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 Nov 2018 Marcie47
Cool answers exist waiting for cool questions to be asked.
Written 19 October 2018
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
You can choose what you are doing with now,
Written 19 October 2018
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
The future everyone has forgotten about now.
So do what your heart truly wants to do,
Inside these forgotten days.
Written 19 October 2018
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
I have tasted sweetness in this life;
Moments touching the deepest
Desires in my heart.

So intense I'd go through any knife
To dwell in such deep of a world
And know it is just the start.
Written 20 October 2018
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
Sweat will forever be sweet when sweetness becomes your sweat.
Written 20 October 2018
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
If letters on a keyboard are building blocks,
I want to build the most beautiful masterpiece.
Fitting different letters together into words,
And words into sentences.
I want these sentences to deliver thoughts that will make people's lives better.
Written 21 October 2018
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
You could die today or tomorrow.
The chance is real no matter the sorrow.
Have you given out to the point of peace,
Knowing very well your own life will cease?
Your eyes that read and ears that listen
Will one day have fulfilled their mission.
But you don't know that hour or time.
All you know is that you cannot rewind.
The freedom is in what you say and do
Inside this moment that forever is new.
Your breath is running out, so don't be shy.
Love people, for that is what never runs dry.
Written 31 October 2018
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
Your life is valuable.
Your attention is too.
So don't be casual
About what you give it to.
Be purposely picky
With what you choose.
Each option is really
Putting all else on snooze.
Written 31 October 2018
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
Our grandkids will have grandkids.
This cycle will never end.
The world forever moving on.
Each generation a brand new friend.
Let us be the generation
That will one day make Earth say:
"Why do you have to leave?
I so wish that you could stay!"
Written 31 October 2018
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