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Gracie Ghost May 2012
gracie, gracie
is a ghost
of the people
she loves the most

gracie, gracie
her soul shakes
with every single
breath she takes

gracie, gracie
hides her true face
when she dies
won’t leave a trace

gracie, gracie
stuck in her mind
trapped forever
left behind

gracie, gracie
all alone
talking away
at the phone

gracie, gracie
thought she was screaming
turns out she was
only dreaming

gracie, gracie
torn apart
now all she’s got
is a broken heart

gracie, gracie
loved you the most
but now she is
barely a ghost

gracie, gracie
you let her go
so she faded away
faded slow
Grace Jan 2021
If I could write a love song to myself,
My younger self,
Because it’s the most important relationship I’ll ever have,
I’d say

Dear Gracie,
I know you are in love with love,
But stay true to who you are.
Your heart is strong, gold, pure.
Don't let young boys break it.
The one meant for you is a long walk
down California’s golden coast,
But, beautiful girl,
He’s waiting for you patiently.
I don’t know what he is like,
I have not met him yet,
But, dearest Gracie,
I know he will make you laugh, and
He will hold you when you cry, and
He will name the shapes in the sky, and
He will pick you up when you fall down, and
He will make you feel like you can fly.

Dear Gracie,
Do not give up hope.
Darling, I know you are in love with love
So, love

If I could write a love song to my younger self,
I’d say,
Dear Gracie,
When you are sad,
Keep writing letters to your friends
To let them know you will always
Be there for them.
Oh Gracie,
When you cry
Keep writing poems
Because they give you life,
In the early hours of the morning after.
Oh Gracie,
When you are happy,
Grab all your friends
And run around in the sun.
Oh Gracie,
It is okay that you feel intensely,
It means that you love so deeply.
Oh Gracie,
It is okay if you do not want to look
At yourself in the mirror,
Know that you are surrounded by people
Who love your figure.
Oh Gracie,
In the shower
Sing at the top of your lungs
And it is okay if you don’t stop
To smell the flowers.
Oh Gracie,
Take all the pictures because someday
You will miss the way your friends
Smiled, and the way
that dinner tasted.

If I could write a love song to my younger self,
I’d say
Dear Gracie,
Keep writing your big dreams
On post-it notes,
And putting them up in your window.
Look in the mirror.
Smile, you are beautiful, darling,
I know you do not always feel it.
But you are.
Oh honey,
To me you always are.

Oh Gracie,
Be nice to your sister
Because someday
You will miss the way
She is so much funnier than you.
Oh Gracie,
My dearest, my darling, Gracie,
Be yourself because someday,
You will miss you too.

I I could write a love song to my younger self,
I’d say
Dear Gracie,
Please be yourself
Because no one else is like you.
Oh Gracie,
Please be yourself
Because I love you.
Oh Gracie,
Please be yourself
Because someday
(Hopefully before your blond hair turns white with speckles of grey,)
you will love yourself too.

If I could write a love song to my younger self,
I’d say,
Dear Gracie,
I love you.
You are right where you need to be.
spysgrandson Oct 2012
Aunt Gracie took me there
for a philly and five cent cee-gar
old enough to fight,
old enough to puff on that stogie
she said
(and not much more)
I spun my stool like I was on a carnival ride
(had only one beer with Uncle Lon, but your first beer is the best)
and Gracie looked at me
like I was still the kid
who broke her basement window
with a bad pitch
when I was ten
yeah, I was, still that boy
seven years later
in that glass box of light
humming in the concrete night
big round Gracie smilin’ at me,
looking like she was gonna cry
she had signed those papers
lied with that pen
making me old enough to be a killer
and smoke that cigar, I suppose
the couple eating eggs and bacon
asked if I was shipping out
six AM, yes sir
the woman smiled like Gracie
the man nodded his head, said
**** a *** for me
sure thing, sure thing
me thinking killing one of them
would let me live,
forever, and wouldn’t be any different
from playin’ God with bee-bees and birds
which I had done a time or two
with my Daisy
cook put my philly in front of me
his eyes locked on the counter
like someone condemned
to never hold his head up high
and trapped in that diner
forever feeding
me and other nighthawks
who come to this place
the last space of light
in the hungry night
thanks for the sandwich, I said
he said that’s free
but the man eatin’ eggs
said it’s on me
cook didn’t look at the man
went to cleaning some pan
was then I noticed he limped
I asked how he got hurt
he kept his eyes on his sink
said, it was a long time
before this night
were you born that way?
nobody born this way son
Gracie’s elbow nudged mine
but sixteen and full of all
of one beer, I was gonna keep askin’
it was a long time
before this night
I know, but how--
guess you’ll know
soon enough
we were
clawing our way
from a French trench
filled with gas and gasps
of boys with your face
too dead to cry, too dead to scream
when those machine gunners cut loose
what I got was some good luck
and one of those big rounds
in my knee
Gracie’s elbow moved away
she put her hand on my leg
(my hand was on my philly, limp and still)
you got shot by the Krauts in the Great War?
he didn’t say anymore
and I didn’t eat my meal
Gracie was good to me,
I know she wrote all the time
but we didn’t always get our mail
on those big ships, many men
would leave their suppers on the floor
in all that stink of seasick
they taught me to play cards
told me jokes, gave me smokes
Lucky Strikes
we were going to some place
with a funny sounding name
Ee-wa Gee-ma, Ee-wa Gee-ma
at night, when I would look
at the black bottom of the bunk above me
I would see
someplace green, Ee-wa, sunny, Gee-ma
someplace with curling trees
and birds for my daisy to shoot at
other nights, in that dark,
in that stale stink of tobacco and puke
I would see the humming light
of the diner that night, wishing
I had eaten that philly sandwich
and smoked that cigar
(which I left by the plate)
I would think of Gracie
and how she begged me
to confess my sins
(to the recruiting sergeant)
to come back
safe, whole, she said
(but I didn’t know what whole meant)
after that, I heard only the voices of men
some barking orders and commands
others whimpering,
in the same dark
ship of steel
when I saw the grey rocks
and flak-filled sky, and heard
the swoosh of surf
and the thunder
of our ships’ guns
and some rat-tat-tat
from the invisible holes
I knew I knew,
nothing yet of hell
Happy, we called him
was dead
all nineteen years of him
on that **** hole of beach
his guts strewn across the sand
(his life story I guess)
making their peace with *****
and the red and black blood
of other boys and men
who played cards
and flipped open their Zippos
to light my smokes
told me jokes
and laced their boots with me
that very morning
by the time
the ramp fell
I spotted Happy
my stinging eyes stuck
to his shredded belly
we, all of us, fell forward
into the shallow Pacific
ran, with all our gear clanging
to dunes high enough to hide
to hide,
but only long enough
to catch our breath
and smell cordite, fear-sweat,
and burned flesh
we did not take time to gag
over the dunes we went
told to make it to a rock
some twenty of us
to a rock no bigger than Lon’s ‘36 coupe
by the time we hid behind the rock
only eight of us hunched there
the others were where?
didn’t know, didn’t care
I had my piece of rock
rounds kept poppin’ off
the other side
from all those invisible holes
filled with slant eyed demons
my ears were ringing
when I heard the corporal say
start putting fire on that hole
what hole, what hole, what hole
the words were stuck somewhere
deep inside, not in my throat
but they were there
trying to ask him where
what hole? what hole
(I thought for a moment about Gracie and coming back whole?)
the corporal, OK, I forgot his **** name
he wasn’t in my platoon
he said put some fire on that hole
one more time
but then when he got up to shoot his M-1
something made his helmet fly off
and most of him went to the ground
the part that didn’t go out the back of his head
Tommy grabbed my arm
(Tommy taught me that four of a kind beats a full house)
and said something
and said it again
over there, over there
when I looked where he was looking
I saw them, one with a tan helmet,
the other with a shiny black head of hair
Tommy was trying to point his M-1
at those **** who were firing
their 92 machine gun
at those boys on the beach
I pointed my M-1 at them too
but my hands were shaking too bad to aim
Tommy aimed I think
and we both kept shootin’ at those ****
who finally just looked like they went to sleep
but they never woke up
but neither did the other six boys
who were hiding behind that rock with us
because as soon as Tommy and me
started shootin’ at those ****,
they turned that 92 at us
but all those boys were in front of us
pressed so tight against that stingy rock
they couldn’t breathe
or move
even enough
to get their M-1 carbines
in the right direction
so when those **** turned that 92
on the bunch of us
Tommy and I were in the right place
behind six poor boys
who couldn’t move
and got their young bodies
peppered with every round
that come from the hot barrel
of that *** 92 machine gun
once those two *** boys were asleep
I felt something warm on my arm
it was blood from Hector’s face
but Hector didn’t have a face left
part of it was on my sleeve
I think
but I didn’t look
Hector was in my squad
and he wore a Saint Christopher
to keep him safe
Hector didn’t lose all his head
like I heard Saint Christopher did
but most of it
and if that pendant
and all his mama’s prayers
didn’t keep him safe
I guess nothing could
I don’t remember when
I was able to sleep
through a whole night
without wakin’ up
thinking about
Hector, the corporal
and the other five boys
who died right there
behind the rock
there were a million other rocks
where boys
“went to sleep”
only they didn’t wake up
feeling Hector’s warm blood
on their arms
before it even got cold,
dry, and black
Gracie told me
the diner closed
she didn’t know why
but now
when I can’t sleep
and walk the pavement
in the middle of the city night
I go to that dark corner cafe
looking for the buzzing light
I want my cigar I did not smoke
and once again hear the words
the limping man spoke
I don’t have any more questions
he won’t want to answer
but if I did
they might be stuck
down inside
not in my throat
but deeper
where things churn
but don’t ever get seen or heard
I do wonder
if those other boys
at the rock,
and those other rocks,
all those other rocks
are taking these lonely late night walks
or if they had talked
with a limping man
who fed them for free
who thought he was lucky
and spoke words
no young eager bird killers
could yet understand
Nighthawks refers to a 1942 Edward Hopper painting of a corner diner and was the inspiration for the first and last stanzas
Ade MacLeod Jan 2019
Brighton on the seafront is shining like a silver dollar in the sun
And she is dancing to the rhythm of the seagulls and imaginary bass drums
It is winter, should be colder but the gentle breeze is warm
All around her is her own hair like the breakers of some pre-raphaelite storm
I see Bassie Gracie, Brighton by the sea, hey Gracie
She plays reggae, she plays ska, she plays jazz,
she loves them all, hey Gracie

I am walking back along the sea front, back the way we've come
The sun's kiss grows weaker and I miss her but that doesn’t get me down
For the rhythm of her baselines entwine the ripped fabric of my mind
And every time I see those breakers I'll remember that pre-raphaelite storm
I saw Bassie Gracie, Brighton by the sea, hey Gracie
She plays reggae, she plays ska, she plays jazz,
she loves them all, hey Gracie
Kiana Jackson Feb 2010
Gracie and I
Have so much fun
There is no one like us
Nope none

Gracie and I
We are the best of friends
Always laughing and joking
Each other we’ll always defend

Gracie and I
Despite what our names say
We are clumsy
We don’t have any grace

Gracie and I
Talking all night long
Giving advice
And singing that song

Gracie and I
Best friends forever
Nothings gonna change
Nope never
The Challenge
(Day 8)
To me is everything, bloodline, friends who stick closer than brothers, my nieces and nephews I cant help myself but gush about particularly Gracie, Maran Khimwa.
Gracie came to us not only as a blessing but also an answered prayer to her eldest brothers only birthday wish/prayer request the year before.
She arrived the year after exactly two months after his birthday, I guess even “I AM” gives belated birthday gifts.
She came and changed our perception about a lot of things, she strengthen our faith and taught us deep gratitude and love that transcended all the levels we had reached before  her arrival.
Born with some congenital disorders, some of which included;
Holes in her heart, upturned feet, a cleft palate and a tongue tie, still we had no reason to complain and refused to despair because we knew THE ONE whose blessings were incapable of causing pain  how much more adding sorrow.
Through it all, you’d never miss a smile across Gracie’s face, the almost constant ins and out of hospitals for surgeries and treatments resulting from complications and developments arising as she grew, though I write this from her hospital bed, she still smiles through the pain and happily says cheese when she sees me trying to take a selfie with her.

This post isn’t seeking for sympathy but to encourage someone out there who might be broken, struggling with a burden he/she thinks is too heavy to bear or has been overcome by fear of the cares he/she can’t seem to cast.

Please know that hard as it seems, “THE ONE” who has brought you thus far will see you through it all to a beautiful finish if only you’d let Go and let Him for He is God over everything.

With Gracie we had our fears and doubts,
Will she be ever walk?
Will the holes ever close?
Will she ever speak?
These were some of our fears amongst others and we feared to even share them but we never were afraid to tell The greatest Physician.
Now Gracie not walks but runs as her legs keep getting stronger and her gait better with each stride she takes
The holes in her heart? Miraculously closed just before she was getting ready to go for surgery.
Because of the cleft palate she couldn’t be breastfed and anytime she had to be spoon-fed it had to be done with great care so she doesn’t choke or suffocate but now she can not only eat but by herself.
Her speech keeps improving with each passing day and she’s even started school!

Gracie isn’t only an epitome of God’s unending grace but a daily reminder of His unfailing and unending love for us and towards us.
She reminds me to be thankful with that smile she wears like her skin in-spite of all the pain she’s gone through and at the moment is still experiencing.

Every November reminds me of how the Heaven’s deemed it fit to bless us unfit as we are with the unfathomed miracle called “Gracie” & I with another Miracle in my life (I’d save this story for the appointed time).
How our faith was tested, our love strengthened and our bond as a family has fortified.
We learned to join our faith with my sister’s and that’s how we defied gravity as we pulled heaven to earth.
I hope someone has been encouraged & has her/his faith renewed.
If you wanna give up, please know that God will never give up on you.
I hope this story will remind someone that

Grace Sep 2020
To understand that *** is not a primary priority in our relationship means more than I can even say. To have a Dada who focuses so much more on making sure my little is whole and happy before anything else is done makes me truly feel like you see me and what Gracie needs.

Don’t get me wrong big girl time is amazing when we have it. You make my body sing for you and you quiet my mind until nothing else exists there but you. Your hands on my body remind me that I am ****, desired, and very ****** – and that those needs are not to be forgotten. They’re just not the priority. I wrote something for you that has been on my mind ever since you posted that writing 10 days ago. I hope it helps you really hear how much it means to me.

It’s ALL about Priorities

I love that your priority is Gracie, your focus on her is entirely unapologetic and that means the world to me.

Because honestly *** isn’t all that important to me.

I love that your priority is her happiness. Life itself has many distractions and I know that devoting so much time me (to her) is not always the easiest path. But the fact that you do, even when it means 36+ hours on Skype most of which just “being” which you understand is just as important to me as playing and talking and laughing, makes me feel like the most important person in the whole wide world.

Because honestly *** isn’t all that important to me.

I love that your priority is keeping her healthy. That you take care of me when I forget or refuse to take care of myself. The simplest things like asking what or even if I’ve eaten when you know what my response will be shows me how much you care about the smallest of things in my day.

Because honestly *** isn’t all that important to me.

I love that your priority is helping me find peace when I’m floundering. Whether it be from nightmares or when I’m physically not feeling well, everything stops while you help me reach a calmer place in my head and that cannot be more important to me in that moment even if I won’t come out and say it. And that is one of the biggest expressions of love you could ever show me.

Because honestly *** isn’t all that important to me.

I love spending big girl time with you, feeling my body submit to your touch and your voice as you make it sing for you. But it’s the peace your dominance brings to my mind (even if my head isn’t in a bad space) that is what I love most in that.

Because honestly *** isn’t all that important to me.

I love that your priority is meeting my need and you see how much I need your touch. To feel of your touch on my body, from the lightest of touches to the most intimate of places. I love the tender possession of your lips on mine or the taste of your skin as I bite your shoulder in ecstasy. I love the way you make me pant and whimper and sigh and then to feel it all come crashing down as you make me *** again and again into a state of pure ******* bliss. But what I take from those moments is the feeling of complete desire for me in every way. Your need for me without filters or guards is how I’m truly learning to see that I’m beautiful.

Because honestly *** isn’t all that important to me.

I love it when you pull me over your knee and spank me Dada, just the thought gets definite reactions and makes me gasp and blush. That moment of when my mind clicks into a literal “sub” space, surrendering all of myself to you, and with the simple strike of your hand against my bare skin, you remind me that you’re there to take every piece…every part of me to help me find peace and put them back together again.

Because honestly *** isn’t all that important to me.

I love the intensity of *** play with you Dada, something I haven’t so openly explored before. But I trust you with my every breath so I know that even the most intense of moments you’re there to keep me safe. And in that, I would give you any part of me without you ever needing to ask.

Because honestly *** isn’t all that important to me.

I love feeling you taking every part of me, knowing that I want to know you in every way that one can possibly know another. Not just for the primal satisfaction which I love just as much, but for the sake of strengthening our bond. One that continually gets stronger with every touch, little or big.

Because honestly *** isn’t all that important to me.

I love when the feeling of exhaustion as you continually use my body, beyond the point when I think it can go on. When my mind cries out that it can’t even while you show my body that it can until all is silent and nothing is there but you and I in the peace of the silent black space. Then I reach out and feel you take me close to your chest and remind me that you’re always there to keep me safe and secure.

That’s called priorities.

To the flutter of butterflies in my stomach and the squeal I have to quiet just when I see a message from you pop up on my phone.

That’s called priorities.

To know that I’d rather lay there in silence with you then go out with anyone else just at the risk of losing the smallest measure of time with you.
That’s called priorities.

To feel the sense of peace that quiets all of the chaos after you’ve listened to me whine, complain or just plain ***** about all that’s going on with me without word one of the mess that your day has been. That moment, that peace.

That’s called priorities.

To be able to be little with you with no boundaries, to be as little as I need to be and to trust that you’re there to be with me to protect me and play with me.

That’s called priorities.

Dada, you have taught me that a man’s priorities are evident through the actions that he takes and the choices that he makes and for the first time I truly feel like a priority instead of an accessory. And for that, the words “thank you” could never be enough.

liv Oct 2018
you were supposed to be here
death gasped you faster than I ever could
I regret the moment thinking it would be longer
It's not fair for someone's future to be taken away so quickly
You deserved the sun and the moon
But instead you were given to the stars
I miss you Gracie Mae...
Pendragon Aug 2013
Little girl I seem you in my dreams,
You came on a monthly basis.
I got to know you  but,
Cannot  recall at thing you said,
You would stay with me all  night
And I would sit in your heavenly light.
I knew then you were an angel,
I always thought you would be
My future daughter.
Until 3 years ago
Once a month you would come.
An the month before you left
You came once a week,
At the very least.
When you left I was lost.
And until 3 weeks ago,
I couldn't figure out where you had gone.
Then you and your mommy,
Came into the church.
I was awestruck,
Blown away,
I met my my angel on that day.
It blew everyone's  mind
That we instantly
People had said it was amazing,
They were
Blown away,
That little Gracie
Took instantly to me,
Begging to be picked up and carried around.
In your 3 years of life,
Never had you taken to anyone like that.
This is really ****** but I had to get it out of my head
Anais Vionet Mar 2023
Midterms are over and I killed ‘em (yes, even the physics) - yeah me!
I spent the last two weeks like prisoners do, marking off days until - freedom. Now the pressure’s off and I can chill. Spring break starts tomorrow, and I have NO plans.

It’s dinnertime and we’re (Leong, Sunny, Lisa and I) in the Commons dining hall, celebrating, with bacon-cheeseburgers and fries (Leong’s a cheeseburger ******).

Lisa Turned to Sunny, “What songs are playing in your ears today?”
“I’m looping "Good Riddance" by Gracie Abrams - which might be a little gay for you.”
“Sunny and I were discussing that earlier,” I chirped in, “especially ‘Amalie’ (the song).”
“Gracie’s not dating that guy anymore? Lisa asked.
“She broke up with him,” Sunny said.
again?” Lisa gasped.
“Yeah, she broke up with him for good, a few months ago,” Sunny reported.
“I thought that they got back together.” I said, trying to remember my Teen Vogue gossip.
“Nope,” Leong said, stealing one of my fries, “saw it on ‘the shade’ (theshaderoom)”
“Wait, wait, Blake Slatkin - or a new boy?” Lisa asked, holding up her hand like we’re in class.
Sunny laughs, “Anyway, Gracie isn’t dating a girl but in that ‘Amalie’ song she’s like, ‘where did you go Amalie, I’m crushing on you.”
“Amalie..” Leong said, searching for a last name.
“Amalie Homin,” I said, “That’s what I heard, but I don’t know it on my own.”

“Ooo!” Lisa said, “Speaking of carols,” and nodding towards the main entrance. Leong and I had our backs to the door, but we swiveled discreetly as a girl I’ll call “Monique” (I’m not doxing anyone) walked in with a group of her entourage-like friends.

My roommates and I, being young, single and curious girls - have ongoing chaz or chaste debates - where we judge people (quietly, in a non-mean-girl way, amongst ourselves), to be either chaz or chaste - based on their general *** appeal, style and swagger.

A chaz is a playa’, someone who everyone wants (sexually) and who’s probably “sactive” - a chaste, is a wannabee, a poser who’s trying hard but is probably “involuntarily abstinent.”

A big, beefy, but not overly attractive football player would draw a “chaste,” “chaste,” “chaste,” while, say, a tall, dark, handsome physicist would earn a “chaz,” “chaz,” “chaz!!”

Monique, who’s studying marketing (school of business), is an over-tha-bridge black girl from Jamaica who was once in a band that had some low-level success. As we watched her strut across the room, I brought the question to Sunny. Monique’s fem-facing, as is Sunny, so Sunny’s the expert on-hand, “Do you think Monique’s a chaz?”

I state my case, talking softly, “Monique walks around campus wearing a t-shirt with her own picture on it, under a blazer,” I snigger, derogatorily, “being like, all these ******* want me.”

Sunny gasps, “How DARE you call smart, modern, lesbian women *******!” She laughs.

“All these lovely ladies, these rad, sapphic-gals really want me.” I amended. “It’s farcical, isn’t it? I repeated, fashion aghast. “Wearing a t-shirt with your own picture on it - like you’re a rockstar.” I put the ultimate question to Sunny: “Is she actually pulling any veejay like that?”

“You doubt she’s pulling any strong, empowered women?” Sunny asked back rhetorically. Sunny rolled the question over in her mind and declared, shrugging, “She’s a chaz. It works - for the gays, hundo-p."

“Hard to believe,” I admitted, shrugging in the face of Monique’s sheer tackiness. We watched the strange group leave, loaded down with goodies, like pirates who came and looted the area.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Farcical: “performing a ridiculous act,”

sactive = sexually active
a carol = a hot, irresistible girl
over-tha-bridge = average looking
fem-facing = a lesbian
hundo-p = 100%    

“chaz or chaste” was invented by a couple of fem DJs on WYBC, Yale student radio.
Fog Oct 2018
That it’s a beautiful blessing that we forge
tDo you think I am safe now?
Sweetheart, you have to remember.
You have to! You have to!
You cannot just sweep it under the rug,
You cannot just sleep through it, and hope to wake up like it’s just a nightmare.
Sure you can pretend like it was,
Oh, just don’t kick stones.......
don’t kick stones!
They said so many times in my life
“drink more, it’s fun, we have a whole bottle, we’re going to take another sip
Keep sipping until you finish it”

But one sip was dead to me,
How can we call things like
“I think I got *****, last night”
Our divine pan, our destiny
Because every single day
I am praying to god that
I can forget all of it and release the tension that always seems to rest inside my skin, my skinny, my over eating
My swelling heart, overriding all
Of the hate, that I could have felt
Just showing me all I am is love
All I am is love, and nothing else
My sweeping up old memories
Has made a really mess
And I am so overwhelmed
I forget I am safer than I was
When this was life we had no
Idea that dreams can excuse the things
That hurt me most, and I think man’s message to the world is,
I will hurt you, and you will love
And once someone told me,
“Nobody really wants to hear about your problems.”
I guess it’s true, this one is one
That most everyone would feel
So sick from, it would be the hardest
Truth to chew through
I drank too much of the truth serum for you to be able to sit and listen, and chew
And he dragged me me through the doorway
As my friends watched me, and I begged them to help me my hands were grasping for the doorframe
This is the one of the first times as a young girl that I really fight for my life
Held on for as long as I could
And I’m watching them on the ground
Laughing, they don’t know any better
I think I remember them wanting to help me
But they couldn’t help me
I guess they couldn’t help me
I don’t remember
I don’t remember the rest
I don’t want to remember the rest
I woke up with my pants off
And next to him,
He grabs my hand to touch his personal “at attention”
I feel the same anxiety,
It paralyzes me, even now
I have flashbacks
I have panic attacks
Remember, she was on the kitchen floor

Woke up,
forgetting ,
paralysis walking
waking seeing,
every day remembering
Even more
I wish that
I didn’t remember that
Gracie, how beautiful ?
I forget
Crazy, beautiful
Jeremy Mackey Feb 2012
My lips are still blisterin,
From all that whisperin, that
Made me kinda sick, so I
Search for my chapstick, but
Find in it’s stead,
A pen, orn’ry and red,
That chooses to be used,
And true to my cue, I
Seclude and intrude
On each and every muse-
-ic, -ing, -ment, of my peers.
And its clear I have seared
Every page I have seen
And heard of my herd,
Pulled apart at the seems
Teeming with teams
And half-assessed dreams, that I dreamt
But have since beheaded like queens.
Yet who is the jester? The joker? The fool?
It’s me from your world, your country, your school.
It’s me who coos uncool, and caws too rawly
And so rarely, Even I’m a bit scared of me
No! No fear or fervor is necessary, tremors and
Heartstrings tremble headlines on the Daily.
Oooh, calm, soothe, my tongue, my soul, my lips,
I’ll cool them off but remember all this, or else you
May be blistering, and searching, for my lost chapstick,
But be lacking in trust, ‘cause I used it all up,
Quite a long time before you even lusted that luck.
Shyanna Ashcraft Dec 2014
Pain and sorrow lace my chest,
I'm sorry that I must do this.
I can't aid you in your heart's quest,
Although I'll always think fondly of our first kiss.
The tears I cry will surely end,
But that doesn't mean that I'll stop caring.
You'll always be my forever-friend;
Though I'm sad to say it's no longer my heart that yours is snaring.
Tonight this poem has been finished,
But it's lines will be forever writ,
And although, like this poem, our lines together are finished,
A brand new stanza has just been fit.
Dedicated to Makayla Stewart. Our relationship may be over, but I couldn't stop loving you even if I tried.
I'm sorry that things weren't meant to be, but I look forward to being friends until the end of time.
Written 12-10-14
jay wilson Nov 2012
You're so Beautiful in every way in and out.
Like I use to say to you during fair looks dont matter but when I look at you its diffrent than what I look at any other girl.
people that you dated had hurt you which is a shame.
You dont need people like that really you dont need anyone.
People should need you I always hated life until we talked ya I messed up really bad I made you mad which I regret.

I stopped smoking and drinking for you and only.
But it wasnt enough to make you happy so now im sitting alone no one cares.
Thought you did but I sadly mistaken.
I love you so much you wouldnt believe.
I thought you would give me a chance you called me sweet and I took that to heart cause no one said that to me.
But I got jelouse cause of you and alex.
I tried to fight him and he decline I got really ****** because I lost everything.
Just between me and you those nights that we talked were the greatest of all times.
LJ Chaplin Jul 2013
Eight years old
With the whole world at your feet,
But already I see the amazing woman
That you will become when you're older,
I am proud to be a part of that.
Blue eyes,
Blonde hair,
The biggest smile that warms the pain in my heart
Whenever I come to see you.
Your mother's smile,
Your father's height,
But you will have your brother's humour,
I will personally make sure of that!

You seem too far away and I hate it,
But I know you'll always love me,
As I will always love you.
When you were born
I remember being the jealous ex youngest child
But then when you started smiling and I held you
For the first time,
I felt like the happiest big brother alive.
I was yours.
**Your big brother.
This poem is dedicated to my amazing little sister Gracie. I feel so blessed and lucky to have her in my life. We may argue and fall out, but I wouldn't trade her for anything.
David Nelson Nov 2011
Purple Cow

I've never seen a purple cow
though I have been inside a purple haze
things are different between then and now
when I stumbled around for many dayz

standing in corners watching the crowd
yellow barrels of sunshine enlightened view
Mr Hendrix's Watchtower 90 decibels loud
smiling faces thinking that we really knew  

it seemed so simple peace and love
not very real but I so miss those times
burn the bra olive branch and dove
now I just sit and think up rhymes

Dylan's monotone with catchy words
Gracie had her rabbit of white
he was a friend of mine sang out the Byrds
another hit of fresh air tonite

Vietnam changed things so much
yet still again the money rules
you would have thought we had the touch
but once again we are the fools

so maybe it is time once again
to raise up our voices and show them how
we will not just stand around and grin  
maybe it's time to see that purple cow

Gomer LePoet ....
Shyanna Ashcraft Dec 2014
Looking at me with gorgeous eyes,
They sparkle as she stares,
She’s listening to me rant and talk,
She’s showing me that she cares.

I don’t know how she does it,
Or how she knows what to say,
She’s never really judged me,
It’s just always been that way.

She may be small,
But holds a lot of surprises,
She doesn’t look like much to you,
But magic has many disguises.

She’s sweet and cute,
And so beautiful beyond compare.
She’s perfect for cuddles and hugs,
And I love her nose, ears, and hair.

To be honest I love it all,
Though I might favor her freckles.
I’m proud to say this pixie-like beauty is mine,
The one and only Grace Sprinkles.
Written 9-8-14
David Nelson Jun 2013
Purple Cow

I've never seen a purple cow
though I have been inside a purple haze
things are different between then and now
when I stumbled around for many dayz

standing in corners watching the crowd
yellow barrels of sunshine enlightened view
Mr Hendrix's Watchtower 90 decibels loud
smiling faces thinking that we really knew  

it seemed so simple peace and love
not very real but I so miss those times
burn the bra olive branch and dove
now I just sit and think up rhymes

Dylan's monotone with catchy words
Gracie had her rabbit of white
he was a friend of mine sang out the Byrds
another hit of fresh air tonite

Vietnam changed things so much
yet still again the money rules
you would have thought we had the touch
but once again we are the fools

so maybe it is time once again
to raise up our voices and show them how
we will not just stand around and grin  
maybe it's time to see that purple cow

Gomer LePoet ....
wars, drugs and political turmoil. maybe it needs to happen again?
jeffrey robin Oct 2013
Honestly insane


Sincerely all ****** up



Let us naked to the streets with real joy

Let us scorn the mundane political hopes of
Those who Trust

Let us embrace with minds and hearts and souls
And let the bodies rest

Let us grow in between
The lies that **** and the killers we elect

Truly heroic?



Live sublimely

Or die !


(Live sublimely



We are here is all

But it is


Little *****
Sco­oby Doo
Steak Sauce
Isoindoline Oct 2012
I look into the box
Her fabric folds of flowers are blue,
mine are pink and periwinkle, I’m wearing lace socks.
Mother stands behind me.
She is the only person-shape I understand

I stand in the doorway
A hand on my shoulder
Lying in bed, she beckons me
She’s not wearing her wig today.
Gently pushes a teddy bear into my hands.
From the Queen Elizabeth II.
Later, person-shapes
I don’t understand yet
but I see her sift out the chimney

Scattering her to the sea lapping my feet
My mother, her sisters watch the sun sink
drink caipirinhas

My first glass of champagne

A neighbor finds her at the bottom of the stairs
They do an autopsy
Gracie’s eyes are dead too.
We bring flowers, despite allergies
because it’s convention.
First time I am also a person-shape.

A repeat.
She lies there, no wig.
A few hairs on the plush pillow.
Another box.
More flowers.
This time I lose shape altogether.

This one’s farther away
more peaceful
I don’t know him very well
I hover outside their grief this time.

A teacher.  My teacher.
Sometimes it surprises you:
he doesn’t look real—
only person-shaped.

But then, they never do.
Pretty much what the title says.  My life in terms of deaths.  Context is everything.  Everyone you meet leaves some kind of mark.  Some are more pronounced than others.
Aaron LaLux Mar 2019
Written 8 books,
own a mountain top it’s a private park in LA,
that’s just one of a bunch of properties,
& am the founder of a multi-million dollar company,
plus I practice Jiu-Jitsu,
roll with Ryron Gracie know The Gracie Family personally,

so you might be able to fool some fools,
but you can’t fool with or front on me,
because I don’t have the time to lose,
I’m busy making history…

∆ LaLux ∆
martin Aug 2013
The churchyard was nearly full up
Just one vacant, desirable plot
When a hand-written sign appeared,
It's message to all crystal clear

This plot take note I've reserved it
For one in the parish who wholly deserves it
All Ten Commandments he has observed
And faithfully his community served
So here shall lie at the end of his life
Fred the cobbler and Gracie his wife

As word got round the village saw red
To a parish meeting they summoned old Fred
There are others who wish to lay there too
This plot does not belong to you

Finally all the arguments stopped
It was first come first served for the last plot
So Fred quit the pills, became very ill
And what he wanted he got
GraciexJones Jun 2021
She says 'Honey I’m home' as she enters the room,
One life destroyed 7 lives left,
Ready to feast and fight,
She is the dictator of her fate,

She lusts for the crack of the whip,
The thrill and the thrive as she chases her victims,
The squeals and the cries as she plays with them,
The heightened experience of being alive,

She is one hot kitty-cat waiting for her prey,
She doesn’t want Batman to get in her way
She pins him to the ground and places a deadly kiss,
Upon his pouty lips under the Christmas mistletoe,

She cracks the whip once more as she scatters into the night,
Cleans her wounds and purrs softly under the moonlight
But she did not realise she left a fragment of her soul,
A piece of a kitty-cat claw which is stuck in Batman torso

Poem by Gracie Jones
Arthur dear, don’t fret.

Papers, papers, get your papers.  

I have never been to the sea.  I always wanted to go to the sea.  

No, never since my husband died.  

Oh aye, a sight to behold.  

The rascals of Ballydrim out in force.  

The maid peept out the window.

The fryar and the nun.  

An old man is a bed full of bones.  

Is he not, is it not, is it not?

Rose is red and rose is white.  

New new nothing.  

Row well ye mariners.  

I have never seen the sea.  

The pauper and the layman, the priest and the scoundrel, all moving
with intent.  

Sometimes, fleetingly, never anything less.  

Profound, very, yes dreadfully profound.  

Labour in vaine.  

In great concentric circles about the time your husband died.  

Biting the bullets one by one, out on the green fields of Amerikay.  

Interest rates climbing on the national stew fund.  Spiralling into a new dawn of exoneration of traditional values.  

Gracie did all those things and more.  

And the quaker danced.

Rose is red and rose is red.  

For judge and jury.  

Very very far.

Quite near actually.  

Further than strictly possible.  

In all reason dear.  

75 miles from the sea.  Exactly.

And another.

And another.

AND another.  

Drawing to a conclusion.





Have at thy coat old woman!
Obadiah Grey May 2019
thought I filed her
in the drawer,
third one down
I thought,
in amongst the
clutter of things
I should have ought,

her name is lost
to reason,
many seasons
past and gone

though her face-
her face is
emblazoned on
this evening setting sun.
Albero Centrale Apr 2014
She was elegant
As she makes perfect marks with her blades
On the stage of the world
She doesn't look tough
But she accelerates
With speeds of a race car driver
She takes harder impact
than a rider being thrown from  bull
She handles more G force
than a fighter pilot
She does the extreme
Being extremely graceful
She was gold
Gracie Gold  

-Andrea Christine
Andrew Ayala Mar 2016
Those eyes were the single most hopeful things that i could ever imagine.
In the short time that we were together I'd seen them light up like a street sign.
or whither out like a candle wick.
I'd seen them cry because of the worry that you carry for your grandparents.
and I'd seen them squint because of laughter over your faulty window on your accord's passenger side door.
In the short twenty-one years that you've been on this earth, they had already seen so much. sorrow, disrepair, depression.
But they had also seen hope, and love, oh so much love, love for your little Gracie, love for your fantastic grandparents, and love for others.
I know now that those eyes could never show love for me, at least not now, for they love too many, and as long as I'm around i make those eyes worry instead of laugh.
Please don't kid, about kids who cut.

I thought when you made the joke.

So I pulled up the leg of my pants,

And instantly my heart was in my throat.

And I was afraid, that you’d be mad.

Your reaction was to give the cuts a smack.

But I wanted you to know,

I didn’t want to take the action back.

But then you took me, close in your arms.

And I was happy I let you see.

I almost started crying when you said,

"Why would you do that Gracie?"
Wayne H Colegate Mar 2014
Today was a day of music and contemplation
walking away with a faraway destination.
try to forget and yet still remember,
from early April to late September.
Days get longer and much more fragile
the old body gets less and less mobile.
For once days are duly recorded
even though the finality is so sordid.
Recollections are hard to hold,
memories are there but, all so old.
When was my last warm summer night,
is there another one within my blurred sight?
Every hair is turning gray in every mirror
I wonder is the cold ground getting nearer?
I hear voices calling me late at night
caught up in white noise that isn't quite right.
Dreams aren't long enough to really haunt
but there seems time to painfully flaunt.
"Say goodnight Gracie" is what he said
then all the radios finally went dead.
Copyright WHC 3/2014
Sseruwo Jovan Jul 2020
I got nothing on me
I got no any more time
My life really dwells next to the grave
I'm dieing and freezing
My soul moves up and down
Yet my body stays in station
I see a dark hole

I'm running insane day by day
My life preaches sorrow in my day
My days are out numbered
I think I lived a life of misery
Never found love
Neither wealth
I'm I sick

— The End —