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Immortality Feb 21
I sought truth,
pure white,
only to face,
a black lie.

"Why not believe?"
you said.

How can I
when you painted
everything grey?
A lil conversation between 'me' and 'my destiny.'

never knew that losing someone I love, could make me doubt my own existence.
funny, isn't it?
Immortality Feb 21
her eyes wide innocent,
fur so soft.
even moon paused to admire.

her love so soothing,
only lucky would know.

she left today,
this world so cold.
oh, must be in pain,
her eyes told.

"lord give her heaven"
i pray.
may she see,
a life more wild and free.
I have two squirrels (well, now just one).... I found them in my terrace when they were only 5-6 days old, their eyes still closed.
Over time, they became more than just squirrels, they became part of our family, like true one.

But on Feb 12, one tragic incident took her away from us.

I never ever imagined that a tiny, 7.5-month-old squirrel could make me cry and scream this much.... Bbbbbut she did. Many of my poems were inspired by her. And now, writing feels so heavy, as if I have just lost my fav muse.

She was the fiery one. One wrong move, and you’d earn a bite from her,
but moments later, she’d love you like nothing ever happened... funny....right??
Love you, baby. I hope we meet again someday.....

Now everything, feels void, unknown, empty.... I don't know why.... is it common to feel that way???
Well all I know is that she was not just a squirrel. I saw myself in her. She was so much moreeeee.... I have one more, now I'll try to love and protect him more...
Anais Vionet Dec 2024
I’m listening to a song,
that’s captured my mood.
What’s the singer saying?
If it knew, I’d sing along.
but the slurry words elude.
It’s an artistic choice, I suppose,
and I don’t require deeper meanings.

A squirrel stands defiantly in the middle of the path,
A tiny, furry-tailed, usurper - quite out of the routine.
“Hello fluffy rodent,” I baby-sing, as it watches me,
“What an odd meeting, are you hoping for a feeding?”
I try to pass but it jittery-scampers and cuts me off.
"I have a test, get out of the way, you crazy nut-thief”
I glance at my watch; l might really be late to lab.

So, I leave the path to the possibly rabid rat.
if it comes at me, on-God, I swear I’ll kick it,
launch it ballistically into the evergreen thicket.
How I long for a coffee, hot and sweet,
or a sandwich and salty chips - that would be nice -
but then I would be late for class. I sigh in defeat.
It started to drizzle. This afternoon will be miserable.
*Songs for this:
Out of Myself by Bebo Best & The Super Lounge Orchestra
Jettin' by Digable Planets
Oh, and a Christmas playlist because—it’s December!
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 10/27/24:
usurp = take something by force and without the right.
Stephen Knox Nov 2024
At dawn, it all started, tree to tree lickidy split.
Awakening to a squirrel’s perception, is today’s current bit.

Knowing which nuts to find by, the taste that’s in the air.
Up and down, running all around, without even a care.

Feeling direction into everything, connected to all I see.
Being attached to all of this, is what makes this squirrel free.

Time runs fast through this perception, stretching out my time.
Feeling no fear, doesn’t matter what happens, or how high that I climb.

Running on a program, that’s coded right to my strand.
Knowing just what I should do, takes place inside a gland.

The world seen through these eyes, playing squirrel for a day.
Gaining perceptions needed, to find the middle way.
Mark Wanless May 2024
i saw a vision
or reality squirrel
sitting still on grass
Mark Wanless Dec 2022
fat squirrel move slow
warm sun brown leaves food close now
ignorance craving
neth jones May 2022
out of its' tree
a squirrel in the rain
runs low                      
                  just like a rat
cuts across the concrete
manic for something
out of its tree
neth jones Feb 2022
unkempt drey
a winter white bone tree of lungy dew
grey squirrel in an urban way
curious for shelter
checks out the drey
      and scuffs about
      but the scruffy drey
      falls into its pieces
     (in spring to decay)
the creature is left
      grappling for a purchase
      and a posture of dignity
Water gushing down a stream
Reflecting the sky like a dream
Nurturing the plants around
Making a calming sound
Leafs floating on the surface like a boat
Shivering in the wind as it stays afloat
Minnow darting away in the current
Shiny wet pebbles gleaming in the playful light
The suns ribbons making the sand look bright
Tall trees showing off their height
Squirrels over an acorn, they fight
Birds learning their way to flight
While I look on at natures might
Happy poetry day! :)
RLee Feb 2021
One day I looked out my window
And saw a squirrel waving at me
My dog goes crazy
As I walk out the door
The squirrel scurries over to me
And I almost faint
Because he starts to talk
" Thanks for having 2 bird feeders
because only one is squirrel proof"
Says the little squirrel
and he runs away.
I made this poem with my friend
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