not held
by just one person.
375 · Feb 2021
Burning It All
Owen Feb 2021
So I carved your name on a candle,
mine upon another.
Tied twine betwixt our wicks
and set us alight.
Watched as all contact, connection,
link, and bond
was destroyed.
And the noose around our necks
And every trace of us burned from mind and memory.
Back to ash and dust.
and from the ashes....
373 · Jun 2021
These Days Pt. 15
Owen Jun 2021
These days
there isn't much I care about.
My mind is plagued
by constant doubt.
And all I want is to be found,
to be seen,
be heard
without making a sound.
She has been keeping me
on the ground
rather than beneath it.
Chasing peace,
balance, and stability.
367 · Aug 2022
Means to an End
Owen Aug 2022
As long as the conditions are met
she'll love only him.
While he can give
what she needs
he can stay.
He won't be
But good men are a dime a dozen
and easy to attain.
Show an ounce of kindness
and we'll die for you.
And we die for you,
to be replaced
mental health in decline is the real pandemic, depression is rampant and men always die first
367 · Jan 2021
Owen Jan 2021
And suddenly we weren't strangers
in a crowd.
Disregarding distance,
the miles mean nothing
if shes there
at the end of the road.
With kind eyes of hazel
even warmer than her name
and a voice that buckles my knees
she has a heart of gold.
And she doesnt need me.
Yet chooses to be
No words
can do this feeling justice.
But shes a sunset on the beach,
A cold night sitting by the fire.
The light shining through the trees.
She's everything that inspires
me to be.
351 · Aug 2022
The Used
Owen Aug 2022
He took up arms
to protect those he loved.
He was poisoned by words,
and was never enough.
The loved ones cried
as they sold the mans grave
for likes online.
His suffering always paid.
While he was alive
they called him an animal
chained him with claims
to paint him a demon.
When they needed him
he was a credit to men.
When they were done
he was there to condemn.
350 · Jul 2022
When He's Done
Owen Jul 2022
He moved on
than he could have imagined
He only needed enough time
to mourn
the lost year,
effort, and
To kick himself
for being in fear,
for being used.
Such a fool.
Betrayal was the end
of everything real.
When she's gone
she's gone.
When he's done
he's done.
No time to feel.
Finishing drafts. Glad they ****** up.
349 · Jan 2021
Owen Jan 2021
And now I keep my distance.
Unable to trust,
to believe I'm worthy of love,
that I am anyones only one.
All  faith in good intentions
was torn out
when you left.
I cant share my heart anymore,
with anyone.
It's ******
and scarred.

So congratulations
you broke something
deep inside me,
punched through flesh and bone
to pull the plug
on my world.
Left me drowning
in insecurity.
And now
I flinch at the kindest touch,
and laugh at sincerity.
Trying to let people in again is hard she really did a number on me.
348 · May 2021
Owen May 2021
I keep having moments of mourning
the passing of the life I lived
of the boy full of masochism,
self-destructive determination,
ruled by pain
and fear.
In instances of stillness,
I close my eyes
and I'm back
on the bathroom floor
fading out once more.
I see the pain in her eyes
as I walk away,
again and again,
as I turn to stone.
Nostalgia fills my senses
but he is dead and gone
and I buried him deep.
343 · Aug 2020
Owen Aug 2020
I'm sorry,
I'm drunk, I know.
But how can you text me
a smile,
when you just threw
every promise
out the window.
When you let him in
and up to your room.
When you laid down
and let intimacy ensue.
If you wanted him,
just tell me
so I know where I stand,
so I don't have to be
your man.
How do I deal with reality.
340 · Mar 2022
Owen Mar 2022
And suddenly
this life had meaning,
there was reason
to suffer on,
to try and heal,
to be present
for the moments
of wholeness
when she is there.
My fingers
tangled in her hair.
To my beautiful wife.
336 · Nov 2021
These Days Pt. 18
Owen Nov 2021
These days, all my pieces
are being given away.
Making difficult decisions
just trying to stay
Change puts me on edge
anxiety and insecurities spread
engulfing me
I dont want to get out of bed.

An Oak growing without a sound,
loudly crashes, body broken,
roots rotten,
to the ground.
334 · Oct 2020
Owen Oct 2020
Let it all in.

Let it all out.

Let it all crash
as waves against the rocky shore.
Revel in the swash.
Exhale, as the surf slips back
to the sea.

This is life.
The breath.
This is suffering.
The ebb and flow.
On being open to experiencing all emotions and thoughts and then letting them go. Ive never felt more pain, more joy, felt more me.
331 · May 2021
Glass House
Owen May 2021
And everything felt so fragile.
This glass house we built.
Like any change in circumstance
would shake the ground,
would bring everything
crashing down.
And I know
we all have a past,
but I wish I was in those photographs.
And Ive been betting it all
that we would last,
but I hear the darkness calling.
I dont wanna go.
326 · Dec 2020
Owen Dec 2020
When I'm with her
I am who I love.
We are two sides of a coin,
dancing through the air,
twirling together.
A quirksome confidence and joy
in her smile.
Shy and genuine intrigue in mine.
Her laughter is sweeter than honey,
and I could listen to it forever.
Her eyes are kind,
Shes a work of art
a masterpiece.
I hope she knows.
you are truly wonderful and I feel so lucky to have met you.
325 · Jan 2023
Owen Jan 2023
Everyone is just looking
to be loved
in the right way.
Grasping for purpose,
a peaceful mind.
Welcoming arms,
someone who stays.
323 · Jan 2022
While You Dream
Owen Jan 2022
Ive been trying to talk to you
but you sleep deep
so I'm alone tonight
with my restlessness
and anxiety
ridden brain
that has me scared to wake you
though youre pressed to my frame.
I'm so so afraid of the weight
of these thoughts on my mind
it feels as though time is just
slipping by.
I feel as if
control of my life isn't mine.
I wish that we could just
leave this whole world behind
and live wonder by wonder
not trapped by the vices we're under
not walking on eggshells,
stepping quietly,
while the world around
is all thunder.
I cant sleep, my mnd is going a million mph.
I am burned out, stressed out, and anxious as ever.
321 · Apr 2023
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum
Owen Apr 2023
Because the day will come
where they come for you
and all you love.
They better pray to their god,
and beseech their idols of control,
that they are as dangerous as I.
318 · Nov 2020
These Days Pt. 7
Owen Nov 2020
I have come to find
when I deviate
from my muse of melancholy
I revile my work
more and more.
Perhaps because, inside,
the darkness and emptiness
is a part of every part of me.
And pretending,
is not in my nature.
oops, my fairly more severe Dysthymia is showing.
317 · Jul 2022
Anxiety Pt. 4
Owen Jul 2022
And even after everything
he confessed,
his story told,
his weakness laid bare,
salt was poured in the wounds
again and again.
The gasoline on his heart
was set to a match.
Stones dropped
in the pit of his stomach.
His mouth sewn shut.
His anxiety
an iron maiden.
finishing drafts
316 · Apr 2021
Owen Apr 2021
I hope your delusions
help you
to sleep at night.
303 · Mar 2022
Owen Mar 2022
It feels
like it did then.
Like they're
tired of me again.
Done with dealing
with the ghosts
that haunt me.
The moments
that left me just a little
too broken
on the inside
to ever be how I was.
Tired of a man
expressing his emotions
like they want
but not how they like.
Tired of my
Im not perfect,
and they deserve
284 · Feb 2021
Eighty Proof
Owen Feb 2021
So Ill take my eighty proof medicine
shot after shot
until the pain inside stops,
until the memories all fade,
until my ears cease ringing
with the silence
of this empty room.
Until this heart halts.
282 · Feb 2020
Owen Feb 2020
I want you with me always,
on every breath I count.
Your touch
never leaves, like the tattoos
on my skin.
Everything you are
lingers in my mind
in my very self.
Leaving your side
is losing a limb, a part of me,
the heart of me.
I know
I'm too cliche,
but all I want in this frigid world is to stay
with you.
282 · Nov 2022
Duty To Provide
Owen Nov 2022
And isn't it strange
The things you're willing to do
The lengths you will go to
For your loved ones
Versus what you'll do for yourself.
You realize how little you matter to yourself.
280 · Jan 2022
These Days Pt. 19
Owen Jan 2022
These days, being an old soul
just means I hate being sober.
Bottles full of  tears  numb the pain and I'm colder
than ever.
Memories only seem to get heavier
as the nights grow longer
I wish I was strong
272 · Sep 2021
These Days Pt. 17
Owen Sep 2021
These days I am more,
more than a man,
more than a brother,
more than a friend,
more than a lover.
I am a reason,
a reason for life,
a reason for laughter,
a reason for love,
a reason to stay,
a reason to be.
I am half of a whole
and she is the other.
Together the storm is still
and we are stronger.
Now i can start living
272 · Nov 2021
Owen Nov 2021
Innocence is lost
As life turns light to darkness
We destroy ourselves
265 · Mar 2020
Owen Mar 2020
To my best friend,
To my idol,
To my mentor,
To my brother,
I forgive you.
Our adolescent cruelty
is in the past.
Your remorse oozes from you,
The room is almost still
but for you
quaking shoulders and tears like mine
sliding down.
And I want you to know,
from the depths of my heart,
that you broke me down
and pushed me
over a ledge.
But the pain and despair I drowned in,
taught me to swim.
An unintended gauntlet,
that was my childhood.
What you did
taught me how not to treat my family
taught me determination
honor, and
showed me how hard I was to ****.
So dont cry,
cause I forgive you,
big brother.
263 · Jan 2021
Owen Jan 2021
My circumstance destroys everything.
I build,
and I build knowing
that all will be left
unfinished, deserted, ruined,
a ghost, a photograph.
And all that is assured is the anguish
of what could have been,
what was,
and what cant be.
Each time Im reminded
of all my faults, my mistakes,
the choice that I made,
to be here,
and not there,
not with her,
and it hurts.
Leaves me empty
and questioning
why I even try
to build happiness
What do I do anything for anymore.
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