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Shaairamor Apr 2018
He told me I was warm,
I was warm with my eyes,
warm with my words,
warm with my love...
The best feeling he said was “laying on me, inside me after love making”
It was safe, it was eager, it was love
In all my warmth - I  felt cold
Often I shivered.
Until one day, I froze & shattered all In the same instance
How did it feel to blow out  the candle that warms you ?
Dedicated to he who tried to burn out my flame...
SelinaSharday Apr 2018
Dance wit meh naked..
Could I share my inner fragility,
show just how fragile I can be
If you were rich and I poor. would you embrace me at your door.
Would you abandon my empty.
Hold back your sympathy
Be blind to the goods I bring.
Would you, could you, dance wit meh naked.
                                                          ­                          wrapped in,
                                                             ­                            empathy.
                                                        ­                      the state I'm in is a basket of the complicated.
                                                    ­                       my hands appear naked.
Can I hear your music..Will you lend me a cup of stability.
twirl me around in your confidences.. allow me a cup of comfortability.
Parts of me come wrapped in simplicity. Adorned with gifts of invisible charms.
Chased your way by outside storms.
                                                         ­ Oh would You my Dear One..
Be able to take it.
The fact that I appear naked.
                                       Could you still..In fact will you still...
                                                        ­                                                      Dance with me N.A.K.E.D!
N ecessity
A cceptable
k eepable
E ndurable
D iamond .................................................................­ the rough.
And know theirs flaws in the both of...u.s
S.A.M 3-18
being open transparent, vulnerable and exposed yielding flaws and all.. void of the material the financial the quality is deep within your soul.
awknight Apr 2018
You held my heart;
gently, coddled.
Then you held my fear;
fingerprints, cheekbones.
A sinking feeling and
snap realization of pain.
Bone to Bone.
Bone to Metal.
Words creep into my soul
as it topples over edges.
Highlight my insecurities,
as makeup bonds to the tips
of your fingers.
Feast on my tears, they roll
because of you.


These flashing embers are different
from the ones reflecting from your
eyes in a not so distant past.
I fall in a different way,
I run in vain.
Cursed by the universe;
inflicted pain
will forever remain a constant.

Reality of galaxy tracers
sinking into the side of my face.
Josiah Wilson Mar 2018
You are my road less traveled
And I want to know every inch of you
Every imperfection and blemish
Your deepest secret, your highest joy

I want to be your road less traveled
Cut me open, lay me out
Eviscerate me, know me
All of me is here for you to see

I want to know you
Really know you
And I want you
To know me

Let me tell you my fears
Let me be vulnerable
Take my secrets
The ones no one else knows

And give me yours
Let me be your confidant
Let me be your diary
Etch your heart onto mine

I stand here
Raw, open, vulnerable
haley Feb 2018
I can hear him knocking at the door
I feel the rhythm of the beating in my chest and head.

It overwhelms me, bleeding down into my core,
my heartstrings hanging by a single thread.

I cannot handle your lingering presence anymore.

I am exhausted from a constant state of dread;
an endless game of tug of war
contemplating all of the things I’ve left unsaid.

Compiling a collection of unfinished memoirs
abandoned and stranded in my mind instead.

He is here, choosing which wounds to reopen into deeper sores
I lay awaiting the temporary passage of this bloodshed.
Kartikeya Jain Feb 2018
"Even in your most
vulnerable moments,
do what your heart wants,
go where the heart goes."
Kartikeya Jain Feb 2018
"And yet in our
most vulnerable moments
we take a dive
in the same ocean
that once drowned us."
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