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Tunselous Jan 2014
many years ago in the tower of tunselous a man named tunselous was born
he gave birth to androsss ****** parents then he made his way to
rosswell new mexico to see if the ufo was still there and it wasnt
at tall tis but a forrest and a spot were a ufo used to be there was no
ufo so he traveled upwards to find one but instead found thee icy tower
of agnatohniousisoy he wnet on the great ice towar run where he found several dragons but not a single ufo
a man of tis a warden eve e preson seed no matter how hard you look
the ufos will cloak like ice dragons among there once was a man named turok
who find a ufo when looking add that man was me that man was a dino slayer
a king of eriched oreo bread if you know what i mean the point of the matter is
turok did not **** tunselouses parent for no reason then tunselous
said wait turok killed my pairents the warden said yes that is waht he
told me on the nyght we had tea on the icy roads of ufo city
tunselous said wait theres a hole cit7y of ufos the warden said yes
there is tunselous said do you have any left over tea from that night
the warden said no tea for thee then cast tunselous out of window
tunselous falled for inches into a pool of cat eyed johns fisherer
for impaired divers tunselous said wait if i eat theese pills they
will surely give me magic powers tunselous ate the pills and they did
nothing but give him magic powers he used the magic powers for nothing
they were not the ones he were searching many kingdoms ago a man once
said with great tun comes great selous and that man was trokie asked tunselous
if he wanted a robodog and tunselous said yes many kingdoms later tunselous find
the most magic thing that thing was a cat not any cat you see many kingdoms ago
cats were magic he would eat the flesh of cats and gain what litle magic was left in them
he latter went to calling himself tunsalous then he went back to
calling himeself tunselous and on that day he ate many a cat
and i mean many not the many you see on tv but the many catwhips you see for sale at sean johns
apple sale he has evrey year to get rid of his crapy apple computers
many years after sean john would meet on the very spot of the battle
feild where they fought and feasted on goatwich anvicos the goatwich
waS A POWERFUL king a king of druidness and fareness and evilness and
and gun shots in the leg and fair treatment of tunselous and kettlecorn
a bag of human limbs and markers and grocers and ****** enounters
and farawayland and great houses and ufos tunselous relized that
thee king was king of ufos and wnet to asked him for a ufo
and he gave him one and tunsalous studyed how it flyed
for many kingdoms later he discoverd powerfull magic within the the great temples walls of icelion
yes temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples
temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples
temples and temples and temples temples and temples and temples and small children small children were used
for many thing like eating but the story tunselous was not over intell many kingdoms later when a man asked
tunselous if he was a puppet tunselous said tunselous snear and left for a day and came back
to his homeland of akaria where the hut he was born in was the hut tunselous was born in was a small hut cald
tunselous prisom the prisom was a place to eat anything you felt like at anytime you felt like
and i mean anytime
tunselous traveled to double check on the ice roads but they melted in the sun tunselous drunk
thee blood
they were made of and walked into a stadium and stole mines and huts like the one he was born in like it but
not it like the time he went to the carnavile with ser topemhat (ser topemhat:hey tunselous got a nickle for a ride tunselous: no)
many times of ages ago tunselous traveled to a hut then left to find gold in a mine that did not exist he knw it did
not exist but he wnet anywhy for kingdom is power and power kingdom is the power to control what we belive are granerys
the long celebrated granery special was rice and pancake with a glass olive oil only men of magic get milk and
grand wizards get tea and some hard boiled plates the plate were not to eatbut to eat off of
for many kingdoms and men who day thing of kingdoms would be cast down a sean shower a sean shower was a shower where shawns lived
and bathed and ate the flesh of wales and and somtimes a shawn would *** to tunselous house and they would have *** all day day than he
relized the shawn name was andross and you know who andross was but they did it anyway back to the main topic a house on top of a hill
on top a of a mountain on top of and iceberg on top of a gateway to the best place ever there was only only one way to the best place ever
that is if you were tunselous
evrey day on that day evryone would eat anything they could eat that is how tunselous day started the day that is evreyday the
reason people eat what they want evreyday and not tea or olive oil or milk or rice or pancake or plates or cats or small children
in the words tunselous:
shal not eat u
eat blood of nurses
hav the most *** with any cat you see on the street
use the most elctro sappers in one go
have and eat local small children
do it with a orc
eat u up eat up so good
use magic *****


if you see any dragon contact tunselous NOW

the details of the next story are witness accounts of what tunselous did to find the lost yew crossbow of agroness

two days ago tunselous was thinking about crossbows when he thought what if there were a crossbow no one could
find what if i found it i would be rich and famous so tunselous went on the internet and typed in lost crossbows
and he saw a crossbow for sale instead of buying it he tracked down the person who owned it and asked him for it he said no tunselous killed him
on the spot and took the crossbow from him and sold it to himself for 800$ but surprise for him he was not rich and famous at least not yet he took the crossbow and
kept selling it too himself so he kept making money soon tunselous made 800$ and spent it on a used crossbow this crossbow
the crossbow he brought was not any crossbow but the crossbow of agroness he took the crossbow and shot it at a wall a few times then he put it in a box
and til this day it is gathering dust.

The Princebles Office better known  as the Dragg queens lair.

This time it's it!
You demented twisted drunken *******.
from the veins that shown so easily from Sir Eltons  neck i could
tell it must be a bad hair day.
That and  he was trying to butter me up with all the compliments

****** harassment,Encouraged drug use,Public displays of insanity,
******* indecent act's with a animal oh wait that's the artist formely known as jack horner.

As this sad little dwarf from a strange planet called London ranted and rubbed the fact in my face that yet there was one rule i hadnt broken
****** man whats a girl gotta do to get some attention?

It's it ive gotta list of angry sensitive people who are friends with benfits  who  want you gone!
How could this be?
Had the world gone insane or caught some std that slowley eats away  
your brain slowley making you think that Justin Bieber had talent?

Dear lord it was reffer madness all over again.
Well Frodo theres only one solution I exclaimed.
His face red eyes mentally ******* me jesus man must have been
missing happy hour at the shire.

Well pippy  they'll all just have to go  im mean what would
funhouse be without a ***** old pervert  to feel up the costumers?
Dam you  Francis Ford Copela
What the hells wrong with you?

The question hung in the air like a **** in church
So many things made one Gonzo.
Not enough hugs  to little wild turkey.
And not using protection.
Remember kids always fasten your saftey belts get your heads outta the gutter.

The list read like a who's who of people who really needed
to get a life  or laid maybe even by there wife.
After hours okay maybe the rest of my bottle of wild turkey
it was decided  once again  i was the black sheep and no one
wanted to play anymore oh well i'll just do what the staff of the drag queens lair does and play with myself.

But enough with the foreplay children.
so many things i had learned  like  well ummm?
Okay maybe nothing at all  i knew i should have tuffed it out and
got through   kinder garden.

As I cleaned out my desk I reflected apon old times.
The laughter  the time i set fire to grandma's cat  and blamed it on my
little brother eventhough i didnt  have one.
Wait wrong memory.
The road ahead uncertin my mind unclear.
My inner child hurting in need of a really hot comfort cuddle maybe
from someone with a inner ****.

As I began my long walk of shame much like a woman who relized
she made a big mistake with her boss lastnight.
It's hell working in the family  business.

I passed old faces  all  pretty much thinking i was full of it as usal
turned and in my grown up ****** with a heart of gold voice said.

No one puts baby in a corner!
Sometimes you gotta  stand up for things  or do like me and blame it on others   and I cant belive  not even a single  free bottle of ***** or a concert  or maybe a lap dance  yeah  it's really went down hill
girlfriend oh snap.

Guess i'll just go  dont try to stop me.
Hmm tuff crowd   well  stay crazy amigos.
And as i closed the door i could feel the sadness.
There was a great racket coming from inside.

I knew it the heartbreak was so terrible these people were destroyed.
Why even as i opened   the door and saw them swingin from the hey what the ****?

All eye's turned  the music died.
Dear lord people  really?
Even my 50 pen names?

Im okay  well  the cake saying good riddance hurts a bit
But it taste great and the margarita's nice touch.
After such a outrage I was left with only one choice
steal as much **** as could  flip frodo the bird.
spike the punch   okay maybe  do a little dance make a  little
Gonzo once later  id demand  a blood test for and shut the hell up for good tonight.

The door slammed shut like my wifes legs after she relized her sisters baby  really had a strange fondness for wild turkey.
All sat around wondering will this long *** write ever end ?

Chris looked at the artist formely known as Jack Horner.
Speaking in that slow **** seductive  voice of his.
Ya think the crazy ******* is really gone.
To which my crazy amigo across the pond replyed.

**** no he does that every other week.
And besides  thats the door to the janitors closet.
Hey I know theres a millon jokes in that one dam you R Kelly
When it comes to crazy theres only one Gonzo.
Thank God stay crazy.

And if I offended anyone ya really need to download
a sense of humor.

I write what I want and no matter if ya love or hate me
ya dam sure wont ever forget me.

Drink laugh and enjoy it while ya can cheers my friends
The pub under the hands of some fellow madmen and
my divorce already in the works I set out cause why sit around a place and be misreble when ya can be heartbroken and drunk off your ***
somewhere else.

That and and my new wifes boyfriends were stealing all the dam covers
dam you Dallas Cowboys.

The trunk looked as if i had ran over a drug dealer and knocked over a liquor store ****** had i been sleep walking again?
There was uppers downers wild turkey and beers chips dips chains and whips oh my.

Yes this would be a journey that would test the limits and like a boozed up college girl.
On a ******* video would expose many
things for a T shirt  and a chance to make dad proud and kinda weirded out at the same time being he was trying to have some alone time to ummm   do some deep thinking  and touch apon  well yeah.
But enough with the foreplay children.

I was loose apon the highway bound for the place of true insanity
home to killer thieves perverts and the rest of my family.

Knotts Island N.C. is but a small island off the Virginia border
but remeber kids it's not the size of your island that counts.
or at least thats what your girlfriend tells ya cause secretley she's
******* half the state of texas  but hey who's bitter.    
Yes there was a smell of outdoor fires corn whiskey maybe
some organic  umm tabaco  that was green and Dr Jerry  had prescribed to me for my vision although i still couldnt see ****
but after awhile who gives a **** I never liked that guy anyways.

So after dumping the body in the marsh i had arrived.
Home where i could smell the microwave pizza burning cause mom
was to busy  helping 16 year old Brain  with his homework.
Yeah public schools ****** good thing Momma Gonzo loved to teach
and who better to teach *** ed than the town *****.

After there session had ended there we stood.
John how the **** are ya  you little *******?
Well it was a moment of only true gonzo  understanding and after are usal  conversation like hey did ya bring a bottle? And hey are we related?
And hey mom do ya think ya could  put on some clothes cause its kinda awkward im just saying.

We laughed we cried we turned on the tv and watched are family reunion on jerry springer ahh memories all alone in the moonlight.
Hey mom great left hook you really showed that ***** although
grandma did put up a hell of a fight.

We drank my mother knew her little Gonzo was hurting
and so we spoke over ten, tweenty cases of wild turkey.
Well son did ya pay her after ***?
She wasnt that kinda ***** mom.
What a stupid ***** hell she could at least made some money i mean really though look at you.

Thanks ya heartless *****.
Your welcome honey.
Going home it really reminds ya why ya left and went in the witness protection program to start with.

And looking at my okay kinda perverted lush of a mother I relized
****** no wonder im ****** up.

We drank talked I relived the old times as i held
her hair as she puked.
then she spoke to my heart once worried me that just maybe she had finally drank herself sane.

Ya know son sometimes people's are just a plain pain in the ***
but no matter what mom always loves you.
But ya gotta leave cause the Hells Angles are coming over
and you know your uncles Skull and Eightball still are a little sore
over the whole   you turning state witness thing.

Yes the thought of getting drug behind a mottorcycle for a few miles till your flesh was ripped from your bones really did sound like a downer.

So as I hugged my slighty weird kinda crazy okay perverted demmented  hell of a gal i called mom goodbye.
I realized the journey had just begun and Mexico was a calling i needed a save place to relax  and where better to than a semi insane drug cartel controlled  country  hey but other than that it was swell.

As I herd the chopper's apraoching
And had to ask for my wallet back now mom.
Really i havent fell for that since highschool  when we were on are double date at the prom.
i know what your thinking the Gonzo clan are nuts and momma Gonzo really shouldnt had me at such a young age but she was very mature at 13 and corn whiskey and football teams  happen.

Hey she said suprized looking at the pic thats Skeeter?
Umm  yes.
Hey can I have her number?
Ahh family moments.
And as I sped away like some
hyped up teenage girl  after there God Justin Beiber.

I thought well no matter where the road takes me  
as long as I have the blood of that  lush, perverted,kinda insane,southern bell in my veins it will always be second nature to forever stay crazy.
If ya cant be yourself amigos than who the hell are ya?
Love you all  like sisters well except jack cause he's my brother and
really would make a ugly chick  cause i have  much better legs.

Stay crazy kids
Forever Gonzo
Jade Anne Feb 2015
Kaleb Vernon Sep 2013
From the beginning I trusted you, but in end I rejected you
Because the demons inside shined bright in the night
Sadly, we only hung out at night...
When your world was already dizzy
Mine was too busy to understand the reasons why
So my mind decided that a marathon was stunning
I only thought of you but it managaed to keep running
In this case 28 k but seemed like 28 days
Becuase as you know you just dont run the race
Theres many days of planning and exercise just in case

Now, my heart beats out of rythem
Becuase of the precision of your desicion
Your words seemed kind but in my mind I knew that they hurt
Like you grabbed my heart, played with it, put it back and left it in parts
Since then my left atrium doesnt work
Its like a inncoent whale that was left to die in the beach dirt
And i was simply that... innocent dirt
What had I done previous to this that made you act outrageous?
But now I know your contagious
A disease that brings you one step closer death
But now im just once step closer to home I guess

Home.  A intanglment of feeling like the fibers in my sheets
I thought it was a place of love but then relized its just a place to meet
My mother was a weird one. Often pressing burdens on her son
A seperated family with nothing in commom is definatly more common then Nostradomeous
To say I love quotes would be close but theres some that make me simply choke
Remember when "like father like son" was an inpiration quote but for me its what kept me a float
On the sea of hatred with the destination of dope
Becuase of the words my mother chose, addiction would be my affliction
A state of pain my mother, father, sister and brother could not feel
Yes, this is the shittest deal, but look at me now
A person ontop with the world as my partner,
Ambition like a morning light because I had the will to fight
Only you can make a change your life, not your mother, drugs and neither your wife.
Aditi Sep 2014
You called me your guiding star
That's quite true.
I burnt myself
and risked my whole existence
Just to light you way
For a few second

You called me your anchor
That's quite true
I sunk myself
To keep you at one place

You compared me with the moon
I get it now why
I scarred myself for life
just to be noticed,
To stand out
from the darkness
all around me

I gave you my all,
'cause i thought i could be your all
I tried to fix you
ignoring how in the process
I almost bled myself to death
I swallowed shards of glass
and yet never let my smile falter
I Wiped Your Tears
While Mine Were Left Abandoned
To Dry On Their Own

I tried healing your wounds
while mine got deeper

And I swear
I tried my best
To spare our friendship
Losing my love was bad enough
but my best friend too?
How on Earth
was i supposed to get through this

I stayed
Put on my daily show
but you knew me
too well to fall for that facade
And that's whAT hurt most
the warmth in your eyes
that once felt like home
sheltering me from world's cold ways
was now gone
replaced by this coldness

Your skin
was the only home i ever knew
but i realized,
i was not welcome any more*
And I relized that
that hardest way possible
yet i stayed
'cause i just could not leave
I did not know how to leave
I loved you so frigging much
and everything just kept getting worse
but a blackhole
swallowing all the good memories
devouring them all
till there was not a trace of light
inside me
till there was nothing left to me
till i became the ghost
of the girl who i used to be
And all those good days
they seem like a distant dream
and i don't even know if what i'm writing
makes any sense
my hands won't stop shaking
or my head shouting
it keeps yelling
Not for anyone in particular. Wrote it way back while i was high on sadness and heartbreaks all around
Spencer Craig Nov 2014
she came from a broken home, wasn't to ambitious
and the fact she was loose was surreptitious
she did this to make up for what her childhood lacked
so she picked dudes up and droped them quick like jacks
so it wasn't surprising that after a while
her abdomen became an embryo's domicile
she didn't want it but her parents weren't pro-choice
she might as well have had strep throat, had no vocie
her days were then filled with insults down right explict
all this for just one unsurpervised visit
after nine months of the tribulations of misogyny
it was time to bring forth her progeny
after a few ardous hours she gave birth
to a girl which suprisingly filled her with mirth
she  relized she had something to live for
and she promised to give her
everything she need and to not let anything encumber
her daughter's success as she watched her slumber
she named her rose because she if it took till the world's doom
she would nuture this child untill she finally blooms
i know the lines are a bit to long in this song and it would be very helpful if someone would help me truncate them. thanks!
"I was once a rose who layed dying in the shadows
While all the others bloomed with beauty
I wanted what they had
Then one day a bright light shined down on me
At first I did not know what it was
Then I relized it was your love
Before I knew it I was blooming into a beautiful rose
I am who I am today thanks to you
I love you."
Adam Nov 2014
I found myself wandering
through a woods near my home
and I relized that I
for once
started to feel alone
Like the leaves beneath my feet
the rustle was just there
both things present yes,
but neither I really cared

As my walk continued
I stumbled upon a creek
a beautiful blissful babbeler
Winding through the trees
to me it seemed that it was a sight
that few before me had seen
I only wished I had someone
besides the leaves beneath my feet
to share a place so beautiful and so discrete...

The trees they mocked me
each branch had many more
to share the blissful sight
of and eagle taking a soar
and every step further that I took
I realized even more
That loneliness digs deeper
Then your deepest inner core

I've wandered through this woods
Since many years ago
and though I've tried to find someone
no one really knows
what started as just a thought
has consumed where I go
Now I truly understand what it's like to be alone.
Find yourself with other people, itll make the journey much easier
Abby Payne Mar 2013
Standing in the wind
wishing I could start agian,
but yet
I relize I can't.
I try to get up, or move, or walk,
but yet
I relize I can't.
Now they come to
terrorize me agian.
They grab me by the arm
and take me away once more.
But yet,
I dont undersand why.
They take me underground
to see their high master.
So they can decide my fate once more.
He took one look,
and smiled his evil smile,
and told the gaurds
to do the extreme to me.
I cry,scream, and try to tear my way out,
but only in my mind.
Because i relize
if I did it outloud,
I would surely die.
But yet,
something still came out
of my mouth once more.
Now the king
told them to do the extreme
plus more.
Now I've done it.
I've killed myself today.
I will not be able
to breath or live for another day.
They take me away
to where they will **** me today.
So now I wait
for my fate to come,
and start to pray.
They start to beat me,
and throw me agianst the rocks.
But I relize,
I do not feel any pain.
I feel strength growing
in my arms
and start to think
I can live another day.
But before they hit me agian,
a light shines.
It takes away
every drop of darkness
in the world.
A person comes down,
tells me to stand back,
and starts to fight
agianst them.
They flee in fright,
because of what is in their sight.
I really dont know why they ran,
but yet
I relize I didn't see the face of the man.
He turned around
and I instantly relized
this wasn't any ordinary man.
This was the lord, my savior,
the ruler of the light.
I could not beleive my sight.
He takes my hand,
and asks me to walk with him.
Then he takes me
out of here
to never go back agian.
He lifts me free,
and I am forever faithfull to him.
He takes me to his kingdom
where I am forever free.
To walk
and talk
and live worry free.
I can finally be in a greatfull peace.
I reize now,
I can finally start agian once more.
Samantha Steele Feb 2014
one time someone said a gruesome thing to me

"i swear to god i will slit you open and drag
you up and down my street by your entrails"

people have told me to

"**** yourself, your not worth the space"
"fat cow"

and I froze up with fear
from the hostility
and I thought
"Where has our humanity gone"

And I relized

We lost it with our sisters and brothers over seas
with the violence
on our TV's
with the routine crime
in our cities and saying
"its just how it is"
our humanity has been bread out
and society has created
shells of once humans
i dont know where im going with this
Pauline Morris Jan 2016
She was just sitting there cigarette between her fingers
The smoke curling up above her head, it lingered
She was just contemplating the universe, and her place in it
She felt like a round peg trying to be pushed into a square hole, she just didn't fit
She was far more beautiful than she knew and her spirit was a wonderful kind of wild
Her loving generosity was always reflected in her gorgeous smile
It was heart breaking that it was not flashed more often
But what else would you expect when all of her dreams had died and had all but been forgotten

Her Grandma had taught her as a small child of a loving, caring God
She inhaled deeply from her cigarette and thought if He was so loving why had He only punished her with the rod
She exhaled and let the smoke rise above her, maybe her Grandma had been wrong
Her faith was waning because of all she had lived through all she had seen, her faith was almost gone

She snuffed out her cigarette, stood up and took a long look around
She was completely alone, her broken heart beat was the only sound
Her eye's was filled with the tears of a lifetime of pain, anger and sorrow
She was terrified of the uncertain future and what was to follow

If only she had relized how many other's lifes she had touched and changed
She had so many times sacrificed of herself, let her life be rearranged
She had that rare type of heart that could always see past the surface, to see their lost beautiful soul
What an agonizing tragedy she was blinded to her own amazing, loving, unselfish beautiful soul; she just didn't know
Zavier Allen Jan 2015
You took more then you'll ever know
Everyday it crosses my mnd
I hope it will get better with time But I still see it in my mind

If im honest
It means I lied
Being 6 years old
How was I post to know
19 years
Before I relized it wasnt fair
See I was just a kid with messy hair
You told me to pull down my underware
It wasnt just you
And i wish it wasnt true
I was taken advantage of even after you

Sick to my stomach
I couldnt hold it
Crying all night
Putting up a fight
Didnt want to close my eyes
Just incase it was you I saw tonight
This feeling Im feeling isnt right
I hope one day I can sleep threw the night
Hard to write about . Most guys dont share things like this ..but its helpful .
mia Apr 2018
You almost left me here all alone
Then you thought and relized
That i was a reson to  stay...
Then you tried again
Told me before hand got me worried
I told people that could help you
Now your mad
So i live with the fact we can never
truly be who we were again
this all happened about a year ago
although i help you threw a lot you
of witch you might ignore
but me i still remember and i don't think i can forget
like you did just because you shut me out but that is all in the past they all say they say that it is all okay now but if only they new the point of what you were going though that you just decided that you would just leave me pretending that you are okay but i know that deep down inside that you are not quite where you say you are i know this because i know you
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
I was so very proud of my wall
I knew no collision would make it fall
It was built over many a year with heartache & grief
And many a secrets I'm destined to keep

I built the wall to keep all those out
If I found any holes I'd fill them with grout
Thought the pain couldn't reach me
And I might get to find some glee

But little did I know what I'd done to myself
Seems I've just been sitting on a shelf
And letting life just pass right by
And I was just watching and waving goodbye

I relized I was still miserable in my safe little hole
Gezz something, yes something had to go
My wall is so high it's blocking the sun
But what,oh what, could be done

Seems that I walled in the pain, instead of keeping it out
WHAT HAVE I DONE, I scream and I shout
I'm so looking for someone to throw me a line
To save me from this space and time

There was one that dared to throw me a life vest
And **** it he tried his very, very best
But this wall of mine put our friendship to the test
And I know now I must give him some rest

So I start with forgiving myself
But there's a lot that should be on someone else
The guilt shouldn't be mine
It was their crime!!!
So I pick up my axe and start chipping away
Because behind this wall I no longer want to stay
I want to break free of this jail that I built
And work thru all this emotionally guilt
It really wasn't mine to claim
So I'll try my hardest to keep those feelings at bay
I'm tired of staying here in this life of gray
So I'll keep chipping and chopping and maybe one day......
Emo kitty Aug 2014
We live a life were..
   Kids are distracted from crying by phones
      A little kid knows the moms password be for he can speak
  Were kids instead of going outside
We'll they'd rather stay in,
     Playing on Facebook or Twitter
Whatever that is.
And I'll admit I spend some of my time
   On my Facebook doing nothing
But scrolling down.
Being board
     When we all could go out and bike
Or skate, or take a walk
     When instead of useing our phones
Witch is a trapped society in its own
    We could ask a stranger for directions
   We could use what god has given us
It's called speech and our hands
  Use the words you know
Or the hands to sign.
Put the phone and the laptops down
   Take in the relization
That there's a world to be descoverd
Look at the sky and listen to the birds  
   Not saying musice is bad becase I'm **** to say it's something I love
   But putting it aside the other day
I relized just how much I missed..
Just being out side.
This is our society
We can always change it
     But not unless we want to
So instead of haveing your musice in
Or being on Facebook
Or twitter or other media sites
Go be with a Frieand
Go for a walk and talk
Like when you were 10
Playing out side on the playground
Amazing your never to old for that :)
   Don't listen to the haters
Belive in what you want and go have a good time with some Frieands
I know our parents always Say stranger danger
     But howed you get to know the kids you call friends now?
Good luck out there and smile tomorrow's a new day it isent over.
A C Apr 2013
If only you would have opened your eyes...
You would have relized how much you hurt the people who loved you.
But you had to go and do it.
Why did you have to go and **** your self.
If only you opened your eyes and see you were loved by many.
Open your eyes and come back to us.
Don't leave us like the way you tried before.
You were loved by many why did you have to leave.
You left behind many people who would have helped you.
We could have been there when you needed us the most.
But now that I look back you did try and call us by your side but we never heard.
When you call for help make sure we hear just keep calling and we will come to you.
But now I open my eyes.
I see man you could have been grown to be.
The man who could have saved millions.
The man who could have helped save lives.
The man who would have been the one for me.
Pauline Morris May 2016
She was just sitting there cigarette between her fingers
The smoke curling up above her head, it lingered
She was just contemplating the universe, and her place in it
She felt like a round peg trying to be pushed into a square hole, she just didn't fit
She was far more beautiful than she knew and her spirit was a wonderful kind of wild
Her loving generosity was always reflected in her gorgeous smile
It was heart breaking that it was not flashed more often
But what else would you expect when all of her dreams had died and had all but been forgotten

Her Grandma had taught her as a small child of a loving, caring God
She inhaled deeply from her cigarette and thought if He was so loving why had He only punished her with the rod
She exhaled and let the smoke rise above her, maybe her Grandma had been wrong
Her faith was waning because of all she had lived through all she had seen, her faith was almost gone

She snuffed out her cigarette, stood up and took a long look around
She was completely alone, her broken heart beat was the only sound
Her eye's was filled with the tears of a lifetime of pain, anger and sorrow
She was terrified of the uncertain future and what was to follow

If only she had relized how many other's lifes she had touched and changed
She had so many times sacrificed of herself, let her life be rearranged
She had that rare type of heart that could always see past the surface, to see their lost beautiful soul
What an agonizing tragedy she was blinded to her own amazing, loving, unselfish beautiful soul; she just didn't know
Farook Suyarov Sep 2017
Time shifts and flips beneath your feet.
The world revovles at a high speed.
Men are in constant fidgeting,
knowing not, what they need.
It is a job of a broken man,
sitting puzzled at the bank of a dried up river, hoping for a good catch,
to speculate on chances *******,
friends lost,
money spent,
feelings trashed,
and values tossed.
I "love" this time, of followers,
sheep-minded folks, desperate for a shepherd, just as Israelis of ancient begged for a king, because every nation had one.
I have to admit, that man is a puppet after all,
of other men or other idols,
of his own image or his own soul.
It is wise to stop the first urge.
It is wise to deny the first impression.
It is ok to stay at bay, while others swim.
It is ok to stay alone, when others dance.
So, uncool is cool!
Do you get this, fool?
Cause you have no time to mull over what you do.
Rip off the veils,
throw out your amulets,
admit you are weak and mortal.
This is your chance to get near God,
to become the master of your own thoughts.
What for, this pomp?
Of faceless mob,
which very soon
will go to slump.
Its inessential outcry
and denial of truth
seems childish goof
with no real proof.
Wait till its plans get destroyed by death.
So, is it wise to get excited?
Is it prudent to get depressed?
Neither way will bring you good.
Neither path will lift your stress.
Wait for incoming blessing
and if its about to befall,
we'll find out the turn of fate.
Does a little misfortune break
your stance? Does your world stand
on crippled legs?
Beware where to put your faith,
it might have shifty floor or ugly face.
Dont trust beauty, it's always camouflaged. You'll pay a fortune for a broken egg.
Imagine when pretty face gets spoiled by a spot of dirt on a tip of nose. It will change whole plot. Heroes will die and villains emerge.
Someone will sit at the bank of a dried up river,
pondering over a lost chance,
hoping for a good catch.
If you do something, do it for its own sake. For the artistry of moves, complexity of thoughts, delicacy of forms and deepness of meaning.
If you'd had something common with holy, you could have  been enlightened
to see that nothing is as it seems.
You could have heard God soothing
to your ears. You could have pillaged your ship built on ancient lies and would have drowned to the deepest bottoms. You would have wanted to be in a free fall, have nothing to stick to, nothing to hold to, no one to rely on. Then you would have relized that freedom is in falling, freedom is in drowning. You might splash the colors and spit the words and call it a self-expression. But you are only a subconsciousness of a sleeping oppression. You can be a fool, but still talk wise. You can be an ugly, but still look nice. Do you have something for yourself to suprise. Before audience gets bored, ready to rise. Unleashing craze with devilish eyes.
Everyone today is  an entertainer.
EmotionalWreck Jul 2017
The sky, it holds the sun.
The sun, it wears a smile.
The smile, it spills the happiness. Happiness that I do not have.

So you see, the sky has betrayed me as my skin has, and along with it the perish of my soul.

My spirit had fallen when I was betrayed by friends. When I relized I was on my own.

The pain that creeps around in my heart is due to all the lies said, all the pictures leaked, and the friends that have turned their back because of rumors.

Those I thought I could trust broke it in an instant. That instant when no meant yes. That moment when my world flipped.

Close family that I relied on showed me that we will become nothing. No one ever has. Not here.

Boys taught me how to be careful. How to be cautiouse. I learn from my mistakes right? What if it wasn't my mistake. Of course it was though. I trusted people. I let them in. That is a mistake I will never make again.

My heart. It beats. But it doesn't have a reason too. It has too many reasons to stop. And maybe it should. Maybe my breathing should. And my pulse. Maybe my whole life.

But I turn back and relize that is not an option. Because no one will let me go.
Katrina Zechman Dec 2017
I don't know how to feel some times
It's like your trapped between 2 choices.  Me and her.  You love me but your minds on her some times.  And when your mad or upset you don't think of the things you say you just think that nobody actually gives a ahit.  I wish you could see everything that Roman didn't destroy I gave you.  You have my everything.  My life is in your hands you fall I fall. You have problem s going on I get it.  
My family dose drugs my sister was in jail on my 18th birthday for being involves with the her I on epademic.  I get bullyed everyday on social media.  I get told to shut the **** up.  Or that I'm stupid or my ma tell me ******* every single day.  I feel fat and ugly everyday.  I hate that I have a stomach I hate that I where glasses I hate me.  I taught my self how to be alone.  I delt with my dad ****** my sister my step dad beating my sisters(there bio dad) for talking to me.  Watched my mom get beat.  I watch my mom get taken from me watched my dad get taken from me... I tired to **** my self and had to lie about so I didn't get sent away so I could try again.  I used to sleep on a couch in the living room. I was almost ***** when I was 8 again when I was 13 and I was ***** when I was 16 a sphmore in highschool.  Fell for a cheating *** whole cause I craved love and ***.... I draw to get ride of the pain.  I lost a son when I was 14. While my best friend that was pregnant with hers got to keep them.  I gave you my everything after that 1St date which is why I never told him that I loved him after that day.  Cause I relized eventually that I don't love him.  I don't.  I love you.  I see a future.  I see us having a place of our own.  I see us getting married and me being yours forever I see us traveling.  I see me and you.  Baby I gave you my soul....  I love you.  And will always love you. I get that your going threw hell.  I get your scared of love.  I am too.  But babe we gotta learn to husle together. Be together and how to help each other.  Babe please know that I do love you.  Please know I love you for who you are.  I want to be an us.  Your my strangthe.  With out you I don't have my heart.
Emma K Jun 2018
I had a dream
I was a beautiful machine
with nuts and bolts so silver they gleamed
My craftsmanship was perfect I was stunned
Now walking into to crowds I wasn’t shunned
Other machines talking to me via code
But at the end of the day my switch was turned to off mode
I felt as each contraption buzzed then paused
and then I relized being surrounded my a dozen robots
I was lost
My metal plates screamed in agony as I lost control of me
The nuts and bolts came lose and I tumbled
to the ground
A heap of junk I was to be called but the other robots just stood
and watched as I struggled for fuel
help me I screamed as if they could
but they just stood
and stood
You never did
I never tried
And together
we relized
surely realized
that we were never meant
to be seen by
lovers naked eyes

If you could
please leave a photograph of your face on your way out

Just so I can cherish before my eyes grow dim

I painted half of my face blue and the other red
Now I have to lay in the bed I've made

Don't you love me
Won't you love me
before my eyes grow dim
Timothy hill Aug 2017
Frames of sky fell with tempers rise.
Is it the heat that is reside.
Or a plant, of sheet of paper.

Tether holes too a pole of height.

The women with a new car walked into a mall.

She is to buy a dress her new boy friend is a victory fan.

So as prepared steps move across a wood floor.

Cracks begin to form on all walls beckon your here at least for now lilly.

She looks as bashful as a giggle girl.

What," what just is it that makes him glee in passion.

Her heart then shifts gears for him and his sports.

Aim, well when you dance your toes never should turn away.

She looks in a pause menu way.

In what''s your meaning epic being of space.

Im saying look at your goals with honor you shall become successful make all become relized.

When you throw a sheet over a mess you then notice the bump in your few.

So choose the best course for your year need's better flow.

You are my prime model I made in details.

Well of fortune will become sticks of gold.

So cut the lesh and let him go because your a prize of ten fold better than even gold coal or molds.
Abstraction on a mall subjection you  decide meaning .
Mark Bell Apr 2017
I'm hijacking a small shooting star
To travel the universe
Searching for a black hole
So there will be no reverse
I'm going to pinch a role
A part in a Shakespeare play
All this excitement is in my mind today
I'm surfing thee astral plain
I'm dancing on the sun
Dreaming of a woman
To have some lovely fun
Then I woke up with all zest and desire
Then slipped back into reality
And relized my abode was on fire.
T Apr 2019
When I held you in my arms Ohhh so tight .........that was then that I saw the light
I lost my vision and there was only you.......I thought to myself this was to good to be true
But the love that I found was fresh and was just so amazing I didn't know what to do
I knew right away that this love was not ordinary it was something that only dreams are made of........I then relized she was sent from the lord above
To save me from a fate that was worst than death.......and that I would love this woman till my last breath.
You were a rock I didn't know I had
A ship that kept me afloat in the endless sea
And loosing you hurt like he'll

But the damage that was caused afterwards
The fighting and breaking
Only made the pain of missing you grow more

I miss your wisdom
I miss you taking me to play
I miss just spending time with you

People talk about the both of you
And say how I'm like you two
Business spitfire from hell
But a caring loyal creator

I only knew one of you
But I feel like I know the other pretty well
And seing your names covered in stone that day

Going back to the beginning of my problems
The start or a chain reaction
I relized how much I missed you

And even though I know your the one who saved me
That lonely night in December
I still wish you were here with us

Just so I could get to say goodbye grandma

— The End —