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Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Attempting to hold on to what is left because I never knew my first.
Imagine, I believed it was mother.
Reminiscing how I long for her nurture and flourished in her scent needing to be everywhere she went.
I wrote this poem after realizing all that I have been longing for was Myself. I've focused so much on doing for others, loving, caring that I forgot myself. After noticing what people around me has gone through in life it was apparent they lost theirselves in the process without realizing. Society in all have lost their innocence, compassion, patience, humility, comprehension that we are all one.
Violetempath27 Dec 2019
Run or stay?
Is it too late to pave a way?
I have faith even though
I've been manipulated by the one you all follow.
Long before you all knew how to say your names.
Rebirth without the natural process doesnt feel like thats what you all
I left but came back, is that possible?
Let it be.
Time to be free.
Bugs Spencer Dec 2019
Love is a luxury
Yet no one can label it
Some have a lack of love
The land in their heart unfertilized
No fruits to be produced
I must admit
We could use a little unconditional love
Let the land be fertilized
Fruits of peace
Fruits of patience
Fruits of joy, kindness, gentleness
Oh, the feeling of goodness
Yes, it is a luxury
Love is a luxury. We can stay alive without it but living without it is different. Who can truly live without some kind of love in their life? We all need a little bit of love in this crazy world. Love makes life better and easier.
Aaron LaLux Sep 2019
Okay okay alright, I give up, you win, I surrender,
I’m waiving the white flag, I’ve had enough, need to sit down,
I’m folding the cards in my hands, laying them on the table,
wiping the sweat off my forehead then throwing in the towel,
been running so long legs’re about to give out want to give up,
& I don’t know how but I’m totally open to figuring it out,

relinquishing resentments, adopting pups, & releasing doves,
reducing defenses, developing myself for receiving the love,
needing some hugs, making amends, making out, & making up,
ready to give it all up right now, cuddle up & do snuggle stuff,
just to be fully present for you directly, for us, stepping up,
& I know this ADHD makes it difficult to focus,
but babe you know I’m dedicated to making it work out,
yes my mind gets easily divided at times but love will overcome,
I’ll tame my mind it can be undivided when in your presence,
until my death which will likely come when least expected,
like so many other legends that have passed away suddenly,
probably in a plane crash or other similar event wreckage,

RIP Aaliyah, once gone can’t Try Again,
RIP JFK, probably our only real president,
RIP Otis Redding,
show some R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Try A Little Tenderness,
RIP Rocky Marciano,
KO’d after the plane dove on his 46th birthday,
RIP Buddy Holly, RIP Ritchie Valens,
both died on the same plane, so gone, so long La Bamba,

the Brightest Lights always cast the Darkest Shadows,
the brighter the light the darker the hues,
it’s the 4th of July we’re on a lake in Chile,
enjoying the company & enjoying the views,
post solar eclipse glory letting go of any lingering regrets,
though I do wish She were here,
they say heartbreak makes the best art,
but I don’t know if the effects are worth the burn I feel,

only here for a moment, so tell me why you came,
want to love liberated, but still inside my self built cage,
you possess priority in my life, your impression left indentions,
& I’m still trying to learn, how to show non ****** affection,
but it’s difficult when you’ve been abused,
it’s different when you’ve never felt love that was pure,
so I’m still working on it all or nothing, it’s up to you to choose,
if you’re willing to work with me until I’m cured I’m yours,

Okay okay alright, I give up, you win, I surrender,
I’m waiving the white flag, I’ve had enough, need to sit down,
I’m folding the cards in my hands, laying them on the table,
wiping the sweat off my forehead then throwing in the towel,
been running so long legs’re about to give out want to give up,
& I don’t know how but I’m totally open to figuring it out…

∆ LaLux ∆

poem #80 from THHT3: The Hollywood Hills Trilogy 3
available worldwide here:
Mackenzie Downs Sep 2019
Okay but get this.
He said to me, you know my love for you is unconditional right
HA. I laughed in his face.
In my head I was know the definition of unconditional love, right?
Because your love is anything but unconditional.
It is absolutely situational.
Your unconditional love is heavily affected by one condition, therefore disqualifying it as unconditional love.
So don’t lie to me.
Don’t tell me your love is unconditional, when you don’t love me under certain conditions don’t tell me that lie.
I’ve never understood why people tell that lie why that make that commitment when they’re not ready to.
It should be that simple it should be that cut and dry.
Don’t tell me you love me don’t tell me you care unless you’re **** well going to back it up with your actions.
Liddi Cristol Sep 2019
My biggest fear in life,
has unfolded before my eyes.

I feel so misunderstood,
they don't see the tears I've cried.

Their lack of grace and compassion have violently pushed against me,

So far they bend me.

With comments and rejection
revealing their own projections.

They just want the quick fix,
to return to their lives.

They want someone to blame,
so they can take a side.

But breakups are messy,
traumatising and dividing.

No matter the cause,
they will find their cause.

You can look at the surface,
what was said and what was done.

But it goes deeper than that,
your world is being undone.

You look to me for the answer,
for honesty and explanations.

But when I give it,
all you hear is justification.

That I possess no remorse,
that I have no compassion.

You want to see me burn,
regret all my actions.

But I won't.
I refuse to cower to power.

Every since I was little,
this was always my mantle.

I stand strong in the face
of the deepest adversity.

Amongst my friends, mentors and my community.

For all this time,
I know I've chosen love.

And I refuse to be mistreated, neglected and judged.

You can focus on how I handled it,
I'm still figuring it out.

Sure I messed up,
you used that as your out.

I'm just living my life,
you say that it's wrong.

You find fault in the fact that
I'm trying to move on.

You don't want to face it,
you just want to run.

It's undoing your security,
you're questioning your own.

You resent I might be right,
this kills you inside.

Then you'd have to face
the demons inside.

For once it consumes you,
that your life may be fake.

You won't be able to forget it,
you won't be able to escape.

You see me living happy,
authentic and free.

This makes you uncomfortable,
this isn't meant to be.

For you have a belief,
I am **** of the earth.

But I came out on top,
you attack my worth.

But I know I'm worthy of love,
this you can't take from me.

For it comes from above
and it comes from within me.

For people like me,
challenge people like you.

I inspire so many,
when you feel hatred and envy.

For those that pull me back and forth,
they try to keep me in mess I have caused.

They're not for me. In fact,
I'm convinced they're against me.

For if they loved me, they would forgive and accept my apology.

They'd see my heart.
I kept quiet to protect my privacy,
but also to protect the hearts of those around me.

For you didn't need to know,
details only brought pain.

Pride made you nosey,
now you're suffering from your gain.

Do not put this on me,
this was your call.

You cornered me,
It's now beyond my control.

Take responsibility,
stop blaming me for your issues.

We've barely spoken, how could I be responsible for you?

Stop looking to me, I'm not the source of your depression.

It's the people around you, your fear and suppression.

You don't want to admit it,
you're surrounded by evil.

They're only out for themselves and the proof is in front of you.

There's no patience, no self control or goodness.

There's no humility, no understanding or gentleness.

There's no faith, no respect or kindness.

This isn't love.
Don't play it off as righteousness.

Love seeks to understand,
to forgive and to restore.

Love is patient, it protects and removes all ego.

Love is all that matters.
The most powerful force in the universe.

Love is what I fight for and
I will lose it all, to find it.
Jenny Barajas Aug 2019
Gentle touch, a touch of gold...
My heart is complete when my hand you hold!

Mommy of mine, ohh mommy dear...
my heart is complete when your heart beat is near!

I love you so much, my heart you hold...
You carry within part of my soul!

Mommy of mine, my beautiful soul...
My love for you will eternally grow!
For you are the reason I live, laugh, and play...
the day you are blessed with wings my life will turn grey!

Angel of mine, my baby dear...
As long as I'm around you shall never fear!
For I'll be by your side to make memories from the heart, & promise to guide you & protect you even after I part!

Unconditional love, two hearts made of one...
the bond between a mother & Son!
A poem inspired & dedicated with lots of love to my dear friend June and her baby boy Sovereign <3
lms Aug 2019
we lived that October sunset.
shifting our mindsets
and pressing the reset,
you are the hug and kiss I'll never forget.
as free as the breeze,
a love that could cross seven seas
when you’re with me
it will flow purely with ease.
crunching the leaves
and picking apples off of the trees
what our mind perceives,
is truly guaranteed.  
we walked up the road
along the yellow line,
I know that everything will be just fine.
this story-line is no crime,
it’ll be clear in a dime.
but for now,
I love you,
the raddest dad of all time.
A poem I wrote for my Dad! ****. figured I’d post on here because why not
jigyasa Aug 2019
i like to close my eyes
and dream of carrying my
toffee eyed baby girl
through museums and exhibits
uncovering to her
eons of renaissance magnificence.

i imagine us holding hands
walking through botanical gardens
humming at birds
blooming with flowers
talking about the ecologic manifestations
of modern day society.

i want to take her to NASA
and make her mind expand
like the universe has for as long
as mankind lived
and realize some concepts are
so vast, so unfathomable
that the greatest beauty within us all
is the curiosity leading us
to try and understand.

i want her to know
that this life
has stretched on for centuries behind of her
and will continue for centuries ahead
but her arrival
in this era, at this time, in this moment
is the pivotal point around which
my universe turns.
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