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blklvndr Jul 2014
my skin* is light
your skin is dark
your soul is light
my soul is dark
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
Sometimes*, it feels like
If you'd cut yourself
I'd bleed
Church Rowe Jun 2014
She draws closely.
Her nostrils flare; she senses me.
Too late to evade,
She's on the prowl, hunting me.

I convey a little interest,
and then a little lie,
in hopes to divert her current opinion;
to convince her of some other project to drink from.

While conversing, she made two good points before
and for a time, I did adore
her night-life sins,
like the antithesis
of her pale white skin.

One part yang, the other part yin.
Her total package perfectly zen.
Invocation Apr 2014
Run to the top of the mountain , you will do this for me?
It's time to scream at the sun .
Glory is able to work
my face in small rivers .
I will worship this perfect sky .
Breathing, I am alive .
Why do you keep still ?
Here you are with me , that's what I do .
Bring you to the other side of the mountain ,
where the sun will always shine .
This can be good. This may be mature .
To look at the moon and stars only .
But this side of the mountain will make you grow tall .
This side of the mountain has beautiful flowers.
Run to the top of the mountain , you will do this for me?
It is close to the end of the day .
It is time for shouting at the stars.
Tell them to calm their loud twinkling.
We want to sleep in the sunshine , we are drunk on love.
Take me , breathe with me , look at my eyes when sunlight pours into them.
The sun will burn me in the fire , so that we use our bodies as if they were flint .
Adoration of heaven .
Glory is able to race down the mountain .
Glory waves freshly plucked flower, yelling to me:
We are alive .
I wrote this is Russian first, then translated and tweaked it to my liking.
Eric Daniel Apr 2014
Is this love? This contradicting bliss?
This feeling of being stepped on and having no one to help with this?
How do I stay happy?
Why am I still content,
Having someone to love and someone to resent?
Is this love? Is this love?
Why'd this happen to me?
Is this love? Is this love?
I'd rather not know
This is love that's been holding me.

I'll stay in your life
As long as you let me.
It's not what I imagined,
But it's better than nothing.
I'm content with my life as down as it gets.
I'm happy for you, you can say it's a safe bet.
Jaanam Jaswani Oct 2013
He creeps near to the foot of my bed
With that smirk
Oh he's come to cocoon me away to his army
Of dented men
With cropped souls

He asked
But never said please
To come with him
Where it's warm
I shook my head

He persuaded me
But never said please
To come with him
Where gems trickle down your face
I said no

He insisted
But never said please
To come with him
Where his home was
I refused

He forced me
But never said please
To come with him

When a comforting light pierced through my eyes

I couldn't see what it was
For it was far too beautiful
It sheered the man away

It was so modest
So against the beauty of living
Of looking, of tasting
It was a stoic;

It was like the water
So against the grains of sand
Of dirt, of ink
It was a stoic;

It was so indifferent
So against the pull of pleasure
Of sin, of feeling
It was a stoic;

It was like god
It was god
For nothing
Would come close
To freeing the devil off the foot of my bed.

— The End —