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Jacqueline Anne Apr 2015
There is a human race for
existence in outer space
amongst stars and schemes,
intergalactic dreams
of Milky Ways.
A cosmic myriad
of eventual opportunity.

The future is written there
by astrological stars
in horoscopes and
scary self inflicted
prophesies of extinction.
Climates will change
and Mother Earth will
be estranged from
humanity if that is
what you call it.

Her wrath will be felt
in polar ice cap melts
and selfishly we'll drown in
the name of progress,
and our deluge
of need.

Or comets will dive
in flaming skies,
meteors will give rise
to mass panic and
the deathly cries
of life's demise
as we know it anyway.

There is a human race
which the wealthy embrace,
and money is no object.
Rocketing ambition
to be the saviours of
their own obliteration
billions is showered
in pollution and metal birds
jet packing to Mars.

There is a human race and
idiocy is life when
a bank balance means more
than equality and care,
the poor can just wallow
in despair and die of starvation
and squalid degradation.
While the fortunate can awe
at an international space station,
and visions of new beginnings
in an alien atmosphere.

A destiny in stars,
humanity on Mars
and the meek will be
shipped off like convicts
to build the golden paths
and the construction of
a new society,
guinea pigs of life

in a brave new world
Insanity unfurled
in slavery of a
new civilisation.
If that's what you call it
With no regard for life,
Man kind civilly
traded in destruction
of the other
eight point seven million
species they shared
their home with.

Their is a human race
rich in stupidity their greed,
and money was the seed
for war and the annihilation
of morality and sensibility
and sensitivity to the beauty
in the gift of life
and the world.

There is a human race and
it's intellect is misplaced,
as self appointed custodians
of galaxies and distant clusters.
We are all the losers.

©Jacqui Slade
Emmanuel Coker Apr 2015
I've got poetic licence
So I can right however I want.
Even if whatever I right doesn't make sense
I kan right with whichever font.

I use my poetic licence in whatever I right
An sometimes, de thins I right does not look write

I have de power power 2 repeat rhymes
Over and over countless of times
I use abbreviations in de mst unusual ways
My, commas, and!!!!!, escalations, marks come!!! as they may!!!!

I've got poetic licence cos I am a poet
I use it in odes, elegys, ballads, epitaphs, and sometimes in sonnets.
I am never rong.
And with my poetic license I will remain strung.
Faces Unknown Mar 2015
We live in a world with so much hatred
When will true peace be won?
Why are we judged by our own skin?
Will love ever conquer the world over money?
I am afraid of the thoughts of others
I'm not lost in who I am because I know who I am
I'm lost in other people's view
Because somehow I feel like my views don't matter
But I'm wrong when I say I don't matter
Because my views matter,
Just as much as others
Dr Zik Mar 2015
A philosopher thinks
A writer expresses
A planner makes plans
A poet feels, conceives and reflects with emotions
To reshape the world using a mortar of love of nature
Brandy Nicole Mar 2015
A thousand times I've said
A poet I am not,
A writer I am not
So repetitive I've forgotton who I try to convince,
the world or myself?
Perhaps both
Perhaps neither
You can decide on that
After these are all just
words on a page with the little meanings you pull through the lines
kp Mar 2015
you were so good at taking stupid words and turning them into gold,
golden phrases that made me smile because your stupid hand took those stupid words and made them into something beautiful,
there's a gift to found in those stupid hands of yours,
a gift that you only shared with me,
you drowned me in gold.
Idk he was a writer and I was a stupid girl who thought he was a stupid boy
Lea Rose Mar 2015
My solace comes in
blemished sheets
bleeding the ink of
unspoken words
and broken sentences
i wake up with
on the tip of my tongue

I seek the comfort
nestled within
the gap between
my thoughts
and the pen

     bring me a knight
     without the sword,

kiss my ink-stained fingers
search me in the
labyrinth of letters

     *i promise to love you in a paragraph.
Mariel Ramirez Mar 2015
listening to mr brightside feeling really tired
what can i do when we’re falling apart at the seams
again? with loud sighs, collapsing into beds. rag dolls
dancing, in fading yellow light. lying in the dark,
staring at our reflections
in black windows, what are we
coming to. it’ll be okay as long as—in your eyes: me,
in my hands: you. are we just pretending we don’t feel lonely?
i;m scared. you took your needle and your thread and you put it through
my little finger, ‘pinkie promise’ you whispered
ghost from a future nightmare, i’m faithful to you.
ghost from a future nightmare
10/31/14, 8:31 PM
Mariel Ramirez Mar 2015
I grew accustomed to lying in the dark,
the way you learn to love wearing
the clothes that fit you well, hands folded
over stomach, the skin just above the navel
exposed like an offering to the crow you've just
noticed--with a glint in his eye, his open beak,
his perch like a messenger at your window,

'What are you waiting for?' you ask.
"I'm not waiting for anything.
are you?" he says,
turning away. "the light will eventually fade

with or without you.
take your paintbrush, your cloak,
walk into oblivion.

they found your inkwell at the foot of the sky.

Oh, and there might be a sign that says,
to beware of falling objects?
in the dark it's safe enough

to travel with your eyes closed. Just
walk until they're open."
10/31/14, 8:01 PM
Mariel Ramirez Mar 2015
softly beating
a soul that refuses to fold
smiles that crumple, smiles
that are too bold

a weak pass, an afternoon
nap, a series of near-collapses

translucent pink curtains

eyelids that don't keep out the light;
eyelids that don't keep in the
09/28/14 2:45 PM
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