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A dream that waketh,
  Bubble that breaketh,
Song whose burden sigheth,
  A passing breath,
  Smoke that vanisheth,--
Such is life that dieth.

  A flower that fadeth,
  Fruit the tree sheddeth,
Trackless bird that flieth,
  Summer time brief,
  Falling of the leaf,--
Such is life that dieth.

  A scent exhaling,
  Snow waters failing,
Morning dew that drieth,
  A windy blast,
  Lengthening shadows cast,--
Such is life that dieth.

  A scanty measure,
  Rust-eaten treasure,
Spending that nought buyeth,
  Moth on the wing,
  Toil unprofiting,--
Such is life that dieth.

  Morrow by morrow
  Sorrow breeds sorrow,
For this my song sigheth;
  From day to night
  We lapse out of sight,--
Such is life that dieth.
brandon nagley Aug 2015

A Vintage Alfajor necklace
To veil mine sovereign belle;
Betrothed for heaven's comfort
We hath already been through hell.


Ourn bygone time
Hath strengthened us for forthcoming rapture;
I'll be right next to her, in her allure
No death, forever, happily ever after.


I'll tryeth daily, tis none maby's
I'll doeth anything, for mine Filipino baby;
As tis I'll maketh her, forget her past
I'll be her bishop, she shalt be mine eternal hourglass.


As time goeth fast, I mustn't lose the thought
That tommorrow doth not always cometh, we dieth, get lost;
Though she hath found me, I knoweth what being saved mean's
I wilt liveth every day as mine last, and liveth it for mine queen.


So dearest reyna, soulmate, and best friend
When thou doth readeth this, know ourn love shalt not end;
As we both understandeth, this planet is just a passage to the next
We wilt meeteth in this life, and afterward's, pag-ibig at it's best.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
pag-ibig means love Filipino tongue.
brandon nagley Oct 2015

Daily do I dieth
Daily do I;
I do.


Daily do I dieth
Daily for me;
Daily for thou to.


Daily tis I dieth
When I canst only speaketh with thee but for a moment;
Daily do I dieth without thee mine muse.

Brandon nagley
Lonesome poets poetry
Earl Jane Nagley Dedication ( Filipino Rose)
brandon nagley Oct 2015

The poet doth not loveth
In pocket-sized increment's;
The poet loveth
In lyrical abundance.


The sonneteer doth not dieth
For his or her amour' in natural death;
The bard's succumbing is purest loving
For their soulmate they perish every last breath.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
A real poet dies for his or her love... That is real romance.... That is a poet!!!
To me eternity lies in thy eyes,
and thy rejection my demise.
If so but accept and heal me likewise;
whilst shun and stab my sore heart, otherwise.
Thou hath always been to me a surprise;
Though a doubtful, but sparkling surprise,
So any dejection of thine shall be odd,
And a thousand times bitterer than a cold rapid retort;
For thou art pure; and sometimes too pure and fine
As how thy immortal soul stayest still, and growest not old
And in toughness and roughness is to remain,
So long as thy dried flesh shall age, and afford;
And with such songs so prolific as prayers
By friendly laudations like bewitching storms
Thou shall forever stay, and newer grow fader
And in such coldness thou shall offer me warmth;
Beside yon raging fire, and about thy manly arms,
Thou shalt but lull and cradle me like a baby-
until sleep comes and whispers dreams onto me,
Thou shalt be far more tender and smart-
Unlike that ungrateful preceding heart,
Which claimed to be civil, but uncivil,
United but then left my unsuspecting heart apart;
So unlike thee, who is but a smart little devil
Thou who earnestly tempted my soul, and lured my blood
Thou returned my blushes, and caught away my heart
Ah, and now-whenever I thinkest of thee,
All pain and gloom shall revert to oneness,
But how still I know not, as whose days remain but a mystery
For everything in which is at times barren and colourless;
But when alive, they are just as simple
as those brief dreams of thine and mine,
With a love but too sufficient, majestic and ample
Delicately shall they turn troubled and unseen,
But caring and healing and blinding and shaking,
taking turns like oceanic birds which go about
swimming and singing and strumming and swinging,
like a painting of prettily sure clarity-but unseen,
or perhaps a pair of loving, yet unforgettable winds.

To thee whom I once loved, and now still do,
To thee towards whom my hardened heart-again, turns soft,
To thee whom my delirium is all kept safe and true,
To thee for whom I canst feel never reproach-and only love,
And to thee-ah, to thee, thee only-by whom
the grandeur of the blue sky shalt melt;
Ah, thee! And betwixt thy gaze,
All fictitious sunsets shalt perhaps become wet-
Just like those azure spirits in thy fair eyes,
Sometimes too indignant but unquestioning,
and too pure-as to whom even the Devil hath no lies;
To thee only, to whom this enduring love is ever assigned,
And forever, even its temptation be mine, and only mine,
Like unforgivable sins, which are sadly left unatoned
In its eternity standing still like a statue;
beside its wrathed, and bloodied howling stone
And to thee merely, to whom this impaired heart shall ever return,
As it now does, with cries and blows that makest my heart churn
And canst wait not 'till the morn, for on morns only,
thou shalt creepest down the stairs, and stareth onto me,
Often with eyes full of questions;
Questions that thou art too bashful to reflect,
So that turn themselves later on, into emotions,
Which withereth and dieth days after, of doom and neglect.
Ah, but still I loveth thee!
For this regret makest me but loveth thee more and more,
and urge my soul greater, to loveth thee better-than ever before.
For 'tis thee who yet stills my cry, and silences my wrath;
The one who kills my death, and reawakens my breath.
Thou on whom my love shall be delightfully poured,
A love as amiable as the one I hold for dearest Lord,
A love for thee, for only thee in whom I'th found comfort,
A comfort that is holier than any heaven, or even His very own divine abode;
Thou art holier than the untouched swaying grass outside,
Which is green, with greenness so handy and indulgent to every sight,
Thou who art madder than madness itself,
But upon Friday eves, makest my joy even merrier,
And far livelier-than any flailing droplet of rain
Showering this earth's clustered soil out there,
Which does neither soften nor flit away my pain
But makest it even worse, as if God Himself shan't solicit, nor care
Like any other hostile love, which thou might kindly find, every where.

To thee whom I once loved, and now still do,
To thee towards whom my hardened heart-again, turns soft,
To thee whom my delirium is all kept safe and true,
To thee for whom I canst feel never reproach-and only love,
And to thee-ah, to thee, thee only-by whom
the grandeur of the blue sky shalt melt;
In my mind thou art the lost eternity itself,
And by its proud self, thou art still even grander,
For thou makest silence not any more silence,
but joy, in return, even a greater joy.
Ah, thee, thou who the painter of my day,
and the writer of my blooming night.
Thou who art the poet of my past,
and the words of my courteous present.
Thou shall ******* flirty orange blossoms,
And cherish its virtue, which strives and lives
As a most sumptuous, and palpable gift-
Until the knocking of this year's gentle autumn.
Ah! Virtue, virtue, o virtue-whose soul always be
a charm, and indeed a very generous charm-
to my harmonious, though melancholy, *****.
Ah, thee; o lost darling-my lost darling of all awesome day and night,
My lost darling before starlight, and upon the pallid moonlight,
My lost darling above the reach of my sight, and height;
Thou art still a song-to my now tuneless leaves,
and a melody to their bottomless graves,
Thou shalt be a cure to their ill harmony;
Thou art their long-betrayed melody.
And even, thou art the spring
my dying flowers needst to taste,
fpr being with thee produces no haste;
and or whom nothing is neither early, nor late;
And whenst there be no fate, thou shalt be
yon ever consuming fate itself-
And by our inane eyes, thou shalt makest it
but adorable and all the way strong,
For thou, as thou now do, nurture it better
than all the other graciousness among;
Thou art the promise it hath hitherto liked; but just
shyly-and justly refuted, for the bareness of pride,
and often inglorious resistance-all along.

To thee whom I once loved, and now still do,
To thee towards whom my hardened heart-again, turns soft,
To thee whom my delirium is all kept safe and true,
To thee for whom I canst feel never reproach-and only love,
And to thee-ah, to thee, thee only-by whom
the grandeur of the blue sky shalt melt;
Ah, thee! Even in undurable haste, thou art still like a butterfly,
fast and rapid flowing about the earth and into the sky;
Thou who art grateful not for this earth's soil;
Thou who saith 'tis only the sky that canst make thou feel.
Thou who cannot sit, thou cannot lay,
but on whose lanes thou always art secure,
as though from now thou shalt live too long
And belong to this rigorous earth
to whom our mortal souls do not belong.
And as to its vigour, death cannot be delayed,
and words of deadness shalt fast always, be said.
Ah, yet but again, I cannot simply be wrong;
for thou art immortal, immortal, and immortal;
To death thou art but too insipid and loyal;
that willing it not be, to take thy soul into its mourning,
and awkward prayers so scornful and worrying.
Thou who needst not be afraid of death;
for breath shalt never leave thee, and thou shan't breath.
Unsaid poems of thine are thus never to remaineth unspoken,
and far more and more thoughts shalt be perfectly carved, and uttered;
Unlike mine; whose several mortal thoughts shalt be silenced, and unknown
And after years passed my name shalt be forgotten, and my poems altered.
But thou! By any earth, and any of its due shape-thou shalt never be defaced,
and whose thoughts shalt never, even only once-be rephrased,
for thou art immortal, and for decades undying shalt be so;
And to life thou remaineth shalt remain chaste, and undetached;
as the divine wholeness whenst 'tis all slumped and wretched,
and white in unsoiled finery, whenst all goes to dirt and waste;
For grossness shalt escape thee, and stains couldst still, not thee fetch.
To every purity thou shalt thus be the best young match;
Ah, just like my mind shalt ever want thee to be;
but thou art missing from my sight-ah, as thou art not here!
Our paths are far whenst they are but near,
and which fact fillest me still, with dawning dread and fear
Unfortunately, as in this poem, my words not every heart shalt hear;
And to my writings doth I ever patiently retreat, the one,
and one only; whom to my conscience so dear.

To thee whom I once loved, and now still do,
To thee towards whom my hardened heart-again, turns soft,
To thee whom my delirium is all kept safe and true,
To thee for whom I canst feel never reproach-and only love,
And just to thee-ah, to thee, thee only-by whom
the grandeur of the blue sky shalt melt;
How fate but still made us here and meet,
That clue shall never makest me blind, and forget!
Now blighted I am, by dire ungladness and regret,
for having abhorred, and slighting thee too much!
For should I still cherish thee before my mortal death,
and be bitter and testy not; much less grim or harsh.
For fate is what fate is, as how love is just it looks;
and God's doings cannot be wrong; and true and faithful
as words I found crafted, and deciphered in old books.
Ah, and God's blessings are to arriveth in time,
and to taste whose due I indeed needst to be patient.
Be patient t'wards the love on which I climb,
ah, as for me-and whenst the right time cometh-
thou shalt be my sole wealth; so dear and sufficient!
And so for thee, no matter how thou hath my heart now torn,
Still I canst, and shalt reward thee not-with scorn;
for thou art my fate, my path, and my salved destiny;
For of which I am assured, definite, and convinced-
with all my degrees of humble pride, and vivid certainty-
Ah, darling, and thou art my humbleness, but also too many a time-my vanity;
For whom I shan't go and venture but anywhere-
As long as thou stayest and last-verily and for yon whole eternity, by me.
Elihu Barachel Dec 2014
Hey lovey-dovey christian, run and get your NIV
Read to me some verses, read them just for me
Show me how you live, "not by bread alone" [1]
But by every single Word, from God's Holy Throne
Especially if it's written, black words on paper white
Read them from the NIV, yes-sir-ee you fight the Fight!
Do you have a problem? Can't you find the verse?
Why oh is that? Your "bible" is accursed

[1] Matt AND Luke 4:4


Matthew 12:47 -- removed in the footnotes
Matthew 17:21 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting."
Matthew 18:11 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost."
Matthew 21:44 -- removed in the footnotes
Matthew 23:14 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation."
Mark 7:16 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"If any man have ears to hear, let him hear."
Mark 9:44 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."
Mark 9:46 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."
Mark 11:26 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses."
Mark 15:28 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors."
Mark 16:9-20 (all 12 verses) -- There is a line separating the last 12 verses of Mark from the main text. Right under the line it says: [The two most reliable early manuscripts do not have Mark 16:9-20] (NIV, 1978 ed.) The Jehovah's Witness "Bible" also places the last 12 verses of Mark as an appendix of sorts.
Luke 17:36 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left."
Luke 22:44 -- removed in the footnotes
Luke 22:43 -- removed in the footnotes
Luke 23:17 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"(For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.)"
John 5:4 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had."
John 7:53-8:11 -- removed in the footnotes
Acts 8:37 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. It's deletion makes one think that people can be baptized and saved without believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Sounds Catholic. What are you NIV readers missing?
"And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."
Acts 15:34 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still."
Acts 24:7 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"But the chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands,"
Acts 28:29 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves."
Romans 16:24 -- COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. What are you NIV readers missing?
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."
I John 5:7 -- Vitally important phrase COMPLETELY removed [also deleted from the Jehovah's Witness "Bible"]. In the NIV it says,
"For there are three that testify:"
Compare the NIV reading with the following Jehovah's Witness reading--
"For there are three witness bearers,"
What are you NIV readers missing? What does the real Bible say?
"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."
Those unchained melodies are heard-
slayed and naked, like a lost soul-
wand'ring along a village; a dejected village!
And hark, hark to how they plead!
O, how they beg to be alive, to be free
from the deadness of these winds.
But no-one greets them, with a handful
of care!-how ill, and thievery is,
such inattentiveness! What a smug
egotism!-For these areth living
creatures, not lurking shadows as they'th seemed!
Blackened willows, stiffened dust;
trembling trees, affronted branches-
bending in their nakedness, a scene of vulgarity
with no ******* and sensations-
to capture attention, o, am'rous
attention! How poor these humans are! Brutes
are they to natureth-dappled with disgrace,
insincerely prayin' for more and more to feed their
ungrateful innuendoes-which prey on their
mortality-to fascinate their tongue,
and *****! And elements with no such marks
are out of them, no thinking is set on them;
no moreth! Peek, peek now, at how those
bountiful thorns blureth, and dieth!-at the scorn
and rivalry amongst humans-and still no-one bothers
kindethly-to eventh peek at 'em, yon miserable,
pitiful creatures! But 'ose humans, whose spitefulness
is awayth from b'ing praiseworthy, are aboundth with
death; cannot they defy it, inescapable as it's always
been-for death is not destined to dieth-never!
Thus thy sins, humans, wilt swing thy joys into swamps
of guilt, denial, and suffrage-be unafraid of which,
straighten thy chins-for these are all what thou'th
deserved, all along! Thou'th betrayed nature, and now
thy souls wilt be thy subtlest enemy-thy veiled threat!-
beware of 'tis, but still perchance, it is futile to
exhort thee-now and again! Thou art stained with
remorse, and prefereth doth thou-to follow thy own
course, rather than nature's bliss's vows.
19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.” ------- Ecclesiastes 3: 19 King James version of the Bible

Today, I’ve tried thinking.

What that is to say:
Two words, the same, mean two different things. It is an anthropologic meltdown of madness, a twisting torrent of words tearing, a cacophony sweltering like a teakettle steaming. There is madness in the docile, and trees grow on both ends, flowering at the root often moreso than the leaves. I claim to have no wisdom, but in my abounding foolishness, perhaps, I will be wise. Two negatives when multiplied together, become a positive.

In a feeling of staying, I feel I should leave. In a tearing between body, mind, and spirit, one phrase looking as another, seeing two words as something else, saying much and meaning little.

1. Take index finger and extend it in front of lips, holding it parallel to lips.
2. Firmly place it into mouth.
3. Jar finger up and down while sputtering lips.

Much is revealed in obfuscation. Questions answer much more than answers, sometimes.
There are letters in algebra. We teach math with words. To teach is to learn. By learning, we’re teaching…others watch us learn and learn from how we learn…how to learn. Then, we learn from them, those who have learned from us.

One word is haunting in my own work.


Somewhere, this is written already. When it’s written, it’s written already. If somebody else copies it, writes it, then they know that they’ve written it already, and all that they’ve written has been written already.

It’s an implosion of my own thought, today.  I pray tomorrow, the joy of clarity of my own thoughts and writing will return, and regardless, I thank the Holy Lord God Almighty always for all things. I rejoice in Him and love Him deeply, more than all, fear Him, and praise Him, and worship Him, alone. All glory in all things to God Almighty.
brandon nagley Apr 2017
Verily this day April fourth, two-thousand and seventeen; there's a boy and girl using razors as allayments, making veins as paintings.

Verily, this day April fourth, two-thousand and seventeen; there's a mother holding her young one in ashes, guts with limb's sketch the war-torn scenes.

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; a father toils on concrete and soil, breaking sweats for a dollar-

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; a fiend shoots fire in their blood with syringes, whilst kin makest family arrangements for other's to
Come visit daughter's and sons
In boxes whilst they sleep.

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; a poet and poetess write, O' how their word's do excite, whilst they
Dieth daily from secret pains unseen.

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; a young woman's locked in
a semi trailer, smuggled by men from foreign labors, O' how her life shalt be
In a room with many strangers; she
Seeks to die yet wants to live.

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; there's a broken child in
Many ghettos, whilst elite buy wives stilettos, dope dealing is the only survival, just to put some food in malnutritioned

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; theirs a soldier in many lands, making wealthy men richer, whilst their bullets fly, they come home with the images they've seen, devastating guilt-messed up heads.

Verily, this day April fourth two-thousand and seventeen; there's God Almighty who's been with each of these people, in their souls he dost seest through, passed their skin, and flesh and bones. He knoweth
Their pains, hurts, he seest their loves,
Loves lost, though none of these people
Once hath stepped into a church. Though
God is not about religion, just for all to
Know his son; who took all of their pains
Two-thousand years ago up on the cross he gave his love. As each of these many spirits from all walks and ways of life, were all just the same, perfectly made and beautiful in God Yahweh's eyes. So his arms wilt always be open to those who hath that feeling of not wanting to live, for he sent his son yeshua hamashiach, (Jesus the Messiah) for God's own son for mankind's salvation didst he give. For poet as thou doth read mine words please do know this one thing, thou art not alone, for dear God Dost love thee, his arms art open for thee to come home to him.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poets poetry
Word meanings-
allayment; something to temporarily relieve pain and hurt.
Verily: truly.
Whilst; while.
Makest; make
Dieth; die.
stilettos; expensive high heels.
Dost; means does and do both.
Seest; see
Knoweth; knows.
Hath; have.
Yeshua hamashiach :means (Jesus the Messiah) his actual name in Hebrew as was translated to (Jesus Christ) meaning Jesus the Messiah in English.
Dost and doth- do and does.
Thee and thou mean both (you).

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

1 John 4:7-10King James Version (KJV)

7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.

10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

King James Version (KJV)

John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

1 Timothy 2:5 - For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

Matthew 11:28King James Version (KJV)

28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Don't know Christ as savior will leave link below my churches website shows biblical way to be saved not man's word , Church and religion won't save us. False prophets won't save you not money or possessions,( nor any other quote "God's" in reality false teachers. It's only through Christ and trusting and faith in him can you be saved
Pray you accept him now. Our times running out. That's not an understatement.
( Learn why, how to be saved in yeshua Jesus Christ) below

If read what's up top wanna make Lord Jesus your Messiah and be saved in him and have eternal security. Peace. Through God please say sinner's prayer below . Get yourself a Bible kjv preferably if not that a nkjv... Because many denominations are changing scriptural words and adding also taking words out. Please say prayer below mean it believe it trust Christ now. Your times running out... That's truth.
Please note: The Salvation Prayer (sometimes referred to as the    Sinner’s Prayer) below, is not an “official prayer” but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Jesus into your heart. You can pray to God in your own words if you choose.
Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Close eyes now bow head
We pray to god the father in his son Jesus' name.

Dear God, I come to you Right now and admit I'm a lost sinner who deserves to go to hell if I died today/tonight. I believe your son Jesus died and rose again the 3rd day as scripture says. I believe your son Jesus is the only way to eternal life and salvation. I want to accept Jesus your son right now into my heart and life. I am turning from my sinfulness right now. And am making Jesus my Lord and Savior. So I ask Jesus be my lord and Savior today, as I turn from these sins I've lived in. Thank you for saving me, as I will live my life for you.
( End prayer in Jesus name)
In Jesus  name I pray, amen...

Also follow Christs teaching ( especially loving one another , and forgive always) .to overcome sins let his holy spirit in you work in you, as we all sin and must stay in constant repentance as if do sin, lord is willing to forgive you though you must repent meaning turn to Christ away from sin. Also study Bible daily soak in gods words. Tell others who Jesus is spread his gospel wether by showing Christs love or prophesying whatever gods gift is he gave you. Use it. We're all given a different talents as gospel sais. Also get baptised if can if can find good church or good pastor to who speaks on hell heaven salvation not money preaching churches all glitz glamour leads you to hell Churches. Baptism isn't required for salvation it's a representation of Christs death his burial and resurrection. We usually get baptized after salvation to follow what he did because we love him and want to follow our lord, so if do get saved try to get baptised in a godly church though if cant it doesn't mean you aren't saved, as said baptism doesnt save us .Pray you accept Jesus Christ asap, times short.
Is it thy will that I should wax and wane,
Barter my cloth of gold for hodden grey,
And at thy pleasure weave that web of pain
Whose brightest threads are each a wasted day?

Is it thy will—Love that I love so well—
That my Soul’s House should be a tortured spot
Wherein, like evil paramours, must dwell
The quenchless flame, the worm that dieth not?

Nay, if it be thy will I shall endure,
And sell ambition at the common mart,
And let dull failure be my vestiture,
And sorrow dig its grave within my heart.

Perchance it may be better so—at least
I have not made my heart a heart of stone,
Nor starved my boyhood of its goodly feast,
Nor walked where Beauty is a thing unknown.

Many a man hath done so; sought to fence
In straitened bonds the soul that should be free,
Trodden the dusty road of common sense,
While all the forest sang of liberty,

Not marking how the spotted hawk in flight
Passed on wide pinion through the lofty air,
To where some steep untrodden mountain height
Caught the last tresses of the Sun God’s hair.

Or how the little flower he trod upon,
The daisy, that white-feathered shield of gold,
Followed with wistful eyes the wandering sun
Content if once its leaves were aureoled.

But surely it is something to have been
The best beloved for a little while,
To have walked hand in hand with Love, and seen
His purple wings flit once across thy smile.

Ay! though the gorged asp of passion feed
On my boy’s heart, yet have I burst the bars,
Stood face to face with Beauty, known indeed
The Love which moves the Sun and all the stars!
brandon nagley Sep 2015

Mine Filipino rose
I canst not thanketh thee enough;
For giving me a home.


Mine Filipino rose
Thou always asketh if I knoweth how much thou doth for me;
Yes, I do knoweth, as tis I'm so blessed, and thankful mine queen.


Mine Filipino rose
I've seen the street's of gold, the pearly gates, the mansion of god;
Because of thee, I've seen heaven's scene's, as thou art a cherub.


Mine Filipino rose
As I always sayeth, tomorrow may never cometh;
Where the fountain's of life floweth, there I'll stayeth.


Mine Filipino rose
Mine existence, mine life, mine earl Jane, mine wife;
Mine law of good and right, if I dont awaketh, I'll be in the light.


Mine Filipino rose
I canst not taketh thing's for granted, night might be the last kiss;
For I shalt forever giveth to thee me mine dove, mine wish is this.


Mine Filipino rose
Mine wish is for if I'm to dieth tonight, never forget me lass;
Look beyond thy window glass, picture mine wing's in flight.


Mine Filipino rose
Mine heart, mind, spirit, leg's, arm's, eye's, hair, body, soul;
Mine everything of this being, I thanketh thee for all thou hath done.......,,.,


For god hast sent me an angel
The chosen one...........


Mine Filipino
I loveth thee more.......

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedication \filipino rose dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Mine Filipino rose
For thee I shalt;

Be tossed inside the
The Brazen Bull;
Until mine inside's art crisp.

Be impaled
On wood;
Mine head planted on a stick.

Be crucified
Mine hand's nailed;
Thorn's upon mine top.

A Lead Sprinkler
To sprinkle lava;
In mine throat lost.

An Iron Maiden
To taketh the metal;
Inside mine liver.

Coffin Torture
To let the crow's;
Pecketh at the splinter's.

A thumbscrew
To snap me as twigs;
As mercy I yelleth.

Rope torture
To leaveth me exposed;
To hell and the element's.

The Guillotine
As mine head falleth;
Into oldened basket.

The Rack
As mine shoulder's wilt bust;
Twisting mine bracket's.

Tongue Tearer
To knot mine tongue;
And rip it at the seam's.

The Rat Torture
As mine interior wouldst be ripped;
Rat's burrowing inside me, scream's.

The chair of torture
As edge's impale mine spine;
Hellion seating.

Cement Shoes
In the bottom of the sea;
Wherein noone canst heareth me.

Crocodile Shears
To gut me as a fish;
Reptilian grip's.

The Breaking Wheel
Wherein mine limb's art ******* to spokes, hammered by devil's;
I crack, Snapple, pop, as mine bones elongate, mine blood chokes.

Sitting on the Spanish Donkey
Mine carrion torn in twain;
As heaven canst feeleth mine pain, for thee I'd screameth again.

Saw Torture
As tis the razor's edge wouldst goeth through mine abdomen;
Evil *******'s shalt cut me, as I'm praying amen, just to DIETH.

Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered
It sais it all in the verse;
For thee I'd haveth all this done mine queen, for thee to liveth.......

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
These literally are real names to real torture tactics from places all over world and top nineteen I used out of top 25 torture techniques and Id have all these done for mine queen... Scary they are i know but love makes one crazy loll. . thought I'd do something diff tonight to (:::  wild side eh lol
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Mine otherworldly ethereal
I seeith thineself so desolate;
For thee to smile again
I shalt be pecked by crow's, cut to bit's.


Kilig bringer to mine belly
Purpose to mine well-being;
Ill taketh all thine past blemishes
I'll dieth a million death's, for thine jubilation to forthbring.


Definition to life itself
Mine bride, soon to be;
Greatest thing is mine queen
Thou art already a wife to me.


When thou feeleth
That the rope is best;
I'll taketh that twine
Around mine own neck.


So when thou art bottommost
Down in the pit's of hell;
Just remember I'm coming to freeith thee
As I'll replaceth thee with me, I'll taketh thy cell.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
Kilig means- butterfly's in ones stomach- Filipino tongue...
brandon nagley Sep 2015
If I'm
To dieth today;
Please telleth mine queen Jane
All of mine poem's art right here, displayed on mine page.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
O humanity, thou hath made the foul mouth a normalcy to men to talk to their Queen's, to calleth them slave word's, as if these women art unseen.

O humanity, thou telleth mankind that disgust in magazine's is OK, whilst little boy's calleth little girl's *****, and ******, making thine action's to the devil's way.

O humanity, thou selleth guns and bomb's to eachother, worship dollar Bill's with little faces on them that ****, as the green paper's art of greed as so many DIETH for.

O the humanity; thou giveth death by the million's, population control through weather, and war's, thou Selleth blood diamond's, and trade *** to rich men from young girl's.

O humanity, lover's of thineself, don't helpeth noone else, the mall is thine luxury, thy lonesome room is seducing to thee, snorting lines to escape what's to cometh from the sky's.

O mankind, the trumpet's art about to be blown, thou art marrying with other's? And their soul's thou doth not knoweth? Thou giveth charity to nonsense? Yet none to God?

O mankind, none more class, none more slow, everything's fast, driving new age Boxcar's to rusheth to work, to put ten pennies in thy tanks? And thou doth not protest the killing and blood squirt?

O mankind, taketh and receiveth? None giving, noone thou needeth? Thou hath given all the time in the world to thy paperwork, yet none for thy lover's, family, or friend's.


©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
This isn't for anyone here just telling truth how mankind has become long ago.. And so many forgot the meaning to our purpose here!!!!! To love forgive and  give charitably expecting nothing back.. Not putting our hands out for taking all... But to give all our souls and lifes for one as God did and does us.. Yet to many are caught up in the world's desires... Yet hopefully they'll see family, lovers, friends, and love period is what life's about!!!! Before to late.... Ps- dont care if this isn't popular I'm not out to win popularity as some think . I'm out to tell you truth
brandon nagley Feb 2016
meale, agin thy losabox,
Mine sixth sense canst
Feeleth thine Cranium's
Woe. Telepathically this
I do know; as thine dazzle
Is leaving slowly, but queen
Behold me, as I taketh the
Stripes on thine backside.
I taketh the crown of Thorn's,
Upon thy top; whilst I bleedeth
Thine own blood, so its me, not thee
Whom the demon's confront. I wilt
Dieth for thou, so rest easy amour;
I wilt suffereth for thou, relax mine
Girl. I wilt replace thine water droplet's
With mine own vital being, Upon the
Burdened cross, I'll be hung up; strung
As cattle; struck with cord's, so thou canst sleep.
As when thou shalt waketh from thine gentle snooze, I shalt be
Bloodied, broken, anguished, bruised. All because I tooketh thine Torment's, so thou couldst respire mine muse, all because sweetest jane, im verily in love; verily in love with thou, mine dear refuge.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
Meale- is a word I created.meaning ( me all) as in Irish speaking, like example ( meself) meaning also myself.
Agin- ( is archaic for next to)
Losabox is another word I made which means ( lonesome bed) losabox... I used losa-as another word for lonesome and box like the hard thing she's laying on which isn't even a bed, which I feel bad for her she's in physical pain from it.
Behold means archaic for +( see or observe)
Respire- recover hope courage and strength after a time of great difficulty.
Earl Jane Sep 2015


Let me kiss you passionately,
As we stitch our souls together,
And travel heavens through these lips.


O' amour', I canst feeleth thine wet juice
As we sew ourn spirit's as one;
Betwixt the moon and sun, ourn primal nature let's loose.


( Jane)
I will lock fingers with you,
With this amour as our armour,
The world we valiantly conquer.


Land's unknown to dominate
Incorporeal is ourn essence;
Sealing the firmament by blessing's and grace.


Let our love be the sunshine,
That lead and guide us abode,
Finally I found you, my Home.


Mine sweet earl Jane
Let ourn amare be the flame's;
And the kindle alway's be the same, as the light never dieth.

© Earl Jane - Brandon Collaborations
♥ Lovers Incorporated
second collab with my king  Brandon <3 <3

he is just sooo amazing!! soo much amazing!!! i love you most king, me me me!!! <3 <3 <3
brandon nagley May 2016
Lambent lassie, how I needeth thee today,
I wilt be thy loving man, doing all that I canst;
To make ourn contour's swirl in a dance-
As we pass betwixt the seraphic
Trace. Chaperoned my darling,
Head resting upon head, inner-
Being in rapt, none feeling
Of dread. Mine pinkie do
I giveth thee, lock onto it-
And hold, rest thy fret inside mine chest,
Taketh a breath, inside this soul.
Kindred spirits way back from old, living young,
Homeward bound; igniparous by ourn kindling sound's.
O' fortitude wilt I hath when the time is not yet for meet,
Yet verily mine lass, tis one stroke of an hour we wilt greet.
If I hath to crawl the pit's of the abyss, slithering through the deep, if I hath to waken to a strange cosmic minute, or dieth a death of sleep. If I must endure the second's away from thee, only but for a lifetime, I'll patently awaiteth mine Jane, an eternity with thee by mine side. To glance in thy eye's and to hold thy hourglass waist, to kiss thine honey like a bee to a bloom, to maketh ourn bed upon white roses wherein spirituality is in tune. A bride and groom of times afore, we entered in by the portal of Yahweh's door, never to turn back; ahead we look on. Planting ourn pip's to what lieth ahead, happiness up upon the hill of ourn homestead. None alas expressions, for this place we art meant, together to be, mine baby, mine treat; of the patience we built up, ourn amour shant be in rent, as with the finest of spices I shalt lather thy feet.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Lambent,-of light or fire) glowing, gleaming, or flickering with a soft radiance.
Lassie - just came as lass - means lady.
Thee+ you.
Wilt- will.
Canst- can.
Ourn - our.
Contours- shapes, figures, shadows silhouettes. Either one yet mean shapes...
Betwixt - between.
Rapt- having been carried away ****** or transported to heaven.
igniparous- bringing forth fire, ( very old word archaic)
fortitude- courage in pain or adversity.
Hath- have. Just as hast archaic second person singular present of have.
Verily, means truly or certainly or surely.
Thine- your.
Wherein- in which.
Afore - before.
Yahweh-Hebrew name for God just like Jehovah and elohim.
Pips- or pip, means seed.
Lieth- lies .
Alas- an expression of grief, pity, or concern.
Art- are.
Amour+ love.
Shant- shall not.
To be in rent last line. Rent means to be ripped as fabric. Not to be torn in half in other words. Rent is a rip in fabric.
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Bon anniversaire, brother Eddie,
Continue in fondness;
To those in hurt
And blood

Felix natalis, compeer in Christ,
Showeth his mercy, love,

eyd mawlid saeid, man of God,
Like the Messiah hadst died
For thee; dieth for other's,
Spread the gospel as seed.

Charoúmena genéthlia, Edward
The star, a light amongst the darkness,
The soul to those lost to death's kiss;
Teacheth who the man was who hadst
Come in the flesh, to hath his hand's
Nailed, and head crowned with thorn's;
Mocked and scorned, his heart
Didst mourn, giving up his
Holy ghost, for thou and me.

Penblwydd hapus, disciple
For Yeshua, mayest another
Year of thy birth bringeth
beatitude not curse, as
Yahweh is thine church,
As the spirit is thine weapon.
Against Satan's doubting's
And question's, against the
Lonesomeness and heaviness,
Against the sin's and burden,
Against those who know thee
Not, whom hath not loved thee,
But thee they forgot, remembereth
Dearest saint, one day thou shalt
Hath a Robe pearlescent colored
White as snow, knowing heaven
Is thine place and home. Happy
Birthday O' happy blessed birthday:
To thee man of Yeshua ha'mashiach.
Man of the creator, creation and rock,
Wherein thine foundation is built
Upon stone and not sand...

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Edward star birthday dedication
I used the word happy birthday before every line.. I used Greek, Latin, Welsh tongue, also Arabic, French to.
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Verily, verily, I wilt thole
the strenuous measure
Without thee in mine
Reach. Thine countenance do I seek in
Sainthood luster;                                      O' how I needeth thee mine
                                         beloved of cherubic power,
                 Tis the moonlight hour's I dieth to layeth mine brow
Upon thine own.

Sweat cover's me, I needeth mine
Abode, for thou art mine home;
In which I hath sought after
Since afore the age of Noah.
                                                         O' how this locution screameth out loud to the crowd's of emptied lonesome-hearted mad
Men. Mine darling, àgapi mou, best friend. Tis not the end-
Only the beginning.                        I glance keenly dearest jane-

Into meadow's wherein the pool's of life art made for one man
And his wife, as godly intended;

                                                      ­   Foregone art the soul's that shalt
                                        wait ourn arrival, they've been waiting endlessly to enter us inside.
O' Queen Jane, Filipino treasure of mine;

O' how we shalt dine and feast amongst the golden pathway's and see-through streets, bare **** feet to lead ourn spiritual direction, ourn agápi reflecting Yahweh's glow in three-
Dimensional complexion.

One day to be as babes, Unchained, not slaves to menfolk's rule-

A place wherein one enters by the amount of love they've given
And hath shown, a kingdom
                                                   Wherein we shalt be renewed.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedicated
Verily - truly
Thole- endure, suffer.
Wilt- will.
Tis- it is.
Layeth- lay.
Afore- before.
Àgapi mou- my love in Greek.
Wherein- in which.
agápi- love
Foregone- past

If wanna hear this on SoundCloud. Can go find me
SoundCloud and look me up Brandon Nagley
Type in my name should see poem ( glancing into the pools of life) though part or two was cut out because stupid recorder... Or well. Enjoy
Thanks for reading!!!
brandon nagley Sep 2015

Let me kiss you passionately,
As we stitch our souls together,
And travel heavens through these lips.


O' amour', I canst feeleth thine wet juice
As we sew ourn spirit's as one;
Betwixt the moon and sun, ourn primal nature let's loose.


( Jane)
I will lock fingers with you,
With this amour as our armour,
The world we valiantly conquer.


Land's unknown to dominate
Incorporeal is ourn essence;
Sealing the firmament by blessing's and grace.


Let our love be the sunshine,
That lead and guide us abode,
Finally I found you, my Home.


Mine sweet earl Jane
Let ourn amare be the flame's;
And the kindle alway's be the same, as the light never dieth.

©Brandon nagley/Earl Jane nagley duo poem
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Physically I knoweth
That I dieth daily;
I just wanted mine Reyna to knoweth
Mine amour was not some maybe.

So just in case, more blood doth breach
Mine poem's told some, but not all of what mine soul speaketh;
Tis, so many taketh tommorrow as if it wilt cometh
I write as this may be mine last, just saying I loveth thee queen.

And that always knoweth.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
Kaeru Dec 2014
I can't escape the hell I'm in.
Although I struggle and beg for rapture,
I'm shackled,

Captured forever.

Captured by feelings
Bound by my love
Here in this darkness
The only light the endless fire of that love.
And I know so long as the fire burns
What we had lives on.
Yet it reminds me
that what we had is gone.

Oh fire!
Consume me!
Stop the painful beating of my heart.
For every beat screams his name.
And that name echoes off the rock walls
Piercing and slicing
like the pitchforks of devils.

If you could but end me,
Or reduce yourself to coals
That I may feel your heat no longer.
For no flame of hell ever singed so painfully.
No pit of Tartarus was ever so tortuous.
No ****** soul ever suffered so much.
Sisyphus never pushed a boulder so heavy.

As Satan fell from heav'n like lightning,
So too did I fall into this pit of agony.
In losing him I fell from grace.
I tumbled from a heavenly place
Into my own damnation.
There is nothing left but the flames
And the screams
And the tears that never fully dry.

I raise my shackled hands high.
I scream for him.
I tell him again and again that I love him.
I repent with every breath of my sins.
I beg him for mercy.
But I must pay the price for my crimes.
I have lost my place as bearer of light.
I have lost my place as his sunshine.
My place is here now
Where the eternal fires of my love are never quenched
And the agonizing worm of regret dieth not.
Abandon hope, all ye who enter here!
To love is to walk streets of gold.
To lose it is to cross the river Styx.

I can't escape the hell I'm in.
Although I struggle and beg for rapture,
I'm shackled,
Captured forever by love.
brandon nagley Aug 2015

If I dieth in the fire
Tuck me in Corinthian attire;

If mine lung's, shalt faileth and succumb
To the pitch black dusk, wherein their is no sun.


If mine eye's rolleth back
Put oriental pennies on them, to floateth down thy river.

If mine brawn doth frail
Be sure to giveth away mine treasure's.

Giveth charity to the poor man
Underneath I/75 bridge.

Mine spirit shalt be watching over thee
And ourn abode of bliss.


Just in case the morn doth not make it
I just wanted to telleth thee, thou art mine queen, and mine basis.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Her smile always smooth's
Mine tear's;
If I dieth tommorrow
Me and her wilt still liveth on, an eternity of year's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated
brandon nagley Jul 2015

In the impossible
I hath found the possible
As her education is far from
Terrestrial proficiency.


In the death I dieth daily
She's mine starchild baby
As her gushing decorum
Is a forum to all saint's and good Samaritan's.


She outdoes any in beauty
None doth cometh close
She's alive yet a ghost
Soo miraculously she sketches her maquillage.


Her life-force is astounding
Spanish lingo of her's so attracting
Mine thirst for her is abounding
As a suckling I çryeth when she goeth away......


She maketh all nightmare's leave
Tis its her I am, tis she's me
Like a trapped bird, she set's me free
How daily do I wait her empress call to her throne!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa angelica dedication
maquillage means makeup for those wondering the word lol
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Dear lord
This is a quick prayer;
For someone in despair
Mine queen, and mine world.


Dear lord
The demons art messing with her head;
Making her doubt her worth
If anyone shalt suffer, let me instead.


Dear lord
She's the angel thou hath sent me;
She uplift's me and correct's me
Canst thou now please stimulate her.


Dear lord
Please don't taketh her away;
She's the breathe in mine lung's, mine night and day
The blood in mine heart, that runneth in mine vein's.


Dear lord
Heavenly Father;
Put me upon her cross
Taketh her down, put me up, I'll dieth slowly for her to live.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
Twigs crackling, branches battling
against the wind
not to lose their fettle.

Leaves dry and brown
of feeble strength
away are blown.

Dangling like a thief
hung upon the gallows' cliff:

Old leaves from the tree
one by one be torn,
snapped off the boughs forcibly.

Decease by disease or sickness,
caught by misfortune or curse

Is man, unlike a gay green
leaf, in youth and in a merry gown
of life dieth; no more himself to preen.
brandon nagley Oct 2015
Thou knowest nothing
Until thou art ready
To dieth for love;

Until then
Thou knoweth not
What love is.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jan 2016

Every poet here, every poet here is a breathing soul,
Every poet here, O', every poet here, is a living whole.
Every poet here, every poet here is that fine grained gold;
O' every poet here, every poet here is an ancient mold.


Every prophet here, every prophet here prophecieth,
Every prophet here, speaketh love pain and fear;
We all liveth, and thus we dieth.


Every minstrel here, O' every minstrel here, hath shed tear's,
Every minstrel here, verily every minstrel here, ageth in year's;
Every minstrel here, O' every minstrel here hath felt anger,
Every minstrel here, verily every minstrel here, hath seen danger.


Every writer here, O' every writer here,
Shouldst put away, the hate, anger, and
Fear's, and conjoin into one, a poetic dream,
Coming apart at the string's, by hatred under
Ourn sun. As we only hath one life, to maketh
Purpose of a smile toward's another one.
Puttest away the poetic gun.
Every poet here, O' every poet-
Doth thou heareth?

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This is just a reminder to all poets... To support one another... Love another. Cherish another despite views, ideologies, idea's.. Beliefs... Writing is the souls expression. A freedom of any one man or womans words... Not to be tainted by others... As this place has become one of hatred... Name calling. A place rather of clownishness, not poetry. A place of hatred. Not friendship... As noone not one single soul here. Should have to worry about being attacked by others who want to inflict misery, and fear. and hatred onto the web. Because it's easiest to hide behind the screen to attack others.. When in reality... They'd know better to not do it in person to the people they are attacking... So as poets.. We must ignore the hatred that is going on. as I've seen many poems on trolls lately. Hatred. People getting made fun of so on and bullied... The biggest gift to those who are doing this stuff we can give is to love them. Forgive them. Not talk bad behind their backs as they do us... And to show them ( what real love is) because in actuality... As case shows throughout history!!! True love always ALWAYS conquers over evil... As Ephesians 6:12 said.. In the bible I read. Yes glad to say I'm a Christian an improving one, as noone is a flawless being. It reads.

12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

And this is truth! Satan is very real. As are his demons. I know personally being attacked emotionally spiritually and more than that ( physically by them) with physical proof. They do exist. As this world shows an example of them working on people right now. Swaying many. But me. They will not sway. I will overcome the hatred and darkness that hates the light. One problem.. God is of light. And darkness cannot be the light of God... So as one not just because I believe in Christ and God. But as how I was made to be. One who knows not hate. And can't fathom ever hating anyone mineself personally! I choose love.. Forgiveness... And letting things be. And hoping the hatred stops and certain others may just find love, and overcome very real demons overcoming them... As we must overcome darkness with light..
Thanks for reading followers. And if ones talk behind your back or call you names. *** at you. Spew out hatred towards you. Our goal as human beings is forgiving and loving another... For we shall all be judged one day. And have no right judging others.. For when we ourselves aren't perfect beings... Though God wants his creation to love another. Now will you love all beings? And forgive?? Choice is your own...
Thanks for reading poets...
brandon nagley Aug 2015
In the venerable shrine between her heart, wherein her arm's doth rest, I gesture, yet hesitate to be in this unknown amour's chest, wherein I shalt get the best of grand opening; I hesitate if there shalt be one to ever want me again, afraid I sayeth, afraid if one shalt leaveth me, crusheth me, and bruise mine already purest of brawn. I await the new dawn, passionately induced, I striveth to be from one, like the heat of a gun, I dieth to be touched, a touch of flush to mine reddened flow. A star show of the circus stage to be ourn quiet deja vu: we shalt be the act's of bonjour as we shalt layeth in the grass of the eiffel tower, like wild flowers breathing in the earth.......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Just a writing about Maby a lover to one day find!!!!
brandon nagley Oct 2015

Into her oriental soul I crept
Quiet and cozy into her warm nest;
She grabbed me by the tie
Unfastened mine vest;
Released all mine unease
Freed me from disease,
Gaveth me a plate
And filled all of me.


She beckoned mine being
O' Brandon mine king;
She whispered, she glimmered
With a wave of starry mink.
Hypnotized I was, whilst in her presence
I kneweth she was mine, whilst in mine state of evanescence.


Her islander essence
Dripped through the phone;
Her voice, her speech, her laugh, her tone.
She was the one, mine blood, spirit, and home;
I'll dieth for her today, and again tommorrow if thou doth not knoweth, for her do I groweth: in limelight connection.
She is mine path, mine whole- and other half,
She is God's apostle to me, tis she's mine purified direction.
She is mine Queen, empress, Earl Jane nagley mine bliss, the ultimate ressurection.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley ( Filipino rose)
brandon nagley Nov 2015

I wilt plunge neath thine cocoa covered pupil's,
I seeketh to succumb, to thee;
Mine poetess minstrel;


I wilt incessantly be patient for thee
Mine queen; O' how heavily this heart weigh's;
With thou so far, so far away.


Please cometh quickly mine amour', for thee I'm engraved,
Etched into thine bone's, thy skin, thy name;


We art not other's, not the "norm", not the same: for this heart burneth in flame's, O' with thee far away;


If I dieth tonight, or the earth crisps away, please knoweth I'll still waiteth, for thee mine queen; Beyond the grave.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015
We dieth another day
Just to liveth tommorrow.......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Wherein the Angel's dieth
The world doth cryeth;
And the world doth falleth
Wherein the Angel wings don't flyeth.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Oct 2015
Wherein the Angel's dieth
The world doth cryeth;
And the world doth falleth
Wherein the Angel wings don't flyeth.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Though the upward blue is swarthy
I shalt get mine fill, on one day a queen and thrill;
She shalt tuck me in, her cosy confinement
Like the universe in etching, ourn spirit's realignment.

Bursting color's like snakes Rattler's
Tambourine music to flood the air;
A damsel on life's edge, loosing her head
Though me as her king, I shalt be there.

Walking hand to finger's
Gently nuzzle her with mine nose;
The word's " I loveth thee mine queen"
No if's, and's, or I suppose.

None interweb sensation
That just DIETH out;
A clap of hand's, from the crowd of band's
A strain of sand, ourn feet to route.

Her nape i shalt warmly bloweth on
To arouse her inner awareness;
Agreeing to be one unshunned
A village to be isolated, in ourn fairness.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Seeking for a lover in this (: and good writing!! For noone .Inamorata means a female lover for you who ask lol
brandon nagley Aug 2015
That moment
Of just waking from a nightmare
Of being told in the dream
Thou wilt dieth tonight,
I canst lieth
It feared me;
To mine core.........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Real dream, took a nap and that's what was told to me.. Supposbaly was gonna be executed in dream... /: scary not happy... I know dream has alot to do with mine fear's all together in one dream.. Though also have real visions that come true.. and have dreams before real things happen... /:::::: scared me... Anyone who said nightmares don't scare em don't have human in them.. As I still have half human in me... As I have gift alot to see stuff before it happens in dreams scary but reality... As me grandpa has that problem or curse to or gift lol
brandon nagley Jun 2015
I guess I've gone MAD
I write to much
A poetic BATH
I splurge mine touch
By paper and PEN
I dieth to write
I writeth by DAY
And reciteth by night!!!

— The End —