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amber Feb 2018
My stomach is filled with poison.
Eating away at the lining,
I want nothing more,
Than to throw it all up:
The discomfort,

It steadily brews,
Driving me insane,
Without reprieve,
Putting me,
In tormenting pain.
Hide Feb 2018
Have you ever not realised something about yourself,
until someone else pointed it out,
and then it's all you can see?
It used to happen all the time-
but back then he pointed out the bad,
so often and so forcefully
that the good started to slip away-
I could not see it anymore,
I could not feel it.
And then you came along,
and even though I thought there was nothing left-
you saw me.
And you not only saw me- you pointed it out.
You saw me before I saw myself.
You cleared my blur,
and now it's all I can see.
You raised me up only to where I was meant to be,
you never put me on a pedestal, you simply put me back,
to where my bar was set to be,
and taught me to stand there with pride.
And you might not think you're a hero,
but I think you have superpowers.
Brittney T Feb 2018
You stay honest and quiet in these soft moments with me,
But walls go up when it rains too hard.

Soft moments are hidden,
they must be lived in fear. By cowards.

No. They are the bravest moments we have.
Vulnerability is forged here. But here it could be broken.

One of the first looked soft, but was prickly to touch.
He must have been an illusionist,
My dandelion was a small cactus.
What I know now, I don't regret learning the hard way.

Be vulnerable anyway. And learn softness when it rains.
Intimacy through truth will free us
from a hard world.
J Jan 2018
We often wonder why our hearts
get broken, and I think I am
beginning to understand why.

A tiny thing, so precious yet so
fragile, had to be undone before
it can be made whole again.

My guess is, in putting the pieces
back together;
we find strength in weakness.
We find courage in vulnerability.
We understand ourselves better.

And with what we lose,
we also gain more of ourselves.
Trust the process. Self-talk.
III Jan 2018
If I dug out
A whole chunk
     Of my chest,

Would you build
     A shrine
               In me?
switch Jan 2018
bring a bitter taste into your mouth / the taste of bile rises over your throat /  you know where this is heading / south, south, south /
and your heart pumps the sound of fragile—

— vulnerability

perfection is an idea engraved to every section of your being /

but there is nothing standing in the way anymore.

you are tired, so so so tired.

dreams are never for quitters / but everything in you life screams that giving up is better / it's so hard not be bitter —

when all that's left is an alienated feeling of guilt, love, betrayal.

you are / not / okay.

but you have hope / the pain will go away —

mel Jan 2018
never apologize for the way
on your darkest of days
you may enter a phase
that feels a lot like
you are an interstellar being
these broken parts of you
are star-glowing matter
the pieces have a path
they’ll always
and when they do... their
new density will display
an even greater array
of the Light
That is
embrace your fragility
it holds your Power
to  t r a n s f o r m
..the same divine
ability is how a
nebula is
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