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EmB Oct 2020
Some days I wake up from dreams
if I am going to grow up to be
a warrior
or worrier.
Emily Feb 2020
she's as beautiful as day and as mysterious as night
her feelings change as does her leaves during fall
the changing colors and emotions
a great oak tree now feeling cold by winters embrace with no colorful leaves but instead branches that show her majestic story of pain, sorrow, and love
she's a worrier, a soldier in this battle of life
and then when the war of society and sin is over in spring she dances and rejoices with the winds and rain and sings the song of new begging that yet to come
then finally she joins the sun and the clouds
sharing her life with others during the days of summer
she's a home for creatures big and small
shes a shield of protection
a mother caring for her child
a bride preparing for her wedding day
Quin Rosenheart Nov 2018
why have you gone now
when I need you so
why have you left me here
left me all alone

why did you leave
you were my warrior here
why have you gone now
you fought away my fears

the only thought that comes to
was that heaven needed a hero
a hero like you
And all of Heaven's battles you will fight.
Caia Halmas Feb 2018
They tell me
"Be a warrior
not a worrier"
But where is
my armour,
my sword
my helmet ?

You state such a claim,
but where should I aim ?
Who is the enemy,
the one to be defeated ?
Please point at it now
so this journey can be completed,
for I'm tired to allow
my mind to doubt so desperately.

I wish you'd hand it to me on a plate.
But hey, what's the fun in this mate ?
If the path is too straight,
how will I learn
to trust my own fate
without a string to follow ?
I guess my fear
I'll just have to swallow.
Keyana Brown Jun 2016
One day, I'll pray
to make this pain go away.
Someday, I must say
my past will never drag
me down today.

There will come a day
where everybody knows my name.
They will say to me that
I was once a worrier,
but now I'm a slayer.
I slay every fear and anxiety
that creeps upon me like a serpent.

I held on to my sword
for I will no longer
be a slave no more!
I will travel across
the land to find the cure
for I am a warrior.

I shall fight,
if it's the last thing I'll do!
the devil will never have me
because we're through.
I lift up my hands
to the righteous King,
for he has blessed me so well
that I could sing .

After many years of doubt,
I won't let my fears and emotions
pour anything out.
I must have the courage
enough for me to flourish.
Surrender your flag of doubt, discouragement, fear, and worry.
Le Lotus Oct 2014
Once upon a time
World was not in peace
Wars happened everywhere
Women and kids were all sad
Husbands and dads
Joined the wars and dead

There was one kid
He saw what he saw
His dad was killed
They slit his throat and laughed
That violance somehow
Embedded something in his heart

Years passed
He is a grown man now
World is still the same
Wars still everywhere
He survived somehow
He is still alive now

As a grown man
He wanted to serve his country
A dangerous but safe ground
Where his dad was killed
Where a lonely kid grew up

He worked ******* skills
And joined so many wars
He danced in each war
With his beautiful partner,
His sword

Whenever he saw violence
He was terrific then
But now he's not
To **** enemies is a must
To protect the ground he lives in is a must

There is nothing he terrific of
He saw the worst possibility of violence
His dad was killed! They slit his throat!
He is a cold hearted worrior

"Don't beg for life when you **** people,
Don't beg for sympathy when you have none"
Those ices embedded in his heart
Made him a merciless man
They killed his parents with no doubt
The same way will he do

He is the cold hearted worrior
He lives with his sword
He is living in wars.

— The End —