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Braulio Romero Jun 2014
I never knew you could know me so much better
I ignored all the great weather
the darkest cloud hung over me and I let my head fall on the air
my hair was still wet but not the day that we met

Was it someone like you who did it to be so kind
Leaves on the grass with words drawn out
You admired me and wanted to hold my hand
I let the curtains fly in
Didn’t want the wind to pass me by

Wearing the t-shirts with the cheesiest slogans
Dropping love on my sleeve
Too many wishes that I hope they’re not an omen
I never knew a heart could beat for me
Creep Nov 2014
It's the boys with the sweetest words, the cheesiest pickup lines, and the cutest shows of affection who will win me over.
haha im a sucker for pickup lines, little things like a good morning, and sweetheart gentlemen :) *blush*
comment below on any pickup line you know :) or repost this and write a pick up line :) lets see how creative these get ;) add the tag #pickuplines if you do write one as a post
roses are red
violets are blue,
but none more brighter
than my love for you
David Ian Go Mar 2014
I'm a hopeless romantic
I'm in love with love
I believe in fairytales
I do the cheesiest stuff

I'm a hopeless romantic
I dream in color about you
I think of falling in love
I dream of just us two

I'm a hopeless romantic
I smile at the idea of us
Surfing on rainbows
And jumping on clouds

I'm a hopless romantic
All I think of is you
I knew we were in love
And then I woke up
John Butler Nov 2011
I believe in standstills
And in silent suffering
I believe in idleness
And in not getting up on time
I believe in difference
And that we are all just the same
I believe in staying in and in dancing in the rain
And even though I hate gay lines I just wrote one of the cheesiest in the world.

I believe in literature
And that most of it is ****
I believe in music
And that most of it is ****
I believe in me
And that I'm as false as you
I believe that I am false

I'm hoping you all are too
T Mar 2014
"I like you this much"
he says
pale arms stretched to their limit,
fingers extended, gently tickling the air;
his face is hardly more than his smile,
which he hates
but when he smiles
I see the sun;
it warms me
in the cheesiest but most sincere way,
I can't get enough;
he is the sun
and I can't escape his pull,
red hair and explosive personality,
he is the sun;
a week without him is winter,
a day in his arms risks a burn.

"I like you this much"
he says
and this time
I don't look for shade
Heliocentrism is the the sun-centered universe theory
anna victoria Aug 2014
if i am a puddle, then you are the rain.
if i am a scar, then you are the pain.
if i am a wave, then you are the hurricane.
if i am a bagel, then you are the grain.
in the cheesiest way, i'm trying to say, i needed you to become myself.
i love you.
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I want to wake up in the morning, the sun shining in my face and reflecting  my rich blonde hair
I want to tell you the cheesiest jokes but you will still laugh and say I'm beautiful
I want to be myself around you, i want to say I love you and mean it
I want to sing and dance while making breakfast and you're there to watch me and tell me I'm adorable
I want our hands and lips to fit like a puzzle.
I wrote this expressing what I want when I'm on my own.
KM Aug 2013
Take my hand, we'll run away
I understand more than you think
Our future shouldn't be haunted by my past
I pinky promise our friendship will last.

You don't have to tell me everything
But I won't ever judge your heart and soul
You don't have to always be strong
I can be the place you belong

Let me show you your worth
Let me show you how great you are
You told me you were safe
I'm sorry this is the best I can do from afar

We don't have to be dating and romantic
You and I being just friends is alright
But you need to know how deeply you are loved
By your friends, by me, and from up above.

I know that's a cheesy Christian line
But the cheesiest things are often true
Like the things we say late and night
Between just me and you
Black Star Oct 2014
I could smile all day
Laugh to every joke
Eat all sweets
Sing all happiest songs
Read the cheesiest novels
Talk about tv shows
Write poems like I'm in love
Curse my friends all afternoon

but the tears i shed at night
and the woes i have at bed
and the suicidal thoughts

oh darling you never knew.
JenChi Feb 2014
The waves of your fingertips tracing around my back. Comforting sighs humming smiles nestled in your neck. Kisses upon kisses layered on your cheeks. Like Shakespeare in hamlet, "Sweets to my sweet."

Crawling into bed, this scent is such a tease. Rolling over in my sleep. Snuggling  blankets and sheets. I want you here. Keep my embrace when you leave. Return with interest. Ten fold if you'd please.  Everything you give me is exactly what I need. Don't change a thing. Don't change anything.  I'll give my love to the one I adore. I'll give my heart to you, mi amor.

And so I say this, in the cheesiest way...I ask you to be my Valentine not on Valentines day?
Kitts Apr 2015
He says I am the most interesting person he knows
I just laugh and pull him towards me and hug him close

He gets distracted by the T.V and I understand
That I mean the world to him, but his mind wonders

I always shiver when he tells me he loves me
Me, not anyone else, just me that he loves me

He knows that I've fallen in love so many times
Yet he believes in my broken heart, he knows I'm faithful

I fell in love with his honest ways, the way his eyes shined
I didn't fall in love with his body, as I have done that before

I fell for his truth, the way he came right up to me and talked to me
He talked to me first and he never knew how much that meant...

He fell for me before I fell for him, but once I fell, I fell so hard
I've always been afraid of love, afraid of needing someone so much

He knows I'm the queen of fictional love... And yet he trusts me
I do not understand this kind of faith... Yet I have craved it my whole life

Gone are all thoughts of past lovers, no more poems about them
He has gently dominated my mind and conquered what others only dream about

I know I'm not the best person in the world, I'm not the most prettiest girl
But when he tells me he loves me, I literally shine, at least my eyes do

A warmth comes upon my cold heart, soul and mind
When he comes around it is like I become Alaska in summertime

He melts the ice around my soul and makes me want to sing
I have never felt so safe with a guy... Have never known such comfort...

If he were a food he would have to be the most cheesiest of Mac And Cheese
I hope my darkness doesn't seep into his soul... I hope he doesn't change...

My fears are real, so very real... If he leaves me now I don't know what I would do
He makes me so happy and yet he calls himself boring

I just laugh and hold him so very close, for he doesn't know just how much
I love him... How much his love has changed my life...
Olivia Kent Aug 2016
I wish I could play the piano.
Teach all the swans to dance.
I wish I could paint the sky bright green, now I encounter romance.
I wish I could go to work dressed in my finest clothes.
However; when I walked through the door at night, I may just get up your nose.
I wish I were getting younger,
I have a battle with the vendor of time.
But, that could mean dementia now.
So I guess that means I'm fine.
I'll just be who I am, just grow old gracefully.
Like the cream for the cat with the cheesiest grin, I guess I just want to be me.
The cheesiest thing... Is that when the parmesan and mozzarella melt, they become one.

Just like how he and I kissed at our wedding. We marry and become one soul.

We are like gruyere and onion soup... We soak ourselves in the broth of love...

When we think of each other, we are like bleu cheese and crackers, our soul complements each other.

The cheesier our love... The more our hearts melt when our eyes meet...
Our love is described by the nature of cheeses.

How some strong cheeses are complemented with the sweetest fruits, how some cheeses are worth melting for and how some cheeses are eaten just the way they are.

Just like how we fall in love when opposites attract, how someone is worth sacrificing for and how we fall in love with someone who’s just the way they are.
This was for school. My English teacher told us to write something sappy and cheesy. And I literally did. Did write something cheesy. Lol.
Cara Christie Mar 2017
fullest bookshelves you will ever see
soft hazel eyes hiding behind stiff blue frames
loads of pillows and fuzzy warm blankets
reading poetry in secret nooks and crannies
curly all-over-the-place cascading brown locks
dancing in the early springtime drizzles
movies with huge tubs of butter-drenched popcorn
laying in the lush grass, fingers stretching for the clouds
pens tucked behind ears, in coat sleeves, and on window sills
raspy, off-key, unabashed shower singing
friday night new netflix show marathon
awkward attempts at kind-of-sort-of flirting
secret stash of every single type of chocolate
complete list of the world's cheesiest pickup lines
bottom lip biting in intense concentration
well-worn copies of shakespeare's best plays
mindlessly wandering streets for hours on end
love songs, romantic surprises, that one perfect sonnet

good god, good girl
I always write about beautiful girls and compare them with the cheesiest things. but today I write about the woman that has made the most impact in my life. It may sound metaphorical when I say 'without her there's no me' but trust me I've never told a greater truth. On my first day of school I was asked if I lived with a parent or a guardian and I said guardian cos even though you couldn't fly you had the traits of an angel. when I felt too high for you, you ground me. anytime I lost myself, you found me. when I felt ugly, you made sure you styled me. when the times got rough, you filed me. fact is you groomed me into the man I've become, feels like my whole life I watched you go to the beach early in the morning cos all you wanted was to see the rising of your son. prepared me for the day I find another woman and look into her eyes and say I've found the one. the one I want to spend the rest of my life with but till that day comes, I'd still be the little boy who doesn't believe he has a mum but a guardian angel.

thank you
Mum mother
Sydney Spencer Nov 2013
I will never forget the time I laid my head on your chest.

We had talked most of the night and my eyelids were getting heavy but I didn't want this to end.

If I fell asleep, it would be like none of this had happened.

We were talking and you kept running your hands through my hair looking at me like I was some sort of safe place and I've never felt my stomach flip so much.

And I looked at you, my ear against your heart feeling this steady beat, and I said

"It's like your heart is trying to burst out of your chest and into my head, which is so weird since it's all I think about".

It was the cheesiest thing that's ever slipped out from behind my teeth and rolled off my tongue and my face was on fire.

You just looked at me smiling, beaming at me, and you placed your hand on my heart and I could swear that it was going to grow wings and fly away and you said.

"You heart feels like it's trying to jump out of you and make place where my heart just left".

And if that wasn't the sweetest thing I've heard, I will fall over when I hear it.

You kissed my head and your eyes slipped closed and I knew this was coming to an end.

So I snuggled in closer, breathed you in one last time and devastation has never felt so heavy in my chest.

As my eyes shut, the sun rose and my alarm went off and you were gone. It's hard to feel your heart break first thing in the morning.
Yara Mrad Jan 2015
My palms are numb from holding on
To your hands that keep them warm
My fingers get stuck in yours
From carrying them for too long
My heart jumps up and down
It skips a beat but keeps beating on
Till my eyes get ahold of yours
Staring at me, drowning me in
Grasping the image of my reflection
Like i'm the definition of perfection

My cheeks will always be waiting to be sheltered
I'm ready to love you with all my senses
My body is a thousand feet above the ground
floating on air
And it does not care
I'm high on something that cannot be shared

When asked "why him, not someone else"
I don't have anything to say except
I love when your hands touch mine
I love the feelings they trigger inside
I love when you kiss my forehead
When you look at me and you almost forget
To breathe so you order yourself to look away
I love it when you get shy
When your lips say you wanna kiss me but instead;
You lower your head
Close my eyes and smile
I love when you hold me and look straight in my eyes
When i stuff my head in your chest
When i hear your heart that refuses to rest
I love when you kiss my hand
When you hug me so tight that i can't
Help but feel so tiny
With your hands wrapped around me
And my head under your neck

What i hate is
That i can't describe the things i love about you
Unless i wanna limit myself to a couple of pages to view
What i hate is
That from all the poems that i wrote
This must be the cheesiest
That's the best i've got
Let's give it another shot

I love when you say that you do
I love that i feel the same way too
Aditi Jun 2015
The blue of your eyes
Not deeper than the blues I write about,
Yet much more mesmerizing
They could give hope
To a corpse

And when you are you
I could finally be me
No facade, no impostors,
Just one love
Through both of us

The blue of your eyes
In them I drown my sorrow
Funny how sometimes you have to lose yourself
To be found
And all their will fall
Back to the pit where they belong

And when you are you
I could finally be me
You'll take my hand,
I'll break those walls
I built for years
and show you the way
to my heart

The blue of your eyes,
The cheesiest lines have been said for this shade
But has anyone told you,
The spark in them
Gives warmth to my bitterly cold heart

**And when you are you
I could finally be me
You would put arms around my waist
I could finally fall apart
Because yours are the hands I'll fall in.
I'm tired. and this would be the perfect moment for you to find me.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2016
it's like they're feeding themselves the line: things i should have said / thought about / cared about... me? bring on the woodwinds and saxes and violins... like the other day, they really wanted to make the classical music scene pretty by enforcing a weird post-colonial theory of how composers and musicians should be black once in the while, i dig that the japanese just love chopin, but come on: john coltrane, sonny clark, miles davis, cannonball adderley? who the hell wants it to look pretty, like a half-wit beauty of a woman: i want it mandible, not porcelain... next thing you'll be telling me is that a donkey can moo... jazz is an impromptu get-together, it's not an impromptu scribble scribble scribble readying a bunch of ponce ******* to sit it out stiff in a grand music hall - when i went to see swan lake by tchaikovsky the crowd clapped so frequently without a clear moment of aspiration to feel the music... plus i think ballet ruins the music, all that stomping, it's not an art-form, but an encircling stampede: plus i think it's also a sadism; rumba cha cha cha mambo cha cha cha tango cha cha cha foxtrot cha cha cha.*

after qualifying to be listening
to b.b.c. radio 4, after all the ponce
of classic f.m., i find that
people listening to radio 4
are craving a schizophrenic simulation,
they're the ones who never
cried listening to a piece of music,
they want company...
honest to god, schizophrenics (ego shrapnel)
complain about the symptom of
"hearing" voices (yes, the sense needs
ambiguity)... while those on
the b.b.c. radio 4 diet always want
company, they're not prone to liking
thinking... the world's weirdest simulator;
i'll admit it, even the cheesiest pop
music makes me feel like candy floss
in comparison to middle-age depth of talk.
Mel Dec 2013
You ******* meant something to me.
We flirted and talked and held hands.
I asked you for your number in the cheesiest way.
We ******. And ******. And ******.
You saw my scars and told me about yours.
I wanted to know. I wanted to know all of it.

You whimpered and begged and said my name.
You told me what turned you on.
I tried my hardest to please you.
I still want you.
Because you meant something to me.

I told you I wanted you.
You said you weren't feeling it.
I tried. And tried. And tried. And cried.
Then you decided you'd rather **** someone else.
My friend.
The one people always choose over me.
I begged her not to *******.
She knew you meant something to me.
It hasn't happened as far as I know. Not yet.

Not yet.
But you haven't asked me in weeks.
You're looking for the one. I thought you were the one.
I'm just not lucky enough to be right.

You ******* meant something to me.
Still mean something to me.
But I wasn't good enough.
******* too.
Linguistic Play Jan 2015
I want to turn your world upside down
catch all your frowns and turn them to smiles
you have me saying the cheesiest ****
like your laugh is my favorite melody,
a catchy song I keep playing on repeat
to fill all of my journeys
with the best memories of you.
I won't follow you around the world
but I'd fly to you when you needed me
and I'd call just to hear your stories
about all your little things I can't wait to see

i'm not good at a lot of things
but if its alright with you
I would like to try and be the best I can at being with you
and not a part of you
but like a compliment to turn your flaws into thinking outside the box
and not your better half
but a realization that you're amazing as a single person
and I want to share that
like a present wrapped in cotton sheets
tossed in the air to float like the smoke
that we dressed all our fears in

I don't want this to be about anyone else
like a streaming headline in our digital news feeds of social mishaps
I don't want you to read between the lines
because that's just space to breathe when I'm saying what I truly mean
I don't care what puppeteer says we need social media presence as proof
because I'm trying to find a little more room to get away with you
just to talk about your favorite minutes of the day
and hear of the hours of nothing that turned to stories
you see, in this world, I can read digital shorts of all the lives
but the classics are my favorite
and your voice is my favorite tone in the next best selling novel

you can do better but im selfish
and I hope you don't see
that someone may not go against everything they say
and fall for you faster than the second Mexican Empire
I hope you don't realize
that I'm hardly grounded and float in a constant daydream
of unrealistic ideas and themes
like my favorite fantasies in sprawling print
I hope you don't feel
that I shake under my confidence of how nervous
you truly make me

I know that forever is but a lie
because all things beautiful, evil and coy mask the same fate
and i'll never promise you what I cannot deliver
but i'd ask that you keep running around my head
because right now, you're my most favorite daydream
the most handsome boy in the game
I'll kiss you awake because I have no patience
it takes all my restraint to keep my feet from racing to you
because you're my favorite part of the day
and I can only hope
you'll keep answering my knock at your door
Jennifer Staples May 2014
Romeo and Juliet teaches a different aspect of young love. Young love is every where, in every direction. It is in the halls, at stores, and even the streets, when I am in the car driving by. I never really notice other peoples relationships, and how much I wish I could have what they have, until I am no longer in a relationship, like I have been for almost three months. After dating a guy named Patrick for five months and going 2-3 months without seeing each other physically, he decided it would be best to end things and still be friends. I can kind of relate to Romeo and Juliet, to a certain extent, with things like not wanting to be away from him for a certain extent of time. Knowing that sometimes words can not say everything we wanted to say. I know that cheesy moments, when I know almost exactly what he was thinking, when I was hugging him and looking into his eyes, or when my heart started to beat faster and louder, and started to flutter, when he said the three words, that every girl deserves to hear, “I love you”. The the cheesiest moment of all, when my lip quivered every time he grabbed ahold of me. When my friends asked what Patrick looked like, and I showed them, they all basically thought he was not attractive. But, when I looked at him, his personality, is all I saw. We may may not have know each other for long before we started dating, but like Romeo and Juliet, I would have taken a bullet or ran away, just to be with him, and he knew that.
This is how I can connect to Romeo and Juliet, when it comes to young love.... Enjoy, and maybe you can connect to this too <3 Thanks!
Brother Jimmy Nov 2016
I'm in it


Your silence is deafening

And here I am, floundering.

Now my frequent exhaled "jeez" is the cheesiest

I'm generally meandering - on the path I see as the easiest

My vision is encumbered by the sand in my eyes

My judgement is impaired by my lack of supplies

This time in the desert should beget new perspectives

But instead, nothing's born but new harsh self-invectives

In the silence, tooling a song,

At least the shadows are now growing long,
donia kashkooli Mar 2018
if we would've met at 16 our lives as teenagers would've been worlds different. we'd meet in the parking lot after school and we'd drive for a little, then hotbox in front of the pacific ocean. i'd play you all the stuff that i played on my weekly radio show and i'd ***** to you about how i was done with the world and every single lululemon wearing, frozen mocha drinking girl who thought i was inferior to her because i wasn't conventionally pretty, listened to anti-establishment punk rock of the 1970s and refused to straighten my hair even if my curls wouldn't quit that day.
i didn't know you four years ago. you were the exact opposite of me, and honestly you probably would have avoided me  - you put gel in your hair and you played sports, but you seemed like you might've been angry and sad for no apparent reason too. you were the same as you are now in some ways, you had the 24/7 off-duty model thing, you were smart, you bumped old school tunes, you knew old school sitcoms. i would've 100% been in love with you but i never would have done anything about it. all i wanted was someone that i could tell everything to, but nobody cared. knowing you could have eased the pain of the period of time in my life where i spent all my money on dime bags and twelve dollar packs of cigarettes and stability was the last thing on my mind and all i really wanted to do was dig a grave for myself. you probably would have never talked to me, but we would have been the coolest kids in the parking lot.
and can i tell you like, the cheesiest sounding thing in the world? yeah? okay. i can't wait to run into you on a beach on the north shore of kauai in 50 years. "shawshank redemption" style. i hope we're friends forever.
Carla Apr 2023
You know, every time they ask me
What are your life goals?
What are your ambitions?

I answer;

I'm not sure yet.

They ask me if I'm happy
If I know what I'm doing with my life

I answer;

I'm not sure yet.

They ask me if I've made up my mind
If I decided what shirt I'm going to wear
If I know what my lunch will be tomorrow

I answer;

I'm not sure yet.

See, I'm not sure of much right now.
And I don't want to be.

But I do know that I want to spend my time with you.

I want to see you achieve your goals
I want to cheer on your ambitions

I want to make you laugh and smile
With the cheesiest of jokes and impressions

I want to see you on a Sunday morning
Sitting silently on a sunlit seat
Singing to yourself in my oversized purple jumper

I want to dance with you in the kitchen
While the moonlight dances along with us
Spinning to our own tune

When it comes to life, I'm not sure yet.

But one thing I am sure of... is you.
Lamb Jun 2015
So lemme tell you about this guy
Hmm yeah I'd call him a bit shy
And he doesn't always say the best lines
But the way he looks at me is so prime
He puts his heart in everything he does
He doesn't need a reason it's just ******* because
Sometimes he's a mess
I still love him
He is the best
Backtrack to our first kiss
it was a bit comparable to this
I bet you could already guess
It wasn't our very best
I started to awkwardly smile
He was nervous for quite awhile
As he held me tight
I realized everything's alright
It was quite the risk
At least we didn't miss
Trying to find each others lips
This was all so new
Didn't know what to do
Still trying to figure each other out
It just happened, mouth to mouth
With him I just couldn't breathe
Now he is everything I need
I knew from his stupid grin
That yup this is him
And how his hand feels so right in mine
That with him there's never enough time
Him by my side makes me unwind
Everything feels so fine
Like the feeling when everything perfectly rhymes
Those moments where he just holds my hand
Are the ones I play over and over again
I never knew love
Now I can't get enough
We say the cheesiest stuff
Maybe that's what happens when you have trust
I talk too much which can get annoying
And he spaces out in silence which can make it boring
I don't make much sense
And he is trapped within a fence
We are so wrong for each other
Is what is constantly said by my mother
And what is said by his father
Is that I might just make his heart hurt
But to be honest I don't care
A life without him is a nightmare
He is someone I don't want to share
I swear who is he, he's rare
I miss him too much
He gives me a rush
Even from the slightest touch
Ha I remember when he first told me he loved me
I almost wanted to flee and leave
Love me? Oh please
Something I couldn't believe
I feared it was a tease
I actually got mad
This was something I've never had
I was scared to love someone back
I've never felt this before
Compared to everyone he loved me more
I fear losing him
A result that looks grim
I wanted a relationship that was deeper
Once he did too I know he was a keeper
He knows all my secrets
I know he'll keep it
I never want to be alone
Because now he is my home
I need him from every inch of my bones
when I see the future I only think we
He has become something I need
I find relevance of him in everything I see
The one I long for when I pick up a phone
The one who motivates me when I'm in the zone
He's in the military
And to me that's pretty scary
Even though we are separated by miles
When he's with me I see him holding back that smile
Yeah he's pretty tough being in the marines
But we totally make the best team
He is the one I always miss
Waiting for a kiss
Not gonna lie sometimes it *****
I swear just my luck
But he's doing great things serving our country
And Im in college learning and struggling to pay for laundry
Some people think I'm a nut
And every once in awhile I feel like giving up
But he's my first love
Every relationship is a bit rough
Even if one day we end up not working out
He couldn't have made me more proud
But I'll always love him forever now
That's for sure without a doubt
I've never had my heart beat so loud
I told you about this guy
So now you understand why
I always stand when I see an American flag
And I try not to be sad
I keep all the memories
And close my eyes in the breeze
And somehow
He ended up with me
and I've never felt more free
To my best friend

— The End —