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Mystic Ink Plus Jun 2019
Response to any
Transition can be
In any form

Some may
Or stay SILENT

All stay QUIET
With the time being

This was the last words
From the HEALER
Who used to be
The SILENT soul
Genre: Dark Inspirational
Theme: 11:11
Author's Note: Acceptance is the universal process of healing, mending the thoughts in order to evolve with the promising tomorrow.
Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2019
You and I in darkness
Eyes closed to deny what we feel
Wearing only child-like frustration
You ask if the love supplied is real

But I did not know how to reply
Some emotions are lying unsure
I am doing my best to tell you Why your tight smile is the one I prefer

Through beauty lines I see your soul
Friendly yet cautiously hidden
Feelings built a hard demeanor
Blocked the world, anger-ridden

I witnessed your ugly side
Know how to prepare for and expect
What your hands are capable of
Same tools drawing blood protect

Pretending I feel the way I did
In bed alongside your tired mind
Don't want to break your heart, I'm scared,
You are such a lovely waste of time
Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time
Ed C May 2019
I feel lonely often.
I feel like the tide pulling back,
on every single day,
that I don't get
a minute to myself.
I feel like the white rabbit,
the clock is always ticking
and my heart beats fast
to the rhythm of aging.
The breathing of the anxious beast
holds me close to it's lungs
like chains on a captive.
Do you ever just work so much and want to sleep so much and nothing works
Why can't I be someone's forever?
I'm so tired of people ******* me over and ******* with my emotions.
JP May 2019
I speak
But the words are diced apart
By the cut of your tongue
They flutter down

I stare at them
That my words
mean so little to you

Yet I bite my tongue
and hear you out
I examine each ribbon of thought
that tumbles out of your mouth
I listen so hard
But my words mean nothing

No one is listening

You tell me to tell you
But you're not listening
You're responding
After deciding
That my thoughts
need some kind of solution
I never needed an answer

No one is listening

I sit in the back seat
The window is open
I left the conversation
3 blocks ago
Late night driving
Anastasia May 2019
im tired
from a lack of sleep
im tired
from a lack of love
im tired
from missing you
im tired
from not eating
im tired
from being so tired
im just so ******* tired
japheth May 2019
pagod na ako.
this isn’t twitter but our tiredness is poetrt waiting to be translated. “I’m tired” in english. Such few words. hear it as a whisper but it screams loud in your head.
Zander May 2019
All I feel is a whole lot of empty.


And you don't understand how overwhelming that is.

I need everything to stop,
just for a while so I can regain my sanity.

But it doesn't.
Everything keeps going and I don't have a second to gain control.

So I spin out.
Bobby Dodds May 2019
i haven’t slept in 36 hours,
it’s given me time, well- It’s given my brain time enough to deteriorate a bit and drop all my filters.
And i know now what the hell has been in my head whispering to me.
i hate myself.
   i hate myself because i have such a **** hard time trying to figure out if i feel, feel as in caring for someone. Wanting someone whenever, regardless.
i hate myself because i can’t beat myself, it’s like fighting a mirror, you throw a punch, the reflection goes right back at you.
i hate myself because of my life, 14 years isn’t the problem, the next 50 is.
i hate myself,
  Because i am myself, i’m me, and that’s all
translated from latin the title means "i hate you"
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