The first time we met, you were only a nuisance in my world.
The moment you spoke, I made a face full of disgust.
Who could stand that level of obnoxiousness.
Days, Weeks, Months have passed then we meet again.
We met again on a different circumstance.
You said Hi, I said Hello. You were intrigued by who I was.
Asked questions to our common friend, you were in awe.
Little did you know so was I. The vibe you gave off, the things we have in common. Hmmm is this kismet?
The timing was truly perfect. They said it plays a big role.
The only problem was we weren't right for each other.
We tried, we pushed into it but it was already a disaster right from the beginning.
We were only a mere chapter of each other stories.
You knew me as the fatty girl at the apartment; me on the other hand knew you as the motherfuc*** who keeps blabbing