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Jorge Apr 2019
Even though, we're hated
We must rise, together we must
Come on and rise with me
Life is a journey, a race some say
We've been abused,
We've been robbed, but through it all
Let's stand together.

I don't like it, racism, I don't
White against Black
Dark against Light, skin this is
I've been wronged, even when right
But still I'll rise up;
Come on my brothers and sisters
We got to rise together
Let's stand together.

Wow, to protect and serve, they say
But instead, they merge
Forces with the wild
And **** nation-wide
Even for this,
We'll rise up.

Our past isn't our future,
We've been beaten, what a disgrace
I need mercy, some justice
And peace, may I please?
I beg please, even if
It's not granted;
We'll rise up,
Let's stand together.
This was inspired by a movie, The Quad, and the music, Rise Up Together, which was highly interesting to me. It intrigued me a lot.
Nemis Apr 2019
I scorched myself to match your fire,
I chased death to match your desire.
Even though the wounds were deep,
The love for you was anything one can keep.
So never mind the scars I own,
Cause my heart is not of stone.
Melts for you, fuses the pieces together
It is something of a love, that lasts forever...
English is not my first language so suggest me if there are some errors.
annh Apr 2019
I do opine that a constant life, although agreeable in its construction and longevity, may render its subject without two sympathetic words to rub together.
‘Which of all my important nothings shall I tell you first?’
- Jane Austen
Rozey Apr 2019
You drive me insane but no one can make me smile like you do
With all of my craziness, you still stick by my side boo
I know I have mood swings and it gets on your nerves
But even so, you throw it all to the curves
You healed me when I was hurting and I found you when you were lost
Together in unity, we will take on this world like a boss
Do I even need to describe this feeling?! :}
muteD Apr 2019
remind me of the
each different shade
of blue
equals you.
each of your tones
resonates truth.
that is true
and oh so true
the way I feel for you.
tranquil like blue,
a lake of blue.
the way I always feel
around you
almost like a
sky blue.
a blue
that is just
enough blue
to make you
move groovy
like the Blues.
make me
feel blue
without being
like a navy blue.
a blue that has blue
on top of its’ blue.
a blue times blue times blue,
that’s you
and it’s crazy
i only feel things
because of you.
me and you,
a perfect image
of solitude.
and you are
real is you.
no camouflage
or ruse.
just you.
like you are
one of the deepest blues.
you make me feel deep
like some negative
I’d happily dive into you
like an ocean blue.
constantly evolving into
different blues
that’s you
(always you).
you are my Blue
and blue is you.
this goes out to my best friend, my boo. thank you for being you.
writing this poem was honestly really fun to me because this isn’t my normal style and adventuring out like this was kinda an addictive feeling.
Midge Apr 2019
I dreamt about you,
A future where there’s us
Happy together
Erian Rose Apr 2019
Till time slows
Or if the last of the
Stars drift away
I'll love you
I wish I could see you
Face to face
We could talk the day away
And in the dark of the daylight
We can fix our broken pieces
I'll love you
Only forever
You're always on my mind
When I'm with a friend
Or a stranger
In the end
I'll always remember
The times we spent together
I'll love you
Only forever
Every time we, as a group, think of a new category, a new classification, a new label, we further our own separation from each other. Every new name gives us a pre-conceived notion for us to pre-judge other people with.

All of us will be familiar with generational categorization. Millennial, Boomer, Gen X, Y, and Z...etc. We all say, "Millenials are spoiled and have it easy and complain too much," or "The Boomers ruined the economy because they're greedy," or "Gen Z is lazy and never knew anything that wasn't on a screen..."

These sayings, are all just easy ways out... lazy assumptions we can use to generalize one another so that we don't have to put in the effort it takes to actually care...

And yeah, caring is hard.
Truth is, we've all gotten lazy.

Every single "group" of people, has some of the most amazing, loving people you will ever meet, regardless of age, or anything. Love and hatred have no bias as to who you are, where you live, what you think, or when you were born.

Think about it.
It's so easy to see one person doing something selfish to us, and we immediately look at them, and label them according to our own biases, but we never stop to look at the many more people that don't do us wrong; Perhaps even the ones that help us out. When that happens to us, they're just...people.
When we're transgressed, those people become "they." **** them blank, **** those blank, Selfish blank.
And every time we allow these little events to affect us, we become more selfish ourselves... and the cycle goes on.

This doesn't just go for generations. It goes for political separation, gender identity, race, etc.

is an excuse for us to hate each other.
Fuel for the pyre that we ourselves, you and I are tied to.

We are all human. We are all kin. Every single one of us will bleed the same blood, and cry the same tears.
That ******* that cut you off in traffic may have been on the way to the hospital to catch the dying breath of his wife, son, daughter, father, mother, or friend just in time.

We need to stop seeing each other as they, or them.
Are Us.

Are the only people on this tiny little rock in space,
And if we allow ourselves to hate our kin, surely we will destroy everything we know and love.

We live in the age of being overfed with information no one asked for, and we allow this information to divide us as a people.

I don't care if you are Gen Z, Republican, Democrat, Millenial, Man, Woman, or anything in are just like me. You bleed red and you have a heart and a soul that wants to be loved and to feel important and that you're doing the right thing.

There's a very simple solution to this epidemic of social divide.
Next time you feel like someone has wronged you, or done something wrong. Take a step back. Stop and think.
the Doubt.

We need to love ourselves,
but more importantly,
We need to love each other just as much...
Because in the end,
Without each other,
we would just be alone, and lost.
We are meaningless without each other.
This isn't much of a poem, but It needs to be seen.
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