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Gideon 5d
My shoulders are burdened
by the weight of all the lives I'm living.
My head hurts because my neck
supports all the people I’ve become.
Laden with hats, my hair hides
underneath the tokens of every job I do.
Deep within, I still fear that this is not enough.
Will it ever be enough?
B Feb 27
Can you swallow hunger downwards
can you sleep it all away?
Work it out and calculate
revise and reshape
cursed and caged
by a body I cannot escape.

Another stone thrown across the river bed
another afternoon
without food.
I'm tired (so tired)
of this being the only thing
I cannot seem to lose.
Vianne Lior Feb 10
I thought I could outrun the weight,
but the burden was never mine—
like a passenger begging for control,
but only the crash was waiting,
and I didn't even scream.
Solace Feb 3
all night my sister
retches in the toilet
a bug crawls around my own stomach
nothing like hers
i sneak into the kitchen
drink madly from her cup
and swallow her half-chewed food.

god i hope i get it.

those 3 middle schoolers got salmonella
from the kebab place down the street
no one ever wants to go i understand
but i
stop by as often as i can.

god i hope i get it.

i only ever see her going into or out of the bathroom
eyes welled, teeth yellow, lunch bag empty
i reach inside my throat
i want to be
like her
but tears leak and ***** doesn't.

god i hope i get it.

last night i finally did. i
shoveled food into my mouth, unable to stop until
my vision blurred and when i
knelt down and watched
murky colors mix with the ceramic reflection
i just felt deceived
the bug was still within me
crawling, creeping, ceaseless torture
unwilling to ever leave.

god i hope i lose it.
if mom wasn't on the other line
i would join those intoxicated, bubbling laughters
and puke my way into freedom
--more liquid than not.
There is nothing I could ever do.
I could never give enough
To even begin to repay.
I sense the weight of debt paid.

My love and dedication falls short of this
Abundant grace as all the efforts of a world
That gives out of selfishness.

I often live in denial of what I must repay
Though I never could repay.
But the inclination must be there.
I carry the weight of debt paid.

I have learned to acknowledge the debt
And accept that I was debtor
To a weight that would surely have crushed me.

I have learned to freely give back
Of what was freely given to me.
I live under the weight of debt paid.
Copyright ©2017
Daniel Irwin Tucker

There is a price to pay for every negative action and reaction. This debt can become insurmountable after a while. There is a love which pays this debt in full. But even though grace is unmerited favour, love is not a one way street--you can never be free of responsibility.
When you learn this, you will find that the weight of being forgiven or forgiving, is worlds lighter than this weight of the personal & universal human debt you once owed.  True freedom does not come cheap, but it is so worth it!
Immortality Jan 23
A new leaf,
shining in sunlight,
a single drop on top,
as heavy as a thought.

I can’t speak,
but if you can,
read my eyes please.
but sadly, not many can understand the language of eyes....
Erenn Jan 3
He wakes each day with a spark in his chest
A quiet whisper, "This time's, my best."
But the hours dissolve like sand through his hands
Leaving behind half-built plans

The world seems to race, a river too swift
He’s caught in the current, adrift, adrift
Each promise he makes, each vow to achieve
Dissolves in the shadow of dreams he can't weave

His home echoes soft with unmet intent
A partner's sigh, a love half-spent
Conversations linger, threads left to fray
Words unspoken at the close of the day

At work, his desk tells tales of delay
Piles of tasks like clouds turning gray
The ladder he climbs bends under his weight
Each rung a reminder he’s always too late

And yet, in his heart, a flame still burns
A stubborn flicker, a longing that yearns
To be the man his younger self saw
To mend his cracks, to rise from the flaw

But the maze is vast, and the path unclear
He carries the burden of hope and fear
He doesn’t see failure; he sees the fight
A life still searching for its light

Only at your lowest, your writer's block is clear
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Thank you Almighty Great God for giving US
This extraordinarily blessed and gleeful holiday
The turkeys are being fried, baked or roasted
The cranberry sauce is protected from the snow dust
The children are happy because their stomach
Will be plentifully filled up with healthy food
Cakes and ice cream will put everyone in a great mood
The homeless will be feasting on the deck
Happily sitting around the well garnished table
Like everyone, they dream that every day
Was as special as today, where God’s graces
Are raining gold all over the United States
This is neither a tale nor an imaginary fable
Today feels like payday, today is a joyous day.

The Wednesday before this amazing day
Should be called White Wednesday
Since the day after this day
Is notoriously called Black Friday
Thank you God for this special gift
For this day of hope; it sounds like a myth
No other country celebrates like us
This is truly a blessed day
This is like payday, this is a happy day
We all wish that we had more appetite
We all wish that we could remain light
After so many richly varied and delicious meals
Throw away the scales and the diet pills
For just today, let’s enjoy ourselves
Let’s not worry, and don’t pay attention to our curves.

Copyright © November 24, 2011, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Dom Nov 2024
i'll rip you out of my chest
but keep you in my smile.
the tears i gave you left
your laugh wants to stay awhile.
your eyes were the best
i've had them since i was a child.
you talked to death
now our distance is beyond miles.
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