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There is no need to dwell on the exterior cliche of an injured soldier, the propaganda is superficial. Civilians have only plastic green men, heavy dusty movie set costumes, and Army-of-One heroes to populate stereotypes. Keep your images larger than life, no use touching up a paint-by-number. Mine was banal, foolish, and 19; enough said.

One fence is the fraternity itself, the next is brain injury. No other way to understand but be there. A Solid-American-Made-Dashboard cracked my forehead at 45mph.
Crumpling into the footwell,
unaware that the flatbed's rear bumper
was smashing thru the passenger windshield above me
the frame stopped just shy of decapitating my luckily unoccupied seat.
Our vehicle's monstrous hood had attempted to murderously bury us under,
but the axle stopped momentum's fate and ended the carnage under dark iron.
Shards of my identity joined the slow, pulverized, airborn chaos.
Back, Deep, Gone.

Unconsciousness is the brain's frantic attempt to re-wire neurons, jury rig broken connections, the doctor's desperate attempt to re-attach, stand back and say, good enough. Essential systems limply functioned, but unessential ones were ditched. Years later a military doctor diagnosed an eventual triage: Hypothalimus disconnected from the Pituitary Gland, Executive Function damaged, long pathways for emotional regulation interrupted.

I woke up still kinda bleeding, crusty blood in my hair, a line of frankenstein stitches wandering across my forehead.   My sense of self had literally dissolved into morning dust floating in a sterile hospital sunbeam.  My name was down the hall, words and the desire to speak were on a different floor.  Life became me and also a separate me under constant renovation, a wrecking ball on one half, scaffolding and raw 2x4's the other.

Waking up in the hospital, I realized I needed help to get the blood cleaned up.   A nurse came in, largely glared at me in disregard, and quickly left… for an hour.   She returned and brusquely dropped a useless ace comb and gauze on the blanket over my feet and abandoned me again.  This was my introduction to the shame of a VA hospital.  I minced my way to the bathroom, objectively examined my face in the mirror with shocking stitches above one swollen eye.  Gingerly rinsing my hair, the water ran pink in white porcelain.  I remembered the sound in my skull between my ears when a doctor scraped a metal tool across my skull, cleaning debris before stitching.  I recalled that in the ER I was asking Is he ok, repeating it like a broken record, knowing I should stop but I couldn’t.  There was also perhaps a joke about an Excedrin headache.

It was morning, and since there was no such thing as time or purpose or feelings anymore, I wandered to the hall with my only companion, the IV pole. One side was a wall of windows, and I was, what, 10 or 12 stories up from the streets of a much larger city than where I crashed.  The hall was warm and sunny.  I wheeled my companion to a blocky square vinyl chair to sit next to a pay phone.  I didn’t have any thoughts at all, or care about it.   After about an hour my first name floated up from the void, then with some effort my last name.  It took the rest of the morning to remember I had a brother.  After lunch we resumed our post, and I spent the afternoon in concentration piecing together his phone number.  God had pushed the reset button.

Thirty years ago the doctors didn't understand head injuries; they only recognized the physical symptoms. At first there was good reason to be permanently admitted to the hospital.  My blood pressure was unstable, sometimes so low that drawing blood for tests caused my veins to collapse even with baby needles.  My thyroid had shut down completely, only jump-started again with six months of Synthroid.  I had to learn to live with crashing blood sugar and fluctuating appetite.  For years afterwards, any stress would cause arrhythmias, my heart filling and skipping out of sync, blood pressure popping my skull.  Will the clock stop this time?  

There is always at least one momentous event in every person’s life that becomes punctuation, before and after.  The other side of Before the accident truly was a different me.  I have a vague recollection of who that person may have been, and occasionally get reminders.   Before, I was getting recruiting letters from Ivy League colleges and MIT, a high school senior at sixteen.  After, I couldn’t balance a checkbook or even care about a savings account in the first place.  Before, I had aced the military entrance exam only missing one question, even including the speed math section.  They told me I could chose any rating I wanted, so I chose Air Traffic Control.  Twenty years later, I thumbed through old high school yearbooks at a reunion.   I saw a picture of me in the Shakespeare Club, not recalling what that could have been about.   On finding a picture of me in the Ski Club I thought, Wow, I guess I know how to ski.   A yellowed small-town newspaper article noted I was one of two National Merit Scholars; and in another there’s a mention of a part in the High School Musical.  

This side of After, I kept mixing right with left, was dyslexic with numbers, and occasionally stuttered with word soup.  Focus became separated from willpower, concentration was like herding cats.  The world had become intense.

(chapter 1 continues in memoir)
Terry Jordan Oct 2018
I used to have 4 brothers
And loved them all the same
The eldest used us siblings
For where to lay the blame

Hoping reincarnation
Proves true after a while
Dan said his fondest wish was
Return an only child

Soon I arrived, his sister
Right after Dan turned 2
He fed me peanut butter
Until my face turned blue

Dan denied that he loved me
As kids did, once or twice
But he jumped in to save me
When I fell through the ice

Surviving eighteen months then
My baby crib moved on
I moved to the bottom bunk
My next brother was born

Named for our dad’s Commander
World War II not fearing
Ted was sent to Vietnam
Where he would lose his hearing

Neighbors once thought we were twins
Blond hair and Dad’s blue eyes
Family strife split us apart
Though close in age and size

He can’t hear but does read lips
That bomb, it took its toll
Seems no single moment’s joy
PTSD took hold

Next came Bill when I was 6
AKA “Sweet William”
Boundless joy and endless love
His broad smiles worth millions

When I loved chocolate ice-cream
That was his favorite, too
He is my son’s Godfather
His wise words helped me through

I have no clue what ended
Brotherly affection
Before 2 brothers died he
Cut off real connection

Sam was born prematurely
When I was twelve years old
Spent 5 months incubating
Before we took him home

Our father’s disappointment
Sam never went to college
Didn’t want to play football
Was seeking other knowledge

Sam learned how engines functioned
By disassembling cars
Made candles in the basement
An Eagle Scout-golf star

A heart of gold he suffered
Much doggerel and strife
Alcohol’s what dogged him till
Tragically took his life

Divided family members
I’m actor and spectator
Seeking to forge connections
Reunion instigator

Some gather for funerals
A wedding now and then
I mourn, alone, Dan and Sam
Lament what might have been

Hadn’t been able to finish this piece until I took a long vacation. I still have 2 living brothers, but neither responds to my overtures. One can't hear me, and the other is not speaking.  New Englanders are known for denial and take-it- to-the-grave-grudges.  I guess I really don't want to know why.
I Introduced Myself To ****
Searched On The Internet
Most Dangerous Drug
I Was Curious
None Around Me Had Ever Mentioned or Talked About it
At 14
I Read Its Affects & Effects
The Consequences
Of **** Use Didn't Scare me
The Sensation of How it Makes You Feel is What bought me.
There i Go
That Same Day, That Night.
Hit Up My Dealer
Asked if He Had Any Connections
Turned out, He Sold That Too
iWanted To Try This
A One Time Thing, Just to see
Got it That Night
Crushed it Till i Thought Could Turn To Powder, Never Did.
Rolled Up A Dollar
Snorted A 3/4 Inch Line
Of Shiny Crystals
Then instantly my Nose Was on fire
Felt Like it Cut Up Inside my nose
Dissolving my sinuses
The pain lasted Around 40 Seconds
My Eyes Got Teary and Redish
Then A Few Minutes Later
A Nasty Taste Dripped in the Back Of My Throat
So Bitter and horrible
The Feel iT Gave Me Was
incredibly Wonderful
Did not expect this much Amazing sensation.
I loved it, Ice Seduced Me
The Drug Had Me Up loving Life For 24 Hrs
Once The high was gone
I Noticed i felt much better on it
So i Wanted it again
The Feeling Was As if You Won The Lottery, Had Every Materialistic
Thing you Ever wanted
As if All Your Dreams all Came True
More Than 100 Thing's
Felt So Good about myself
Motivated, Highself Esteemed
I Liked How iT Functioned
Then iT Quickly Turned
To Abuse
I Wanted To Feel That Loving Euphoria Affect Everyday
I loved it.
Id Started Buying more of it
Without Keeping Count of How Much id Spend.
Id Buy Bigger Quantities
The Amount iBegan With No Longer Hit Me, iNeeded More
I Had Then Built A Tolerance iHad No Recognition of.
I Noticed
My Allowence Money Was No Longer Enough To Get Me High
I Lost Control, **** Took A hold.
iBelieved iWas Doing it Out of me.
When in Reality
The Substance is whats Telling Me What To Do & how to Move
Developed The Addictive Mentality
Asking My Body For More
& More.
Scheming Of Ways To Provide Myself to get high.
It Was Destroying My Life
I Was To High To Even Realize The Negative Affects it was creating.
It Pushed People Away
I Was All About My Dope
Didnt Care if i lost Friends
Just Wanted To Smoke.
It Complicated & Made My Life miserable.
Crystal Had Me So Distracted i Had No iDea Or Intrest About What Was Going On Around me.
Family Arguments Appeared
iWould Get Rowdy Or Act ****** When id Be Coming Down
And Just Talk nonsense
Even if Nobody Was Doing Anything to me
Id Just Keep Disrespecting.
I Slowly Started To Disappear
And Was Becoming A Whole New Person.
With A Different View, Perspective
Unknown motives
Unpredictable Actions
I Lost My Self Completely
Mentally & Emotionally
I Smoked My Self Gone
People Then Started Becoming Concerned, Saying i had a problem.
I Then No Longer New
Who i Really Was.
Not Like it Mattered To Me Anyways
All i Cared About Was My Dope
And Getting High.
I Was Living in My Own Unrealistic World.
What Began To Look Real To Me.
Lack Of sleep
Made Me Start Tripping, Hearing Voices And Seeing ****.
I Would Go Weeks Without Sleep And food .
I Experienced So Many Bad Trips
Methamphetamine Had Me In A Bumpy Road, Lead Me To places i didnt know existed
And introduced me to tweakers who became my homie
iWasnt Concerned About My Looks Rather More into finding more
Dope Hooks
My Image Was Fading
I Became Very Thin, My Cheecks ****** in
Skin Tone Was Pale
Easily bruised
Collar bone out, My pupils Would Stand Out Especially With The Dark Bags under My Eyes.
i thought i looked good.
The Drug blocked the view of how i slowly began to look.
I Didnt Mind, Didn't Care .
I No longer Stoped to think About
My Actions or consequences
i Started to rebel more
I Didnt Fear Or Was Scared of nothing.
Eventually i Got To The point were i Would use and just feel nothing.
I Had No More Emotions
I Couldn't Smile or cry
I Felt No Remorse No Guilt
No Present Conscious
All Of This Behavior Led Me To Stealing And Doing Things that Went against My Own Will.
The Drugs
Messed With My Head
Gave Me insane Thoughts
Made Me Think Evil
Into A Complete Monster.
Its Really Krazie How these Tiny Shards Can Convernt
You into Something So Lifeless And Horrible.
I Went From Being A Curious Regular girl
To Just Wanting to Sit in My Room Isolated Everyday and just get high Hitting the Glass Pipe.
I dedicated all my time to this
I was sprung and in love
I depended on it for everything
I Went A Long Road
Went Through So Much
4 years of this
Story goes on..
dj Mar 2012
I don't remember
Let's go back in time then
Rewind the mind
Like a VCR
Remember those?
I was 17, maybe
Like a baby
basic and small
a simple kind of life
Not this staggering strife

He & me
21 with no job and a place of his own
We we're cool.
And it functioned
And my cellphone was always close-by
And everything he said echoed nicely
And we we're "us"
And it was "what we're gonna do"

And it's dead now
We might not have a gravesite
But I swear I visit it anyway -
And I think it's cool
Apon are arrival once at times seemed questionable
We were greated by none.
hawaii had spoiled us to all other airport experiences
Were else could a half hunover  yet slighty buzzed  madman
stumble from a plane to encounter a beautiful woman in a grass
and cocunut bra once even now made me thirst for for a pina collada.

But in in canada there was nothing  to greet us there but cold
As we stumbbled around dressed like soon to be doomed criminals awaitting trial.

Cananda its slogan should have been.
Welcome to Cannada  it's really ******* cold.
But we knew where to find warmth in this enviroment.
Or for that matter any enviroment.
For we were drunks or as i liked to think of it consistant drinkers

And on are journey into this land of freezing weather maple syrup
and ice hockey.
We had one true goal.
we had come to drink Cannada dry.

No bar would untouched No bottle would not know are name.
we would hit on many women.
Score with a few and say we had slept with many.

I was a religeous man and i need to get in touch with with the spirts
The spirts of Canadian mist  Jim beam  And my old stand by spirt Gin

It was a bold mission for which we had set forth.
Are livers were alredy beaten to almost a pulp but
we still somehow still walked and functioned in disquise of
semi normal human beings  but nothing was further from the truth

we were writters was ment we were professional crazy people
On a mission to depleet this icey land of its alcohol
an drink canada dry
Jon Shierling Oct 2014
Rush Transcript. May include inaccuracies.

Andrea Marsino: We're here today with "     " to talk about his recent best-seller, The Orchestra, which has swept bookshelves across the nation in recent weeks. A stunning display of literary craftsmanship, the book has generated a whirlwind of dialogue in all sorts of settings, from University coffee shops to local dive bars, and even, we're told, in the Pentagon. Tell us "     ", did you have any expectation at all of this kind of reaction?

"     ": Never in a million years would I have thought that I could stir up such a...a hornet's nest really. Sure it's a kind of inflammatory piece of fiction, but I never thought it'd result in so much backlash.

Andrea: Talk about unintended consequences right? How did the idea first come to you?

"         ": Well it didn't just pop into my head fully formed one day. I guess it first started to take shape at a bus station in Florida. I had just been kicked out of my Dad's house and was moving to another part of the state, so naturally I was a bit, I don't know, out of sorts. I was waiting for the connecting bus and was smoking a cigarette to **** the time and just sort've fell into conversation with this black kid who was also waiting for a connection. This was in I think May of 2013, so the situation really hadn't started to fall part yet, but the cracks were definitely showing. And that's what we were talking about, just the overall sense of things not going well, the feelings of helplessness that we as individuals, and seemingly the community as a whole, were feeling at the time. I told him that it'd get better one day, somehow and that change always is a painful process. Then the light came on and I started pondering how that sweeping societal change might be accomplished.

Andrea: There are a lot of themes in the book, a lot of subtext and implied conclusions. You've been criticized for what seems like hostility to faith and some say advocating violent political activism. What are your responses to some of the accusations that have been leveled against you?

"         ": Hostility to faith? Absolutely not. Faith is one of the overriding points of the whole thing. The objection is to organized and subverted religious teachings. Faith exists to aid humanity in the struggle of their lives and I feel like....if you examine history faith has time and again been co-opted into a tool of oppression. That's what I object to. As for advocating ****** revolution, that's another flat out misinterpretation. Yes, politics is a huge part of the story and plays a huge part in really tying the whole thing together. But it's not really about that, it's not about any single issue. It's about people, as a whole, taking back their right to not be dehumanized by anything or anyone, especially their government which is supposed to protect them.

Andrea: I see. So it's not so much about the mechanisms of power politics as it is about people's inherent value?

"        ": Absolutely. Our conception of what power really is I think is grossly inaccurate.

Andrea: But surely you can understand how your depiction of terrorist acts and a domestic insurgency is very disturbing to some people? You were a Soldier yes? Did this affect your style, and the arc of the plot?

"         ": Of course I can. And it's meant to be disturbing, it's meant to illustrate how positive forces of change can be corrupted into violence. And yes, I was an Intelligence Analyst in the Army. We were fighting an insurgency, so in order to learn how, we basically deconstructed insurgencies throughout history. We learned how they functioned, all the sides you could throw at it. And then I learned from two Defense Intelligence Agency Instructors how to start one too. Those experiences most definitely gave me the technical knowledge I needed to write something like this.

Andrea: There's also been a lot of talk about how graphic your imagery is. Many prominent individuals call it a lack of talent on your part, that you can't write without going in for the shock factor so to speak.

"        " : Ha! It's not a children's book. And besides, life is graphic. You can't portray something accurately without tackling the nasty stuff. Besides, things like ****** assault and drug use are essential to some of the characters. It wouldn't make any sense for someone to react as violently as they did in certain scenes without the reader knowing exactly what had occurred previously to form that character's identity.

Andrea: I can understand that. Doesn't make it any easier to think about though.

"       ": I don't know what to tell you. The truth is a painful thing sometimes, and portraying it was not exactly a fun process.

Andrea: And what about those very colorful characters? How did you get your inspiration for them?

"          ": Oh all sorts of places. Honestly, some are based on real individuals that I've known at some point or another. And others are pure imagination. Ta'ra and Clara were inspired by a Dane Jones ***** for instance ha ha.

Andrea: 'Blushing' That's, er, interesting. Characters from ******* is one I haven't heard before. Anyway, throughout the book is this sense of individuals being swept into something bigger than themselves and how they react to that. It's kind of ambiguous sometimes, swinging between very New Age concepts to mundane life on the same page. The quote at the beginning for instance. Very spiritual, very deep. But then you open with an interaction on a street corner.

"          ": Hmm, I guess I could try and explain about things like Theosis, which is one of the main themes by the way, but I don't think it would illustrate what I was trying to convey very well. I guess I was always kinda on the fence about divine intervention and that sort of thing until I read a piece by a friend of mine about an experience she had some years ago. Basically, she was in a diner when a Muslim woman came over and asked to sit and talk. They spoke about spirituality and the woman turned to her and said that anyone could be a prophet, like it wasn't something reserved for saints and such. It was very powerful and finally convinced me that humans aren't just ants on an anthill, so to speak. It spoke to a very, very intimate part of me. So, I took it and incorporated it into what I do. Which is write.

Andrea: Wow, that's an amazing explanation that I really didn't expect. I'd love to talk some more and I'm sure our listeners would love to hear more, but unfortunately that's all the time we have for the show today. "     " thank you so much for joining us today and sharing so many insights about your new book, The Orchestra.

"           ": The pleasure was all mine Andrea, thank you for having me.

Andrea**: This is Andrea Marsino with NPR and thanks for listening. Coming up in the next half hour we have Peggy Walker from Floyd Virginia talking about some of the exciting ways her community is fighting to keep their traditions alive today.
Sound like something y'all would like to read?
Today, I watched a heavy insect of
indeterminable species
repeatedly slam into the wide picture windows
of my college library’s
third story as I read a book
analyzing one poem
Teilhard de Chardin wrote
after carrying casualties
on a stretcher
all day
from a war for which no name is presented
to me.

It is inferred de Chardin's time tells of world wars,
yet his poem deals with virginity
and mothers
although of each he was in just one.

Resistance to our ****** urges
and the potency resistance drains
was compared to
minute prosperity provided by the pursuit
of retaining 'innocence'.

The book was named "Eternal Feminine"
and its author's argument functioned
as a double victory for remittance
to a cloud kingdom
and shivering loneliness
seen through invisible barriers
on earth.


He seemed to be
rationalizing the struggle
with sickly pleasure
from repetition of denial.

But I lost interest in his foolish, war-time words.

Watching the flying thing reverse directly,
then continuously speeding ahead
into various windows
which were thought to be bare air,
confused and jolting with every attempt
and frantically circling in my sight,
I was led to thinking of a
demolition derby
at a fairground to which
my parents brought me
each year
of childhood
in the Autumn.

I watched, fascinated
machines stave-off
self-induced decimation
until the very last collision, after which
their motive force removed itself
rushing off to pilot
some variant of bumbling insects
and stretchers
in the form of French theological poets
throughout the past
carrying bodies
into the hands of a college student
backing up determinately
to burst through, toward the one who bares
no sons, who may become warriors
or demagogues.

This kind, secular Hannah
crosses my vision
walks out
beyond frames and doors,
clothes flowing with her
body, like a
sweet corona
sweltering with unseen heat
the fading horizon
of my day.

He sees her reflection on the moon.

Now he may not see space’s vacuous expanse
she may not be able to touch time’s clear fabric,
although they each feel
glass’s frozen liquidity
in silence.

continuously strikes their head
against motion’s transparent barriers
with force
stubbornly flapping
into matter
with passion
and wings pulsating
toward a new direction
which does not seal them off
to the outside
of a building
in which they would be swatted,
punished for what they are.

Then the moment passed
and the sun’s thousand year combustion
had reached my neck
and penetrated matter
to massage me;

for eight and a half minutes
it travelled
toward a shadow I pushed
across the table
when the sun suddenly was helpless
to tell me where I ended,
which windows I flew through.

I was on top
de Chardin’s stretcher
as he looked at me to say I shouldn’t
charge in that way,
but I fell down
when he let go
or he evaporated
when I doubted he had lived.

Pressing my cheek against the glass
I reversed my propulsion
like the flown insect
and sounded again
my body's tinging
on every surface.
July 10, 2012

You can listen to a version of this poem here:;=plcp
Remi Leroy Mar 2017
“I know what you’re thinking.”

Do you?
You can’t read me like an open book.
You have no idea what I truly think.
What makes you so sure I even see you as a friend like the way you see me?

You see me
as a studious girl, diligently finishing my work
as an intelligent girl, acing the tests in the subjects I’m good at
as a responsible girl, always carrying out my duties with zeal and efficiency
as a kind hearted girl, courteous and honest
You also see me
as a mean girl who gossips about others
as a conceited girl who brags on and on about herself
as a selfish girl who does things only if it is to her benefit
as a coward who is afraid of so many things
as a lazy *** who does nothing in weekends
The list goes on.

Just because you see the good and the bad of me, you think
you know me.
Do you?
Don’t be too quick to answer that question.

You will never know the nights I spend going insane
thinking about myself
thinking about you
thinking about others
You will never know about the times when I breakdown into a useless emotional wreck
with the tiniest action from someone
You will never know about the certain few nights and what I did to myself
and how I cry
on and on, nails digging deep into my palms, on and on, uncontrollably hyperventilating, on and on… even when I don’t want to.
You will never know about the content in my diary
what these words really mean
what my purposes are

You will never know about the way my brain is wired
about the way I see the world
about the way my mind is poisoned, tainted, corrupted, trained to manipulate, functioned to lie.

You don’t know me even if you think you do.

You don’t know about how much I fear myself while I type these words
while I’m thinking about the pain in my heart and how it is therapeutic.

My lips are parched, my throat is dry, my breath is coming out in slow deliberate long breaths.
My mind stays warped, damaged and tainted.
The edges of my eyes hurt from too much rubbing.
My heart is still hurting, as it does every day and night.
My eyes stay shut as I think about how I am going to survive tomorrow.

You ask me why I hate everyone. You ask me why I am so pessimistic. You ask me why I am so irritable. You ask me so many questions and you say
“I know what you’re thinking.”*
Do you
when I don’t even know myself anymore?
Calvero Jul 2014
I miss my voice.
I miss speaking clearly with precision.
With words attempting to paint a vision.
Consistent monotonous syllables pouring
from a mouth connected to a brain that
functioned at a quick pace and found
each word a place.
A learned habit.
Diligently sought.
Quickly forgot.
But I celebrate.
Words will flow freely,
my brain will think purely,
words will be sublime.
With ease I will speak,
with the display of tender
and meek,
reflecting the God I seek,
proof that Christ makes
the strong from the weak.
No worries.
No fears.
Knowing love.
Crying joyful tears.
Kalesh Kurup Feb 2016
I was born twice
On the same date of the same month
With just a gap of forty years
First accidentally and then chose to

Twelfth in the count,
Not a meticulous plan; it just happened
"More the merrier, give wind its wings"
Said the rain soaked August night

When I was born first
I could not choose the date or time
Neither what to bring on or take away
It just happened, with a resounding cry

First, I was born into a house
As a son, with a mom and a papa
As a brother with sisters and brothers
Everyone felt happy and shared sweets

Then, without a death or a reincarnation
I took another birth after those forty years
I chose the same date to birth,
Control+Alt+Delete, the keys functioned

Then, I was born out of the house
Without a mom and a dad
Without a brother or a sister
Without joy or even a cry
Lexie Hall Apr 2013
I've always known you.
For the past few months, you're all i've experienced.
I saw another though,
he sparked my interest.
You thought I was replacing you,
but I would never.
I was merely exploring different things.
He was nothing like I had ever experienced.
Rough and tough and soft and meek,
all at the same time.
Nothing like the broken little heart of yours.
I was infatuated by every aspect of his being.
The way he walked, talked, functioned, and gleamed.
You spent your time crying for me to come back.
But I wanted him now, and he wanted me.
You left me.
You wanted me to be with you more than you wanted me happy.
You forgot all the memories we made.
The afternoons we spent together,
and the songs we sang as loud as we possibly could.
You left it all, because he made me happy in a way you could not.
I love him, and you can't stand it.
I guess you're gone now.
I'm not sure if our paths will ever cross again,
but in case they do...
I would have never left you,
he still makes me happy,
but I still would have made time for you.
He's here to stay, of that I am sure.
So goodbye, forever.
You don't need me anymore.
This is my first poem, so please be gracious.
briano alliano at neptune pub

  Smile at Brian, olds

you see as we are searching through the afterlife

looking for friends to call our own

you hear mates calling out to me, to smile at me olds, sure mate

you see if you old fogies, smile at brian

you are paving the way to not smile at me

old biddies smile, oh yeah they do

let’s party party party, a man called me ******* last night

because i use too many caps, because he was scared that writing is too fucken harsh

you see my old mates are forcing my leg to itch

when this mate wants to muck with me,  said mate leave me alone

ya see i am not getting teased or fought,, oh no mate no, i would prefer people to muck with me

as i hear my brother as a child, when he said, we’re not mucking with you, no mate no

i said, probably dad and mum are treating me like a cool kid

cause i bounce on their backs, yeah i felt so HAPPY

you shouldn’t worry about whether or not, i am working now

everyone takes time out from their job to really enjoy life, yeah

you see it drives me crazy, to have my mates say, smile at Brian olds, come on smile at brian

you see brian isn’t like the kids,yeah i fight dad for this, cause he really bothered me

ya know with his crazy adult, trying to keep me with him and mummy, man

i hate it, i hate it, please stop, please stop, please stop, no kids want to be like their parents like this

that is why i looked so negative, and i hate my mates treating me like a negative ****, i prefer to be positive

someone called me ******* over youtube, but i must slowly get myself past this

because the guy was a complete loser, his videos weren’t as COOL, as mine

you see it was like the fucken ARMY, what a loser, baby

i am not *******, dude, no mate no, i wanna have fun, yeah mate yeah

you see, this guy was a stepping stone, ya see he called me a ****** because i do CAPS

i know how to load cool stuff on the computer yeah, i am able to have fun, yeah

this teaser is a real loser, yeah, his videos are boring as batspoo, yeah mate yeah

ok npw here is another song

i am a cowboy a youtube cowboy i play around on youtube oh yeah

i party at home on youtube, oh yeah, yeah, man, i am so cool

i break no rules of the youtube cowboy rules

no i break no rules oh no mate no

i don’t copyright any of my hits, yeah, i am a youtube cowboy, yeah mate yeah

ya see my dad is working overtime, trying to get me to use more lowercase

so he made a person tease me last night, to see how i would act

i am a cowboy a youtube cowboy, i am happy doing songs

i sing oh dear, boy can i sing, and i sing rattatat tat tat tat tat

and every day as i played on cyber space, i saw some kids playing in the back yard

i came up to them and pushed them in the pool, just like a youtube cowboy actually actually does

i am a cowboy a youtube cowboy, i wish these voices would stop

i wish the cosmos would stop pulling our cool kids or anything out of us

no i don’t want a mal-functioned brain, you see that it feels great, yeah

because some of the dead are pulling the wrong things out of me, oh yeah mate yeah

like my nice kid, who was nice to everyone, ya see in this day and age we need to be nice, yeah

yeah party with one hell of a ****** RAGE

i don’t want any online predators, getting their hands on me

cause, i write my stories, dudes, and have a load of fun oh yeah

i am a cowboy a youtube cowboy i have fun, oh yeah i do

ya see, people are interested in what i have to say, so i will wash this loser who called me ******* away

ya see he is a oxymoron, his brain is the size of a pea

i put on my youtube hat yeah, and i say, yeah mate ****** yeah

i told ya i was this cowboy who posts his stuff online, and i have fun doing that

ya see, this is a load of fun yeah, and my youtube shows sure mate, nearly scared the cat

ya see i am on medication ya silly man yeah, i am not ******* no mate no

i can do anything i can put my mind to, yeah i am a cool cowboy, anyway

i am a cowboy a youtube cowboy, no matter what people think of me, i still inspire

please keep your kids safe from online predators and teach them how to handle online teasers

cause i am a cowboy a youtube cowboy, I PARTY I PARTY I PARTY, through each day and night

i hear voices of the reason why they are teasing me, cause i am trying to be a cool young dude, yeah mate yeah

i hate being treated like a ******, but i say to you is this, is this teaser, was as boring yeah mate yeah

if his videos are anything to go by, they could be kids, oh yeah they could be kids

but nothing will stop me from being a cowboy a youtube cowboy

i am not too WOOSEY to be like the computer nerds

i am a cowboy a youtube cowboy, who has fun partying all ****** day long

ya see, i hate how the cosmos lifts people up, when they are acting for a play

why are they so reluctant, to take us famous peoples cool streak away

ok dudes, catch ya later, and to pour methane smoothies all over dad and also my nanny and granny

to get rid of their old fogie, ready to call me sweety old love old chum old PAL oh pet
Raindrops shattered as they broke their fall on sturdy branches,
which birthed little, leafy sprouts
and nurtured them to grow into brilliant fruits of the spirit,
each bearing a unique mold; a hue all its own.
These fruits were created by the gentle hand of God,
delicately formed to grow into bright, beautiful masterpieces.
The fruits dwelled peacefully, each on their proper tree in good health and condition.
That is, until the farmer’s market faltered,
and a new farmer cam into control on this farm with lovely fruit
to examine the complexities
and deem the impurities for which he blamed the lack of prosperity.
These fruits were banished from the farm,
sent to disposals to rid the farm of their unwanted presence.
It took the members of this farmer’s market nearly six long years
to understand the lack of necessity of this farmer’s technique
and to liberate these fruits from the grasp of his wrath.
But by then the damage was done-
and the farm has never functioned quite the same.
Gia Garcia Feb 2016
I've been taught about pride.
in this security, we tend to push aside what is significant.
but this said trait, as some say, could make you a name.
it could earn you respect and make you feel triumphant

I've always been reminded of these simple words
words that have oddly functioned well for me:
"dont go when they push you away,
leave when they insist that you stay."

but be warned;
for it could break you so much as it can protect you.
careful now
People repeatedly tell me everyday that I overthink every situation; I always have to think of the worst possible outcome.
I guess I am this way because I am a brain is functioned differently from everyone else who does not use a paper and pencil to let out all the feelings.
Some people can use their words verbally to explain their feelings, but I am different.
My brain thinks of words, metaphors, the truth.
My mouth stutters, shuts, and stays closed.
Writing is the only way I can truly express myself,
I was given hands to write the words my mouth cannot conjure up.
My brain is my weapon,
My brain is my power,
My writing is who I am.
Tanaka Mupinga Apr 2014
Though I appreciate art, the likes of Romel, and Van Gogh,
Why waste a simple blip of time staring at a photo?
When I can just call out her name, feel her warmth, see her face.
You can't close something that was never opened in the first place.

Hence this album, not displayed, was aged beyond it's looks,
It didn't even ware, we only opened other books.
With no need to reminisce and new moments being made,
We'd always been together, strong connections never fade.

But now I sit here solitary, all alone, a noble gas,
Flipping pages, gazing slowly through a book about our past.
My poetic voice was turned to slur, it left me, effervescence,
Her attitude, the glow she had; demeanor luminescent.

Was it her winning grin and perfect skin that gained all my affection;
Or her innocence, so bold, yet pure that warrented protection?
Could it have been her smile, that smile, that made me want to make her laugh?
Yes, that smile, that smile, my lovely perfect other half.

When I humored her, she humored me, we functioned as a pair,
Everything was perfect, pure commitment always fair.
In all our years, in all that time I'd never gotten more,
Butterflies than when she made that look that I adored.

Unfortunately death was something she could not evade
Unfortunately death is never easily delayed.
Looking down and thinking back to the way that things had been
I can't help but shed a tear and ironically still grin.

Though I appreciate art, the likes of the right ear of Van Gogh
This album, now so precious, is all I have to show.
My life became this incomplete on the day this earth she left.
For Life is platinum in a bank, and death is just the theft.
We all know about the one that got away. This is about the one that couldn't...
Lindsey McCarty Feb 2010
She longs to fit in, and feel like she's wanted,
The neverendingness of being laughed at and taunted.

Doesn't consider the future, or what her loved ones would think
She puts that bottle to her lips and gulps down a swig-

She forces down a few more, as her friends do as well
The dizziness kicks in and the headaches excel

She's completely indifferent, taken over by her mind
Her body is functioned in all ways unkind

In the morning is only when she figures out
The ones she thought who were friends, she knew nothing about.

A real friend would pull you away from that situation
Instead they were amused by her risky contemplation.
To the teens being peer pressured, Say NO.
Seranaea Jones Aug 2021

lying on a closet floor
that stretches for over
two decades—


messages, pictures and songs
from back in the day stored
inaccessibly in a rusting box
that has not functioned in years

and next to it, a laptop with a
deployed CD tray sits sideways
partially draped by a sheet

these machines may have
shared stories once,
but its doubtful they really
knew each other

miles away in a nursing home
a petrified brain rests in some
kind of medicated peace

while another lays quietly on his
side under a blanket watching
for the other one's last breath

hearing kids just outside
laughing into their devices —

he hopes for a chance to take
his last spin on –anyone's–
old record player...

s jones

Sharda Mutha Nov 2014
The first drop of Rain,
and I inhaled it.
The wind was silent,
But it tore me apart.
The sand melted-
underground with the leaves beneath.
The clouds were perfect but;
There was something I had to know.
I dedicated myself.I lost it all.
My soul was dead,Oh!
I was a mere body.
Too late to realize though,
that drop dis-functioned my veins.
My heart needed blood but,
I had already cried it out.
And now the rain won't stop.
That first drop of Rain-
I wish I didn't inhale.
haysia Jul 2014
Hating at first
Not getting into any attachment
No intention to love
Never been imagined to
But now, I am looking for your shadow
Your shadow your face mask
You used to wear day by day
A statement started
And I can't help it not getting any close to you
No matter how I tried my best
To let it burst for others
I just can't
Time, effort, my ingredients
To catch your attention
And give me some
As time slowly walked by
Your shadow leaves you
A current flows in you
Creating your own and conquering my own
And I find myself longing to be with
No second, no minute, no hour, no day passed that I don't dream
Now and then, everything has changed
Like me, you show no interest
Aback was the impact
It soothes within me
And functioned in my brain
That connects everything
You leave me broken just like the others did
From being strangers to totally strangers at all
And crying is all I can do
a lot cooler
if you did restore HP
to old-school functionality
when things, like, functioned
consistently. reliably. simply.

there are so many
little things *******
that I overlook because
this place is part of me and
how I speak

it’s our mouthpiece for
soul love light dark scenes
so, just make it work
for our inners

and, plz -


kludgey af workaround:

save poem as draft
edit draft and save as public
Caroline Apr 2013
I swear
Last night
As I lay awake
You sighed
With satisfaction
From the kitchen
Where we used to drink it all in.

I swear
This morning
As I lost myself to work
Covered in paint
Swimming in words
Lost at a pen's tip
Your hands
Toyed with my hair
Your lips
Caressed my neck.

I swear
You're here
I can't see you
But with every passing day
I feel you
I've heard its phantom limb
You always were a part of me
So connected
We functioned as one.

I still sleep
Tangled in your arms
I still eat
With your fingers
Tracing my skin
You haunt me
Every moment
Every day
WitheredWings Feb 2015
In July I lost naivety
     Well, I did not lose all
    But some of it has been strewn around

In July my heart stopped
It relapsed because I gave it to you
To you to use instead of yours
because surely a black heart
it could not beat?

In July I shoved it all aside
No, in fact, I multitasked with one sole focus
I functioned while watching at the side line
I reached my goal while looking down
In July I gave it all

But now is now and it's come in
The magnitude has struck
The heart has been returned
But I can't wash off the black
I can't scrub off the seriousness

In October I regained my heart
But lost all the more because of it.
My friend went through a rough period and I tried to be there for her.
ml Feb 2019
Before you, I never knew an "us."
I came and left as I pleased because I could.
Understanding it didn't hurt me to do so. At all.
Maybe the people I met felt a different connection.
Maybe the weather was brighter for them and the colors more vivid.

Then, in the middle of the sweltering summer heat, you were there.
Wearing a Casio watch that also functioned as a calculator with a half-smoked cigarette in your fingers, nails painted black.
You were so, you. Raw. Unfabricated.

And I loved it.
I loved you.

How we chain-smoked cigarettes and how you wrapped your arms around my waist while I heard the most euphoric laugh ever.

I wish I realized how similar we were. That for us, this was a first.
To wake up so early to meet someone and feel as if each step gets lighter as we near. To whisper in the dark while being unable to close the proximity between us, but feeling the tension of needing to.

You were not another piece on the chessboard.
For me you were real.
And I can't bring myself to provoke a conversation, but I’m thankful.
And wish I could’ve gotten to know “us” longer.
If in another life we are fated to meet, I won’t let you go that time.
Ashlei Cottom Nov 2015
I've always drifted in a dark place,
Dancing in the shadows,
Flirting with demise.

I've been this way for so long,
I didn't know what I was missing.
Not until a spark of life,
Grew into a flame.
A spark of happiness,
That turned into an explosion.

I functioned!
I saw!
I felt!
I embraced it,
enjoying life for the first time,
But at the same time,
Trying to shut it out.

I hated it because I knew it would leave.
How can I go back to the shadows after being in the light?

But you can't stop the inevitable..
Back to the shadows,
I drifted.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Olivia Kent Sep 2014
Once I was in love.
I loved love.
Wanted to serve it.
Loved it when it functioned good.
Then it fell apart.
My heart is merely cardiac.

If you heat it slowly,
Give it a gentle simmer
Somewhere in the future,
may dwell a subtle glimmer.

If I look in the mirror,
I see no future love,
The mirror may be my security.
Can only visualise it,
from own imperfect point of view.

I am not a pessimist,
my glass, always half full.
Looking at the situation, as I stand,
I am nobodies loving fool.
On top of that I'm lonely,
but, I stash that as my secret,
I'm such a stubborn ****** ***.
A ****** *** all full of class.
I jest, In fact
I'm just a very loving,
poetry writing pest.
(c) Livvi
wordvango May 2017
light explained be told desribed in physics books
photons waves and quantums
has no
shine like your eyes
gems dug from ground the biggest diamonds
no gem shines as bright
as your smile
lights up the night shinier
than stars or moons might ever do
no nuclear reaction is more reactive
or powerful than the
slightest touch of your flesh
on mine no
Shakespeare and me might come
close to painting in words
we pale
and wither in
your glow
sunshine tongues cannot
say how much
or letters portray
I shut up
you are ecstasy know now how
sun light moon stars
quantity functioned
to a point of infinity has  never known
you your face or time like this
Where light exceeds its speed and time stops
physics fail to describe
art strives to portray
man seeks everywhere.
Heaven only promises.
I found it.
here in you
Maggie Morris Jun 2018
i was a chest of treasures
and you opened me up and unpacked all the drawers
you took out the stories
you admired the knick knacks with fervent curiosity
and unveiled long-forgotten images of times past.

you showed your friends
and you called your mother to tell her what you found inside
"marvelous things"
that's what you called them.
you told people on the street about your treasure chest.
some thought you were crazy, but you didn't care.

you kept that treasure chest close
you were fond of it and opened it often
and you believed with the strongest conviction that it would continue to surprise you.

you appreciated its exterior, with its warped wood and rusted metal,
and how even covered in scratches it functioned as a vessel for something good.

when others found treasure chests too,
you didn't bat an eye.
because your treasure chest was trusted, strong and always by your side.
about someone I haven't met  yet

— The End —