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We're just bones

I don't realize how much I take him for granted
He is so great, but that's not the side I see of him
We're already too awkward
Time to take it back a stage
I will miss this era of progression
But this progression leads to a dead end
I've already learned this
Don't make me suffer again
Goodbye for a final time
My heart cries
Goodbye for life
This doesn't seem right
But I can't change you
When you give away your chance to be a child, you break hearts all over.
You give up simple happiness for something you think is much greater,
But will soon find out it's not worth it later.

Please come back and be a child.
A selfless perfect soul yearns His daughter to come back to His arms.
Please, you won't be defiled.
Run back full force, you will still be welcomed, harmoniously reconciled.

We all hurt for you
I know you never liked me
But I hurt for you the most.
Turn back child.
You still have a chance to save your life, love, not yet exiled.

For you.
For me.
For Him.

We mourn for you. For the choices you've made. For the child inside you've forgotten.
Smart people can't help
Once a day the sun shines
Once a day the moon reigns
But what becomes of me?
Isn't it funny how our whole world was designed for normal people. The ones who don't have mental or physical disabilities. But once it comes time to help those people, we are clueless. People can't think outside the box. We could never imagine what we would do without a part of us. We take so much for granted that even the simple things like fingers and hands, we wouldn't know what to do without them. And the people who are deaf, or blind, our whole world was built to specifically identify the un-alike and categorize them by differences. That is the worst thing societies done. We need to group all and everyone together, then we will truly conquer differences and see a change.
Take a new approach
What has the world done?
Made us all slaves.
To the one thing we try to become.
That we think will solve anything but solves nothing at all.
This is the downfall.
I feel like he has a part of me,
Something that needs to come back,
He needs to give up,
And try to re-run the track.

It leaves me with a feeling if doubt and regret
A nasty taste of hatred I must forget.

It is you I feel,
Never let my name depart from your lips again
Never look me in the eyes
Or tell me your lies
For I will be departing getting off at the next stop
For I feel too little or too much to give up.
I really think you're the one for me.
Am I a fool?
But I still believe it.
Freckles are memories
One big night sky
They all come together to form a life
One constellation
The most important of them all.
I wish you could see my face right now my proudness starting to fade. You feel like beating yourself up and I can't get it through that it's the positive choice you've made.
Written a while back
She aches for something greater than herself.
She is all just fake.
Like a beautifully iced birthday balloon cake.
A perfect facade.
You won't realize she's not what she looks like until you cut inside.
He only sees the wall in front of him,
not what lays behind,
Or what can come from a little imagination.
Here he stops,
To see if it will open,
He doesn't know who will come to his rescue this time,
He thinks its his last,
He wonders what might happen or has in the past.
He only sees the wall.
He doesn't know how he'll get through.
The only answer might just be you.
A hearts broken over here. Over there too. Why are people so broken. I am filled with life. But they never seem to heal. They prefer to stay broken. Stay picking at the scab that's barely there. Like they're proud that they're so empty. They've achieved maximum sadness and are hanging on by a thread. Like it's the greatest down there, and they don't want to be anywhere else.

So please dabble in people, helping them off the ground. Care about the others that seem so far away. The people who you have to stretch for to reach them. Because not only will you help them, but you will feel full too.
If everyone could help someone
I have this book
I write down all my thoughts
Unfinished or not
They finish me
The parts of my heart
My life together
Paper is my life
It connects me to other poets
And other writers
And other artists
Of every different kind.
Why can't I fall in love with dreamy eyes, the ricochet of love seems the optimal prize.
My mouth stops me from speaking.
Though there's so much I want to say.
But my brain screams be careful and there's nothing I can say.
When you speak
The whole world pauses to listen
Such wisdom comes from behind those lips
But you rarely speak.
I have much more power than you know, many more faces that I've never shown. You will be confused, dazed but still try to find the answer beneath all my lies. No I never loved you, I died. I was only partially resurrected, the half of me you took, still dead. I've gone through so much I can't stop and breathe, I've got to get away from you, please leave. I drag myself away from everything you left me with, fear, regret, insurmountable pain. But I can't ever let go of the memories, and so I will crawl further and further into them ripping them to shreds, but my brain builds them up again just to relive a horrible nightmare.
A little more dramatic than I thought it was
Someday there might be a pause
In our daily life flaws
Where I will just stand saying
"Give me your hand"
And our lives will be changed forever
I want to race towards the shores,
Free from anything,
How the tides come and go,
As free as could be.

The waves posses a part of me,
And holds back something mysteriously,
Oh the rhythemic flows of the sea.
I've seen too little or too much
To be close to you like I've wished for months.
With wings of fire she set off into the dark sky,
Her wings illuminated the soul of the clouds,
The magnificent height of heaven above her,
Until she made her home in the sun,
as one with one.

she was home
the hell of the world cant dampen her
We all wait in line
For what?
We don't know
But all of us are gathered here waiting for something to finally show.
It's snowing, then raining, sun showing brightly above. But it's like we're helpless we can't stand out we can't help ourselves! We want so badly to fit in that we push our life changing ideas aside. Would we rather fit in than change the world? Well I am not, and it started the day I was born. We all have something to give the world, but you have to let them take it.
This goes along with my perfection poem.
Who are we to let a non living thing stand in our way?
Today a girl told me I was the prettiest girl she knew.
But as I look at my body, look at my clothes
Oh my flaws
I think inside how do you see such beauty?
This makes no sense to me
I am the temporary poet.
The one who feels so greatly,
The words do not come.

This is from the temporary poet
The one who is no longer injured,
Who can live life without living through metaphors.
The one who is not quite finished hiding behind words, but finally wordless.

Love. What IS LOVE!

I'm out of rhymes, metaphors and all of the above.
Finally restful as my poet self seems to end. A new phase of me, myself begins.
I can fix myself I don't need your help.
You try to think of me as just so weak and girly, but I have scooped up my whole ****** heart and put it back together.
You weren't around for that, as amazing as it was, I've come out ****** and bruised. But I did it by my self with out the help of you.
No, I don't need to talk about it, I will always keep things inside, I don't like that weakness that it gives.
But I've got my self under control, but you my dear, need to learn to fix yourself.
One day I won't be there and you will have to do the same.
You will also see you don't need anybody else but me, for your poor broken, mistreated heart.
The end was interestingly abrupt
Time passes by
How long will it be till we notice?
Time passes do we notice
When we dance, it's just the two of us, in our own little bubble.
We hear the music I watch your eyes watch mine.
Can't we stay like this forever?
You know how to move me I just follow your lead drawn to your love like honey I'm the bee.
Love this
Wondering why people like me is such a strange thing.
I am loud, mostly quiet.
I am not funny, sometimes I am.
I am pretty, most the time not.
I am strange, I am always strange.
I seem to be confused, I just can't work things out in my brain, I am confusing.
And with all these reasons yet, and trust me I will never get, why I am so loved today.
Is it just me?
You were right
Like you always are
Sometimes we can see people better than they can see us
I don't need you
But you think I do
But I have found someone new who doesn't need the crutches I put out for you.

I don't need you
You think that I do
You try to hide me from the world
But I have already removed your hands and now I'm seeing free.

You are not here to protect me any more.
No would've ever guessed by looking straight at me would've opened up your eyes to things you've never seen.
                I am not who you think I am, no I am more than that. For you have seen the parts of me that no one has yet. I am stronger and weaker than you ever could've imagined, yet that is why you never even glimpsed my passions.
This is who I am and no one can define me by who they think they know.
We have gone to many times for this to happen again,
This life we call our own will eventually topple in,
We need to separate,
To break apart and try to restart.

I don't know how I will go on with out you,
It seems too hard to say,
but we both need a little sunshine,
and need to go our own ways,
Whats been happening for too long is no longer a phase.
What you called love is now fully ablaze.
Here I sit wasting "my precious time" they call it
If my time is so precious, why do I sit here 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9 months straight.
If my time is so valuable, take me out for experiences
If my time is so valuable, I don't need long lessons from a book
If my time is so valuable, give me OPTIONS!
If my time is so valuable, STOP WASTING IT.
If I could already be changing lives, GIVE ME BACK MY TIME!
If my time is so valuable..

i want a refund
Sitting in school they tell us our time is precious. But is it really.
I'm just a skeleton.
Do I really have a soul?
Because the point of living
Is not love.
It is not living life to the fullest.
It is finding your purpose,
And your calling.
But I feel like love is where we end it.
All our dreams,
our hopes,
our passions.
We end it because we met our match.
But that can not get in the way of your passion,
your ambition,
your drive.
We are not just skeletons on this ****** earth.
We are the souls of the earth.
Filling the world with our lives,
Search further than love.
Make it a starting point to the real game.
The one where you can choose,
Passion or emptiness?
I cant think of any better way to relate my feelings... I feel like some older adults cant help but agree...
What is perfect?
When you're finally the "real" you?
A fake name you call yourself when you form to the world's pattern?
All the lies congealing into the other.
Perfect is the exact opposite of who you are.
You are designed differently than any other living thing.
You're not made to be fit in anyone's cookie cutter idea of perfect.

What is perfect?
No one knows what perfect really is. We "solve" problems with people, money, spouses, fame...
Why not throw in some more money,
Maybe this time it will actually fix something.
Well let me tell you a secret of life
Money cant buy you everything or solve every problem.
This life is a cycle of things determined to ****, for something, someone, anything.

What is perfect?
If no one knows what perfect really is how can we ever know if we got it right?
I think you have made a mistake.

Grow into who you really are
Don't waste time trying to attempt perfectionism.
You my friend are not perfect, because there is no such thing.
And I sit right here.
Yes next to the boy that does not care.
Yes behind the girl with the painted hair.
I hate it here
But often you must live through fear
Because strength builds up the more times you exercise your restraint
The pieces inside me all try to reconnect.
And try to face my fear of you leaving without me.
I am such a wreck.
Once I got so lost that I almost flew.
But that was just the time I spent dancing with you.
Our dance was like a cha-cha but not so flowy or smooth.
It was like screaming at eachother, me telling him which one to choose, but with nicer words and cues.
Trouble was eventually due.
We were only (mentally) damaging eachother.
The only thing I was good for, was agreeing with you.
The only thing you were good for, was telling me things I already knew.
Yes you made me feel special, I can't deny that. I didn't do anything.
I couldn't even sit on your lap.
Oh and then you knew.
Who you were going to choose.
What was I good for?
Nothing but to pursue.
All of it untrue.
A year who made me who I am now.

— The End —