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Leaya Reinhardt Oct 2014
O-ut of this world
R-really yummy
N-ever out of style
Àŧùl May 2017
Even the walls have their ears,
Although they are nonliving,
Virgin cries were overheard,
Easily by the walls themselves,
Sexy sounds of *******,
Deflowering the young wife,
Roping in spies for the purpose,
Opening the ***** so delicate,
People so enjoy overhearing,
Pretty sights shine right upfront,
In their addiction to **** time,
No secrets remain virtuously,
G**ood habits are hard to develop.
Defaming the non-living is so easy,
People eavesdrop often to later blame it on the walls,
They say that even the walls have ears.

My HP Poem #1564
©Atul Kaushal
Julie Butler Nov 2015
she chewed through my ribs
& attached me to wings

subsistent, pretending
I don't need a thing

she pushed through my body
propelling a shriek

her hand fits me close
& her sleep fit my sheets

but I'm done with she's perfect
I'm shrinking in blinks
& I'm sick of this
balancing stilts built on dreams

& I've stopped all this tripping
my shoes are on tight
but I'll  
fall asleep
you slept good tonight
>|< Julie Butler
antxthesis May 2015
"I'm content"
"Something's gonna happen, i don't know what it is, i feel it"

three weeks later i'm sitting, wallowing in self pity,
mourning over a love that has gone sour
making cuts after cuts in my skin,
hoping you'll somehow feel it and hear my cry for help.

i carved the word "perfect" into my skin on November 17-18, 2012
hoping that despite everything that happened that day
i'd still feel perfect
or hoping that seeing it every day,
i'd start believing i'm
Pretty even when drowning in tears with swollen
Eyes that are filled with stars, stars that i often fail to see and that
Regardless of these scars that are etched into my skin, i am
Full of life and
Energy that is immortelle and
Contagious even though i always feel as if i can't go on and
Things are too much.

i guess what i'm trying to say is, i should've carved my name into your heart,
Hoping you'll
Always remember that
Someone like myself is hard to find so therefore
I'm yours always and you are mine and i'll
Never leave nor would i hurt you intentionally, and
Although it feels like we're drifting, i still want you here.

but the ice which we stood on which was our love
has broken,
and is melting and you're on one piece
and i'm on another and if we reach for each other,
we'll drown in the ocean of our love.
and i  don't know what i'm saying anymore,
because my eyes are getting cloudy and so is my mind
and all i can think of is you and if you'd cross that ocean for me.
the first letters in bold spells perfect of course
and the second set spells my name
This day you left me
And spring lost its flower forever
At early spring, young called never
Again in a low silent day,
I heard the crisping of a lost grasshopper

In a black and white glow dream
Far away from the silky moon sprung
There birds feathers were oping with high delicate
Though Pale petals were losing their pixel with pleasant
But the high divine melody colored the deep purple

Then another high spring fallen to light purple
Yellow flowers bloom on her pale face again
At Night mild murmur cools the heart of the passionate
And the Sunflower rises on the first shines of sun
Melts with a dream after a long winter washed

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
life poem when love and hope move to and fro...
Chelsea Gabbard Jul 2011
s** o broken. so desperate.
h oping for nothing but perfect numbness -
e scape from the pain, the guilt, the constant haunting of 'what if?'.

s o torn. so lost.
t he ache inside appeared when the door shut behind her everything.
i should have, would have, could not have stopped him'.
l ost in a swirl of colored memories that render her breathless;
l eaving her scrambling to pick up the shattered pieces.

l et this be the bitter end of trust, the bitter end of love.
o ver and over, the dusty record repeats itself;
v erse after verse and chorus after chorus.
e ven after the ones before, his promises convinced her to try again.
s hould have, would have, could not have stopped that record from starting over.

y et, through the numbness, the pain, the hurt, the betrayal,
o ne thing echoes in her ears, within her heart - it is better to have loved
u nconditionally and lost than to never have loved at all.
Àŧùl Jan 2018
I am the best.
I Am Not An Avatar

Aiming for immortality I am not,
Mortal I am happy and content.

Traveling I met with an accident,
Hoping to reach home I was,
Expecting the mishap not.

But I still fought my life back,
Except I have been surely fitter,
Still I have never been more alive,
The Angels of death were left craving.
Assurance by a nearly immortal lover for his dear lover, Pooh Bear.

My HP Poem #1702
©Atul Kaushal
Nina McNally Oct 2015
Underneath this full
Moon I sit
And watch

These people come and go.
Hoping that one day we can have peace,
Understanding, and love again.
Right now this world needs help, a
Miracle---something to bring us back to
A** time when we cared about our
Neighbors and each other. Someday.
Inspired by and song title from Fall Out Boy. Thanks to Uma Thurman, she's awesome!
©McNally, Inc.
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Naughty young dreamer,
I find your poems intriguing,
Demons within you fight,
Hoping to overcome the longing,
Into a different dimension you think.

You are the ice,
Of the cold winters,
Under the cover of snow.

Ask you don't this attention,
Rest assured as you deserve it,
Efforts you put wouldn't go waste.

Taste you will success,
Happiness, and,
Espouse you will the divine.

Because so I forecast,
Ecstatic you should feel,
So many well-wishers you have,
T**hey all will take you to paradise.
Your own intro says the following:

I am a dreamer.
Most of my poems are baseless and at times don't make sense at all.
Depressed, sad, angry, hurt, alone, broken.. but yeah living.
I don't believe in love. But I think, love believes in me. I find it everywhere nowadays.
I love showers. Showers can wash away everything.
Smoke, dirt, his touch, his words.
I hate school but love education.
Can someone please kidnap me?

HP Poem #1312
©Atul Kaushal
Nina McNally Dec 2017
"There's been a million before me,"* and
Having been in the mental health field for a while now;
Each day I'm always learning and sharing "That ultra-kind a

one that I'll "never walk away from."
And "I will shield you from the waves, If they find you."
So "I'm done with having dreams;
The thing I believe;

Oh, you drain all the fear from me."

From this moment on "I will protect you."* I'm "just

The last of a dying breed,"

Hoping more people will come out and help others.
Every day someone needs help and

Really we're all in this together. No one is alone.
Every day "I wonder if your therapist knows everything
About me."
I'm just "here in search of your glory."
Love is all we need!

One day, we'll see that mental health is okay,
Not something to be feared.
Enjoy life for what it is and
So much greatest will come to you!

                                                           ­                        *STAY STRONG!
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
wrote this as I was staring at the lyrics to this song from Fall Out Boy.
When I first heard this song I always had a special feeling to this song and it's one my favorite songs! Plus mental health is super important and we aren't alone, there's always someone to talk too, a teacher, a friend, family, or therapist. Just find someone and don't let go of them. Stay Strong, you are loved!
Philomena Apr 2019
I used to hurt myself every single day
Used to maybe to go a week at best without fresh wounds
Used to need it to get through the day

And it's difficult to explain
And it's different for everyone that chooses to feel pain
Cause that is exactly what it is choosing to feel pain
It's wanting to not be numb
Wanting to feel alive
Wanting to feel anything other than that emptiness
Because the emptiness is the heaviest thing you will never have
It's like filing your heart up with rocks
Feeling it sink in your chest

And that heaviness at first is just a symptom
It ***** but you push forward
But it gets heavier and you slowly loose control
Instead of growing stronger the weight just wears you out
And son you feel the weight piling on more than ever
Every time they... you a name...
...push you down...
...use you...
...ignore you...
...abuse you...

And it builds and builds and you can't keep going
And you start to wonder what if I just didn't exist
And the thought scares you to death but you feel so helpless
And you can't keep carrying the weight in you heart without help
So every single day the though come up
What if you just died

And every day it seems more and more like a better idea
Because you're tired of crying yourself to sleep
And you're tired of always feeling alone and unwanted
And everything is so numb that it hurts
So you give it a shot and it's messy
It always is the first time
And there's blood
But for once you don't feel like you have a heart full of rocks
Instead your heart is racing from the rush
And you feel something
Its painful and awful but it's something
And its nice but not necessary

So a few weeks later on you're at your breaking point again
And you put steel to skin
And the blood arises from the **** like a mountain spring
And your body feels the rush all over again
Before you know it every day is a pain and all you want is to feel
So you're like me
Slit your wrists before bed
Cuts in the mouth in the morning
And the torment all day between the two

And you're not destroying your body because you're suicidal
You aren't doing it oping you'll die
You're not ripping flesh from flesh because you want attention
The horror inst worth a few glances

You're spilling blood like a warlord committing crimes only against your own body because you're trying desperately to stay alive and only in this bleeding, in this pain can you find any peace from the pain of existence and the voice inside you that tell a you just to give up and die already

It's counter-intuitive but it's what keeps you alive for another day
As of writing this I am a year and 4 months since my last cut.
Caroline Feb 2017
My mind cannot fathom how it happened,
Amidst the cruelty in this planet,
Reckless use of time, wish I didn't spend,
It's a miracle that we even met.

All I know is I could rely on you,
Even when we are busy, reaching goals.
Living, loving, still climbing to see the view,
I** know we'll still be in each other souls.

Zigzags and humps on the road slow me down,
A nice best friend like you boosts me forward.
Hoping you know you're the best girl in town,
Did wish for a gift, now you're my reward.

Guess God sure knows I needed a best friend,
My love for you will be there till the end.
My best friend's birthday today!

— The End —