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Wandering, searching for the wind,
An empty vessel, lost and adrift.
Steering toward a forgotten destination,
To a place that deals only in absolutes;
Where rain and storm dare not cloud our path.  

When we wake from the slumber of darkest nights,
There is glory in the redemption of dawn,
Rising anew to embark on a sacred descent,
As it crescendos in majestic golden hues,
Hypnotic, dissolving into the horizon
Leanne Jan 31
Hanging in the gallery of my soul, decorating the walls. I’ve hung many canvases, some that you have never seen.

The wall behind me holds a portrait,  painted beautiful with hues of green and blue; this portrait shows things in life that have never been.

Next, you will see a canvas painted with a beautiful bouquet, showing all the things I’ve given away in life.

Look to your left—don’t turn too far, you might miss this tiny masterpiece that some call art. This tiny art piece shows the littlest kidney bean in the palm of my hand. What was once a dark spot on it, now removed, shows how much grace this little thing has produced.

As you walk by, you see a hanging, almost clear sheet; this is what it feels like when people look at me.

On the wall behind the sheet is a beautiful display showing many footprints of everyone who has walked in my life today.

In the corner, on a little shelf, a broken vessel sits. This vessel was put back together without its biggest piece. Though tattered and misshapen, this vessel still shows so much beauty.

On the biggest wall, by itself, you see a boldly shaped red heart painted so brightly; this piece shows how my heart feels when I am being loved just right.

So, as you have walked and wandered in this gallery of my soul, I hope you find comfort and know that not all of your precious art can be sold.
The unconditional love we reject from our body calls to be accepted!
I invite you to witness my apology, by sharing with you an excerpt from my book “Release | Inner Conversations To Lead Us Home” titled ‘“Apology” - Chapter “I See Truth”.

Demands imposed on you
Expectations trashed over you

All the years I projected
All my anger onto you

Thank you for holding it
Without reciprocating it

Suppressing your sexuality
Vilifying your ****** pleasures

Imposing punishments
For every desire revealed

Shamed you with guilt
For every sin committed

I’m sorry

The cuts inflicted on you
The hits and slaps
The ****** abuse
The verbal manipulation

Held you hostage
For your survival was only
Granted in suffering

Hostility was made the norm
A punching bag I made of you

I’m sorry

I made you the enemy
Used you as a battle ground
For endless wars

Crushed your enjoyment of life
You didn’t deserve this

I’m sorry

For imprisoning you
Depriving you of all your rights
My freedom was only granted
Upon your suppression
Withholding you from expression

Suffocating you
******* life out of you
Intoxicating you with fear
Injecting you with toxic love

I’m sorry

I emptied you
And fed you with voids

Confining you in a box of labels
Shaming you for being disobedient
Trashing you for not conforming

Name calling
Bullying you

I’m sorry

For every pimple I labeled as ugly
For every mark I marked as dirt

For every stretch mark
I cursed with anger
For every curve
I labeled a disgrace
For every pleasure
I tagged as filth

I shamed you every day
Every second of the day
I bathed you with guilt

Covered you with layers of masks
Endless veils of contours
Spent fortunes to cover you
Inflicted so much pain
To change you

I’m sorry
I didn’t know better

For now I see only
Wrinkles of light
Curves of joy

Freckles of love
Pimples of stars
Hair of divine feathers
******* bursts of love

You are a piece of art
The sanctuary of creation

A miracle in existence
You are love in physical form

A divine vessel

Forgive me
I didn’t love you
As you love me

I didn’t love you
As our creator loved us

Thank you for being here - By NwK
'Every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts.’ - Deepak Chopra

If you ever doubted whether you experienced unconditional love, I would like to humbly say ‘yes you have’. This unconditional love has always been extended to us. Yet too often we are blind to see it, numb to feel it, disconnected to hear it and too consumed by physical obsessions to receive it - We therefore reject to accept it.

Our body is a physical manifestation of love and it is fuelled by an active stream of unconditional energy flow of love.

In every moment of the day, our body is constantly exerting energy and effort to fulfil our needs, commands, demands and instructions. While simultaneously, being forced to listen to our every thought. Even when it stops, it is out of love to gain our attention rather than giving up on us. This is a form of unconditional love, yet we reject to acknowledge its voice by constantly projecting our thoughts on it. The ‘thoughts’ if ever dared to be spoken out loud, will in no doubt be defined by all of us, as ‘Bully Behaviour’.

Just like your brain, the body doesn’t know the difference between a true or false thought. The body listens to every train of thought, stores it as memory and eventually responds to the thought as if, it is true. If we are to agree that our body believes every word our thoughts speak then surely I owe my body a sincere apology.

The body will fulfil your demands once you ask for its forgiveness by acknowledging the weight of the thoughts you have placed on it.  To be open to accept the body is unconditional love extended to us, we must first ask for its forgiveness. In this act we bring awareness to our false thoughts we projected on our body, elevate our relationship with our bodies and reciprocate the unconditional love between mind and body.
Debra Lea Ryan Jun 2024
The Vessel was Shattered
Long ago
So only filtered Truths
Get through

Never negating
Simply stating

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
Lost in  time and space eh! Life Happens only Time heals some wounds or you accept it is what it is and work with it eh.
unknown Nov 2023
When I met you, it felt like a dream come true,
Finally met the coffee that’s my kind of brew,
The type of someone who’s my style,
In tea, you’re my chamomile.

Entering your ship was the best,
I can feel my heart finally at rest,
Watching the sea looked serene and still,
See with you, that’s how my soul feels.

The waves became unpredictable,
Accurate leeward was impossible,
Some parts of you were locked in the fo’c’sle,
Hence, I must learn how to drive this vessel.

Captain, without you the ship isn’t stable,
You’re safe inside while me outside, struggle,
You have your priorities, I don’t want to interfere,
But hope you’ll be with me ‘til the storm clears.

Maybe it’s not safe being with you,
Entering your ship wasn’t the right thing to do,
My decision is still clouded with fear,
Should I just jump or stay with you here?
leeaaun Nov 2023
My body was there, but not the soul within,
I felt something strange, a battle to begin.
Unfamiliar feelings, emotions untamed,
Lost in a world where I couldn't be named.

I moved and spoke, but the words felt astray,
As if I were dancing to a tune I couldn't play.
My body, a vessel, devoid of the core,
A silent, empty vessel, craving something more.

In the silence of that moment, I yearned to be whole,
To reunite with my soul, to fill the gaping hole.
For I knew in that instance, what was truly amiss,
My body was present, but my soul was in abyss.
Danielle May 2022
Parts of his existence:

A vessel; is a magic that flows through its veins— the color of my cheeks and the color of his madness

A certainty; all flesh and bone, sutured and bruised; we can be made of cracks, somehow.

and my heart, he had it all as black holes grew in my chest (as if the vacancies could be filled by his existence)

for me, he is insatiable
as I was always heartless
Odd Odyssey Poet Jan 2022
Do as thou,
upon thine great love,
as sweetest true.
As thy lips spoke
worded wine vines;
thine maturity is in a knoweth of you.

Tis many zephyr of voices;
solely one true whisper of truth
thine ears do hark.
Furthest miles I've tend feet;
to descry purity of goodness,
Still short, for wickedness rests of mine heart.
Unworthy by ur thought;
feeling unworthy to thou, O' God.

Still, of thine acknowledgement of love;
myself not forgotten,
as so redeemed,
Liken to a resting shadow under the rising son.

Deemed forth light;
shone out as vessels.

So Lord,
let your will be done of it's great love,
and all it's sweetest truths.
As I speak of you;
my words of grape vines,
has a maturity from knowing you.

Despite the world's many voices;
you're the whisper of truth in my ear.
I tried to find on my own,
a purity of goodness. But I fell so short,
because of the wickedness in my heart.
So I began to believe; I was unworthy,
and felt unworthy before you God.

But you still showed me your love,
remembering me;
and had me redeemed.
I was once a shadow,
but saved by the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Now his light lives in me;
and I am his vessel.

For in first sights of morning,
he places a breath of love in my lungs,
the echoes of strength in my beating heart.
And the ways to my first steps of the day,
freely as his bountiful vessel.
Nigdaw Oct 2021
for all the world
he was a battleship
a tanker
all before him
pushed aside
lost in his wake
the wash felt
by many lives

inside he was a coracle
a dingy
rowing for dear life
hoping no one would notice
just how insignificant
he felt
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