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Ylzm Mar 10
Peace comes with surrender or destruction
Peace comes with restraint by greater powers
Powers ordained from on high for peace

But cowardly harlots wooing kings for profits
That such powers now impotent and abused
The heavenly decree profaned and corrupted

Peace is at an end, peace no more on earth
So too goodwill and favour abrogated
And judgements come, the book of life closed
Ylzm Mar 3
Trees silent and still its sufferings strange
But happening below unseen who knows
From electrons to cells to worms and moles
Its cries heard in the depths of earth
Its agonies pain the highest heavens
All life reached and touched and soothed
Its griefs mutually shared and resounded
And heavens weepingly reassure in every tear
That evil judged and nothing's futile
Greater yet the glory surpassing the beauty
In every branch, leaf, flower and fruit
Ylzm Feb 20
I'm a ghost, an empty shell, a stranger amongst flesh
I walk the certain way, contrary, unseen and unheard
Flesh seems unaware of me and my way and walk away
My voice wordlessly soundless and my touch the wind
Spirit and flesh have no fellowship and union, futility

I see the sighted unseeing, stumbling, falling, smiling
Without truth confident the next step is never void
Every fall is knowledge every bone broken is growth
Till the last fall then to sleep eternal, life's done
Without fear, without regrets, for what else is life?
Ylzm Feb 13
It's unbearable to hear the blind speak of light
Or the dead teaching the dead how to live
And liars affirming liars with yet more lies
But alas inescapable is this babelic cacophony
I run, far into the wilderness, but woe upon me clings
Thus I close my eyes, shut my ears, seal my tongue
Wrap myself in the dark depths of desolation
And like the dead, slip into the silence of the void
Ylzm Jan 11
Light cannot and does not know who lit it or snuffed it out
Neither does it know if its light was used for good or evil
For shameless evil is more believed when seen by the blind
Whereas good hide in dark searched for by the sighted
No glory to be lit or snuffed, foolish to boast or despair
But in peace assured: grace suffices whether you burn or not
And there's no dark in good, and light's to judge the blind
Ylzm Jan 1
Quietly, ordinarily, and without heralds
It arrives, and you know—the truly good;
And you run after it, to fully grasp and hear
Not in full understanding yet, but it feeds,
Every moment: ever richer, ever illuminating,
Ever the more profound; mutually enlarging
All that's heard and known darkly from before
And Life! ever the brighter, the exalted, and the unspeakable!
Ylzm Dec 2024
Lies ****.

Every lie said, cuts like a sword
Every lie believed, I die a little
I'm tormented for surely somewhere
A child tearfully compelled to lose his soul
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