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Nathan Lippmann Sep 2024
I'm traped in a place
A place full of confusion
Observed by a demonic face
Conflics with an illusion

Traped at this place with many scars
Living without conviction
This space, with dull stars
This place full of suspicion

Traped at this place and it's hate me
Can't break out of those dark memories
And never will be free
Pictures in my head of those black stories

Traped at this place without hope
A place where I'm alone
This is a place I can't cope
A place, where I breake under the weight of a stone

Traped at this place where I'm lost
It's a place of gloomy fog
A place never endless darkness crossed
This place with an invisible lock

Still traped at this place that I know
This place is me
This place is my foe
This place of broken dignity
Ete Dec 2011
We are consciousness, and only consciousness.

The consciousness that is somehow bound to the body, is conscious of everything.

Thoughts are like people moving around in the market place. Thoughts are everywhere and when we give our attention to thoughts, when our consciousness looks at thoughts, which are everywhere to be seen, which are all around us, we experience thinking.

It is very important that we understand that we are consciousness and only consiousness.

This way we can free ourselves from the prison that we are in but yet don't know we are in. Humanity is enslaved thanks to the mind. Not just because the mind exists, but because of the believes that we carry in the mind, which are believes that keep us limited. We believe things that are not truly true, and this keeps us in a kind of prison.

When we are born in a body, we are free and we are just consciousness, purely conscious.

As we grow, all the information that is already here in the world is ingested into our mind. As we continue to grow, and as all this information continues to grow in our mind, we start to forget that we are just pure consciousness. By the time we are teenagers, and by the time we start to become adults, we have totally forgotten that we are just consciousness and we live our lives in a little box because we limit ourselves with the believes that are inevitably conditioned upon us. We believe that we are this body and we are not this body. When i say we, i am talking about the consciousness, the pure consciousness.

And the problem is not only that we believe we are this body, but we grow the habit to think compulsively.

Anything in this world can become a habit, and for the mayority of humanity , thinking has become a habit.

So what happens?
The pure consciousness that you are is never pure, is never silent, is never fully conscious because first of all, we are taught to believe that we are the body-mind, and second of all, we grow the habit to always think by always having to judge ourselves to see if what  we are doing is right or wrong, to see if we are to be punished or if we are to be rewarded. And this supports and strengthens the believe that we are the thinker, that we are the body.

When we don't allow spaces of no-thought, of no-thinking, we forget that we are an empty sky.  

My effort on leaving behind all these words is to wake up as many people as possible.

People are missing a great opportunity.

People stay living in a little room when they can be living in a huge palace.

All that has to do be done is to find a little distance between thoughts, between feelings, between everything and always remain a watching presence. Now, we are always this watching presence, we are always consciousness even if we are unconscious about it. Even if we are unconscious about the fact that we are consciousness , we remain consciousness. For example, all animals are consciousness, they are awareness, but they are unaware of this. Their body limits them because it lacks intelligence. They are not fully and totally free and they can not be either. But at the same time they don't have to be. By nature they  don't have to be intelligent, they are fine just how they are and they are in the process of one day becoming conscious like we are, like the humans are. Still, there are many humans who remain unconscious of the fact that they are consciousness and only consciousness. Without shape, without form. Just consciousness, awareness, everywhere. This whole universe is consciousness and when this consciousness is merged to a body, the body is simply a contact point of the consciousness.

At some point, when the body of a baby is being developed in the mothers womb, a little spec of consciousness enters and binds to the body of the baby and this happens because through the human body, through a human experience, the consciousness is capable of becoming aware of itself and this realization is possible in any one life time, in any one human experience. But, it has not been so. It has taken many many life-times and many many people have not yet realized this. People can't even believe that they had a life before this life and that they can have a life after this life as well. People can't even conceive this. But it is true. People have been going life after life, obviously and naturally not remembering the past life, but going life after life not going beyond life. Not going beyond the human or atleast not even understanding, discovering, learning , what life is, what the human is. People remain ignorant and afraid because of the conditioning that they receive.

All conditions prevent the being from trascending their lives and consciousness because in our true nature we are totally unconditioned- free-beings. Any condition that is imposed on us goes against our very nature and anything that goes against nature is bound to have problems.  

And so my reason for saying these things that i have discovered to be true in me, is to help people remember or to atleast give people a new idea that there is the possibility of something more, of something greater than life, something with no limitations, something with no death, something that can not get sick, that can not feel pain, something of pure joy and peace , of pure love.

Every single human being is searching for this something, every single human being is searching for themselves. And they are searching because they remember. They have been themselves before. They are themselves right now. They are consciousness right now, but there are so many things in the mind that they forgot and they dont know. And when they hear something that is true, when something is said that points to that consciousness, automatically something is felt inside, something is triggered.

This whole search for truth or for enlightenment is a search for our own selfs.

It is a remembering process that happens.

Go into this search as empty as possible.

The less conditions you carry , the less knowledge you carry, the more simple and humble you are, the easier it is to remember who you are, because it does not take knowledge to know that you are consciousness, that you are awareness, it simply takes consciousness and awareness.

So it is important to be aware of everything, of every single thought that comes in and out. Be aware of the believes that you believe and the believes that you don't believe.

I don't know if there are people who for some reason are not ready to awaken, even though they can, even though every single human being can awaken, but,  there are people who have put too much into their believes, too much faith, and who can not even concieve the idea of dropping these believes, these investments. Now, the funny thing is, that even all these people who are unaware, are consciousness themselves. And it makes sense that these people who are unconscious , are here in the world so that other people can wake up, so that other people can learn from them, so that other people can see their unconsciousness, can see their behaviors, and use them towards their journey, towards their enlightenment, towards their shift of consciousness.  

"We are itself the consciousness presenting itself as human nature" - Mooji.

We , the consciousness, invisible consciousness that can not be seen nor touched, which one day was before Earth was created, that consciousness that is everywhere like space, over time has manifested itself in the world of form, in the world of matter and eventually through the movement of what appears to be time, manifested itself as a human being.

It is an invisible yet conscious phenomena that has managed to make a form out of atoms and elements, managed to make a form out of itself, out of elements of itself, and managed to create the world that we can see today. And seeing the vastness of the universe, we can see the many possibilities that exist, the many possibilities of consciousness to keep growing, to keep creating, to keep expanding, to keep evolving.  

One day i am not going to be able to express myself through Esteban, yet i will be expressing myself through other bodies, with other names. And i have been expressing myself through other bodies also, like for example one of my favorite man, Osho, Bhagwan. Osho is I. Osho is the same consciousness that is in Esteban, expressing. Now, we look different in the outside, our voices are different, our accents are different, but it is the same consciousness trying to express the same thing. Once we know that we are this limitless consciousness, we can start focusing on creating things. But right now what is important is that everybody realizes that we are this consciousness, because if not everybody knows this, then we can not create, we can not work to our full potential. Once we know who we are, once we know WHAT we are, we will know exactly what we have to do, what we can do, and we would do it with a quality that has not existed before. A quality of super consciousness, a godly quality. So before we focus on the outside world we have to focus on the inside world first. Before we can create beauty outside we have to create beauty inside, because the outside world is a reflection of the inside world.

If the inside world is not pure, is not balanced, then the outside world will not be pure, will not be balanced.

If inside of us there is tension, anxiety, fear, hate, anger, violence; this is what will be expressed outside of us. If inside of us there is love, wisdom, peace, joy, beauty; then outside of us there will be all of this as-well.

The problem is not whether we are thinking negatively or positively, the problem is that we are thinking unconsciously.

That we think negative or positive thoughts does not matter as long as we know that we are thinking. And not because we are the thinker but because thoughts are passing through the mind and here the consciousness that we are , "thinks". But it does not think as in it is doing something, it simply sees the thoughts. The consciousness does not even move, does not even blink, does not have eyes like these eyes. The consciousness just is, and the consciousness sees thoughts moving, occuring.

The problem is not that the consciousness is seeing negative thoughts, the problem is that if the consciousness is seeing negative thoughts, it believes the negative thoughts.

You forget that you are the awareness that watches thoughts, totally separate from the thoughts.

You are simply giving attention to the thoughts.

Like i said before, thoughts are moving all around you. You can not see or grab them because they are so subtle in their manifestation, yet they ARE energy in movement, they exist but in different frequencies of existence. And they are everywhere.

When we experience thoughts, what ever category of thoughts, it is because we are giving our attention to those thoughts. Every single thought is available to us. The mind is not just your mind, my mind; The mind is one universal facility, available to all.

And so, the problem is not that you are thinking negativily.

The problem is that you are thinking unconsciously.

Become more conscious of your thinking. Become conscious of thoughts. If the thoughts are negative, watch them. If the thoughts are positive, watch them. But don't judge them as negative or positive, dont judge the thinking. If negative thoughts are percieved, don't start saying to yourself  "oh why am im always thinking negatively? ;( " because this IS another thought and you are not watching it. Usually THIS is the thought that is not watched.

You watch a thought, for example, you watch a negative thought. This negative thought brings out negative emotions because thoughts are the cause of emotions. Emotions are energies-in-motion. You watch your thinking, you watch the negative thought and then you say, "oh this thought is bad, why am i thinking these thoughts? I should not be thinking this way, what is wrong with me?" that right there is a thought also and you are thinking, believing, that it is you!

Any judgement is a form of thought.

Anything that consists of words or symbols and even images are thoughts. It is all mind and the problem is that there are thoughts that are not being watched, observed, and this is keeping you unconscious and troubled.

There are many thoughts that we are not aware of.

For example, we watch a negative thought , we percieve a negative thought, but then the next thought that talks about that negative thought, we don't see because we think, believe, that we are the one who talks instead of remaining the watching consciousness that we are.

We are not the one who talks because we don't even have a mouth to talk through. We are simply and only consciousness. We use the human body as an instrument to talk and express ourselves but we remain the conscious awareness.

Those thoughts that are not being watched are keeping us from going deeper into life.

These unobserved thoughts are keeping us traped in the mind.

So if you ever ask yourself the question, what is life?
What is my purpose in life?
What should i do?
What should i not do?
If you are not out of the mind, you will not get the true answer because the mind is limited to these questions.

The mind will only give you that which has already been given. It will not give you originality.

Simply try this out:

When ever you are experiencing thinking, let the thoughts be, don't judge them as negative or positive thoughts, as good or bad thoughts, just watch them. If you do judge them and you say "*** why am i thinking that?! " watch that, watch that judgement. Keep watching, just simply watching, purely aware of every single thought, keep watching and you will start to feel a distance, a silence, a space.

See how long you can go from thought to no-thought to thought.
See how long you can remain in a silent gap between thoughts.
Watch your thoughts, watch your thinking and see how the watchingness slowly expands.
See how the silent gaps become longer.
And see the peace that these silent gaps bring.
Route AN Feb 2016
From a traped house, to a traped mind, to a lost soul. I'm just another fella finding his way home. What can I say all of it sounds crazy. The story of my life. All the nights I was loosing myself, a crazy song cry, a bounty hunters life style.
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
A million voices screaming out in pain
not one of them is mine.
Each muscle weighing more than a plane
not able to move, traped in this uncontrollable body
listening to the millions of diffent voices screaming
but no sound comes out, it never does.

Once, along time ago, one of the voices was mine
it was the strongest, the loudest
when I spoke the other voices fell silent
but no more.
What changed?
I don't know but as the days tick on by
I can tell that my voice is dying

STOP, Don't talk to him!!
Don't listen to anything he has to say.
He had his chance and he blew it
now it is mine, my voice is the loudest and all other voices will fall
Megan Elliott Sep 2014
I'm locked in
I'm panicking
I don't know what to do
I'm crying
I'm dying
I'm screaming out for you
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
im sitting quietly when all u say is just watch what they have to offer when i look around the big class roomi feel traped scared and wanting to tryto escape alll the silence has stoped i cant get up on the spot like.

i feel scared i dont know where to go. all this feeling of shakness brings the emotions.

i feel traped cornnered like a scared animal.
i have anger that screams out

get away from me
leave me alone
i cant run when theres no place to feel safe

all your eyes all looking threw me
i feel like i want to strangel the **** out of all of you
i feel all the anger building up rady to strike .

dont traped me i dont know how talk when i got nothing nice to say

all the heat isall on me when i cant even turn around. ever cornjeror door or ally way i just see all your eyes all on me.

i feel like my anxiety grows when my anger showes with tears

i went to listen to the but i gave you my silence but you turned on me so i cant trust society any  more

anger hate i dont know what the ******* want from me any more

dont look at me i didnt cause your life to be come a ******* hopless lie

no more anxiety
dont trap me like a animal
that has the treat
no more anxiety

so give space to reguvinat let me leavy my anxiety back at home
dont take advantage to trap me in the loop that has no ending
i was sitting in the lgi room watching a guess speaker

im actually afraid of normal people i dont like people traping me like a scared animal
Elizabeth Jul 2015
I'm still in the same cage that I was some years ago, I'm started to wonder if I would be able to scape someday
Ooolywoo Jun 2014
My life is so dull like a wide flat floor receiving all the step than it can bear
No motion no flow, everything is quiet
Just like a silent night, nothing beats

There is no wave in my ocean
Nothing is moving
Sometimes I wonder if my train is on track
If my wind is blowing
If my waves are floating
There is a mask of clouds in my sky

Where am I heading at? What is this place?
My mind is traped in a deep dark hole
Walking towards the unknown, fear is my only companion
I am running like a breathless runner
Trying to find a way out of this cold world

I wish things were crystal clear
I wish I could figure things out and see clearly through these shades before my eyes

I want to feel my feet on the ground
I want to hear my step as I walk through the gate
The gate of glory and happiness wide open in front of me
Waiting only for me to pass
I am a beginner who wants to express my feelings through this. It is actually my second "poem"
Isaac Sep 2017
I want to scream.
I want to cry.
I want to break something.
To hurt something.
To hurt myself.
I've already hurt my friends.
Now it's my turn.
Get out.
Get out.
Out of my head.
Out of my mind.
Out of my life.
End it.
End my life.
Break glass.
Just like me.
Inside me.

moss May 2015
The words "once upon a time"
Begin a fantacy story
Who's seemingly shallow rhyme
Creates a deep allegory

The princess traped, endangered
Our deepest fears are revealed
Yet, saved by the kind stranger
Our wishes are to be appealed

The prince fighting, enthralling
Our search for love is now released
Always hopes for belonging
Our strong courage not so repressed

Then "happily ever after"
Soon ends our magnificent tale
But what is happy hereafter,
Far beyond this twisting trail?
Sea Side Storm May 2014
Fealing like a trapped animal, wanting to flee.
Trying to escape but there's no release.
Finally get out, thinking im free then I'm trapped again.
It was just false hope, a cruel joke.
Letting me go just to find a leash around my throat.
I was cought but my soul left with the breeze.
All hope gone, never to leave.
The scene was chaos almost like black friday at El Wallmarto.
people being pushed around by ******'s who didnt
even own a pair of spandex tights.

Or even know the glory of winning a no holds barred naked lumberjack
with a ***** splintter match.
The people needed a hero.
they screamed for the legends return please poppi
save us from the ordinary.

My amigo's were persecuted  and i sat helpless traped across the boader do to a bogus  lack of green card.
I must have left it in my other tights.

but once again like a old man on crystal **** and ****** the champion has returned to claim his crown.

And to shake his groove thing all over Hello  once again.
With the strength of a small well shaved bear.
And the eye's of a low flying seagull I shall drop some splatters
of wisdom apon my fellow amigos.

Chips and salsa for everyone .
no longer heartbroken from my hellcat seniorita Drew
yes her bite marks i wear proudly  in places I need to tan.

Let the little gringos sing like pretty little birdies
and senoiritas run through the fields like in thoose not
so fresh comercials.

Go tell amigos everywhere pour the cervesa
For El ******* Rides again.
This message brought to you by the campain for El ******* who's plans to lower the drinking age to 5  well finally get thoose little buggers to to bed.

And by the fine folks at sticky pages magazine.
Yes when you want high quality ****.
look no further than sticky pages.

Alina Arcadia Nov 2017
Have told me
that loneliness is a heavy thing
That it sits in your lungs
It ways you down, dragging you

But my  loneliness is a bird
And it lifts me
It lives in my hollow bones

I am traped in an empty sky
The strom pushes me higher
Further from the ground
And I am lost to the night
Forgotten again
Jonny blaze Jan 2017
My life consist of complex inginueity striving to be original but molding to the harshness of what the world is doing to me. Am i wrong for contemplating my lifes decisions. Because this isnt the way things where suppost to come out in my own depiction on the out come of my life. Maybe its my thoughts that are making me insane since i constanly think all i am is trash but theres a saying one persons trash is another treasure not sure if weather to believe it or not because woman come and go i just dont measure up to the dream guy. Maybe its my icebox heart that lets them see the coldness in my eyes gazing into theres filling false hopes of prosper and love each seem to be lies. Just to watch them break down in tears with no remorse when i see them cry since id rather not catch feelings being to scared to see where true love coulf take me honestly i dont know why. Im screaming in rage from the inside like im traped in a four corner room staring at walls hyperventilating unable to get out im balled up  feeling trapped im at a loss. Maybe you the reader cant understand what i mean maybe you can i feel like my life has been a bunch of ups and downs more downs then ups i was just a accidental nut that swam into the womb since my fathers pull out game wasnt fast enough now im stuck with the harsh reality of a cold world that beats me down after i get back up when will enough be enough maybe i need to find love and stop trying to hide the void wheres my diamond in the rough maybe I'm thinking again to much enough is enough
Destre' Jun 2015
I read and reread
So overly inspired with what others create
I cant plant the seed
I cant make these Ideas grow and blossom at any certain rate
Maybe im stuck
Stuck inside my head
Where everything sounds like junk
And I cant go to bed because its like im seeing red
I get so mad being cooped up inside my head
Why cant I get the letters to form
Its all right there and I can feel it so close
But my hand wont write and the pen wont become warm
Because I havent bothered to pick it up, I think im being a bad host
For these thoughts of mine that are clumsy
But want to be set free insted of being traped and unseen like a ghost
...sometimes I wish I were a ghost
Have you ever wondered what itd be like to be a ghost?  If ghosts even exist.. think of how many could be watching you right now.
CynQuavia Dec 2011
The Sound Of Your Voice In My Mind
Is Like PAint Leaking In The Can
Traped And Cant Get Out
Cant Erase The Memories Of Us
or The Laughter Of Your Voice
... Its So Addictive
On My Mind All the Timee ,
Your Love Is My Drugg ♥
Raven M Coulter Aug 2013
You never realize how fast something can change,
And in a split second
Your whole world goes up in flames
It burns every bridge you built on your own
Then all you have is third degree scortch marks
When it's all said and done you just set everything you worked for

You caused your own down fall
All due to some arbitrary mistake
As hard as you try to smother the fire
Soon enough it engulfs you
You're traped with no where to go,
No emergency escape,
So how do you survive?
How do you breathe through the smoke?
You don't,
You adapt and deal, accepting your fate,
Accepting that you might die,
That you'll be reduced to ashes.

But it's the hope that the conflagration dies out first.
It's the natural desire to want to make yourself survive.
After all the hard work you put into building what you have,
It wasn't for nothing,
Just give yourself a fighting chance,
Become your own savior.
Create a phoenix inside you and rise from your demise.
Rebuild what you lost in the holocaust,
Make your mistake your new paradise.

Most importantly,
Don't ever forget that life doesn't give you anything,
You have to work for it and take what your given,
Remember that you aren't given anything that you weren't meant
to handle
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
You fixed the lock
To that internal clock
That in my heart did dwell
I'm under your spell
You found the key
To set it free
Heart beating
Chest heaving
Mind spinning
Alive again
Your under my skin
Your traped within
Lost in time
Now that your mine
Micheal Wolf Jun 2015
Waltzing with fire
watching the priest,
drop to his knees
and a boy screams with fear

All I see in the press today
Waltzing with fire till he goes to jail

A fear of all
he prays to a god,
for if he is caught
he won't have a job

All I see in the press today
Waltzing with fire Rolf Harris again

Oh the tide rolls in
with crashing waves,
the Daily Express always says
"Prepare for the worst!"
The torys are great

All I see in the press today
Waltzing with fire their expenses claims

Well someones dog
**** outside my gate!
Made the page
Not Nepal's earthquake

All I see in the press today
Waltzing with fire Everest a grave

What to do
when it's all gone wrong?
Oh I'm Traped in the vesel
that I got at birth,
as age contorts
and changes its shape

All I see in the press today
Waltzing with fire another *** change

Oh mistakes a plenty
and then somemore
as I made decisions
like a needy *****
Try and keep up
we march today!
Just where are we going
I couldn't say

All I see in the press today
Waltzing with fire labour lost again

Direction lost
and the maps on fire,
my souls ignited
by another's fire
Another who warms
at a different grate,
no wonder people run away

All i see in the press today
Waltzing with fire a teacher caught again

So waltz with fire
and quench the coals that burn
for loving only makes you cold
Cold in spirit, cold in bed
and distorts all up inside my head

All I see in the press today
Waltzing with fire Mr speakers wife again

So what was that all about,
I say that daily and often shout!!
Wish I knew I would share the plot,
but like my soul...It all is lost

All I see in the press today
Waltzing with fire the popes lost his faith
WiltingMoon Jul 2016
Traped behind bars, shaped as my mind.
I shall never see the light of your eye's.
Who you are, I have yet to know.
But before I do, I must imply.
If you are the one to love; to forever hold my aching heart.
I warn you this, a tale of tragic love.
For the closer you get, the further I shall push.
It shall not be you, your even me.
It shall be the thoughts that shan't let me be.
Just know this of me.
Before we know the colour of each others eyes.
If I push you away, it means that I love you.
But first please save me... For I am still trapped.
Let our names be known.
Let your eyes be seen.
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
**** it
im done
i give up
im traped
no freedom
just take me out
put me out my misery
make it quick
make it slow
i dont give a ****
im done with life
im done with all this ****
im done with everything
**** it
**** this life
im ******* done
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i'm completely insane im not afraid to do any things you give me to try!i cant function with out my music playing but ill do anything that is crazy.i take thrill seeking rids that last till im called up on the phone saying your insane. that means noting to me cause i already know that! is there any thing this world that can be done cause whats the point if you dont have the exitment in your life to try new things. im insane cause i dont think stupid i think smart before its tested. my parents think im insane cause im not afraid of what the consequesnes that come with the dangerious ideas. im insane cause i think big not small . this world has never showed what my insane mind can build. im insane cause i show no fear cause im willing to make sure the road is safe for my own friends and insane cause im not afraid to prove the skeptics wrong. im insane cause i want to improve this world better with new ideas. im insane cause im not afraid to speak my mind wen my heart starts to cry.
im insane cause i can read a chapter book and build the storie around society.
im insane cause i have so many things to try. im insane cause i have a big heart and im always caring even when things get dark. im insan cause theres no fear when it comes to the new suroundings that blind the beauty in  life as we go. im insane cause ill never let go of what the truth has told me . im insane cause im inovative and mechanicaly inclined. im insane when riots break out i stear the grouyp the right way. away from the danger. im insane cause i only follow what my heart and mind say to. im insane cause my family tells every one im not afraid of what dangers wait for me. im insane cause i'm willing to get answeeres for the hopless who needs to be insane cause ill risk my life to help you in the most worst conditions. im  insane cause im not afraid to help you fight when your insane cause i want more answeres to help societys troubls. my family thinks im insane cause im always crating someting crazy to solve a problem even if its really stupid. my mind is insane cause im not afraid to take things to a new level. every one i know thinks im insane cause i want people to fell free and not traped that slaves them to. people call me insane cause im always working on new things to improve my theriories that might be insane but what if they became the next thin g to work for societys lies. im crazy insane cause theres nothing im willing to try so follow me in my foot stepf and be com what you truly want to speak your mind. speak your mind with me and society will be come opened with ideas to try for future hope . so follow me and we will open a world with ideas that will never be silenced by fear

thank you letting me speak my mind

follow if you dare for change
my heart and mind split it all out
Vladimir s Krebs May 2016
People say my blue eyes look like a kristal ocean. Sadness seems to make people wonder if I am crying or just down In the ditch. Every one looks and glances deep in my blue eyes hoping not to cry.

I hide my blue eyes so no one will know I'm not crying but I'm just a kinda person with the affect on people. When they notice my vary vary blue shinny sparkly reflective eyes.

Sadness invite eyes leave a message on the world saying its okay nothing could try to beat the rules.

They say my Russian blue eyes scare society and people when they get traped steering at my eyes

Seems like I have taken there souls with out a breath to freedom

I'm Russian with blue eyes.

My eyes will look sad but that jut how they look blinding people with unforgettable love
Blinded by tears I am loved
Micheal Wolf May 2015
Waltzing with fire
watching the priest,
drop to his knees
and screams with a fear

A fear of all
he prays to a god,
for if he is caught
he won't have a job

Oh the tide rolls in
with crashing waves,
the Daily Express always says
"Prepare for the worst!"
or the
"Torys are great"

Well someones dog
**** outside my gate!
What to do
when it's all gone wrong?

Oh im Traped in the vesel
that I got at birth,
as age contorts
and changes its shape

Oh mistakes a plenty
and then somemore
as I made decisions
like a needy *****

Try and keep up
we march today!
Just where are we going
I couldn't say

Direction lost
and map on fire,
my souls ignited
by another's fire

Another who warms
at a different grate,
no wonder people run away

So waltz with fire
and quench the coals that burn
for loving only makes you cold

Cold in spirit,
cold in bed
and distorts all up inside my head

So what was that all about,
I say that daily and often shout!!
Wish I knew
I would share the plot,

but like my soul...
It all is lost.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
have you ever had that feeling where you just need to let your mind explore.
that powere you have deep down.
that feeling of what you really want to follow threw.
have you ever just want to run just to get the runners high.
i have ran thew the woods with the rain pouring threw the tree canapy.
all you have feeling is how to channel all your emotions so you wont be dead.
have you ever wanted that magical feeling where only the rain gives the perfext sun light with the mist spraying on you body.
i have ran miles threw the woods but i have beengiven wisdom as time pases me.
i feel like i can truly spready my wings and just ruffel them up.
i hav people follow in my own impression.
are you crazy or insane.
my angel wwings have gotten bigger and stronger cause i have just ran freely threw the woods.
nothing can get in my path cause your making a risky mistake.
dont tr to stop me or get to close to me cause you not mak it out alive.
when i run threw the woods i take my paint brush and paint how i see this world.
thers no time for fear when u can just be freely alive and not dye.
ill be bye your syde when you need nurturing around you.
ill keep you safe with my dark angel wings witch can hold off dangers of what so sciety has to offer.
i cant be traped or mind dead cause i havent been ****** up in this silly games.
i have the entire world of woods and tropical forsests to roam around freely with no frear so set me free.
if your want a place to run free with naturses beauty?
then follow your mind letting it free.
so follow what your heart says to be free to let your angel wing spread open up entirely finding new hope for you to be  free.
i run threw hell do you
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i have a hidden tallent of my life a singer or the voice that can touch your hearts.
my mind thinks up a storm that comes to a plan on a friday afternoon.
my voice can only be heard if your heart has the courrage to follow what you want the most.
my voice is what my stories come to life.
cause my true love came and gave me hope to write this line.
my mind thinks first for what salllom words i could think to say to you to touch your heart deep.
i know i will proable be alone with my thoughts.
but ever word ever said threw my voice i hope it made you go mad with crazy love.
night and day come and go but i will never let my smooth gental words leave me.
that all i got when i feel abandoned.

my hidden voice can make your anger go leaving your life with peace.

my hidden talent with my voice can make words stories poems love notes and creat or life memories.

my hidden voice can only be heard for the traped broken lies.
my hidden voice can lift you off your feet when thinks start getting bad.

my hidden voice can heal your soul if your willing to listen to me while i start to write my entire life stories.

you will never be alon if your voice meets me down the slop.

my hidden voice can do many things but will never be harsh or angery just a loving kind blank page you should start writing to fin  me and you with our true love stories
i love my voice every one thinks its vary vary soothing
Something Simple Nov 2014
You should GO
GET out of the system
I'm forever TRAPED in
DON'T stay in this lifeless place
sometimes to LEAVE is the only way
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
im tired of being traped like a animal in a cadge. let me out to take to the streets.
let me roam around exploring what i need to see. nothing cant hold back when you hold my anger back. you push back me ill attack you slashing you apart. set me free to go insaine let me o free in this world of mistery. let me free so my viloence  wont be come like my long claws scaching down the chalk board. set me free to learn how every lifes misterys. set me free to enjoy the littel things .let me free cause im not a animal that is tame. im a animal witth dangerous claws that can slash you apart. set me free to take off  running. set mee free so i dont **** you when you lock me away
im not a animal but i am kinda crazy in my own way
Love Aug 2014
The darkness can creep around you
And hold you
Like you would a grieving loved one
But it can also hold you
Like a prisoner
And you will be traped
Within the stronghold
Of darkness.
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2015
the darkness begains to spread like sickness i have never wanted to see. people turning in to savage animals when the riots begain fire breaks out so dose blood shed. the one peace full small sleepy town has became the place where you cant hide anywhere. the ones who are traped is me ad my life. this madness grows bigger and bigger. swat teams start to come from every direction hellicopters heavey armered vhicles even tanks. what was once a place for peace has broken out in to blood shed with no escape. all you hear is guns  and screaming all around. me and tho oness who have hidden deep in the shadows of the buildings just watch as the anger spreads. who even knowes if any of your parents have even survived. what was once started cant be stop'd by force alone. no matter what shows is only blood pools lining the street. only 2 nights there were no blood shed but just watching threw your hide aways you just see the people who was taken to violence ending something so corrupt that it will only take the ons who follow in the shadows to take down the danger of threat. what was once a simple sleepy place now is complete ruins. theres no place safe to step out in to the light exept for us to follow the plan to fight with no violence but psychological taking down each part slowly. even if it means if e grow anger? but thats how the sickness spreads slowly turning people in to vishious animals. what me and my friends who hid in shadows the image is to grusim ****** dead bodies lay all around .

this sickness spreads when you turn anger in anger corrupts and the darkness begains to take its place in its down fall. th only darkness in me is when i dont know what to do expet turn evil in for revenge

the darkness turned in to and epidemic taing my nerves. i may be a show creature but  i know when darkness corrupys and spreads like a wild fire
such as riots bring out violence!

what was once a small place has been destroyed by a corrupt rummer.


only the ones who escapt and working to take down the spread to make peace again
tired tired tired
Edrich Apr 2018
Death looms my mind
Every day i live lifes deathly grip thightens around my throat of happiness

Traped in this
Addicted and weak
Meat prison

Only love will set me free
But sadly it will never come

I am condemned in my meat prison.
This poem is about the absences of love thats leads to depression and feelings of uselessness
Vladimir s Krebs May 2016
I see no fear I am the enemy 24/7 when you turn your back I'll escape from the anger you traped me in. I am pure evil a demonic entity that will grave rob you pretty little minds.

I see know fear cause I face death being thrown off trying to breath.

Holding to gather by a white **** and bandanas till I can feel alive. You might call me a psychopath. Cause I can't feel your pain!

Set me free with all your dark wishes all dance with death to make sure you wont lose your fight.

Make me your deadly weapon of surprise leaving all your anger as my fule.

Harness me to make your anger saddness pain go away doing the ***** work to society.

I dance with death making a trail you wish to follow. Breath in the smoke of the contract you sign selling your life into a demonic vicious cycle.

They tell you you will lose your anger sends he'll and nightmare you will never escape screaming.

I'll give you my love shielding you in my demonic angel wings.

Unleash the cycle all

Take you to dance with death giving you immunity and you becoming karma that bits u in the ******* *** !

I am a force to be wrecken with.
Danger unstable to tame?

Can you summon me the demonic force that dances with death to be set into destruction.

Death will chose if you can handle the truth of what will show your life.

Love isn't allways fair choose love or dark love setting your aggression on every one of them who hurts you.

Dance with death and me of live with pure anger you can't escape from

I am your ticket to live or never finding me.

Choose what kinda options you want

I'll be waiting till the end of tine making you immortal.

Chose or lose

Either way im a dangerious dark entity who is a psychotic psychopath
Never under estemat what pure aggression will make of you

Dead as a door nail or evil as ******* he'll laughing in shadows you can't leave
Francis T Sep 2016
Love isn't something you can just make up
It forms
It also isn't a toy
You can't just stop your love for someone when it gets boring
People who treat love like a game haven't felt true love
Nither have they felt that feeling at all
They haven't felt the true meaning of love
That's why people always try to hurt themselfs
Telling themselfs that they will never find someone

They can't find anyone when they say these things
It blinds them from seeing many opportunities
There stuck in there own world they've created
They trapped themselfs inside cages and act like wild animals
When all they have to do is turn the handle to let them out
Feeling traped sends them into a endless pit of darkenss and sadness
Which leads them into hurting themselfs or ending there lives
When there is so much more to life then they think

Love is the most beautiful feeling
Better then the rest
It's more filling and never leaves you empty
Love can do crazy things
Things that seem impossible

Love is the motivation the world needs in order to function
This is for anyone who has lost people to suicide. I've felt the way your feeling, helpless, useless... The next time if someone is thinking about ending there priceless lives. Save them :) And let them know that you care :)
zero tears Jul 2016
I offer you my heart yet you deny it for another unworthy of yours....

I offer you my love yet you deny it for pain....

I offer you true love yet you wish for the less....  

I want you but yet you wish for the other...

You say you lost love but yet you still choose him..
He has you traped with millions of doors to walk out through but yet you choose to stay...
What should I  do to earn your heart .....  I want to earn your love; but it seem  your confused yourself as you craved for my heart in the past and as you craved my lips as I do with yours...
I love you. Your the most important person in this whole world to me I wish I could kiss you and love you....
crazytilde Nov 2014
In a life we will live
In this world we will laugh
But also yell and cry
On this planet we a traped
If we wish to get out we must die
But many are afraid of what's on the other side for them
What if they are gone for ever
What if after life is a lie
Vladimir s Krebs Feb 2016
every night i lay awake with no more energy to keep up with the demands. society is is just a joke. chapeters of lied that spread like wild fire killing every thing in its path of fire and death. i might lose it leaving what kind words i could possably care to even say. i am running low threw fumes of hell. im traped pinned down suffocating from all the **** that drowns me till all the air simmers. playing a game of hide in seek will end all of society away from society. lost in inturnal thoughts leaving a trail of horor with no way or **** to turn back to run threw the past of mine.
Vladimir s Krebs Jul 2018
Her love is so intoxicating she paralyzes with her venom. The toxins are kicking in. She medicates my brain leaving the emotions painless. Agin and again i feel like half awake or in acoma where im not alone. She is my angel my god my vissions i see in my head and my dreams. She spins a web where we lay where she lays me down to rest.  Alone i stand in this life a wisper and a scream. This can be real im going to go insain blowing my mind away. What is left only dilusions of the girl i love. The pain come crashing in with the knife you stabed me twisting till the blood stains your blade. I stand in the rain gettting wet. The tears start to bleed crimison red like when you put crimson red lipstick you kiss me all over with. These games the dreams the vissions you left me with give me the strenght to keep walking threw hell i am traped threw. 3 am you are sitting on the couch you drinking red wine or have you finally trapped your next victim and ****** all his blood out of his vains to show you are my true love. Your love is so strong my night mars never seem to exist when you have me tighlt in your arms. Everyday i see buring firery hell i see people suffer for all there sins they have left scares all over. I will walk threw the vall of death just to be with my wife with her intoxicating aroma she suduces me with. Temtation will only bring me missery. My prince i love you i will catch all the threats in my web making sure your safe. No harm will come when you follow me threw the heavens and hells. She has bit me showing me a life with painless begainaings and endings. My life has been nothing but full of darkness pain and endless battles. My wife is like a black widdow her venom sinks in to my vains like needles setting all my pain go away she sets my fear and endless terros away. She promised me i will not die one breath at a time. She picked me up off the floor when i was to weak to keep going. Everyday my dreams change all i see is her right in front of me her venom gave be the visions of a millions dreams. The thunder storme breakes my silence when the fear is to much to bear. I drift in to my own grave awake or asleep. Feeling like im floating motionless in the ocean where the wakes ******* me down to a wattery grave. Before i get taken she grabes my wrist and pulles me to safty where i will not be dead. I feel like the rain sends my soul away dancing in the rain. Playing with fire is what i like to do she is my little widle fire i love to play with. Her long blond hair leaves me speechless. Everything seems to go crazy into my endless fight i face every day. Every battle i face she always stand by my side and fights all of the darkeast demons that torment me every night and day. Leaving my mind a damgerious thing to play with. My night mar becomes real when i start seeing the demons who have been chasing me threw this endless hell i shall rise to the heavens. I will cast my own shadow to play a psychotic game i like to do when your heart burst with all your emotions at once till your hollow inside.  In the middle of the night i sit up with fear and tears screaming my wifes name even tho she is right next to me. Its 4am nights i see with no sleep upp all night thinking all my thoughts. What is real what is true what is fake. Its time to embrace all the pain you feel and anger you go into. My soul is yours to take her fangs i feel it under my skin feeling like im being burned alive. Her love is all i need to to stay alive her love is what makes my life painless. But she suduces me then gives me her venom leaving me paralyzed into her love and powers of love lust and suductions its our own 50shades of grey with our love we have every day night .

With out her i will slowly drift into madness i will slowly go insain losing everything i hade slowly dying one breath at a time.
the power of lust suduction love will catch you like a spider in a web

— The End —