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A B Dec 2024
The icy river glides away,
In it, scattered, glints the sun,
Trickling out of a mountain,
Enveloping it all in a piercing yellow.

Yet it is serene;
No birds or music,
Just a glazing chill
Tickled by golden heat.

A time ago it was stronger,
Warmth filled the rushing river as if it were a spring,
Overwhelming yet not boiled nor burned,
A perfect, sleepy, tender mist.

But then, it decayed,
First mild, then to an acrid, consuming, cold,
Through which no ray could cut, until
The glimmering sun distracted the frosty river into serenity.

Now, perhaps, as the sun is eaten by the riviera,
As it stretches in passionate, auburn glory over the winding body,
The glistening surface might trick the unmelted ice.
But that's all, nothing changed. For this sun, it's time for goodbye.

This night, as glimmering fades to twinkling,
The river does not sleep. There's hope that
The chill will fade, feeling will return.
And as a new glow sprays the sky,
The icy surface shines as he weeps.
Stacey Dec 2024
Consider the blooming flower,
Springing to life in spring,
Frolicking through sun showers,
In joy the sunlight brings.
Unbothered by the news,
Unaware of life’s expanse,
She delights in charming views,
And nature’s vast immense.
Her ease inspires me so,
With petals raised sky-high,
She dances with the breeze’s flow,
Beneath an open sky.

Consider the dying flower,
Moving on with grace,
Relishing her last sun shower,
With wrinkles on her face.
Content to have existed
In a world of love and beauty,
Her soul, at peace and lifted,
Fulfilled her final duty.
bucketb0t Dec 2024
Silent Picture Book
worm-etched warmth
cocoon coop-cope
deep-dive wings
emerald waters Shores

Molokai Melting Man
mouth moon moth

main inspiration mute
moon cold draft move
press inscript pencil
sun rising melts still
thread resounding threat

sane symmetrical sense
eyes emotional ease

bucket-thirsty feel
head-first thought
emotional leeching
inner world melt
outer word felt
Dedicated to Buckethead's "Melting Man", which appears on two albums, "The Shores of Molokai" and "Silent Picture Book", where I integrated a painting from a fan where, during the melting, he forms of a moth with emerald wings.
h z Dec 2024
the moon watches
no light, mid night,

the stars yearn.

the sun indulges
hot ray, every day,

the clouds obscure.
some things are better off wanted.
DJQuill Nov 2024
Bright sun is shining
View from above warm eyes
Yet I still feel cold
Aqba Qureshi Nov 2024
Five mischievous little kittens
sitting on high chairs, waiting to drink milk.
The large blue bottle of
blue, blue milk spills over the table
–wasted blue milk.
A little indecision, but
all the kittens try to clean the mess they created.
The Sun sleeps at last, after a long, blue day. Sleep, my little one.
You can rest, too, now.
Odd Odyssey Poet Nov 2024
Sinking into your shadow – a stranger in this place. As the ink
smudged upon your lips; leaves your voice spellbound, those words
caught in a storm within your throat. These torrent of emotions
surging in my heart, resembles rain drumming upon the pavement –
frigid as a stone adrift in the river's relentless current; it ****** my
skin like a thorn.  

Yet, the flicker of our love's promise remains, a distant glimmer,
a beacon in the vast expanse of night.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Il fait du soleil
Il pleut, il tonne
C’est l’automne
Du réveil au sommeil.
Les feuilles sont sèches et passives
Et les fleurs mortes et inactives
Plus ****, c’est la neige
Les voisins de l’auberge
Voient passer les cerfs
Toute la sainte journée
Et pendant toute la soirée
On sent changer les nerfs
Pour accueillir la nouvelle saison
Où l’on est **** de la moisson.

On peut entendre de très ****
Le vent qui fredonne dans les foins
Les vibrations ne sont pas monotones
Puisque les colibris des mornes
Font sentir leur présence spectaculaire
Et les poètes aux jardins imaginaires
Décrivent tout ce qui se passe
Dans la contrée où la masse
Demeure insensible et ignorante
Et où les élus corrompus se vantent.
Il fait du soleil
Il pleut, il tonne
C’est l’automne
Du réveil au sommeil.

P.S. Traduction de ‘ The Ancient Canticles Of Autumn’.

Copyright © Novembre 2024, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs livres de poésie.
bucketb0t Nov 2024
Happy Misery

Buckethead daydreaming reality midnight sun inside his Bucketheadland my outside moon midday fantasy night-dreaming Buckethead.

Exact chaos organized figuratively.
Dedicated to Buckethead's Midnight Sun song, which resonates with my temporal alternance of him, whereas Buckethead lives in the USA and I live in Romania, and also how he dominates my playlist which deprives me imensly of other bands.
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