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René Mutumé May 2017
i sit my **** down
and feel the office nudging
a bored embrace inside an over-lit room
hell drooling on the back of a flea
spewing and rubbing its stomach full of bloated dead waterfalls
one eye standing up and looking down into a smile that i send back up
a joke is cracked about local *** around 11pm and our screens twitch
enough to ignite all the hatred and desire in the world
and if i stay here
i will finally just call you up
and ask to borrow your tongue to write my will
all hearts turned sideways and sleeping
enough room to dance about it all at least
even if all this will come later
the surreal worships of speed
baked in heels of bear trap misery
enough to drink another coffee and sneeze perhaps
or enough to turn over and become a beetle
where sweat becomes each other’s air
without choice
death flys by our eyes like so many commuters moaning at the same time
and a buggered cup of sun pouring into the arguments i’ll never know
where a timed **** allows me to exhale
and a sly nudge brings me back…

time to go
time to go bud
the tap says

even if it’s time to be using my hands again
where if time repeats
i’d rather it was this way
and gladly

another world becomes.
Dream Fisher Apr 2017
They raise you up just high enough to see that gold
Until you've signed that line and you're already sold
Alice Mar 2017
your opinions are debatable
persona? not quite dateable
in fact, you're very hate-able
and that is why I am not able
to keep telling this sweet fable
and living within your labels
this relationship is not stable
lets return to the drawing table
and from the equation we should subtract

Graff1980 Dec 2016
I blink tiredly listening to parallel pipes push plastic particulates in and out around the factory, while white towers give off billows of powerful pollutants. Cylindrical silos rise echoing a sound like snowy static from an old black and white tv. I walk and watch this strange scene following train tracks that go nowhere and back from there. The train is graffitied with some minor marks and more complicated tags. One roughly sprayed owl covers an old ***** orange car with the words “I wish I could rust away to” followed by red lettered “Itchy legs” and a more elaborate display that says something unintelligible but looks spectacular. Concrete carries the weight of the old train cars. It is cracked partially from the truck drivers and other workers but mostly from the earth shifting as the cement expands over time. Shallow lines in the concrete pursue their parallels. Their more prominent brothers curving and splintering as the deepest cracks cut fully across the back of the factory lot. This is what I watch from whatever time it is to the infinity of night that fills my sight. I am tired beyond tired. Feet sore, body slightly thinning but my mind is beginning to lose its distinct edges. Until, all reality becomes a walk around the factory. There is no yesterday or tomorrow only endless caffeinated patrols, and a yearning for the release of sleep.
STLR Oct 2016
I've been coming home,
feeling kinda lazy

Just art, just music
nothing really amazing

What I think is average
others think is blazing

I don't want to be stuck
in a fuse about what was written

I don't want to be stuck
making ******* discussion

I don't want to be the one to judge what is or what isn't

Stuck in this fiction
of making a living

Ethan hunt on the hunt
This passion is my mission

I'm so passive aggressive
I say **** my contestants
All the hate, I digest it
Check my inner intestines
They are coated with steel

What is the pursuit of happiness?
Is happiness even real?

False media & markets
items bought for apartments
***** clothes on my carpet
feeling down an exhausted
Emotions are quite toxic
All is a thought process

Rolling over in bed
I feel the dark on my eyes
Then feel the light on my head
Get up and do it again
This cycle just never ends

Penny pinching, and quarter quivering, dollar dribbling....
this Average life is for a simpleton
Lady Bird Oct 2016
been there done that
sitting under a desk
closed in with no leg space
rusted chair wheels
that won't even roll
one wrong push I'll flip out
phone ringing call after call
I'm answering question
so simple to answer
almost time to punch out
clock it ticks yet haven't
moved an inch
intense waiting
thinking positive
I know it must be done
the daily results that's
what pays my bills
CasiDia Sep 2016
i could know so many things

i could be a bird

i am a working class dog
Forgetting how good I have it
Abusing my advantages, an insult
to those who believe in me
Perhaps I'm not meant to be
what I want to be...

I think I have a problem
Oh primeval instinct, take from me
what I've worked for
Take what I've dreamed to achieve

A beer for breakfast a bud for tea
Screaming in my head the hilarious
irony of; "why does it always rain on me?!"
Smiling forever because I'm a joke

I dream of writing a book about my life
Consistently fictional, to seem to the reader as though it is as dark as it feels
But I can't write as the curtain closes
and the light fades....
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