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Kylee Nov 2019
I’m so tired

it’s as if I am digging
my own grave

into the ever growing bags

under my eyes

Gray Dawson Nov 2019
I am shaking
Fearful, as the shouts grow louder
Every breath leaves me aching
The hourglass has begun to fall slower and slower by the hour

Reality has crumbled into mere dust sliding through my fingers
Wordless, soundless, screaming
Avoiding the empty, shattered mirrors
Left to pace between thoughts, as my hands do the cleaning

I cut my arms on glass, but I'm not seeing the bleeding
Dripping down my arms from my veins are jokes gone wrong
Sitting, in the glass poured over me, I'm leaping
It won't be too long

I've done a bad thing and I can't be forgiven
I am smiling at the spots in my vision that look like stars
I'm dancing, swaying, to an unknown etheral rthym
The whispers are seeping through my gray walls

Words have become a mush of meaningless *******
I hear the floors loosen and soon I am falling through
Ego tandem videre stellas
Ad astra per aspera
julianna Nov 2019
Spin me ‘round
Watch me fall
See me fail
Tired tired
It won’t stop
I keep spinning
‘Round the clock
Hungry hungry
Time to eat
I can’t get off
Of this seat
Seeing colors
Hearing sounds
All I do
Is spin around
Cai Nov 2019
It’s simple as honey dripping from my lips.

I don’t want to love you anymore.
If loving you will become a job then I quit. Because I’m tired of this. I’m tired of feeling this way. I became someone who lost the sparkle in her eyes.
And lately, I have been needing you more than I intend to.
That is not how it’s supposed to be.
You adore how I put you first, before anyone else.
You adore how I put you first, instead of myself.

No, No and NO

Enough is enough.

We both know I deserve the world. I used to say I deserved you. But now, I just pity myself. Look at me lying through my teeth. My heart banging out of my chest for the truth to be let out. I gave you my all when I shouldn’t have. I didn’t leave myself a piece. And that is what I regret the most.

Hi im back. This is based on my personal experience. I hope you enjoy it!
Robby Nov 2019
This one sided love is making us crazy
Forcing us endlessly to drive in circles
Like two starving vultures spotting carrion
It wears on me so
I’m dizzy and tired… please just let me sleep
runningIntheDark Nov 2019
I’ve always had some days
that I dont exist.

Some days,
I just can’t try anymore.
I can’t be anymore; life's heavy.

When will I go a day and be
able to breathe through;

I’m still waiting.

I’m so happy,
But ******* sad.
It’s never gone away.

I just keep reaching and reaching.
Falling harder and harder every time. Drowning into myself and my suffocation.

It all feels so ******* unobtainable.

Someone made a world for
everyone. Except me.
growingpains Nov 2019
i'm always the one who hopes while others get to have
life only gives me lessons while others get everything
why can't i have everything?
im always the one who speaks 'it' into existence
while others exist with 'it' without hesitation
why are things limited when it comes to me?
why are my dreams too big for reality?
why can't i have it all?
why is it that when i complain, instead i should stay strong?
why is it that others speak freely and get comforted while i need to stay shut and be quiet?
why is it that my pain has to be bite size while other's pain can cover miles?
why do i have to be the strong one? why do i have to persevere?
why does it always have to be me who has to work hard,
not cry,
not cry.
why is it always my blood,
my sweat,
my tears,
but, oh god,
don't cry.
Life has been hard since Septembre and frankly, I'm tired.
Much love,
Tyler Nov 2019
I wonder
If someday
I’ll be able to close my eyes again
Without seeing you with him
Without visualizing all the details
I wonder
If someday
I can look at you, laughing
Without feeling that sting in me
The sting that means
That I won’t grow old with that laugh
That I can’t simply grab you
And kiss you
Because your little dimples are so cute
Because your sharp corner teeth are weirdly attractive
Because your heart speaks to mine
Only mine doesn’t speak to yours
And that makes my stomach feel like a fighting ring
Because I don’t know if I can ever
Not love you
Not long after you
Not feel like a stranded **** island
When I close my eyes
And see only you
With him.
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