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Keiya Tasire Dec 2021
Within the Eternal Sea of Light
Stands the Tree of Life
Of seven branches, seven roots
Each a mated pair
Crowned in white Light
My Spirit rests
Along the shore.
Where the flowers sing their songs
Listening to a Symphony I have not heard before.
Tazim, Tsum
All flowers sing their songs.
Undertones and overtones
A rainbow of petals in "Om"
Sounding Multitudes of Love.
Elohim, Jah-Jah!
Yahweh Hashem!
Father Mother
The First Trinity
Now, in Unity Stands.
I give you my raging canyons
Wind torn spirit, haggard body
Broken heart & soul.
Stepping into courage
Hand in hand.
Lengthening inhalation
Slowing it's release  
Breath of Life!
Moving into the expansive
Show me the Light.
Sweet mercy!
I am weightless
In the green fields and rolling valleys
Tumbling among the rocks into still waters
Ashes of past pain
Afloat in silence.
All is white
within Light's embrace
Traveling 90 degrees to the right
Flow into the Sacred Heart.
Within the Holy of Holies
Is a rainbow
Where thousands upon thousands of colors
Each root within the seven
Stands the Tree of Life
Of Seven branches, seven roots
Each a mated pair
Along the shore
Where the flowers sing their songs
Listening to a symphony I have not heard before.
Within the Eternal Sea of Light
Crowned in white Light
My Spirit rests
In Harmony's rhythm
In Unity Divine.
I am
In Unity Divine.
Enfolded in Harmony's rhythm
My Spirit rests
Crowned in white Light.
Within the Eternal Sea of Light
Listening to a Symphony I have not heard before.
Where the flowers singing their songs
Along the shore.
Each a mated pair.
Of seven branches, seven roots
Stands the Tree of Life
Where thousands upon thousands of colors
Is a rainbow
Within the Holy of Holies.
Flow into the Sacred Heart
Traveling  90 degrees to the right
within Light's embrace
All is White.
Afloat in silence.
Ashes of past pain
Tumbling among the rocks into still waters.
In the green fields and rolling valleys
I am weightless.
Sweet mercy!
Show me the Light.
Moving into the expansive
Breath of Life!
Slowing it's release  
Lengthening inhalation
Hand in hand.
Stepping into courage
Broken heart & soul.
Wind torn spirit, haggard body
I give to you my raging canyons
Now, in Unity Stands
The First Trinity
Father Mother
Yahweh Hashem!
Elohim, Jah-Jah!
Sounding Multitudes of Love.
A rainbow of petals in "Om"
Undertones and overtones
All flowers sing their songs.
Tazim, Tsum
Listening to a Symphony I have not heard before.
Where the flowers singing their songs
Along the shore.
My Spirit rests
Crowned in white Light.
Each mated pair.
Seven branches, seven roots
Stands the Tree of Life
Within the  Eternal Sea of Light
Processing life with the map the Tree of Life  patter given to helps us connect more fully with the Creator, angels and spirit.
Andrea Lee Bolt Apr 2021
We love these Cottonwoods
Ygritte and and John Snow
living on a strong dangle
from a hillside angle

Connected at the Root
separate when they reach
to express their love for
their Father, Sun

Together as one
in the darkness below
Ygritte though
has long since passed

over the years
Snow grew closer
hugging branches
of his Beloved Ghost

The couple on our ranch
we've spent time admiring
the most.
We are a being who speaks with trees, they tell us stories and we relay these.

May the Forrest be with you.
Chad Young Jan 2021
Why, why must the world require wisdom? I'd rather stay up for three days until I pass out. I'd rather run the streets vandalizing my neighbors. I'd rather laugh at the rainbow glimmers of the sun placing me on the trembling seat before the King. Never would a soul I'd share, I would be confined to myself. I'd only share the spaces with other souls, never entering into their wisdom. My heart would know no peace. Living off the Book's wisdom for my personal use. All to receive a spark of infinite understanding.
Keiya Tasire Mar 2020
Within of each  of us
There sounds a call!
The key within the keyhole
Quietly hoping we will notice.

Are we curious?
Do we wonder?
What are the secret notes?
Calling us from the wind?
Yet whispering to us from within.

The corridors seem lonely
Am I the only one standing
Alone in this great hall?

The fear is a lump pounding in my throat.
To turn the key and open the door
What is on the other side?
Everyone has run away
So  quickly, they are nowhere to be found.

Where do I go?
Why did they hide?
Quietly, I wonder.
Yet an Angelic chorus
Sings, "Come Follow Me!!"
In six part harmony.
It is calming.
I desire to taste its sweetness.

I turned the key
Stepping through the open door
What stood before me
I had never seen before!
It is a tree!
Seven Roots and Seven Branches!
As old as the earth itself!

In amazement, I stood,
looking high into the sky
To the very top of the tree
Soaring into Heaven Most High.

What can this be?
Is there a rhyme or reason?
I see only a tree!
Or is it?!

The song continued
It's sweet melody growing
Closer and closer.
Flapping white wings
Fluttering from branch to branch
A beautiful white Dove
Sings her melodic  enchanting song.
Each note embracing my heart
With love, peace and understanding.
Oh the Beauty!
The rapture and the peace!  

The flowing Love between
Opened my eyes to the wonders
Of all the beautiful stars shining
Within each galaxy
Upon her golden crown.

Oh how, I had longed for such an embrace!
As the tide hugs the shores
and the sea kisses the horizon.
Gently her touch
Caressed my face.

She is so familiar
For my body, was born of her body
My eyes, born of her eyes.
My ears, my muscles, and sinuses
Born of her ears, her muscles, and sinuses.
From her I have come.
To her I will return.  
The Amma of my  Spirit,
My beautiful Dove!
This is about personal spiritual growth and progression within "The Light." Mother Earth is the mother of each physical body on the earth. We are all made of her soil, water, air, and elements. When we look into another earthling's eyes we are also seeing a our mother through the other earthling.  In this piece, the Dove's symbolism is the same as the Early Essenes beliefs about the Dove, Mother Earth and our connection to both; finding our resting place within the arms of Mother Earth.
Keiya Tasire Dec 2018
A child was born
If in the Winter or Spring,
I do not know.

Into her arms
She cradled Him
Her adoring eyes
Gazed upon Him
With depth of
Her Love

Is this the same Love
Every Mother feels?

Open Heart
with a deep enduring

Letting go!

With sweet innocence
Love flowing
As a river.

Pouring with Love
Bursting with Life

From the Eternal Family Tree!
Generation, upon generation

Roots and Branches.
Standing within the Eternal Sea

Merkabah Spin!
An Arc and Covenant of Love
Merkabah Spin!

Standing within the Eternal Sea
Roots and Branches.

Generation upon generation
From the Eternal Family Tree!

Bursting with Life
Pouring with Love

As a river
Love flowing
With sweet innocence

Letting go

with a deep enduring
Open Heart

Every Mother feels
Is this the same Love?

Her Love
With depth
Gazed upon him.
With her adoring eyes
She cradled Him
Into her arms.

I do not know
If in the Winter or Spring
Yet a Child was born
An Arch and Covenant of Love.
The love mother's first feel when they take their new born into their arms is immense. Is this the same love that has been felt for generations? Has the same love lasted for eons? Where  did it start? This love sinks deep within our cores and never ever seems to let go.
Lawrence Hall Oct 2018
“Thy people shall be my people”

                                          -Ruth 1:16

Smoke rises here from foul Gehenna’s fires
Fires set by souls twisted like cold barbed wire
Sole argument of ideologies
Strung geometrically from hate to hate

Smoke rises here; soft ashes fall as death
Torah, Mishnah, and Gemera – and us
For without the Word and the People Israel
We are but wraiths, and darkly blown about

O Israel!

You are the broom tree in the wilderness
The Tree of Life who shelters all with love
You are the tent of Sarah and Abraham
And we are blessed who find refuge in you
harlon rivers Jan 2017
Gathered pieces of a great puzzle ;
refreshed perspective like ocean riptides
foment at the confluence collecting dark rivers’ flow
Repurposing back-eddies ,
rejuvenation of stagnant brackish waters ,
inherent buried soul-shine purging
from the ancient core of earth mother

Light arising from the hidden depths
of inner stillness as if a refilling wellspring
burst forth , reawakening muted sighs unspoken
Forming poetic constellations of black and bright
to lighten afar the nebulous darkness ,
a sea of swirling ink transformed into poetry

A sage opus renewed
by the muse of a migrating flock ,
striving to discover new sacred grounds ;
yet there is an undeniable song sung
in the howling winds of change
An incitement from a higher dialect
that empowers a restoration of spirit
Oeuvre uplifted by rogue waves
of summoning winds ,
arousing that which time erases

A manifest renaissance
among the rousing nuances
of poetic continuum ,
judicious to rediscover
the enthralling vastitude
of every breaking wave
in a boundless sea of poesy

Where prevailing currents
stir oceans of verse eternal ;
provoking a verve revival ,
the magnitude of an unbroken circle ,
ocean swells merging singularity
with the omnipresent colour
of uncharted depths

As if thoughts are assuaged
by a union of intimately touching souls
with words of intangible spheres ,
sparking subtle shades of meaning
spanning poetic immortality
Transcending barriers of unexplored lexicon
to manifest the immensity,
enkindling rhapsody of hearts and minds
Deeply rooted soul replenishment
harvested from the tree of humankind ,
willingly sharing without regret nor intention ,
with deference to the soul of one-blood,
one-love enabling an enlightening
metamorphosis of the human journey ...

© harlon rivers ... all rights reserved
Before Eve turned into...


...or evil tempted Eve.

She and Adam,


played amongst its leaves?

A sage could say they were the same,
parts of some degree,

Say so as they will about the double-tree?
For life and knowledge go


..which wife and husband weave.
Traditional rhyme.

All myth is based on observable celestial phenomena. As language has progressed and mankind has become more complex they take on a more modern character from each successive cultural interpretation. The original man was earth and the sun/sky was his consort.

Husband provides life, Wife provides knowledge.
Tuesday Pixie Nov 2014
The dictionary was our savior.
We turned to it when straits were dire.
It gave mystical advice.
It absolved responsibility.
Well this time
This time
It told me to jump into the abyss
Disappear into the ether
And tempting as that is
A release
An erasure
A finality
Tempting tempting tempting
I know how much it would mean to you
So I resolve
To only visit temporarily
To make my escape brief
- And return all the more brighter
Refreshed and gleaming
Restrained only by human form
Oh severe mother of mine!
To pin me to this physical form!
And merciful father!
To birth me unto being!
One day I will transcend
But for now
A brief escape will have to do.
Tyler James Oct 2014
A Tree of Life with roots of evil will die in the storm,
before it’s ever born.
The sun will be its father, and it will be raised by mother earth.
If it soaks up knowledge it will survive its birth.
Sprouting ideas while growing its spirit.
There’s a whisper in the wind... be quiet and you can hear it.
Doesn’t need to fear it, when the weather gets cloudy.
It knows its true colors and reveals them proudly.  
It cannot be not shy, because when it looks around.
It realizes every other tree is similar,
Just different branches in the ground all waiting to be found.
Discovered and loved; nourished by nature.
It realizes its reflection is its only true stranger.
Covered with bark so you cannot see the inner.
Shadowed by the dark, transforms to a sinner.
A stump at worst, and a home at best.  
Too much is in between to explain the rest.
Now let it be known, when the red leaf falls,
It’s the end of a season for no apparent reason.
Time to change its ways; it won’t take a few days.
Give it time to mature to reach its full potential.
It sounds so simple, yet gets complicated.
When it timbers down, something new is created.
It went from a seed to sprout, conquered any drought.
Now with a shout of thunder, it just can’t help to wonder.
"Why am I here, and what is my purpose?"
But if it received the answer, would life really be worth it?
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