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Sasha May 2016
I know, I know, I'm sorry.
I can't help but speak my selfish thoughts into the wind.
Scold me like you should. I need it badly.
I need your deep voice to yell at me. How selfish of me, always needing.  
I say I have your intentions at the root of my thoughts yet I know I'm lying.
Please tell me this lie i speak is a little white one.
I say I'm doing this for you. I know I'm doing this for me.
Your lips are 9,222 Kilometers away from mine. I can't stand it anymore. It's crawling under my skin, causing me to itch.
My selfish heart needs your lip on me.
The blazing sun and blue skies roll around the corner and I need someones lips on mine. I'm breaking away.
Forgive me, I know I am wrong.
Melinda Éva May 2016
Somber as black and pure as white,
two are one at the end of the night
The isle is walked, vows are said,
tears are dripping from everyone's head
Lace is delicate as the wind,
flowing effortlessly over her skin
He grazes her like a blooming field,
admires all that she has to yield,
but hidden behind that veil she wears
is something he cannot seem to bear
The face revealed is not the same
as the one he seems to claim
to love as long as he may breathe
and love even more while six feet deep
The face he sees is one obscured
by premonitions he's once heard
He turns to the left to walk alone,
the isle that's meant for two to roam;

He journeys on his own to realize what just occurred:
he flipped the veil to witness his face plastered onto hers
Max Watt May 2016
Life is not hateful. Nature is.

A person can't make It happen so
he acts as a shark and moves without remorse, though
a mere ten second's contemplation
and emotional, intellectual understanding
of the things he, without sorrow, ignites in his wake,
would be enough to force his hand to
tie that well deserved noose and slip it around
his slimy neck and hang himself dead.
He, much like a snake, is deaf to the
screams of those he has bitten, and blind
to the ruin behind him. His one track mind -
his selfish mind - which blocks out all that his nature doesn't wish
for him
to acknowledge - does
for him
what is convenient
for him.
Eliminates the reality
for him.
That is his nature's wish.
Ron Gavalik May 2016
I only love you
at night
when loneliness
fuels desire
rational thought

Your value is reflected
in an empty whiskey bottle
on the stained carpet

Funny how everything
is eventually
A little ******* truth.
Cameron Boyd May 2016
A cannibal of currency
You’re not yourself anymore.
Became your purse long ago,
Sense of self tied to coins
Of which you’ve never held.

Little man, little man,
where is your home?
The house on this hill
Just an empty shell
Painted like so much canvas.

There for the eyes of your peers
But your peers aren’t your friends
And your friends aren’t around
Tell me please, where did they go?

Little man, little man,
Do you hear the sound?
No one is calling your name
Where did they go
And where are they now
And why aren’t your friends in their homes?
Little man, little man
Do you hear the sound?
They’re making it plain as day.

You ate their income
Ate them of their house and their home.
A cannibal for currency-
Consumed all your friends,
Fat little pig on the hill.

Little man, little man
(You) can no longer ignore the sounds
Of ten thousand mouths
All hungry for you.

You ate their money
But you couldn’t stomach
The pure human spirit inside.
Now they have crawled back,
Out from the ghettos,
Starving and hungry for you.

Forced to eat each other,
You’ve all but raised cannibals,
But this time of flesh and of blood.
Little pig, little pig,
Can you hear the sound,
Or have you become deaf
To your own cries as well?

No one will miss you
You don’t have a home
Your friends became food
A long time ago.

(Die Geld von die Leute Sie Essen gekauft
Sie isst ihr Geld,
Mehr jeden Tag,
Kein Geld fur Essen
Sie isst Sich,
Jagd nach dem Hunger,
Fett kleiner Mann,
Jetzt der Jaeger ist Essen fur jeden Mund
Kleinen Schwein, Kleinen Schwein
Konnen Sie den ton horen?)*

Greasy lip smacks
Sound like ten thousand claps,
The only applause that you’ll ever hear.
*The absolutely horribly written German stanza (pls halp).

The money of the people bought their food
You ate their money, More every day,
No money for food, They ate themselves,
Hunting the hungry, Fat little man,
Now the hunter is food for every mouth,
Little pig, little pig, Can you hear the sound?

It’s been forever since I spoke any sort of German and it’s fading fast. Sad face.
Mark Lecuona May 2016
Tell me what you saw from the front row
That was the problem
I was on the stage and didn’t ask you to join me
I was on top
You were on the bottom

Tell me how it looks from inside your eyes
Was I real to you
I didn’t feel that way very often
It was all an act
That much was true

Tell me if I’ve left the room empty enough
I may have left you a chair
I never did ask what you want me to do
It’s easier to pretend
It’s easier not to be there

Tell me about the reason you can’t hear me
I know you already said why
I just remembered the night you didn’t care
I said hello
You said goodbye
a single confinement
beset all the materials
the home, the people, the
sanctity of belonging.

the prominence of interaction
so deep-seated and yearning
the very fiber of our cells
beg for collision and reaction.

a life starts and ends
for us all as equals
chemical, and apoptotic.

we grow to believe
we are beyond this.


allowing us to set ourselves apart.

from animals.

from one another.

a life so self serving and cyclical
allowing the viewer of their life
to experience
true laxity

of all that is important.
Akosijissa Apr 2016
How should you feel when people find you super strong and extraordinary when, in reality and deep within you, you know you are slowly breaking apart?

Would and should their admiration be enough to inspire you and convince you to keep fighting?

How would you tell them that you are already at the brink of breaking down?

How would you know who truly care and who just want to have a piece of information for their leisure time?

Would you be able to survive if you would just keep negative thoughts to yourself?

If not, what should you do if you know these people you might tell things to wouldn't be able to help you get back on track?

Would talking to a tree be enough for the sake of breathing?

Would you be considered selfish if you would share these negatives and worries to other people because you think you need to vent out and not consider that they might be infected of your dying spirit to fight?
Oskar Erikson Apr 2016
I thought when
our friendship began,
I 'd start to see a pattern, a plan
Calls at 3 AM with teardrops
down the receiver,
spouting nonsense like-
"Why oh why did i leave her?"

Were not expected.

I welcomed them sure,
but never had I handled this before.
This traumatic tirade of-
listless lovers that'd-
surround you suddenly.

But was now expected.

Then, at 5 in the morning
I noticed.
Your mouth. Breath had stopped drawing.
As you stared at your mural
you whispered "Tribunal"

Thus began your attack.
Hacking, blood drawn, across
what was our sofa. Now torn.

No more was that mural that tilted
that wall ever so slightly.
As for me?

I left the room quietly.
I'd never of guessed someone could flip so fast
Ryan Salt Apr 2016
You say I should only have eyes for you but everywhere I look, you're all I see

Everything is so mundane unless I can relate it to you
Feelings erupt out of the ground when I hear your songs, I see your smile
And even in the ones I say I love, I hope you're hearing me say it just for you

The world spins around everybody, and we are only able to truly understand being selfish from one standpoint
But to experience it with another person is to have a partner in crime, to truly love

And when I  feel, I feel us together
And I hope you do too
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