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Yasmine Dec 2024
The Morning After I Took My Life
When my lungs released their final breath,
Silence embraced everything around me.
Clothes, makeup, bed, and phone—
All waited, unaware I had already left.

My dog wonders where I’ve gone,
But in paradise, I’ve begun.
A new life, away from it all.

My friends kept calling, kept checking,
Not realizing it was already too late.
The morning after I left,
The world started to notice me.

And in the quiet of this new dawn,
I don’t regret it.
peggy Sep 2011
Particular thoughts tickle my dome
like the day my thumb got stuck in my mouth
and how long it took me to get it out
or when Betty stole my doll but i knew
coz i didn't like it at all
and when all i ate was a peanut butter jelly roll
coz it was the only thing i ever enjoyed

it's amazing how i have grown
how i've gone from dressing dolls to dressing myself
making sure i look good for the boys
instead of Barbie looking good for Ken

I walk through castles and dont build them anymore
dont chase butterflies
coz i already feel them in me
when Nick comes running along
dont believe in fairy tales
coz reality has struck me today alot
growing up takes a lot of time and effort
and looking down memory lane brings me joy
when i wake up in the moring
and find us cuddling in our spot
this is something i just thot of and wrote, please feel free to tell me if it needs more depth or construction
Ishita Mar 2015
How beautiful is the life
With all its vibrant colours
The colours which define its creativity
Life is colour,colour is life
Shades of translucent rainbow
Casting his grace on embellished life
The allured tints of the moring sun
Captivating the vivacity in people's life
How abhorent the nature be
Enchained,restricted without the colours
Blemishing the ornamentation garnished from heaven
But suddenly the grandness breathed for its life
As colours started to play an illusive vibe
Awakening the sluggishness in one's life
Unfolding the colours honesty with ecstasy.
My 2nd poem which was published in a magazine.
mark john junor Jun 2013
the ballad is is my ears
and the girl is naked infront of me
the night dosnt care
grind honey just  stand there and grind it for me honey
a thousands shadows in my eyes
iv died a thousand deaths just today
and they all were just in the passing rain
im a troubled man
allways made the wrong turn
always got myself in too deep and had a blade to the ready

but thats all history babe
i can breath this f@#%in soup they call air down here!!!!
oh man the sun is out  and its in your eye lover
and there is nothing but joy in my heart
theres nothing on my face but
the smile you left there inbetween the sheets this moring
so dont f@%k yourself in your thoughts baby
we are gonna be allright
we are gonna take on and conquer this old world
we are gonna be forever babe
we are gonna be just fine
sorry bout the graphic nature of the just happy...grining ear to ear :-)

edit: the profanity was dealt with
Effy Royle Jul 2014
hey dad.
how are you?
i miss you. a lot.
although you're just a text away, i still can't bring myself to carry through.
i hope she treats you well. and i hope those boys aren't ornery *******.

i sometimes think about the day at the st. louis children's mueseum.
it was happiness.
i think that's my reason.

i still haven't told you about it; the darkness, i mean
my darkness i should say
because i know about yours
maybe we can bond
since our biological bond isn't real

sometimes when i'm sad, i want to call you
but you're probably busy
or maybe you don't care
i don't know

i wanna tell you how i can't stop thinking about filling the emptiness and longing, with substances you've had issues with in the past
speaking of, you're drinking again.

i blame her whole-heartedly
although it pains me not to give the fault to myself for once,
i still will always blame her

did you know that when you got engaged, i wanted to jump off a cliff?
probably not.

do you know that i still sometimes feel like that?
but not just becasue of you.
mom is a factor and sonia and grandma and friends and boys
but you,
you were the one i never thought would make me feel so ******

it's cliche, i know
an other suicidal teen girl with daddy issues

i'm thinking about what would happen if i were to visit you in the fall
imagining her on your arm makes my heart feel stretch across the grand canyon of space that seperates your world and mine

someday i will tell you
every feeling and thought and wrong-doings
i will say it all

dad, i miss you to the ******* moon and back
it's five in the moring and i'm thinking of the way you used to take care of our yard
you were just getting bad then
i was young
i didn't realize
please know i've grown into a woman
without you
i get it now
i'm imagining seeing you in september and you sugar coating the truth and me crying over a false reality
so please be honest with me if you want to be in my life
i run on truthfulness and cynical humor
and if you can't handle me
tell me
because i deserve the truth as much, if not more than you

i love you, ron.
and you will always be my father
no matter who comes in goes in my life
you will walk me down the aisle and we'll be happy
as happy as we were that day at the st. louis children's muesuem

i miss you so ******* much, dad
call me back as soon as you get this.
i hope you are doing well.
Madalyn Dec 2019
i want to be your saturday morning coffee
Lexie Oct 2015
like a goodmorning kiss
you embrace the horizon
your golden fingers reach out
ready to dive-in

you wash the fields
in your golden essence
and all who awaken
embrace your presence

slowly you rise up
to fill these empty skies
and I lift my slumberer's head
to look you in the eyes

so many times before
have we begun this dance
each time, again I stay
so not to miss a chance

the melody of your rays
slowly claim their place
you are much to bright
for me to see your face

a bright and blinding beauty
I could never  dare to atain
it is enough to sense your presence
I beg that you remain

bound to the sky
by an immortal chain
my Light, I know your dance
will never be in vain

I could never wish to tame
the passion beneath your skin
for I would only be burned
if you ever let me in

to touch, would mean an end
so I would never dare
I resign to my humble hope
that you could even care

you leave me alone
with the promise of a dream
but I have been told
things are not as they seem

until the next moring
my soul and heart shall yearn
only one deity can rule the sky
each must take their turn

I shall retain my nights
for my nights are mine alone
yet as a gift, I give you my days
for my days are yours to own

if I asked you sweetly
would you dare to let me run
the skies you've always owned
the skies of the morning sun

I stand so breathlessly
at the sight of you
veiled in this moring
and shrouded in the dew

I want to walk beside you
tracing every single step
following each and everyone
until none of them are left

none could compare
to your sweet light
but still you hide it
in the coolness of the night

you blush bright at dawn
like a gentle  maiden's cheek
my friend, on your endless journey
I hope you find what you seek

you never look back
to the places you have been
you will always dance
to the heavens - and back again
Zavier Allen Jan 2015
It shakes hareder then anything you ever felt
It awakens the soul
When it happens you'll know
Losing all control
Becarful letting go
It will take do more then take control
Never letting you go
Youll want more
always wondering what it has in store
All it knows is gore
Takin more and more
Leaving nothing but a rotten core
It never gets bored
So cruel

You can try to lock the door
You can try to hide
It will never say goobye
Belive me I tried
This monster is eating me alive
As I die it strives
Eating everything in its sight
Praying it don't come tonight
If i make till the moring ill be alright
I havent slept in nights
I still see its face

But no one comes
I try to run
But the mirrors cant hide the monster
Not when its inside
Inside of me.
Zach Bernard Sep 2012
no, I don't care for the sun.
I don't care for the summer months
that blind me with heat.
I fall asleep so easily
with the runners passing by.
even now, it's nearly autumn and they run past
at 5:28 in the moring.
jesus ****, go to back to bed.
but I suppose they
could just as easily say the same to me.

go back to bed, you purpose
driven *******.
go back to bed.
go back to bed.
Nat Lipstadt Jan 2017
for Danel Kessler^

in the early morning
of one's youth,
going to synagogue,
quite regularly,
a fabulous, honorably believing,
father's sole request,
more than a half-century ago

time eroded,
the fallacies of organizing a public meeting time
with a deity who seemed unavailable,
when most needed

instead we chatted
in the late of night of the early morning,
a time and places of my choosing,
for human fools do like  a setting regular,
comfort food for the divine spark within

rising/writing for early morning
poetry mass,
was a noted feature of the twofold meaning
of my latter years

where and whence, now and thence,
irreverent dialogue
tween the invisible one,
that would be me,

(can you see me now?)
and the visible one,
the you-know-who-
maker-of-custom-suited souls,

(can "you" see me now?)

*had become  
quite the regular artistes salon

witty repartee, elegiac conversations,
the residuals, in a rain drain trapped,
products collected by the light of  the early dawning,
apres skiing of an all deep-night long mournful body scoring,
poetic raconteur-ing

heaping spoonfuls of two-way mutual chastising,
paeans to the divinity in human-inherent,
regular debate team features of a
contested dark bedroom,
lit only by tablet light bright,
one if by land, two if by sea,
which the shining path to be taken by
itinerant signal comedic essays,
crafted aboard frigates and kayaks
voyaging on turgid, turbulent rivers,
mean city streets, 
swath cut by switchblades of greed,
exploring stories of the dying lands
of an aging man
fed by the streaming videos tubing down
the veins and arteries of an aging poseur

so in the sleep hours,
when I did not dream,
instead nail bled from my hands
words upon  a cold sweaty screen
from fevered fingertips,
diatribe prayers of hope ever after,
after every
dialysis of the arrogance of human nature,
removing, diabolical urea of our tainted beings,
replacing, with granular molecules of wishful thinking

then it stopped, for unknown reasons,
unbegotten creativity, chilling like
***** and champagne layabouts,
on the upper shelf of a mind's refrigerator,
always ready, just in case,
a new borne terrorist atrocity,
a seasonal wistfulness flu,
a cold virus blue through the heart,
love came and went with nary a
even a new born babe joy
to the family est arrivé,
comld torch that heirloom/heritage seeded
inert patented creativity
into anime wakefulness

so here, so hear, I paid-pause,
conclude-delude, at 4:44am on
January Seventeenth of Two Thousand and Seventeen,
winessed by numerals white on a blackened background,
of a digital alarm clock with time, temperature and
the lunar phase of a madman
who twice was Christ told
would be a poet/story teller,
like his mother

a bountiful clock telling,
precision information detailing,
a tale that tells about nothing about a man,
who no longer requires
an alarm reminder to attend
his own moring reborning mass,
on a regular basis,

for his disheartened verbs,
runaway convict adjectives,
con-nouns, whimpering exclamations,
all on the loose,
nice sounding,
but of no earthly use

his lips like (the book of) Ruth's,
move in silent prayer,
only two can hear,
but the low priest observing,
disbelieves, thinking the piety of the poet
is just drunken emotion, not devotion,
kens not the broken poems
of the morning mass service no more,
but for
this one, irregular,
unacceptable exception
5:18am 1/17/17

I don't think I can write a storytelling poem much better than this. So happily gift to Denel, who serves the gods of poetry and our works with devotion, and who wrote this and inspired me

You must begin early
while it is cool and your head clear
discernment, a sharpened tine
probing the rocky darkness
for all things latent and destructive...

You must delve as close
to the origin as possible
or the **** you think eradicated
will bide its time, germinating
in the still secret ground

waiting for light
to penetrate the moist earth
waking the sprout
who voraciously pushes up and out
a curled blemish

in your otherwise carefully tended garden.
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
Party started at 8 o'clock
Halloween we're gonna rock
Come on and join the keg line
For witches brew in blood you sign
Pass the devils joint or two
Through out the night happenings ensue
We all get drunk and surround the fire
Throw on more wood make it higher
Moonshine rules the night, it goes down smooth
Don't drink to much or your memory you just might lose
Watching people flirt and swoon
Move on over make some room
Stand around and watch the fight
Two lovers got to uptight
Early moring everyones passed out
But by the fire me and you play about
I can say it was a hell of a fun night
Now we'll go to your home, finish what we started by that fire's light
mark john junor Apr 2013
she was the one
was the only one i will carry with me
all the days of my life
everything else in my world has changed
but end of the day
close my eyes she is there waiting for me
she is my one moment in life that i will replay over and over
and wish i could change

close my eyes and that warm spring moring will allways be there
like from beyond she is holding me here
forever unable to change what was meant to be
what i could not have changed even if i had known

i was a young man
strong and sure of what to do
which path to follow
so sure of what was
and what was meant to be

till the spring tide changed everything
and now old and grey
i linger here with her smiling face just beyond my closed eyes
and no path seems so sure till it allready has my track upon it
no future is sure till its underfoot
and no person granted no matter how near

she is the one i carry with me
waiting for me to close my eyes for that last time
she is the one i will replay in my heart over and over
till i forgive myself....till she forgives me
in the next life
it is thru communicating that we heal
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
you texted me in the morning saying hey hey hey, hey there *** how did you sleep, how was your morning, but we both no; its not moring till i see your smiling face, the sun dont shine and the birds dont sing, oh oh oh no the sun dont shine till i see you smiling face, the birds dont sing till i see you baby, till i see you baby, your what make my world go round and round and make it always morning when i see that smile, oh when i see that smile on a sunny day, ( judge me if you want but its contry song)
Ellie Shelley May 2015
It hit the back of my throat
****** taste in the back of my throat
The message sent from your mom
at 12:27 in the morning
But it didn’t hit
reality didn’t hit me till 10: 23
th moring
The pills I bought for you are   now
in the pitof my stomachne
and now I know how yopu felt      aoll this time
Theb morth we spent apart
I dont care about all the spelling errors I wrote this sobbing and it kind of works
Upon my porch in old chair coffee hot
Earlier than the loss of morning dew
Distant clouds of pink brighten some
A valley far below miles of moring view

The trees all shine so in rising of light
Far away purple mountains now green
Oxygen endless as gentle breezes blow
Skies slowly now a shade of blue supreme

Closer some shadows they take their leave
For them their task well done almost over
The fields once hidden now producing so
Piles of new cut hay all of freshest clover

Old gate down the way below now reborn
Horse and foal awake both on a morning run
A largest bird flies high passed all far below
Another natures gift unwrapped night is done

So much one has to view and all of this for free
Having a soul appreciate all nature gives away
And all as one for now night over and done
The birth of yet another beautiful day

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Before I too thought of walking upon it
A beach new sublime to be seen
Not a fingerprint of man or bird
Nor of where the waves have been

Unmarked natures gift before my eyes
I searched  but not a single thing
Indicating new born natures creation
A perfection only nature it could bring

Looked for a stick anything at all to be
As if nature had not long had it pressed
Absolute complete perfection to view
A moring beach just awoken from rest

Waves small all in uniform performed
Air with oxygen no doctor could prescribe
Feeling guilty that I might walk on it
A brand new morning beach natures pride

As smooth as a virgins lips unkissed as yet
Not a grain of sand out of place to see
A breeze that had a soul feel years younger
A view that was mine alone to view that be

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Starry Aug 2019
Every moring
I don't want to walk up
The sun
Bring me dread
As i force myself to wake up
To face the day at
The crack of dawn
Wont there be relief.
Starry Sep 2019
I was talking
A walk
Hello good moring says a nice Jewish woman
We talk


Smile fades

Then I hear a familiar sound
The recycle truck

To the recycling truck "******* **** *******"
Flipping him the bird

In front of the woman
Harriet Shea Nov 2018
Heart like Midnight, her horse, black
wild, and free, belonging only to the
wilderness of God, roaming the county

Eyes, sharp like a cat, Star-Fire, Princess
of the Chippewa Indian Tribe, in Upper
Michigan. A princess with pride and

Master of her Universe, she drinks from
the running waters of life, walks
the black hills of the Dakota's, where
the wind blows intensely..

Her hawk clings to her, as she goes
on her way from hill to stream, a new
welcome to a new mountain, ready
to be climbed..

Star-Fire walks softly like the whisper
in the Moring mist, touches the glory
of each new day with a smile, lies
beneath the willow to watch it weep
once more..

Dark shadows dance in the glow
of the moon, while clouds hide
away it's beauty, masking off all
traces of a lighting fire..

Star-fire, touches each and everyone
leaving a lasting impression behind
like footsteps in the sand of time..

She holds the key to the heart of her
tribe, the elders have told her of
great power given to her from the
Gods, to never mistreat it, or evil
shall enter into the peoples heart..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Kyle Duran Feb 2020
Walking in the street,
moving in and out of traffic

Our conversation dances
with no fire, but passion

Night voyages
with lost soundtracks
depict the
passing of night into

It ends with unlocking the door
to an empty house,
dead plants,
and yesterday's coffee

The slow demise of
falling back into the cracks

Moments loop as if days
and months are hours

Pacing breakfast,

Only to eat nothing

The hope towards a new relationship and the sad reality of when you part ways and go back to your empty house.
Morning Star Apr 2021
Into darkness waters deep
Cut the steel of creeper wrath
Empty safe a shallow tomb
Angel of the oceam doom
Take away the shallow one
No sign of what evil was done
No care for how the evil slay
No one to save her no one to help
Drop like stones upon the rocks
No more safe or hidden cloth
Slip away as moring comes
Like only dream can do
Until No sign of her at all  
My once a gentle tomb
Now when the ocean calls your name
Elisabeth I hide in shame
No telling of your name
No marks of all the pain
Only waters wash away
Only memories fade away
No words to speak
For silence still
You speak and they will swiftly seek
Your Life will also end asleep
But somewhere up in heavens stars
Your safe and still shine in the dark
And I know you were once of me
A beautiful Angel now set free
U was a child what could I do
To rescue me to rescue you
Only the universe can stop them
While I stay in the dark
Sense something  their brush of blade of  green  emerald hue tickling  the dusty soil

Do i shift my gaze ever  so slightly and catched the reflection  trhough this moring.....  "  

Dew droplet  slowly  caressing the very end  of the blade of,,,,

Grass  when i stare deep into the morning sun dances on single grass fiber quivers within the wind .
When I was building you, I went to the old hill, where the fairies danced, I chose the hardest stone, the granite foundation, with heavy iron and a calloused hand, I carved you from morning till night,
and again and again...
When you were carving me, they went to the forest of giants, cut down the tallest oak, chose the strongest trunk, and with kisses tore off the bark,
carved me from moring till night
and again, again
Until one day, when we emerged from the darkness, my fortress and your boat, under the restless sea, we put up the same flag, intertwined the walls and sails, danced an ode to the wind and sang to the sun that watches over us...
- And then a storm came, and the clouds hid everything, even the moon, the magical mornings disappeared, the songs fell asleep, only the echo of the iron striking the  heavy stone
and hard branches break
let's build ourselves again
to last
than one summer...

— The End —