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Annie Jul 2018
Dear person
That stinging feeling in your chest
That overwhelming fear of death
That demon in your head
Let's put it all to rest

If you ask me
I can tell you stories with no end
And just before "hate" was about to bend
They tell you heart is not to mend
Seal your lips —let's pretend

You and me, us
We're the tribe here to suffer
It gets lonely, but you're tougher
Speak the truth, why you muffle?
"Always happy" is for the bluffer

Hear me out here today
When you lose and there's nothing to say
Raise you head, life's a play
You need to fight for it to pay
Be prepared —because it may..

You're the ashes but in a golden tray
Feel the difference, feel it here
You're not deep
Oh but –you're oceans away

Far from reach because you fly
Your conscience will remain
Out of dozens, because you were sane
Always picked on, felt the pain
Stand high, don't be tamed
Enjoy the storm —let it rain
zee Mar 2019
It was intensity in the eyes of the beast
With his romanticisms and optimism ceased
Gashes, cut bottomless within his soul
Who, would possibly aid him as a whole?

The king who had executed blasphemous quantities of sins
And pride fully worn, his foe's skins.
Could not be comprehended and eased after all
He lived to stalk, persecute and brawl

For behind all the masquerades and shells he wore
It was against himself, that he always swore
At the break of dawn, he held a face
In the midst of darkness, he could not sense, embrace

A battle came forging against him, he felt grim
Though it was not his form which was to be dithering, limb by limb
It was his trepidation, his need to stop his despair
Oh, how he craved to vanish into thin air

For he realized that the only thing meaningful to him now
Was for his annihilating words, to be a vow
A vow to soon meet, the eternal light alas
For his heart had become, into brittle glass

The light was his way out
To permit him, of his emotive drought
And so, as the stars blazed up in the sky’s high
So did the tears, imploring, to be let out in both his eye

How far more, would he suffer?
How much longer, did he have to be a bluffer?
The possibility of freedom, is all that made him wait
Little did he distinguish he was just another prisoner in the chambers, of fate.
Bob B Jan 2019
(Can be sung to the melody of Frank Sinatra's "My Way")

For TWO years now I've been
The mighty leader of this nation,
But I can't stand it when
I don’t receive great adoration.

Believe me when I say
My way's the ALWAYS-best-to-lie way.
And you can do it too
By doing things my way.

Mueller is going strong.
I am sick of his **** query.
But they've all got it wrong.
They can't prove their stupid theory.

My fans KNOW my style is NOT
A JUST-lay-down-and-die way.
I have gotten by
By doing things my way.

My tryst with Stormy and my fling
With that McDougal woman bring
So much grief into my life,
Especially with my wife.
But, nonetheless, I will confess
I love things my way.

And now I want my wall;
If I don't get it some will suffer.
I will shut things down
Just to show I'm not a bluffer.

You can dupe the world
With simply the "M" "Y" way.
So I will not deny
I love things MY way.

I've had to fire more than a few
'Cause they say things that are untrue.
And my toadies on the Hill
All bow down; they know the drill.
They know the ways to get my praise:
Just do things my way.

Yes, do things my way.

-by Bob B (1-16-19)

2017 and 2018 VERSIONS:


(Can be sung to the melody of Frank Sinatra's "My Way")

And so, I'm standing here
To say an oath and pledge allegiance.
Though some will cry and jeer
And accuse me of malfeasance,

The fact that I can stand
Before you now in a tough-guy way
Proves that you can play it through
By doing things my way.

Yes, I've stiffed a few,
But that's my disposition.
That's what you have to do
To carry forth your mission.

I knew what I was doing;
I was acting in a sly way.
Just do what I tell you
And do things my way.

You might not like the things I say
Or what I do, but that's okay.
Celebs like me all have it made.
Just don't drop the masquerade.
It's all the same; just play the game
And do things my way.

I've had three wives. So what!
I've had just two divorces.
The news? Don't watch that ****.
I have found better sources.

I didn't get this far
By choosing the just-get-by way.
Since life is dog eat dog
Just do things my way.

You'll always find someone to cheat.
Remember: don't admit defeat.
There's nothing wrong with being rude.
At times be crass; at times be lewd.
Make up the rules; treat them like fools
By doing things my way.

Yes, do things my way.

(1-19-17) By Bob B


(Can be sung to the melody of Frank Sinatra's "My Way")

Despite all that you hear,
I'm doing great; I'm number one now.
My made-up "truths" endear
Me to my base; we're having fun now.

My ranting and my raving
Show that mine's not the small fry way.
You'll win…you'll win much more
By doing things my way.

I wish the FBI
Would stop investigating.
They know too much. That's why
It is all so aggravating.

I never liked a wuss
Who would take the humble pie way.
No, I am much more ruthless
Doing things my way.

I've told some lies, once in a while…
Well, every day, but that's my style.
My Congress *****, have got my back.
At the right time we'll attack.
I plot and scheme for my regime
By doing things my way.

Putin's my friend, oh,
And Kim Jong Un and I are buddies.
Merkel and Trudeau?
My goodness, they're such fuddy-duddies.

All I have to do
Is just display my evil eye way,
And I'll get what I want
'Cause it is my way.

I am the law; that's plain to see.
And very few are smart like me.
I will say what comes to mind,
And I don't care if it's unkind.
A little greed helps you succeed
When doing things my way.

Yes, do things my way.

-by Bob B (6-26-18)
Seema Aug 2017
Led by a strange shepherd flock
In a small village near a creek
Reached at sharp twelve o'clock
With a look of a daring freak

It was one of the darkest nights
A few dim lights shown far away
It was a silent moonless sight
O' t'is what a tiresome day

Listening to the howls of the wild
I sat on a rock, to wait for daylight
A faint cry of an innocent child
Kept me awake all through the night

A cursed village some say
Located at the foot of a mountain
I hope it's not the one where I've to stay
But that one was near a fountain

'Once I get a solution to end that demon
I will have to continue this journey
To save our children and women
From the evil one, whose disciples are many'

Cold crawling up my frail veins
Like a slithering tree snake
Fog gathering like luminous pain
Over a distant lake

'How long will my village people suffer
From that ruthless false god
He is an evil demon bluffer
Who preaches false word'

'Behind the preaching, he kills for blood
A creature of the dark night
He hides the bones in the mud
Out of everyones sight'

The shepherds boy disappeared
Among the patrols on our way
Hours after he appeared
The darkness slowly faded away

The rocky path led to the old hermit
Who poses magical healing powers
It was hard to get an entry permit
But then welcomed after few hours

The hermit knew my situation
And began his weird chant
He gave me a magical potion
Which was my main want

Now to sprinkle this potion on the demon
And send him back, where he came from
Not another child or women
Shall get victimized in this wrathful storm...

Poetic fiction story.
Kelly Anne Feb 2018
Her name was Sarah M. Walker
The M stands for Marie
And she didn't want to change her name
If she ever got married
She loved the smell of gentle roses
and the sound of melodic violins  
She captured her favorite moments with photographs
and always secretly wanted a twin
She always said her prayers at night
and deeply loved her mother
She wore her hair in cascading waves
and was never a good bluffer
She read all about her world and others
and admired every act of bravery
And if she ever had a daughter
She wanted to name her Avery
She cherished all her time alone
because herself was her best friend
Fascinated by the things
she could never fully comprehend
Her name was  Sarah M. Walker
The M stands for Marie
And she didn't want to change her name
If she ever got married
This is half of the poem and just the first draft. I will eventually post the full completed poem. So comment feedback!!
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Don’t smile with me if you don’t want to
Because I am not a mirror
Don’t be like a bluffer who gives me a black smile
In a strange, nervous and abnormal style
Because I am not a josher
Show me the genuine emotions of you
Give me something normal or natural
I am not asking for anything special
Just be yourself and I will appreciate it
Don’t give something unusual and vile
Flash me a normal, sweet and beautiful smile
Don’t give me a lot. I’ll be satisfied with a small bit
Because I want neither a black nor a blank smile
In a strange, white, hypocritical and unusual style
But smile, smile with me, if you mean it
And please don’t, if your smile does not fit.

Copyright © June 2020, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Em MacKenzie May 2017
I keep my hands busy and my tongue tied,
my head dizzy and hide what's inside.
I roll my eyes back, always bite my lip,
and the room's black, I'm always bound to trip.

I break hearts like I break bread; rarely,
and make promises but just barely.
Sweet words never seem to hit my head,
I know it's absurd but I only hear what's left unsaid.

I loved her, I love her,
she leaves me alone just to watch me suffer.
I made a bet but I've never been a bluffer,
I'm going to lose if I don't get tougher.

I like when band-aids rip off clean and leave no traces of blood,
it's the best relief ever seen, save for the daily drenching flood.
We rip off that plastic sheet and search for forgotten pieces of skin,
that could never make us complete but still covered what was hidden within.

The stars light up the sky,
telling the story of you and I.
I feel like I'm about to die,
but my death rattle is just a sigh.
The rain is my best friend,
or at least that's what I like to pretend.
I feel like it's almost the end,
but it's come full circle after the last bend.
Chalsey Wilder Nov 2014
I should never trust you again
You wear two faces
And you wear two masks
I can't tell neither from the other
I don't know when you're real or when you're fake
But most of the time you're a faker
A bluffer
And a drama maker
And I don't want those things around me
But unfortunately I'm related to that thing for the rest of my life
My mom is fake. She's too much.
Abraham Esang Oct 2017
I'm a pragmatist: on the off chance that I see a pack of hoods drawing nearer, standing around,

acting a littering of open walkways, I basically

move to the next

side of the road, take no chances. I keep it on me constantly,

for well being purposes.

In case shooting start,

you'd be a danger I revealed to them when I, unfortunately, proved unable

permit the parcel of them into the gathering.

We're a piece of the same

political gathering, as indicated by every one of the numbers I've seen.

When I close the schools down, I was simply

doing what must be finished

to adjust a city spending plan crooked. When I put what

I found in his trunk on adjust,

it was sufficient to tip the scale

towards a lawful offense. I used to be a server, and they never

tipped extremely well as far as I can tell.

While we were putting down wagers,

I saw him tip his hand marginally and there was

a ̶̶r̶a̶c̶e̶ confront card in it. He didn't appear

like a lot of a bluffer, so I stood

my ground. On the grounds of legitimacy – that is the manner by which I got

into Harvard. I'm simply not that into dark

young ladies, by and by. That is to say, actually,

I don't SEE shading. I'm so sad, I truly didn't see you there.

There they go, utilizing that word once more:

on the off chance that they can state it, at that point for what reason right?

I can't comprehend why everyone is so touchy nowadays.

I concede, what I said sounded a tad

inhumane, yet trust me, I'm definitely not

a bigot. I'm a pragmatist: in the event that I see a pack of hoods drawing nearer, standing around,

acting a littering of open walkways,

I basically move to the opposite side.

I keep it on me consistently, for purposes: in case of a

danger, start shooting I let them know, unfortunately,

taking a gander at the body spread before me.
louella Jul 2024
i am a skeleton.
you gave me your all
and all i could hand back
was a piece of my femur.
the love inside of you
makes my love seem small
i’m so ashamed
of my silence.
i walk backwards down a stairway
the walls i put up
too big too tall
for you to cross.
i need to love
but i’m too flimsy
my bones
are weak.
the love inside of you
taught me about the love inside of me
and it doesn’t have a home
since i left you a ghost
in a house by the highway.
we live a few miles from each others smiles,
dive in the pool at nighttime
the lights are so bright.
i swim with the bugs and we hold each other.
how hard is it for me
to show you what i see?
i lied for my pride—
he said we were beautiful.
the love inside of you is growing stronger
the love inside of me is begging for forever
but i have no skin
nothing to hold onto.
i killed myself briskly
if you had a word in
i wouldn’t have stopped breathing.
it’s car trips and teenage years
i want us to roam free
two kids with our bones and our aches and our loves
we can’t express
i deny till i’m upset
that you want someone else in your pool
in your house
in car rides at midnight
instead of my feet that can’t reach the pedal right.
i make things a joke and you laugh
and i know that the other girl won’t
make you lean back as you laugh,
though i don’t know this for sure.
the love inside of you is trying to call on the love inside of me
but i soiled it all.
i’m blue and i’m scared we may never be anything
except two kids with shotguns pointed at each other
though you are the bluffer
and i just don’t know how to fake anything.
the love inside of you beckons the love inside of me. how dare i prevent that from myself?

written: 7/1/24—7/3/24
published: 7/9/24
Nikki Tshawe Jul 2019
Don't try to save me, let me burn.
The hard way is how I have to learn.
I don't need your help, leave me to suffer.
I tell the truth, I am no bluffer.
The truth is that I am being haunted.
The spirits have me daunted.
I am chased by the things of the night.
Sadly, I have lost the fight.
Well truthfully, I gave in to the shadow.
I am being held against my will down below.
They forced me to abide.
They locked me deep inside.
Took everything I held dear.
Left me with nothing but trembling fear.
Don't try to save me, let them have me.
Let them have their way with me.
Once they are done with me I will be brand new.
Many won't understand this, only a few.
They want me because I am the called one.
I am undeniably the chosen one.
Htown home of the slowed stay swangin' vogue's
Pokin' elbows  you know how it goes flows
On and on like the song smoke owls to Swishers
Dialect the snake hisser Texas richer fill a pitcher
Leaned out see what I'm talking about ranging clout
See the south rising everyday no disguising
Yellow stones rocking yellow stones on my own
No clones in my zone throw out the bones phone
By the baddest yellow bones watch the chrome
Spinning from Tre to the heart of the Astrodome
Alone I'm getting my ride on hitting the woss ness
It's a mess see they scared to jump out at Texas
We forever reckless ghetto boy free Mr McCoy
No void oh boy I'm rocking Cortez with the corduroy
Golfers uniform no gang affiliate but pockets is thick
Watch ya mouth or be ready to face off with the click
******* up I'm so flowed dressed in gold fold
A haters bluffer cards welcome to hoods backyard
Drug moving like a aided St Bernard  stay hard sward
Tre stay flippin' away from brothaz of colors to esses
We don't play so stay away from the h *** guns slay
Another body caught slipping today 48 hours later
Beat the case another Ben's face courts is laced
Leave an untraced pace ****** scene glitter gleams
Still watching the rims circling but can't catch a sting

Paved the roads with ***** murals holding mirrors
Images of myself watch my health stay in stealth
Oh yeah they can't catch me slippin' chrome dippin'
Watch the blades chop as I hit the brake stops
Still moving smoothin' peanut butter stutter
Haters from the utters feel the depths of a gutta
Brother no other coming down with the chirping sound
Not the birds **** what ya heard suckas is terd
Tryna go against the wood grain nerd scurred
Of my wrecking southsider still flexing mad checking
What up to that 3-6 still in the mix back on my thang
Smoke Jane miss the caine game chain gang
See all the homies swang as the trunks bang
15's or better under the weather to haters try to endeavor
Waving like flows of Mayweather go gettah
Cheddar B K A mozzarella a funky fella rhyme dealer
Fill tha souls of the south so suckas watch ya mouf
For ya catch a snub nose snout giving ya foot gout
Hold up as I swole up beats finna chop ya up
Still leaning off a switch PAT lit it up now my cup
Runneth up from my haters now meet Mr Terminator
Black Saga continues ******* up news clues
Left for the blues we finna blow the fuse
Burn this muthafucka down word to James Brown
Funky drummer smoke sticks with some chicks
Check the rim that licks up the sunshine my mind
Still flossin' dimes over penny thoughts caught
My attention rims jackin' Shaquille O'Neal suspension
Emmett Mar 2020
Goodnight singer
Goodnight sigher
Yes even you, you little lier

Goodnight faller
Goodnight baller
Yes even you who wants to be a little taller

Goodnight lover
Goodnight bluffer
Yes even you who wants to be a little tougher

Goodnight Mother
Goodnight brother
Yes even you, you little truther

I love you all equally
and hope you all sleep easily
Yes truther is a real word and yes it does rhyme with brother ❤❤

— The End —