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SøułSurvivør Jun 2015

This will be a long write.
There are so many I wish
to honor and thank.

Please, if you can, pull up
Bruce Cockburn's song
Maybe the Poet on YouTube.
Listen to the words as you read this.
It will greatly add to your enjoyment.

I play no favorites...
you ALL are class acts!

Here's a tribute. Yep. It's long!
But listen to Bruce Cockburn's song.
I want to emulate what's sung
Yes, not miss a poet, one!

ryn has got a range of art
Ded Poet's got a poet's heart
elsa angelica's soul resounds
Bhumika's a dove
with a golden crown!

Wolfspirit's pen can spill his love
Wonderman's ink from up above
sjr...1000 words so wise
Scarlet Pimpernel's talent's
not disguised!

Joe Malgeri's a spiritual gent
Paige Pots' work is heaven sent
Tivonna has love for natural things
Helena's work has roots and wings!

Pradip, in my eyes number one
as is Thomas A Robinson
jeffrey robin's style is loose and bold
Rupal has a heart of gold!

John Stevens has an earthy wit
Pax means peace, his candle's lit
Tryst's ballads are a perfect fit
and I love Lidi Minuet!

donna's sweet as honeydew
Jason Cole fits like a shoe
Prttybrd sings songs with style
Day Wing flies! He has a smile!

Deborah's walking on her beach
her talent has a range and reach
Rapunzel let's her hair way down
Weeping Willow
has a pleasant sound!

Joe Cole loves all fantasy
SSilkenTounge has a mind that's free
Solaces is a very old friend
I hope to see Botan again!

Urmilla writes beyond her years
Chalsey Wilder writes bring tears
Tonya Maria and I share pain
Wise is K Balachandran!

CA Guifoyle lives in my town
Adam Childs' the best around
SE Reimer can put us in the mood
Musfiq us Shaleheen
Is so VERY good!

Richard Riddle honors with poetry
Love my collab, Arcassin B!
Sally A Bayan's good and kind
Hayden Swan's a real find!

Love comments from Joe Adomavicia
zik, I'm always glad to see ya!
TGWLY has a heart that hurts
Erenn Y does heartfelt works...

Elizabeth Squires has classic writes
Frank Ruland's fights
for what is right
And if a scare you want to see
just look up POETIC T!

Oh! There are SO many more!
There are poets by the score!
I don't want to be a bore
But read them ALL! You will be


Lori Jones McCaffery
Niamh Price
Mya Angel
Mike Hauser
Ignatius Hosiana
Frankie J
Chris Green
mark cleavenger
brandon nagley
Puds (Pete)
Deborah Brooks Langford
Harriet Tecumsah Watt
it's gonna make sense
Dark n Beautiful
WL Winter
Pamela Rae
Eddie Starr
Olivia Kent
Brenden Thomas
Raj Arumugam
Jonny Angel
Dylan Mitchell
James M Vines
i am miss brightside
Chris Fracc
Ocean Blue
Phil Lindsay
Mike Hauser
Christi Michaels Moon Flower
Raj Nandy
Makayla Kelly
Paul Gafney
Nan Trapp Messer
Steven Langhorst
Daniel Palmer
Chris Smith Dark Poet Soul
C A Guilfoyle
GitacharYa VedaLa
Rosalind heather Alexander
S R Matts
Paul Gattney
Danny Mak
patty m
liv frances
Gary L
Ngamau Boniface
Earl Jane
Justin G
ste'phanie noir
Aztec Warrior

Last but not least... olestoryteller
and Francie Lynch! Ketoma Rose!
If there's someone I've forgotten

Also please read Hello again, Poets!
I wrote more! Also please read the poem 'diamonds'. There are many tributes to people who i missed in this write.



Your Riches—taught me—Poverty.
Myself—a Millionaire
In little Wealths, as Girls could boast
Till broad as Buenos Ayre—

You drifted your Dominions—
A Different Peru—
And I esteemed All Poverty
For Life’s Estate with you—

Of Mines, I little know—myself—
But just the names, of Gems—
The Colors of the Commonest—
And scarce of Diadems—

So much, that did I meet the Queen—
Her Glory I should know—
But this, must be a different Wealth—
To miss it—beggars so—

I’m sure ’tis India—all Day—
To those who look on You—
Without a stint—without a blame,
Might I—but be the Jew—

I’m sure it is Golconda—
Beyond my power to deem—
To have a smile for Mine—each Day,
How better, than a Gem!

At least, it solaces to know
That there exists—a Gold—
Altho’ I prove it, just in time
Its distance—to behold—

Its far—far Treasure to surmise—
And estimate the Pearl—
That slipped my simple fingers through—
While just a Girl at School.
Nat Lipstadt Mar 2014
for Joe A., who wishes me that
"may your best days be in love's sight"

your kindness in words,
over the top,
unduly undue

"my best days"
très charmant,
mais aujourd'hui

students surpass
the teachers,
sad, bad and life
tag trending
and we~me,
are simply
with those

grandpa's tools
outdated, shelved,
in their final
resting place,
blades dulled,
the technology
of his verbiage,
rusted by old age

the reads diminishing,
his touch, antiquated,
his best days, resting on top of
the ocean internet waves
his summertime buddies,
sand sun grass and sea air perfumes,
singing, awe we got ya,
cosy and comforted,
awaiting you in your chair,
overlooking our truest
sheltered applause

my best words
turned inwards,
collecting recollections,
rereading my solaces,
and content that

my body,
still stirs,
when joined by
Barry White and Lionel,
forgot like me,
yet happy, in bed
with us

so you see,
you are half right,
the right half

on my bare chest,
blonde tresses,
blanket, keeping me warm,
easy like a Sunday morning

so turns come and go,
no more down the slide,
running to the back of the line,
up and down again and again

time of the tool and die maker,
to cut loose,
learn by crafting daily,
and not from the books

Ooh, that's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning
That's why I'm easy
I'm easy like Sunday morning^

write for me, write for her,
for with her,
in love's sight,
life is
easy like Sunday morning,
that's why I'm easy,
like Sunday morning
I find inspiration in the private words y'all send me, your messages,
become your poems

Sunday morning, in bed, March 23rd, 2014

^ lyrics by Lionel Ritchie, "Easy Like Sunday Morning"
Charlotte Huston Nov 2015
Your WEALTH burdens me poor,
Prithee me rich,
To sleep on thy satin decor -
Broken is my switch.

You sang your praises,
A different World -
With Wealth's crazes,
Under your wing I curled.

I know not of names,
To any of thy gems -
Colors of stricken dames,
Scarce of diadems.

May I meet the queen?
Her glory I must know;
She remains to be seen -
Under Wealth's woe.

Thy ring is on my hand -
And fear sits on my brow,
During the Wedding grand,
And who is happy now?

There are solaces to know,
When all that glitters is gold -
Along death's row,
O! - A marriage to behold!

Thy far treasure shall suffice,
With Wealth's spool -
Struck on a lady's vice,
While just a girl in school!
Pining to be loved
I sought asylum within these pages
Every line, every word, every rhyme
Was a reflection of the sorrow that ruminated
Beyond the looking glass.
Yes, I fathomed I was alone without a
Guiding star, without a lodestar to lead the way, O, but now I am liberated
By The Sovereign of Songbirds
Who solaces me by his mellifluous musicality.
(Yes, I am free)

Soaring beneath the stratosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, and exosphere
I saw all the suffering underneath the sun
And remembered what it was like to slumber.
Rest is something I took for granted
Feeling it was only forged to flee lament; oh, but that is only half the freedom
Of truth: Yes, we are reborn when we slumber.
So lull me and lead the way; furthermore, I am liberated.
The Sovereign of Songbirds enspirits me
By the clairron lullaby, by His voice.
(O, I am free)

Dreaming, I lost sight of all that made me human;
Limitations forgotten, I drifted heavensward. I forsook
All I held beloved.
Why must phantasy mean sacrifice? Must the fantast
Be sundered in order to claim transcendence, ascendence?
Yes, I was burned by The Incendiary Sun but
My heart has survived. It leads the way to liberty.
I am risen by The Sovereign of Songbirds who resurrects me.
I am summoned from the ashes like a Phoenix Rising.
(O, I am free)

(Se’ lah)
Excelsior Forevermore,

Sanders Maurice Foulke III

Rony Joseph Jul 2010
A countdown pronounce peace
How you ever watch a butterfly sing?  
Possibly the eyelid seeks redemption through a twilight
Pressure points incubate the seriousness of forgiveness  
The world turns a page inside the pain of child lost in the wind
Predictions cause traditions unveil reality
The standard finally arrived, stronger manuscript of heaven
Passion between solaces came through a whisper
The host intrigues by the road,
Feathers contemplate the last breath from a princess
Seeking the life missing from childhood
Sadness embraces winds blowing a symphony of passion
Time stood with expectation of retreat to my realm
Since I was invincible, the harpoon crosses the finish line
The lighthouse watches the fire rise through thoughts of Indecency,
A collaboration of hands holds the secret of sadness

I can still hear the wind crying out to the heavens
Forcing myself to sleep from a nightmare brewing in the air
Crystal clear the night unveil my nakedness
Sitting beside the moon, where did I leave her heart?
Inside reside the yearning desire of reaching for the stars
Granted a syllabus with sharp edge pointing at the sun
Transparency holds my hand
Walk behind A shield derailing
stray bullet from piercing my shamefulness  
The life of unsung heroes, the reality of dreams can be overwhelming
Right after the door is shout, slowly descent a crucial impression of truthfulness  
Bring back that cat eye’s steering at my rear view mirror
Exactly at the right moment
I open my soul…

Rony Joseph all rights reserved   2010
Anastasia M Apr 2013
I'm sorry,
I frightened you.
I don't hate you.
I'm disappointed in myself for all the images I see,
That I cannot alter, or comfort, or change.
Because I'm afraid of rejection, expectations, and lack of feeling free.

My emptiness cannot comfort you entirely,
Yet I can show you of solaces beyond what one visually can see.
Poetoftheway Aug 2017
cannot find true rest,
all the tumult in this world,
writ both large and small,
saps my upraised arms
flexing angry fists eager to strike hard
my revived new **** enemies,
and gods inexcusable and conspicuous absence in
Barcelona, Finland and my own
to quiet comfort commiserating, and storing
all the pain of individual souls I've acquired willingly

and the sunset comes quiet,
trying to sooth by adding
a gentling cream of cooling breeze,
the squirrels eye me suspiciously,
sensing the amiss within,
and all perfect sailboats voyaging past,
yet none stopping at the dock
to offer condolences or solaces

my watch ticks louder

each tick,
a worrisome cursed reminder
this real life seems to be endless struggle
interrupted by small comforts of little voices and
promises that escape is inevitable

each tock,
a fresh notification
the week's approach will contain
another visit from
Hamlet's ghost,
warning of warring factions
battlefield clashing
in a chesterfield plain
between two of mine shoulder blades

constantly reminded how lucky I am,
makes me grow quiet and put pen to one side,
and try to balance accounts, using this time,
pencil and erasure

I need a break and some glue
I need reparations and a battle plan
or happily learn to surrender
and accept being a
dumb terminal,
a slave,
that doesn't ask for
peace of mind
and knock off this poet of the
no way
SøułSurvivør Jun 2015

keening sound
as curious kites
catch creation
in their

fallen leaves
lie fallow
o'r fulsome
of futility

iccarus lost in
ivory and ecru
images of

hubris hurtling
hewn at the hands
of his heart and

seeking the

self destruction

all allusions alliterative angst

SøułSurvivør Apr 2015
Please see my last post.

I am leaving HP.

NOT because I don't love you all.
But because i love one
Person TOO MUCH!!!

My friend who is below lisred
I will alwaya love you as a friend.
No follow poet is EVER PARTED...

Ocean Blue
Chria Fracc
Maggie Grace
Arlo Disarray
Nathan Colin Owens
Ol' Storyteller

Thank you for sharing part of your hearts with me! !!!

More thanks to come...
Danny E Harris Dec 2016
solaces inverted
comfort marches cue
simple things, we say
crazy things we do
creased seasons
plead reason
silence deepens – overdue
I tie my soul into my boots and know with time they’ll lead to you
Mirza Lazim Mar 2020
Miss the heaven of your soul
In memories far away
Will you ever evanesce?!
Will I always feel my way?!

Not having bidden adieu
Left me in purgatory
Ah, I fell in love with you
Like the Pyrrhic victory

Warriors never give in
And their values carry on
I will drive dolours away
Till your voice is clarion

As dreams are effulgent,
Living is no more bitter
Your laughter is echoing
Through the endless Ether

I have the panacea
A true poet never fails
We gain little solaces
Owing to hard travails
SøułSurvivør Mar 2014
In pace with our various disciplines
We walk over cracking tile
Pretending it is
just more ice...

Black bees angle for the sharp taste
Of esoteric flowers,  their honey
As the smell of


Reading from borrowers
Their books bought
And paid for
I make my

And look no longer
For my forgotten


Solaces from memory of things
Done badly, the light pierces
Down... silver light laces

The green.

The heart repairs itself
And then is fractured
Once again. ..
By looking
Too long
At the


Towers of stone grow over living flesh
But then disolve in rot...
Never to mark



Soul Survivor
O wrote this years ago in an
Exercise of free form
Random thought
staring into the warm void this evening
i take my place within jarring volitions.

thought is volatile. a mason strikes
metal, revealing its malleability.

there is treason in thought of geography;
i will shatter the mooring and find myself

something the fluting wind is the muse
and echoing quiet, a ripple from stone-skip.

the next place to go is the beginning
stemming from a concatenation of ruins.

the thinning visage of masses crossing
the streets wary of collisions

is something realer than the wounded glaze
of asphalt and the mirage that goes along

tiptoeing like a danseuse through shards
of incandescent figures. fumes. sprawls.

untouched virgins. tacit stones. doves
perching on powerlines nestled like youth

suckling mothers. fathers facing telegraphs
and the sure machine of dearth.

stasis of peregrinations. peripatetic
crush of imminent homes.

this is to assuage its call, from nowhere
arrives the next train to Kamuning,

disappearing in a plethora of arms
sequined by sweat under the swelter of planets

unfurling a bent axis of tragedies. we are
fraternized to tracks, unyielding distances,

makeshift solaces serial, benign, tenured.
   belonging. unbelonging.

our destination: an impending sojourn,
   the verdigris taking form.
David Hilburn Feb 2021
Order to chaos, at a glance?
As a wholesome venture, of what we pronounce
Is adding the white of the eyes, an all of influence?
Has come to the fore, and shown the doldrum it haunts...

Peace and a real thirst, for a clue in the wry...
Sated with the coming hours, of decency we meant, will
The provision of seldom, toured and biased in courteous, shyness
An angel with passion to earn and each, insists dread, still...?

A place in the heart of civility...
A face asking the table of conscience, to look for the irony
Oft tutelage and their solaces, a penny to spend on originality...
A faith in the unknown, we reveal is fright's epiphany?

Voices we have heard, that made the point of a lifetime
With range and devotion to verify, the elucidation of meagerness?
And its boding history, the total of enumeration in the face of trying?
And the fertile now, and subtle distance to weighing the opuses we elect

Alcohol and judgments character?
Instinct is a shrewd contender, for what was a world of significance
And alarmed firsts, to the longest visit of intuition, or its faring?
A method of uniqueness, to show a calm of whimsy that is a seasons chance...

Meted reasons with a clash of simplicity for you...
Tales of reproach or in defense of totals, the schemes of things
Looking the part and petition of suppose, the tear we reveal is, due
The hands of antipathy in vice and demeanor, the identity we saw, become a meaning...
Alice Lovey Jun 2018
I spoke with you this morning.
You rolled off my skin and told me things were different.
I listened to you as you moved my hair.
You are gone now--
My solaces I surrendered to, or
Is this a sign that all things will continue to change?
I miss you, my gloomy comforter.
You were not gloomy to me.
Take away the sun that suffocates me so
Sadistically. Hydrating resuscitation.
It's silly that I still check for you outside my window.
I hear the ghosts of your afterthought.
When will you be back again?
I feel as if we could travel anywhere and be anything;
You veiled me in a misty blanket of intuition.
No one can speak our language but us.
My disappointment to see the storm had moved away, right after I wrote a poem about it. I sort of like writing vaguely.
Anyway, life is all about constant change and taking the good and the lessons from every chapter. But I am forever optimistic.
David Hilburn Mar 2024
See the irony, the taste in the bible
Sweet to homage, an honor of sight seen
And believed to be, a necessary disciple
With the common root to a living whim...

Honor the dead, with the universes smile...
Saved from presences of might, that calmly collected
A hosts sedition, the showing taste of life, all the while
Has a benign portion to its find, a host is its own reflected

Spare, me the details of its decision, mutuality is a lot
Candor was for king and queen before country, which amuses children
Did is the only way to achieve a soul, as if love is an age not
Begun with solaces interest, are we a finished thought to lend?

Traitorousness aside
The voice of freedom, to collect one more kindness
If a realer simplicity is to be, the account of the times
Where has a liberty been ever so much more than a calling, to this...

Waiting for sunshine to prove?
The stoic answer to all of a day, made for sincerity
Was a willing hour, the voice we came to love?
Regaled by a sorry eye one night, that life may know a reasons charity...
What glance is greater for fate, the land or denial? ask yourself when love comes for you...
Joshua May 2019

Es precioso, y como todo requiere de estudios y práctica
Te permite ver el mar,
sentir la serena soledad dentro de su amplitud,
y presenciar cielos solaces, repletos de estrellas

Navegar es como vivir.
El mar es tu campo y tu eres un barco
hay miles de destinos,
pero ningun proposito en particular, más que el que tu le asignas
sea eso llegar a un destino
o crear algo que mejore la navegación para todos los demás barcos

No tienes control sobre las olas ni las corrientes,
ni tampoco los vientos.
No tienes control de las condiciones presentes,
ni el curso de los barcos siguientes.

Nada más lo que tu decidas hacer,
aunque eso ya es un poder inmenso del que aprender

¿Pero cómo saber a dónde ir?
Pues has zarpado y te encuentras en un mar
sin reglas
sin objetivos
sin razón de preocupar

¿Como sabes que hacer o a dónde dirigirte?

Muchos marineros han caído presos al miedo de confrontar esta situación
por eso hay flotillas dirigidas por un solo capitán,
no, una pirata
y los demás barcos simplemente son sometidos a su realidad
pues es mas facil caer a la realidad de otros que crear la nuestra

Un verdadero capitán
es aquel que no solamente tiene el coraje de crear su propia realidad
pero también la humildad de aprender de las demás

No es aquel que ancla sus ideas en aquellos incapaces de crear la suya
pero el que ayuda a estos a crear su propia
y en cambio aprende de estos
sumando a una realidad conjunta,
creada por cada individuo,
pero incitada
por un líder

Estos verdaderos capitanes inspiran confianza y motivación
¿Preguntas la razón?

Un verdadero capitán es aquel  
Que su brújula siempre es y será un buen corazón
Que la disciplina y perseverancia son sus velas y casco
Y el deseo de siempre mejorar su fuerza de voluntad
Lo cual une todo en una sola estructura

Este inspira,
va dejando un trazo brillante en el mar por donde quiera que vaya.
Este contagia,
cada vez que alguien se asoma este brillo inevitablemente se le pega al casco.
Este es un verdadero líder,
y pronto hará que todos los barcos puedan caminar en tierra...
Poema creativo en español
Rick Clewett Dec 2019
People at a homeless shelter do not
Look alike, talk alike
Or act alike.

In the day room where they also eat
One man is sprawled out on a couch
Beside two other men in chairs, one black
One white, both reading
Intent, alert
They’d blend in many places

I do not know their stories
But then I don’t know many
Wonder if I really know my own

It’s 98 degrees outside
The first day of October
These aren’t statistics hanging out
They’re people

Others sit against a shaded fence outside
Despite the heat
Despite the looks of passers by

They’re people too
With different preferences, delights, solaces,
Wounds and scars

Men, women, sometimes a young family
Trying to keep it all together or get it back
With the help of other people
Volunteers and staff who have their own
Blessings, hopes, and scars
Travis Green May 2022
I look at him
And I know
He is everything
That shimmers
In my world

His striking
And endearing charm
Is fresh and fragrant
Fiery, seductive, and unfailing

His masculinity is
Expressive and poetic
Magnetic and majestic
Profound and wildly gentle

Throughout the evening
I am constantly
Daydreaming about his gleam
How he converses
So smoothly to existence

He solaces my mind, body, and soul
He is the divine shining limelight
Of my life

I slide into his inner world
Of the rarest melodic magic
Suave mature allure
He is irresistible and unequalled
lips sharp that cut deep,
within ones soul ,
the wounds of solaces
his words so spoken
softly with taste
of his kisses that
blades my emission
to the phrase of
his seduction ,
he prunes deep
Travis Green Mar 2023
He is the sweetest dreamy Prince Charming
That captures my heart and soul
That folds me in his brilliant poetic magneticness
That me so turned on by his crash-hot honeyed words
How he whispers in my attentive delicate ear

Such mantastic passionate splashiness of incalculable value
I sink into his resplendent sensual dreaminess endlessly
Feening for him like crack *******, admiring his game
How he sees straight through my gayness
Takes me in his megalithic oceans of sheer artful bliss

He solaces my mind, body, and soul
Makes me wanna flow forever with his machoness
My impeccable treasure chest to unlock and marvel at
To discover the rare history of his utter covetable lusciousness
Plunge into the deep depths of his hunkiness

Cherish his desirable crowned shiningness
His musically slick and delicious diction
I melt into his vivid picturesque heavenliness
He coaxes me into his impassioned charismatic gravity
There’s no other place that I can envision being
Than with him, reveling in his devilish expressive flex
The flawless exotic space of his contagious tasteful handsomeness
Such a vicious irresistible force that allures me

That approaches and smokes me, that holds and overawes me
That completes me with his seamless succulent sentences
When he faces me, when he exhilarates me
With his takingly compelling *** appeal
My intelligent magnetic loveliness

I wanna embrace every part of his artistically
Inviting and satisfying composition
My romantically attractive mister
I am head over heels in love with his untouchable hustle
My melanin slammin’ gem, I love vibing
To his radiant engaging masculinity
Travis Green Jan 2023
Your unconquerable laudable charmingness hits the spot
Brings eternal joy to my heart and soul
Takes my breath away when I gaze at
Your blazing hot grade-A greatness

I covet your muscular strength
Your intense, intimate, and reverent kisses
The feel of your abundant hunky beard
Against my warm, perfumed hands

I gawp at your deep-set chocolate eyes
So much magic and mystery swirling within them
How they shimmer immensely like a matchless black gem
Like the deep blue dreamy sea

You are my bright source of light
A standout pie in the sky that solaces my entireness
Topflight flaming kryptonite
There is boundless tantalizing excitingness
In your crackerjack earth-shattering attraction

I drift deep into the thrilling ****-hot rhythm
Of your appealing and pleasing breeziness
Your smooth, soothing, and a fluid flex
Entwined in your wildest sublime delight
Travis Green Apr 2022
He has me so frenzied in his supreme freshness
The way he looks at me with his dark charming hazel eyes
Makes me lose my way to the place I stay
He is deftly dynamic, a captivating country stunner
Bright saffron hotness, irrefutable sweetness on my lush gay lips

I crave to be enslaved in his unparalleled jail cell of ecstasy
Swathed in his sizzling sauce and besottedness
Let him coax me into his long-lasting majesty
While I share wet juicy kisses with him
Rub my fingers against the dazzling path
Of his aesthetically appealing beard

Inhale his sweet keen dreaminess
With a charismatic, ecstatic personality
He solaces my thoughts, makes my world sparkle
Like a luxuriant crystal chandelier
I hanker to be engulfed in his peerlessness
Confess my feelings of love for him

We can sip chardonnay and steal away
To a fragrant destination emanating with exhilaration
We can rise in ecstasy, embrace the relentless magicalness
That envelops him and me, that drapes us
In glowing rainbow hues that enthuse our souls
Let me rove through his rich flowing road of dopeness
Dazzle him with my seamless gayliciousness

Feel his thrilling tight torso, his wonderfully
Molded thighs, supple legs that surpassingly shine
A broad brick back that transports me into entrancing trances
Silken succulent backside, big feet that speak erotica to my heart
Unrivaled power flourishing all over him
I want to live on his winsomeness
Savor him in my mouth
His litness, his drip, his flex
I want it all in my treasure chest
Travis Green May 2023
In my mind, I hanker to dine
On his fine *** masculineness
Taste his striking brown thighs
His bite-worthy circular pointers
Rub his seductive powered-up pecs
His succulent attention-grabbing abs of steel

It’s so surreal how he makes me feel
I can’t keep still when I am watching him
Dreaming of him, needing him
Such a lean winsome king
His moist gorgeous muscles turn me on

Every angle of his bang-up shining frame
Has me so wild about his hairy splashy muscularity
Impressive treasured legs
Lithe delightful invitingness
I fantasize about being in his hot naked embrace

Take a satisfyingly spectacular shower together
Give each other a rubdown
Sink into his brilliantly incandescent handsomeness
My hypnotic rock-hard prodigy
He blows me away, make me ache
To stay with him for a month of Sundays

Dance with him, mantasize about him
Feel every inch of him within me
So tasty, fragrant, and captivating
He amazes me with his hot, refreshing greatness
So sharp and sparkling, the largest exclusive smoothie

He confuses, enthuses, and seduces me
Moves me when I kiss his smooth, luscious lips
Exalt in the unconquerable hotness
Of his magical mouthwatering majesty
He is a sweet gleaming temptation
That amazes me, that has my gayness
Swaying all over the place

So greatly made and ingratiating
A treasured heavenly vision
Of tremendous adventurous sweetness
I am the biggest fan of his desirably alluring manliness
Such a pleasantly fascinating sensation

My mad passionate valentine
The flyest flaming dream guy
He solaces my mind and body
He is where my wonderful world belongs
He has me at the mercy of his epic ebullient excellency
Serenading his ample tasteful nation
Travis Green Mar 2023
He is the sweetest dreamy Prince Charming
That captures my heart and soul
That folds me in his brilliant poetic magneticness
That me so turned on by his crash-hot honeyed words
How he whispers in my attentive delicate ear

Such mantastic passionate splashiness of incalculable value
I sink into his resplendent sensual dreaminess endlessly
Feening for him like crack *******, admiring his game
How he sees straight through my gayness
Takes me in his megalithic oceans of sheer artful bliss

He solaces my mind, body, and soul
Makes me wanna flow forever with his machoness
My impeccable treasure chest to unlock and marvel at
To discover the rare history of his utter covetable lusciousness
Plunge into the deep depths of his hunkiness

Cherish his desirable crowned shiningness
His musically slick and delicious diction
I melt into his vivid picturesque heavenliness
He coaxes me into his impassioned charismatic gravity

There’s no other place that I can envision being
Than with him, reveling in his devilish expressive flex
The flawless exotic space of his contagious tasteful handsomeness
Such a vicious irresistible force that allures me

That approaches and smokes me, that holds and overawes me
That completes me with his seamless succulent sentences
When he faces me, when he exhilarates me
With his takingly compelling *** appeal
My intelligent magnetic loveliness

I wanna embrace every part of his artistically
Inviting and satisfying composition
My romantically attractive mister
I am head over heels in love with his untouchable hustle
My melanin slammin’ gem, I love vibing
To his radiant engaging masculinity

— The End —