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Sep 2018 · 1.1k
Michaela Sep 2018
It really is unfair that I entrench you in despise
But looking in your eyes it's just not cutting through all the lies
The lies I tell myself so I can get by feeling alone
All the ******* time
I'm only reflecting how you make me feel
Difference is mines with itnention while your is innocent still.

The only way I see this isn't through my eyes
But crying everytime I see
Something which you can't make mine

Mine is home
Mine is love
Mine is the effort you got to despite all above.

But the word forget has froze you still
Stuck in care and sweetness
But passion and lust need to be separated my love.
Apr 2018 · 518
Rough tides (I)
Michaela Apr 2018
True self
To say the thoughts deep down
If heard no one makes a sound
Alone with you
You know the tide comes in
The deeper you  inhale,
    so hold your breathe and stay ashore
They ask knowing not to seek truth but accepting the waters  are rough
Uncertain almost
They are the waves that force you under the second they picked  you up,
You always sink more than you rise
Submerged in deep blue waters
I inhale
Seeing only blue, there will be a part two
Jan 2018 · 385
Michaela Jan 2018
The echo of your soft sound
                     there are cars around

Textured surface, I can feel it now
the valleys rise while the soil forms mounds

and here you are now.

Colder than ever but only from warmth

Kiln of my love
for I have found.

My masterpiece
Ceramics, wanting to do it again.
Jan 2018 · 342
Sleep paralysis
Michaela Jan 2018
Pins and needles
My body sprawled flat in the place we call comfort


Annoyance greets my features and my face become aged as I scrunch it, I don't like the warmth

It's dry
Reminds me of something

Snaking down my throat I try to scream

Vibrations ripple my body
Breaking the rhythmic waves of pins and needles





God save the

The reason I'm awake
Jan 2018 · 456
When you are here
Michaela Jan 2018
Looking through glass
Disfigured at last
Obscure my view so I do not choose you
Clear mind
Clear head

I love you

You said
These roots do not grow
Entrenched in sorrow
Look through the glass
And you can see tomorrow

I miss you

You said

Looking through glass,
I nodded my head.
When you are not here I'm rational
Sep 2017 · 451
Being with you
Michaela Sep 2017
And darling it  aches
Hold me close when this feels like a mistake
Reread the books in hopes to grasp different meanings
Broke the double line to collide with you
This course it is designed for one at a time
Yes we are trying to be aligned
God knows why
We do
Know why
I read

Through the time we hope wil last
Yet memories are ephemeral so are ours
Our loves
Correct me
Correct me
My path
My love
wind has blown
We fight only to be in that moment of love
Sep 2017 · 363
Michaela Sep 2017
Here in today.                       Now

Live in the presence worry about tomorrow.
Here a gift

My perception has been tainted with shades other than grey
This sick blame game

arms around me embraced
Help       No escape

If love is so warm it is too much so.
It has boiled my blood
A recipe for what?

This is kind more so a stream line of my thoughts . It's all over the place but that is where my thoughts are at the moment. It's About a relationship and comfort  mainly
Sep 2017 · 448
Michaela Sep 2017

A warm embrace, I met with rivers
The pain of love I crave
Oceans for days
I am overwhelmed
A touch upon a kingdom. Abandoned
Where are you


I fill you up yet it is no gift from god
You are forever empty
I have not been fed.
Aug 2017 · 351
Michaela Aug 2017
The intensity I crave has never been lit
A flame imagined yet physically I burn
A grasp so longed for, the shivers appear
A passion I feel only near
Rough and far I am torn apart
Put me together only you never took me apart
Grasped I wish
Thought of not
My mind will wonder constantly at heart
I want to be held yet you do not dare
Where was the desire that made me lust
Feel me as if rare
Ephemeral, I do not last
Dreaming again no sleep has passed
I have strummed strings but never been strung
Still longing and wishing for desire to come

— The End —