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K G Dec 2016
I'm enveloped with-
Shotgunned lovers on the avenues
That no one gave a **** about
Kin of the lovers live on the news
Ape-**** on the hood of their cars
For balloons of views to peruse
Sirens burning in the bushes
Hearts rattling in the noose
Bonds shining like the sun
Religion is in need of roots
The concrete is stuffed too full
Because we're jumping roofs
we have
different perspective
in looking at

We are guided by our own point of view.
We judge according to our perception, philosophy and beliefs.
So don't talk if it is not necessary.
It may harm other people.

This has already been posted on my Facebook account. Heres the link;=100000722533030&set;=a.1292331727467566.1073741851.100000722533030&refid;=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.1292331694134236%3Atl_objid.1292331694134236%3Athid.100000722533030%3A306061129499414%3A82%3A0%3A1480579199%3A993645753784453870&__tn__=E
Parley with me in a language I understand,
Talk with your heart and I will listen,
I will forever be there where you ask me to,
My submission is absolute and undeniable,
I will not betray your path,
I will not deviate,
You can ask me what you ask all,
You may not get the same answer,
It will be brutal, but measured in truth,
It will be loyal, but measured in words,
I will love you with all,
I will love you my child.
Rambus Sep 2016
Semitemos efil t'nia straight-
forward, os uoy yam deen ot
egnahc ruoy evitcepsrep.
It's all about perspective-- read carefully.
Dreamer Sep 2016
I want to be...
I want to be wise,
not wealthy,
not vain,
not restrained,
not bound by imagination,
not crippled,
not by complicated tools,
not wrestle with ideas,
not succumb to noises,
not in need of point of view,
not lacking a filter,
I want to rise- beyond.
Breeze-Mist Sep 2016
When panicking meets wondurous fantasies
Then you will see what I can see

When you test the bounds of your secrecy
Then you'll know what I can be
Paul Butters Sep 2016
The beach sweeps to the horizon.
Black specks:
They’re people there!
In vastness.
Tiny dots
By sand and sea and cloud-flecked sky.

Paul Butters
I sit in *****'s Pub on Cleethorpes Seafront UK looking out to sea........
Crimsyy Aug 2016
Buried beneath bruises
and seas bluer than blue,
skies blacker than black,
and souls crueler than cruel,
I search for myself
in a world of copy and paste.

Have you ever felt so dead
you started hating the grave?
Have you ever felt so dead
all you wanted to do,
all you wanted to be
"when you grew up"
was happy and alive?

I know my identity
and who I aspire to,
I'm just an amateur
in a sea of "professionals"
I don't aspire to be
a clone of a "star" ,
I'll determine whether
I've gone far.

Do you know my scars?
Have you seen the
blood in my mind?
Someday you'll be grateful
I was kept alive.

I'll slip, I'll fall,
don't voice your opinion
failure is just a bruise,
not a tattoo
and clearly we share
different views on success
and making dreams come true..

Tell me just one thing;
Have you mastered life,
or has life mastered you?
Silence Screamz Aug 2016
The crooked mirror which hangs on the black wall fills my eyes with tortured pictures of myself
I stare at it every hour and I see ME!!
I see the views of what is inside and out
The scars, the bruises, the mind and the heart

I have tried many times to look away,
but I am forced to face it head on with my empty blank stare, while my head is strapped against the boards .

But what am I really looking at? You tell me

The eyes, the nose, the mouth, and the ears
I am confused by the gray, pixelated portrait of this image that is staring back at me

There is no emotion or temperance
Only a stale, black and white image of me
Nothing more
For I have accepted this cruel view for which I have been dealt

So now I will close my eyes, close the chapter and sleep forever
Zongo Jul 2016
There is always a reason to lock your doors.
To not answer your phone to lock the world away.

None of which is strangers fear is pointless you can fear everything.

Life will pass you by either way .
Bullets can collect dust and become useless I rather surround myself with words of voices that speak to me than things that serve only my fears.

Violence is real so is happiness I find mine where I chose not pretend others hold the answers or my best interests at heart.

Books can collect dust as well but knowledge always serves you far better than a false sense of security.

I do not fear death I cannot avoid it so why lock the door?

Just walk on I'm and hopefully you brought something to drink as well.

Words are weapons.
For the ignorant beliveve if you do as your told that all these devices will
Keep you safe .

Time takes us all

No matter your vice to avoid there ******* kids arm yourself well.
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